How to do eyelash lamination at home?

Eyelash lamination is a procedure that is available not only in the context of salon care. At home, you can use professional lamination kits or use inexpensive natural products such as gelatin.

Eyelash lamination is a modern medical and cosmetic procedure, which should restore the structure of the eyelashes, make them healthier and more expressive... The certified products for lamination contain a complex of minerals and vitamins that make hair healthy. The eyelashes are treated with a special solution, due to which their nutrition is enhanced and the work of the hair follicles is stimulated. The request for such a procedure is great. It is used by those who carefully care for one of the main female capital - appearance, as well as those who want to restore eyelashes after a long or unsuccessful extension. The result of lamination will be:
- strengthening weakened hairs, restoring their natural smoothness;
- increasing the length and volume of hairs, creating natural, beautiful cilia;
- restoration of eyelashes after extension;
- creating a natural bend without the use of perm and tools;
- enhancing the expressiveness and saturation of the natural color of the eyelashes.

Experts offer their clients modeling, pigment, and therapeutic eyelash lamination. But not only visitors to salons can transform their appearance due to the improvement of eyelashes. Home lamination is made possible by its affordability. Moreover, you can use professional products for home lamination.No need to be smart with recipes, mix gelatin, balm and other ingredients (as hair recipes suggest), you can just buy a high-quality composition and carry out the procedure yourself in a comfortable environment.
But if a girl wants an eco-procedure that involves the use of only natural remedies, then this is also possible, although the result may be less noticeable.

How to choose a product?
Many brands make laminating compounds. There are products that are great for home care. Among them:
- Shine;
- Lovely;
- Sexy Lamination;
- Velvet for Lashes & brows;
- Eyelash Curl set Refektocil.
Professional formulations can be purchased at specialty stores. The price of the product is 200–1200 rubles. Each product contains a kit with the composition itself, silicone pads, balm and fixing agents, there is an instruction.

The procedure can be done as environmentally friendly as possible... The most popular is the recipe with gelatin. In addition to the gelatin itself, you only need water, eyelash balm. For hair treatment, it is worth purchasing a weak chlorhexidine solution.
Gelatin lamination is a minimum cost, the procedure has a cumulative effect.

Another home lamination option is keratin-based care procedure. Compared to gelatin, the remedy is not as natural, but more effective.
True, a professional kit for keratin lamination is not cheap. And such a procedure is not done for pregnant women, lactating women, allergy sufferers and women with eye diseases.

First, it is imperative to test for an allergic reaction, since the work will be done in the eye area, where any allergy will manifest itself quickly and significantly. The technique of performing lamination with a professional tool is simple, it is carried out in stages.
- First you need gently separate the lower hairs with hydrogel pads, placing them on the eyelid.
- Every hair gently and slowly must be treated with a degreaser.
- On the upper ciliary row are laid special curlers from the set, that stick to the skin. Curlers are pre-treated with fixative gel.
- With the same gel, the hairs are glued to the curlers. Initially, a little gel is applied directly to the curlers, then eyelashes are delicately glued to them with tweezers. This should be done along the entire lash line.
- The first composition from the set is applied at the base of the ciliary row.
- Eyes covered with foil from the set.
- Then you should take cotton pads, moisten them with warm water and place them on your eyes. The treated eyes are covered with a towel. You need to stay in this state for 10 minutes. The hair scales will open during this time.
- Then you can remove the first composition, it is more convenient to do it with cotton swabs.
- Then apply to the hairs second laminating composition. Keep the second composition on the hairs for 7 minutes.
- Re-glue the substrates in such a way that so that the bottom row of eyelashes is on them.
- If in the previous stages only a laminating composition was applied to the eyelashes, now they can be additionally tinted. This is done with a brush. The set usually includes a dye, which is diluted with an oxidizing agent.
- Next, the third composition is taken, whose task is no longer to laminate, but to separate the cilia from the curlers. A cotton swab dipped in cool water will help in this.
- Be sure to apply on eyelashes nourishing gel.

The formulations used in the kits are considered conditionally safe. But still, you should not allow them to get on the mucous membranes of the eyes. This will at least cause not the most pleasant sensations.
There is a safer and easier alternative to this method of eyelash care - biolamination. It consists in the use of natural, environmentally friendly ingredients. The easiest way to do this is with gelatin, the ideal natural lamination product. The composition of such a laminating agent is simple:
- 1 spoon of your favorite hair balm;
- 5–20 g of gelatin;
- 50–55 ml of purified water.

