Eyelash lamination

How to make eyelash lamination with gelatin at home?

How to make eyelash lamination with gelatin at home?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Recipes
  3. Step-by-step instruction
  4. Care after the procedure
  5. Reviews

Recently, expensive lamination of eyelashes has become a very important salon procedure, and this is not surprising, because all the fair sex want to have healthy and well-groomed eyelashes. But salon procedures, as you know, can decently hit the wallet, as a result of which many ladies have found a way out - home lamination of eyelashes with gelatin. It is easy to carry out, and most importantly - this procedure is safe and practically has no contraindications. What is this simple and affordable recipe for luxurious eyelashes at home?


Lamination with gelatin at home is not only an effective procedure for restoring eyelashes, but also very useful for their health. With its help, you can improve the aesthetic appeal of eyelashes in just a few treatments. A big plus is its painlessness and safety. As you know, gelatin is obtained from collagen (protein), which is the basis of many tissues in the body. It is believed that protein has the best effect on the elasticity of the skin, on the condition of the bones, as well as on the accelerated growth of our nails and hair.

Gelatin has a natural origin and natural composition, as a result of which it does not bear any harmful effects on the human body. In addition to protein, gelatin contains a lot of useful microelements. Gelatin is widely used in cosmetology and medicine, because the products in the composition with it have a regenerating effect.

The result of a properly carried out home lamination is the saturation of the eyelashes with all the necessary nutrients, their external restoration and alignment of the structure, as well as the return of its former shine.

In salon lamination, most often there are contraindications, while gelatin lamination can be performed even for those who have sensitive eyelid skin prone to allergies.


Gelatin-based lamination is not only an affordable, but also a completely safe procedure for restoring eyelashes. Today there are several recipes for restoring eyelashes using gelatin, but this does not mean that you should use only one component. To enhance the effect of lamination, gelatin is often added:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, E and some others;
  • almond oil, peach oil, coconut oil, olive or burdock;
  • wheat germ oil.

Several of the ingredients can be combined as needed to create your own unique lash cocktail. Of course, you should not add all the vitamins and oils available in the house to gelatin at once. Usually, 5 drops of your favorite oil and the selected vitamin are added to the cooled gelatin mixture. Much depends on the recipe you like. Despite the fact that almost no one is allergic to gelatin, the lamination procedure itself at home has limitations and contraindications, which include:

  • the presence of any eye diseases of bacterial or infectious etiology, including conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids);
  • keratitis and uveitis (inflammation of the eyes).

If there is redness or severe discomfort on the eyes, we recommend that you consult with a specialist even before the home lamination procedure. Also, lamination should be postponed if there are wounds, scratches, burns or scars on the eyes.

Step-by-step instruction

Making lamination at home on your own will not be difficult, the main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions and not rush anywhere.

  • A teaspoon of gelatin must be poured into a small container, adding 3 teaspoons of clean cool water to it, mix everything thoroughly and leave the mixture for about 30 minutes.
  • While the gelatin is preparing and swelling, the eyelashes should be prepared for further action. It is very important that the eyes are free of makeup. It is recommended to treat the eyelashes and eyelids with a degreasing lotion.
  • After the gelatin in the container has completely absorbed the water, the resulting mixture should be slightly warmed up in the microwave or in any other way. Heating is done so that not a single lump remains in the mixture.
  • Then you should prepare several cotton pads, cutting them in the form of arcs, that is, in half, to close the area under the eyes. The discs should be slightly moistened and then pressed firmly against the skin of the eyelids.
  • Next, using a cotton swab or brush, the gelatin mixture should be applied to the entire surface of the eyelashes. The composition must be completely painted over both the roots and the tips. For best results, use a brush similar to the one found in regular mascara.
  • To protect the skin of the eyelids, a protective moisturizer is sometimes applied to the eyelids before starting the procedure.
  • The composition on the eyelashes should remain for 40 minutes, although half an hour will be enough to obtain a visible effect.
  • Over time, the gelatinous composition should be gently soaked with warm water and a sponge. Do not take it out of your eyes, the movements must be accurate. The gelatin should be removed carefully, being careful not to injure the eyes.

    It so happens that after the first procedure, a perfect result is not noticeable. It happens, you should not despair. The main thing is to understand that the procedure has borne fruit in any case, in the future the eyelashes will grow stronger and denser, and the external aesthetic component is often manifested in 2-3 procedures.

    The home lamination procedure can be performed once a month, or more often if necessary.

    In order to carry out the procedure in a quality manner, it is best to ask someone to help, for example, a sister or a friend, because the ideal lamination is carried out when the eyes are closed. It is often very difficult to do this on your own.

    Care after the procedure

    As a rule, no serious eyelash care is required after the procedure. It is believed that home lamination will last only 5-7 days, after which the procedure will have to be repeated. Between lamination procedures, you can and even need to do extra care with healthy oils and herbs. Most often, experts recommend making lotions from chamomile or other herbal decoction.

    Also, special gels for eyelash growth can be applied to the eyelashes, preference should be given to professional salon brands or pharmacy options. For eyelash care, you can also use oils: castor, coconut, burdock or olive. They perfectly stimulate the growth of cilia, making them shiny and thick. The oils are most often applied in the evening, for about half an hour. Experts believe that it is possible to restore the former beauty of eyelashes only with an integrated approach; aesthetic procedures alone will not be enough here.

    If eyelashes and hair are thin and dull, then the body will not interfere with a complex of correctly selected vitamins.


    Many women leave a lot of positive feedback about home lamination. They say that with its regular repetition, the eyelashes seem to come to life, quickly thicken and become shiny. And the need to use mascara disappears by itself.

    Of the minuses of the home lamination procedure, women note its short duration, while the lashes shine from salon procedures for more than 3 weeks.

    For information on how to make gelatin lamination of eyelashes at home, see the next video.

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