All About Eyelash Lamination

Currently, there are a lot of beauty procedures aimed at decorating, updating women's eyelashes. And we are talking not only about a variety of building methods, but also about such a process as lamination. This article will focus on this popular procedure.

What it is?
Lamination is an operation aimed at effectively restoring a lady's eyelashes. It has a lot of distinctive characteristics, pros and cons. A similar service is offered by modern cosmetology. And today many girls turn to her, wanting to transform their appearance, to give their eyelashes more attractiveness.

Eyelash lamination is carried out with special formulations, which contain nourishing oils, useful mineral components, acids, active vitamin elements. It should be noted that in the process of hair regeneration, their additional coloring is also carried out. They are simply darkened to match their natural shade. Due to this, the eyelashes look very beautiful, long and thick.

Benefits, harms and contraindications
Eyelash lamination has gained immense popularity among girls who want to look well-groomed and beautiful. However, the procedure under consideration, like any others, has its positive and negative sides. Lamination can be very beneficial, but it can also be harmful.
Before resorting to this service, it is advisable to understand these issues.

First, let's figure out what advantages the eyelash lamination procedure has, and what beneficial effect it can have.
- Many ladies are attracted by the fact that the procedure itself is quite simple. You can resort to lamination at home. Of course, you need to self-laminate the cilia solely according to the instructions.
- The products that are used to treat hairs have a natural, safe composition. Their correct application will not be dangerous for the eyelashes, but it will be very useful.
- Thanks to lamination, ladies' eyelashes are effectively strengthened. Their growth is noticeably accelerated, and with this the process of hair renewal. The procedure under consideration allows you to cope with the problem of their loss.
- Darkening of eyebrow and eyelash hairs occurs only due to the action of natural and environmentally friendly components. Caustic dyes are not used for such procedures, so you don't have to worry about your health and the health of the hairs.
- In the course of this beauty procedure, not only cilia, but also vulnerable, delicate skin on the eyelids are treated with useful compounds. It is perfectly saturated with nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
- The lamination procedure is distinguished by a pronounced, well-visible effect. The eyelashes immediately become longer, thicker, lush, but natural.
- If a girl resorts to eyelash lamination (or does it herself), then she may not use mascara. This is a very good property, since most modern cosmetics contain many aggressive chemical components that are very harmful to the health of hairs.
- Eyelash lamination does not limit the girl's actions in any way. The same cannot be said about the building procedure, after which it is forbidden to visit the sauna, bathhouse, or, in general, to be in conditions where there is a high level of humidity. After building up, you cannot swim even in the sea, and this is a rather serious disadvantage of this procedure.
If the cilia are laminated, then you do not need to think about the listed prohibitions.

Like any other cosmetic procedure, lamination also has its drawbacks, which you definitely need to know about before going to the salon or buying the necessary materials on your own.
- If the formulations used accidentally fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes, then severe itching, burning and even swelling of the eyelid may begin. In such a situation, it is imperative to consult a doctor as soon as possible, otherwise you may encounter vision problems.
- If the procedure itself was not carried out according to the technology, some mistakes were made, and as a result, the appearance of the eyelashes was not pleasant, then it will not be possible to correct the situation. You will have to wait until the hairs grow back and the lamination effect is over.
- Eyelash lamination is characterized by a short-term effect. He can hold out for no more than a month, which is quite a bit.
- A month after lamination, the girl may notice that the cilia have begun to stick out in different directions.
- You cannot combine 2 different procedures - lamination and eyelash extension. The formulations that are used to treat hairs can react actively with the glue used for the extension. The result can be allergic reactions (for example, a girl will notice that her eyelids are very swollen and itchy) and even burns left on the skin.

There is a myth that the eyelash lamination procedure is so safe that it has no serious contraindications. In fact, their list is very long.
- If the girl's body is prone to violent allergic reactions, it is better to refuse lamination.
- The procedure is not suitable for those who have an intolerance to one or more of the ingredients that make up cosmetics for lamination.
- The fact of using low-quality products and consumables is also a contraindication.
- Too small a break between procedures can lead to a negative result.
- If there are any eye diseases of an infectious nature, then not a single conscientious master will undertake the eyelash lamination procedure. This is one of the most serious contraindications.
- For girls taking hormonal drugs, the procedure in question is also contraindicated.
- If earlier any operations were carried out in front of our eyes, and at the moment the rehabilitation period is underway, it is impossible to laminate the cilia.
- Laminating eyelashes while breastfeeding or during your period is highly discouraged. It is during these periods that the hormonal background of a woman is unstable, and beauty procedures will be superfluous.
- You should not laminate your eyelashes even if you are undergoing chemotherapy.