From tools, ordinary cotton swabs, a brush, napkins and special silicone pads are useful.
- First you need to prepare the composition for lamination. Gelatin is dissolved in warm water, slightly heated over low heat. Then the composition is mixed with the balm until smooth.
- Before the procedure, the skin must be completely cleaned of makeup. The area around the eyes must be degreased with a special agent, you can use a weak solution of chlorhexidine.
- Cream is applied with a cotton swab to the skin of the eyelids, the silicone pad is fixed.
- Apply a mixture of gelatin to the eyelashes with a brush, but if you have a clean mascara brush at hand, it will be even more convenient to laminate hairs with it. The medicinal composition is used in small quantities, and the excess mixture must certainly be removed - this is not help in this case, but an extra load on the hairs.
- You need to keep the composition for no more than half an hour, usually 10-15 minutes is enough. Then the mixture must be thoroughly washed off with warm water. After that, the silicone pad is removed.
- The skin in the eye area after lamination can be lightly treat with a soothing cream.

It is possible to laminate eyelashes to yourself at home, but it is more correct to invite an assistant for this procedure. If you do everything yourself, there will be no third-party control of the quality application of the composition. In addition, the eyes will be closed for a while.
Lamination is not the most difficult beauty session that you can organize yourself at home. Home lamination is not inferior to salon lamination if done regularly and competently. There is a cumulative effect. It is necessary to monitor the quality of the ingredients that are taken to make the composition: only fresh gelatin, a good balm. Only clean tools should be used.

Care advice
Very often on the beauty forums there are questions why someone's lamination was perfect, and the result was pleasing for a long time, but for someone the procedure turned out to be absolutely useless. The case may well be in the subsequent care of the eyelashes.
It is especially important how the first day after lamination will pass. In the first 24 hours after the session, you should never wet your eyelashes. And also you cannot paint them, feed them with special balms and gels, use even mild cosmetic products.

It takes about 3 days for the result to take hold and the eyelashes acquire a beautiful curve. Therefore, it makes no sense to evaluate the result of lamination earlier than after 3 days. At this time, you should not even lie with your face on the pillow for a minute, rub your eyes, apply a towel to them. This has a strong mechanical effect on the hairs, which can interfere with the fixing of the result. After lamination, the eyelashes should be looked after.
- Be sure to feed the hairs... Vegetable oil is suitable for this. Castor - one of the most demanded - nourishes, strengthens, promotes rapid growth of eyelashes. Burdock oil prevents hair breakage and protects against hair loss. Thanks to olive oil, the eyelashes become thicker and fuller, and coconut oil perfectly moisturizes the hairs.
- No care is complete without proper cleansing. You should always remove mascara. To remove mascara delicately, you need to moisten a cotton pad in micellar water and gently apply it to the eyelashes. You don't need to rub your eyes to remove mascara. In just a minute (or a little more), the mascara will dissolve and it will remain on the disc. And if you rub your eyes every time, it is not surprising that eyelashes fall out, break, and wrinkles appear ahead of time.
- Eyelash oils, serums and toners are affordable beauty care products. You need to use such products in courses within 2-3 months. Then the eyelashes should be allowed to rest. The course can be repeated. Health products are applied in the morning and in the evening along the lash line.
- Herbal decoctions work great on eyelashes... You can, for example, brew a teaspoon of cornflower, chamomile or calendula, moisten a cotton pad in the cooled broth and apply it to the eyelids for 15 minutes. This is an excellent multifunctional compress that strengthens the eyelashes and relieves eye fatigue. This tool is especially suitable for those who work a lot at the computer.
- Daily makeup - load on the eyelids and eyelashes... From time to time they need to be given rest. You can give them a detox: give up decorative cosmetics for a whole month. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance. You just need to do makeup, which focuses on the lips and skin. Eyelashes are not dyed, but daily lubricated with oils, serums, balms for growth. A very effective practice that will delight you with healthy, strong, fuller and longer eyelashes.
- Care should be just comprehensive: external and internal. If a person eats correctly, fully, in a balanced way, this also affects his appearance. Hair will be thicker and stronger, eyebrows and eyelashes will also be transformed.

For information on how to do eyelash lamination at home, see the next video.