Eyelash Extension 1.5D

Eyelash extensions add expressiveness to the look without the use of decorative cosmetics. The 1.5D volume is gaining more and more popularity, or, as it is also called, the classic with thickening. What are its features, who is suitable for such an extension, how eyelashes look before and after the procedure - read below.

What it is?
The essence of one and a half volume - imitation of a 2D effect with reduced stress on natural eyelashes. When building up 1.5D, there is an alternation of "classics" and "two" (one artificial hair is glued to one of its own, and two to the next, and so on in turn throughout the entire eyelid), or from the inner corner of the eye to the middle, a single volume is increased, and from the middle and to the outer corner - double. The second method is usually chosen by lovers of the "fox" effect.
Features of the 1.5D volume:
- the combination of classic and 2D looks very natural, but at the same time catchy;
- the lashmaker can choose one of the many extension technologies, since by alternating volumes, you can place the necessary accents in any area of the upper eyelid and even correct the shape of the eyes;
- the thickness of artificial hairs for a volume of 1.5D is 0.07-0.5 mm;
- with the help of one and a half building it will turn out to simulate the following effects: babydoll, fox, squirrel;
- the master can "play" with the length and bend based on the wishes of the client, as well as starting from the specifics of the growth of natural cilia.

Advantages and disadvantages
Let's take a look at the main pros and cons of 1.5D build-up.
- allows you to create a volume thicker than the classic, but less than double, thereby satisfying the requirements of ladies who do not like excessive "artificiality", but consider "one" too "bald";
- suitable for thin and weakened eyelashes, as it does not overload them;
- you can wear a "polorashka" for quite a long time - 6 weeks, if, of course, you follow all the recommendations for care.
The only drawback of the one and a half build-up is its rather high price - it is only 200-300 rubles lower than for the 2D volume.

Who is it suitable for?
Without undue modesty, we can say that 1.5D extensions are suitable for 90% of girls. The thing is that with its help you can:
- "Lift" the overhanging eyelid;
- visually increase the size of the eye, "open" it;
- correct the shape by making the eyes almond-shaped.
So, who can take the one and a half volume into service:
- girls with narrow eyes;
- girls with wide-set eyes;
- ladies with naturally lush eyelashes - the classics with thickening will only complement them, but will not overload them, like "two" or "three".
However, one and a half volume has one "contraindication": it is not recommended for owners of small eyes. This is due to the fact that it will be difficult to choose the optimal length of artificial eyelashes: too long will stick out unnaturally, and short ones will be as invisible as natural ones. For such girls, the masters, as a rule, recommend building up a "two" or "three" with a squirrel effect.

What materials are used?
The following materials are commonly used for 1.5D eyelash extensions.
- Silk. The artificial hair has a diameter of 0.05-0.1 mm. Glossy shines, looks natural. Any effect can be created with silk eyelashes. However, since they are quite thin, they need a careful attitude: for example, those who like to sleep with their faces buried in the pillow will very quickly say goodbye to them. In addition, silk lashes do not hold a “tough” curl, so the variety of their curves is limited.
- Columns. Hair diameter - 0.1-0.15 mm. Due to the greater thickness compared to the previous ones, the eyelashes hold better, are less prone to breakage, but they look just as beautiful and natural.
- Mink... The diameter of the mink eyelash is 0.15-0.2 mm. The most commonly used material for build-up is 1.5D. Eyelashes can be given any bend and they will keep it for the entire period of use.
- Sable. The thickest hairs are 0.2-0.25 mm. Great for creating a "puppet" effect. However, their weight can be too heavy for thin and weakened lashes, so they should be used with caution.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that although the names of animals are used in the names of materials, they have nothing to do with them - synthetic hairs. They do not cause an allergic reaction, unlike natural wool, and are of a truly high quality.
In addition to artificial eyelashes, when building up, a special glue is used. It is characterized by:
- lack of foreign smell;
- minimum drying time;
- hypoallergenic;
- safety for eyes with hypersensitivity.

Extension technology
There are two ways to extend eyelashes using the 1.5D technique. Let's take a closer look at each of them.
Simple technique
This is exactly the same alternation of "one" and "two" throughout the upper eyelid. However, here, too, the master can be creative and highlight the necessary zones with the help of a double volume. The choice of thickness and length is also variable and depends on the initial data: the shape of the eyes, their location on the face, etc.
The scheme of increasing the volume of 1.5D in this way:
- work starts from the inner corner of the eye and moves on to the outer;
- first, a double cilium is glued, then a single one, then they alternate;
- if necessary, the master highlights the accent areas with 2D eyelashes.

A longer procedure than the previous one. However, the result is more spectacular.
Stages of a complex one-and-a-half building.
- The hair growth zone in the upper eyelid is conventionally divided into three parts: the outer edge, the central part, and the inner edge.
- The gluing of the cilia begins from the inner corner of the eye - single hairs are glued there according to the classical scheme.
- The middle zone of the eye is again divided into three parts: the one closer to the bridge of the nose is processed as follows - 1-1-2-1-1-2 (1 - single cilium, 2 - double). On the center of the middle zone, the elements are glued according to the alternation pattern of "twos" and "ones" - the eyelashes thicken, gradually creating the required volume. On the rest of the central zone, the material is applied according to the 2-2-1-2-2-1 scheme to achieve the effect of even greater density.
- The last, outer side of the eyelid is already pasted over with only double cilia.

Follow-up care
If you constantly extend your eyelashes, then you are already familiar with the rules for caring for them. However, it will be useful for beginners to learn more about them.
- For the first 24 hours, it is strictly forbidden to wet the cilia. It is during this period that the glue dries up and adheres to natural hairs. If moisture gets on it, it will simply wash off, and the eyelashes will fall off, nullifying all the efforts of the master.
- Refuse to visit the sauna, bath, pool, solarium, beach in the first week after building.
- Wash your face with warm, but not hot, water. If you love doing steam baths for your face, shorten the exposure time.
- Avoid mechanical stress on the eyelids and eyelashes: do not rub your eyes with your hands, a handkerchief or napkin, do not sleep with your face in the pillow. After washing, gently blot the eyelashes with a lint-free towel.
- Avoid using cosmetics containing oils and fats.
- The 1.5D volume is large enough, it does not need additional tint of the eyelashes with mascara. However, if you cannot refuse it, choose products that are easily washed off with water and micellar foam. Waterproof cosmetics are taboo.
- Twice a day - morning and evening - brush your eyelashes with a special silicone brush. This should be done by moving along the bend, giving them their original position.
- From time to time, make eye lotions using decoctions of useful herbs: nettle, calendula, chamomile - this will strengthen the roots of natural eyelashes and prolong the wearing period of artificial ones.
Compliance with all these simple recommendations will allow you to visit the lashmaker less often for the correction procedure.

Examples of
Here are a few photos that clearly demonstrate what it is - the volume of 1.5D.
- Before and after the procedure. See how the eye has changed, what depth has appeared in the gaze.

- This photo clearly demonstrates building up 1.5D in a complicated way, when the thickening of the eyelashes comes from the middle of the upper eyelid.

- Alternating classic and 2D. The choice of this extension technology makes the cilia evenly thick along the entire line of their growth.

You will learn more about 1.5D eyelash extension in the following video.