If you take into account all the listed contraindications, then the eyelash lamination procedure will not do any harm.
As for this service during pregnancy, there are no strict contraindications, however, it is recommended to rely on the opinion of doctors and consult with them in advance.

How is it different from other procedures?
Eyelash lamination is often compared to other popular treatments such as collagen or simple extensions. Let's consider how these processes differ from each other.
With the collagen method, the eyelashes are saturated with amino acids, vitamins and collagen substances. This procedure has a longer healing effect than lamination. Healthy looking eyelashes can last up to 70-80 days.

It is inappropriate to compare the procedures for extending and lamination of eyelashes, since they carry completely different meanings. They are completely incompatible, therefore they are not allowed to be carried out at the same time. Lamination is aimed at restoring hairs, and building-up is aimed at fixing artificial bundles on top of your own. The last procedure sooner or later begins to harm natural cilia, which is why they fall out and look lifeless. This is where lamination comes in.

There is another fashionable procedure - eyelash biowave. Thanks to her, the hairs are given a very beautiful curved shape. If the technology is followed, the master turns out to form a playful curl, a refreshing ladies' look. Curling is carried out with the help of special curlers, which are also used for lamination. Although the toolkit is similar, the effect of the services under consideration is different. Biowave is not aimed at treating and restoring eyelashes, unlike lamination.

Often girls compare eyelash lamination and botox. Both of these procedures belong to the care categories, but the effect of the compounds that are used here is different. The main functions of lamination and botox are similar in many ways. Botox is more often used by young ladies who like to use decorative cosmetics, and lamination is more suitable for those girls who do not want to spend extra time on makeup.

Considering the difference between fashionable beauty treatments, you can choose the perfect service that will bring the desired effect and will not disappoint the fashionista.
How long does it last?
After a properly performed lamination session, the attractive effect can last for about 3-4 weeks. During this time, the hairs acquire a natural and beautiful density, since it is during this period that new hairs grow from healthy bulbs. For at least 3 weeks, the girl can enjoy the aesthetic effect.
After the specified time, the cilia, treated with special restorative agents, are gradually replaced by new ones. As a result, the result becomes less noticeable and pronounced. For this reason, after 1-1.5 months, it is better to repeat the procedure again.

How old can you do?
Eyelash lamination is a safe process for your health. Therefore, it can be done from the age of 14, even at school age. Thanks to a correctly performed procedure, the hairs are healed, and they are actively restored. Of course, so that the lamination session does not lead to bad consequences, it is very important to find a professional, experienced craftsman who uses high-quality materials, who will do his job brilliantly so that the teenage girl does not start any inflammation in the eye area.

The lamination itself can be carried out using various compositions. Most often, craftsmen use botox and keratin, but you can also use good old gelatin.... Each of the types has its own characteristics and rules of application. Let's get acquainted with them in more detail.

The tool that is most often used to correct short and brittle hairs. According to the technology, the procedure is carried out using a special solution of botulinum toxin. Unlike the well-known "beauty injections", it does not have to be injected under the client's skin. In this case, the specified substance is applied to the surface of the cilia. In addition to a toxin that is absolutely safe in its action, the composition also contains panthenol, special paint, and various oils.

This composition is always used if the goal is to achieve the most intense hair growth after a previous eyelash extension. Keratin is a substance that acts as one of the most important building blocks of the hair shaft.
By doing keratin lamination, the girl will get elastic eyelashes, which will become more shiny and maximally saturated with useful substances.

Few people know, but lamination is also carried out using gelatin. The effect of this component is very short-lived. The results are very similar to the keratin lamination studied above. With gelatin, you can carry out home biowaving of cilia, for which you will need to use special curlers. As a result, the hairs become shiny, flexible and well-groomed.

There are almost any products on sale that are necessary for high-quality and effective lamination of girls' eyelashes. Many manufacturers produce all kinds of drugs at different prices. Products and materials from large brands such as Barbara or My Lamination, which demonstrate the impeccable Italian quality of goods, are especially in demand today.

Required tools
To carry out a high-quality eyelash lamination procedure, the master must definitely prepare a number of special tools. Let's consider in detail what elements are included in the list of required tools:
- high-quality and proprietary composition for lamination;
- eco-friendly adhesive solution;
- a set of rollers for the upper eyelid;
- special curlers, which are also needed for the upper eyelid;
- an applicator (preferably several pieces), with which it will be possible to curl the cilia and remove the composition from them;
- eye patches;
- brush;
- tweezers (preferably several);
- small eyelash comb;
- mirror and lamp;
- paint for dyeing eyelashes.

