Rhinestones on eyelashes: selection, fixing technique, examples

False or extended eyelashes with rhinestones look very impressive, give expressiveness to the look, but not all women of fashion know how to glue them. Considering design examples, it is difficult to understand whether such decor options are suitable for a specific color and shape of the eyes, type of face. To understand everything and avoid mistakes, it is worth learning as much as possible about how you can make false eyelashes with rhinestones of different sizes, shapes and shades.

How to choose?
Decorating the eyelash is becoming more and more popular... On special occasions, famous and well-known persons quite often go out not only with bright makeup, but also with sparkling crystals framing the eyes. Rhinestones on eyelashes they look impressive, but they are not suitable for everyday use. Much more often they can be seen in combination with wedding and evening make-up, at photo shoots in the spirit of burlesque, on the catwalk or themed parties.
False eyelashes are best suited for holding rhinestones because they are able to withstand quite a lot of weight. Artificial stones and sparkles are usually attached for a short time - only for the duration of the event.
In exceptional cases, craftsmen choose miniature jewelry that does not overload the eyelid. In this case, rhinestones can be worn all the time, facilitating the process of eye makeup.

There are several parameters by which a glitter lash decor can be classified. The first is the material of manufacture. It could be regular glitter - it is applied to false eyelashes before fixing them, creating a "stardust" effect. High-grade rhinestones are made from acrylic or glass.

The most popular mineral-based products are Swarovski crystals, produced by the jewelry house of the same name. This brand is renowned for the highest quality of its products. For lashmaking, special Swarovski crystals are produced with a flat base, suitable for secure attachment to both natural and artificial hairs.
This decor is sold in specialty stores, costs like an inexpensive piece of jewelry, but looks really luxurious.

Acrylic products are much cheaper than their illustrious counterparts. They weigh less, since polymeric materials are much lighter than glass, have a wide range of colors, a large range of sizes and different shapes. They are distinguished from Swarovski products by their lower sheen, which significantly reduces the overall visual effect.

The selection of brilliant decor for eye design must be correlated with the type of appearance. Let's consider the most harmonious color combinations.
- Blue rhinestones... They are recommended to be combined with a bright type of appearance. It will be optimal to use this tone in combination with olive skin and brown eyes.
- Red crystals... They will be the best decoration for blue-eyed blondes.
- Emerald, black rhinestones. Suitable for green-eyed brunettes with white skin without a pink tint.
- Gold and tea-colored decorations. Suitable for people with wheat and honey hair, golden tanned skin.
- Pale blue rhinestones... Decorate girls with brown hair and freckles.
- Transparent and silvery... They are considered a universal option, suitable for all types of appearance.

Errors in color combinations can significantly reduce the visual effect that rhinestones produce on the eyelashes. To prevent this from happening, it is better to try on several options in advance, to consult with the master.
The size
All parameters of rhinestones are carefully fixed. Their size range is indicated by letters SS and numbers. Popular diameters range from 1.3 to 2 mm - larger items are difficult to hold onto the lash surfacebesides, they look too puppet and theatrical. Most popular sizes: SS3, SS6.

The form
Classic rhinestones for lashmaking always have a rounded shape. They are versatile, they don't stand out too much even in a casual look. For a fancy decor, you should consider choosing stones of an original shape. It can be stars, snowflakes, ovals, drops, hearts - both faceted and smooth.

The best manufacturer of rhinestones is the brand Swarovski, producing products from glass and crystal. In addition, there are more affordable options. These are Czech brands Preciosa, Croemia, Egyptian Asfour El Hafa. Glass versions are successfully produced in South Korea. The trendsetters here are considered Dolce Vita, Stone Couture - there is no doubt about the quality of materials from these manufacturers.

Other Recommendations
It is worth considering that the use of rhinestones is possible not on all false eyelashes... Of natural materials, mink hairs and silk fibers are best suited for these purposes. The artificial leader is silicone, which is compatible even with heavy shining stones. Synthetic silk also copes well with these tasks, in addition, it has deep pigmentation and a strong sheen, which increases the effect of the created images.
Sparkling crystals must be cold-set. Glass and crystal products must have 12-16 facets - they provide a beautiful play of light.
In addition, proper attachment requires a flat bottom, complemented by an opaque silver coating that reflects and diffuses incoming rays.

How to glue correctly?
Gluing rhinestones on the eyelashes or the edge of the eyelid follows the same rules as the extension. At home, it is difficult to carry out the correct procedure, to maintain the necessary sterility and accuracy of work. In this case The smartest decision would be to opt for a disposable glitter or pre-made false eyelashes embellished with sparkling glitter. In all other cases, you will have to follow a certain procedure.

Tools and materials
The main material required for decorating eyelashes (natural or artificial) is glue. Lashmakers use the same formulations here as for building up.
- Gel. Non-toxic and hypoallergenic, it has a high drying rate. Available in black and transparent. Initially, the agent is quite liquid, it is applied with a drop, and then the attached elements are immersed in it. The speed of fixing the composition depends on its purpose - for beginners, it takes longer before polymerization than for professional ones.
- Resin... Glue on this basis can cause allergic reactions, redness and irritation of the eyes. It is based on natural ingredients that provide water resistance, strong hold and a longer drying period. This is a good solution for home experiments, but formulations with resins are contraindicated for owners of sensitive eyes.
- Medical glue. It is also "BF", used for cuts and other skin injuries. The product has an alcohol base; when used close to the mucous membrane of the eye, it can cause irritation, itching, redness.

Any professional glue has a limited shelf life - from 2 to 4 months after opening the package. Before applying the composition, the bottle must be at room temperature for at least 60 minutes.
In addition, when building up with rhinestones, you will need patches or special pads under the eyes, straight and curved tweezers, a comb-brush, make-up remover (it is better to take micellar water). For visual control, a magnifying mirror, a fluorescent lamp, providing a good front view will be useful. And also it is worth choosing in advance the scheme or pattern of the location of the stones, their color, size, shape.

Basic training is in removing makeup and degreasing the work area... For this, cotton pads and micellar water or another type of product suitable for a specific skin type are used. The eyelashes are carefully combed. The bottom row is closed with a patch or a special overlay. Rhinestones and tools are located in the work area.

The main stage
The procedure for gluing rhinestones on the eyelashes is quite simple. You need to act in stages.
- Take tweezers with thin lips.
- Grab the stone with its ends, fix it.
- Apply a small amount of glue to the flat part of the crystal.
- Place the stone on the chosen location. If necessary, correct its position with a toothpick.
- Wait until the adhesive is fully set. On average, this will take from 2 to 5 minutes.
- Following the scheme, continue fastening the stones.
- At the end of the procedure, close your eyes. Maintain this position of the eyelids for 10 minutes.

After the decor is completely fixed, you can open your eyes. Rhinestones glued in accordance with all the rules will hold in place from 2 to 4 weeks. It should be borne in mind that the care of eyelashes in this case will be difficult.
Glitter can be an alternative to rhinestones. A fashionable build-up "stardust" is made with them. Loose decor is applied to the hairs before gluing them, the pigment must be suitable for use with artificial fibers - such products are available NYX, LASplash. When extending the hair, it is first dipped in glue, then in glitter, the excess is shaken off. Then the pigmented eyelash is fixed in the usual way.

Another popular option is ready-made materials for building with rhinestones... The brand has such i-Beauty and some others. Swarovski crystals are used, eyelashes in the outer corner of the eye are usually decorated with decor.
It is also necessary to remove the fixed decor according to all the rules.Glitter is removed with make-up remover oil. Rhinestones adhered to latex glue easily come off on their own - you just need to make a little effort.
In other cases, you will have to use a special gel solvent.

Design options
You can also decorate eyelashes in different ways. Look interesting both solid and multi-colored crystals, you can vary their size, create a picture. For example, eyelash extensions with blue inserts can be combined with the same stones at the ends. For photo shoots, glamorous outings, decor options are often chosen not just with sparkles, but also with colored feathers, stick crystals on eyelids, whiskey, eyebrows.

Various designs are used in bridal and casual eye decoration.
- Classic. A modest option for everyday wear. Miniature rhinestones are fixed on the outside of the ciliary edge, at the very base of the hair shaft. This method of attachment is good because it can be used on your own eyelashes without extensions, does not weigh down your eyes, and looks as delicate as possible.
- Arrow... This is a bold decor for flamboyant girls. A chain of rhinestones is attached along the entire lash line or from the middle of the eyelid to its outer edge. The decor replaces the eyeliner, looks especially good on silk extensions.
- At the ends... Extreme and rather rare option, the most short-lived. Rhinestones on the tips of the eyelashes are fixed poorly, the adhesion is fragile due to the small area of contact. This method is suitable for creating a memorable image for a wedding, photo session. It will be difficult to constantly wear such decor.
- Staggered. In this case, stones of 2 sizes are used: the largest are attached along the eyelid along the ciliary edge, the small ones - in the middle, in the place of the bend of the hairs, placing them between the main ones. This decor option looks spectacular, but complicates brushing and applying makeup.

When thinking through the design, there are some guidelines to consider. Do not use stones with a diameter of more than 2.5 mm - they are heavy, they look massive and defiant. Small crystals that look spectacular in any scheme are much better suited for decoration.
If in doubt about the choice of color, it is better to give preference to neutral transparent rhinestones, appropriate in any situation.

Beautiful examples
Before you try on decor with rhinestones for eyelash extensions yourself, you should study examples of work already done. The most spectacular options are those that are visible on the model with open eyes. For everyday looks, it is better to choose the arrow option or the classic stone attachment only at the outer corner of the eye. The most interesting and beautiful options are worth considering in more detail.
- Evening combined decor option. Rhinestones are used not only along the edge of the eyelid, but also scattered from the outer corner of the eye, and spectacular feathers only enhance the theatricality of the make-up.
An ideal solution for bold and outrageous ladies.

- Rhinestones as an eyeliner in combination with beam eyelash extensions look very impressive... Large, luminous crystals are complemented by matching makeup and crisp black eyeliner for the upper eyelid. The image looks solid and delicate.

- Attaching rhinestones to the tips of the eyelashes... An option is used in which the decor is fixed only on the longest hairs in the outer corner of the eye.
This is a spectacular solution for a party or a photo shoot.

For information on how to decorate eyelashes with rhinestones, see the next video.