Novice home craftsmen can find products in stores that represent whole sets of lamination tools. This is a very convenient solution, since you do not have to select each of the positions separately.

Execution technology
First of all, the master needs to prepare the place where he will deal with the lamination of the cilia. Nothing should interfere with cosmetic procedures. There should be good lighting in the room. All tools should be located in one place so that all the necessary tools are always at hand.

If you have had time to properly prepare, you can proceed directly to self-lamination of eyelashes.
Let's consider the whole process step by step.
- First, you need to prepare your eyes for work. To do this, you need to clean both the eyelids and the area around the eyes from the remnants of cosmetics. To save time, it is recommended that you go to the procedure in question without first applying makeup. Further, the cilia must be well degreased using special means (the degreaser must be of high quality, effective). Removing excess grease on the hairs promotes better absorption of trace elements into all fibers.
- To effectively protect vulnerable skin on the eyelids from the effects of the mixtures used, its surface is very carefully treated with a special cream. Due to this, the skin of the eyelids is smoothed, softened, and soothed.
- Next, special curlers should be very carefully attached to the ciliary edge. It is they who give the cilia a more graceful shape, raise them.
- Hair will need to be properly soaked with a special lotion, which will be able to gently rearrange the very inner structure of the eyelashes. It, passing through the outer layer of the villi, easily gets inside. The mixture will work for about 8-10 minutes.
- Then you need to apply the fixative. The substances that are included in its composition make it possible to qualitatively fix the exposed position of the hairs.
- Further, the cilia must be thoroughly saturated with keratin. The solution must be distributed over the entire surface of the eyelashes. Thus, the keratin can evenly distribute, fill and saturate them. The mass laid on the hairs should be warm. For these purposes, it is recommended to moisten a cotton pad in warm water and cover the eye area with it. The saturation time is approximately 8-10 minutes.
- Staining is the final step. The coloring component must be kept on the eyelashes for 3-5 minutes.

If everything is done, clearly following the step-by-step instructions, observing absolutely all stages of work, then you can get very good results.
As a result, the eyelashes are well-groomed, they begin to attract more attention due to their graceful curves and beautiful shape.

Follow-up care
It is a big mistake to neglect the care of cilia that have previously undergone the lamination procedure. A girl must definitely know how to care for hairs after recovery operations.
- For the first 12 hours after receiving such a beauty service, girls should not wash. Water can easily wash off the top coat, and with it the colored component. As a result, the eyelashes will look less spectacular and beautiful.
- The next day, contact with running water is also not recommended. If cosmetics have been applied, it is advisable to remove them using mild foams or toners.
- Rubbing your eyes after the lamination procedure is highly discouraged. This can ruin the curl, even if the hairs are curled quite a bit.
- If you want to paint your eyelashes with mascara, it is recommended to use special hypoallergenic cosmetic products. You don't need to use the waterproof options as it will be much more difficult to wash them off.
- It is recommended to be careful when in salt waters.

Although it is believed that after laminating a girl can visit both a bathhouse and a sauna, some experts still recommend refraining from such conditions.
Effect before and after the procedure
Before the procedure, the eyelashes look less attractive. Lamination allows you to revive fragile, thin and very short eyelashes, give them a beautiful but natural shine as in these photos.

In addition, the hairs are curled very effectively thanks to the lamination. Due to this, they become more voluminous. This is a great visual effect for girls who want not just to straighten, but to curl their eyelashes gracefully.

Review overview
Consider what is good about the lamination procedure noted by the girls:
- ladies like the effect - eyelashes become more lively, lush, voluminous;
- attracts and the number of different lamination methods, due to which everyone can choose the optimal procedure, for example, biolamination is ideal for allergy sufferers;
- the hairs darken beautifully;
- mascara holds better on laminated eyelashes - many have noticed this;
- women of fashion note that the procedure is quick, the look eventually becomes expressive.
There are few restrictions for this procedure - for example, laminated eyelashes do not lose their attractiveness, for example, in winter or during a vacation at the sea.

Of the minuses, the ladies noticed the following:
- you need to follow the actions of the master - if the lashmaker is inexperienced, the eyelashes will look extremely unfortunate;
- the effect passes very quickly;
- not everyone agrees to repeat the procedure - to many it seems expensive;
- lamination of some girls' eyelashes does not give the desired volume;
- the treatment of the lower eyelashes is not very comfortable.

Many clients did not notice for themselves a single minus in the considered procedure.

Eyelash lamination can be done at home. The procedure for those who do it for the first time is not easy, but by “filling your hand”, you can quickly make yourself beautiful.