All About 4D Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extension services are now very common because they are in demand. Depending on the wishes of the client, the master can create any volume on the eyelashes in order to emphasize the depth of the look and the beauty of the eyes. One of the most expressive is considered to be the 4D volume, which will be discussed in our article.

4D augmentation is carried out using lightweight artificial fibers (most often mink and silk are used). Its purpose is to visually lengthen the framing around the eyes, due to which they appear larger, more expressive. Such eyes are visible from afar and attract everyone's attention.
This effect is achieved by increasing the natural volume of eyelashes by 4 times: on each "native" hair, 4 artificial ones, differing in size, are glued. Their length varies between 9-16 mm.
4D build-up has some special features.
- The use of extremely lightweight materials to reduce stress on the eyelid.
- The larger the volume, the less time the work lasts. Accordingly, you will have to do the correction of 4D cilia every 3 weeks.
- If silk or mink artificial threads were used during the extension process, you can use your usual care and decorative cosmetics, since it will be impossible to damage such hairs with them. As for mascara, it would be best to refuse it, and it will not be needed at such a volume.
- For 4D build-up, only a particularly strong hypoallergenic adhesive is suitable.

How 4D extensions will look like in the end depends on many factors: on the chosen length of artificial hairs, on the effect and bending.Let's take a closer look at each aspect.
The length of the cilia differs as follows:
- 9 mm - used for building on the inner corner of the eye;
- from 10 to 14 mm - the most popular length, loved by both clients and masters, is used to form the main volume of eyelashes;
- from 15 to 18 mm - suitable for decorating and highlighting the outer corner of the eye.

A qualified lashmaker always uses 3-6 types of eyelashes of different lengths in his work, as this guarantees the creation of the smoothest transition and avoids the effect of excessive artificiality.

There are several types of 4D eyelash effects.
- Natural. It is performed without sharp changes in length, which, as a rule, only slightly exceeds the size of your own cilia.

- Squirrel. Short eyelashes are glued all over the eyelid, and the main lengthening occurs at the place located under the bend of the eyebrow.

- Fox... The inner corner of the eye is formed by the shortest hairs, after which their length gradually increases, reaching a maximum towards the outer corner.

- Theatrical. To achieve this effect, the longest and strongest eyelashes are used.

- Sparse. There is an alternation of hairs of different lengths, due to the elongated "rays" the look becomes even more expressive.

- Puppet... Equal-sized cilia (usually 10-12 mm) are growing throughout the eyelid.

Types of bends for 4D volume:
- J - slightly curled cilia at the tips;
- C, B - twisted bend suitable for any type of extension;
- D - it is most often used if your own eyelashes are rare, as it helps to achieve the effect of "wide open eyes";
- M - suitable for creating volume in girls whose eyelashes are straight and grow downward;
- U - most often used to create a puppet effect, since the bend is the strongest, giving the look a dramatic effect;
- L - suitable for girls with an Asian eye shape, "lifts" the overhanging eyelid, makes the eyes visually rounder;
- L + - similar to the previous one, but the bend is more pronounced (the L-bend resembles a "mirrored" letter L, L + also has a rounded tip).
The extended eyelashes, at the request of the client, can be decorated with rhinestones, feathers, sparkles, beads, and have "blotches" of colored hairs.

Step-by-step extension technology
It's time to get acquainted with the 4D eyelash extension technology itself. It takes place in several stages.
- To begin with, the client and the lashmaker discuss the desired result: effect, bend, maximum possible length. The technician also evaluates the shape, cut and size of the eyes.
- Next, the thickness of artificial cilia is selected... With 4D extension, it cannot exceed 0.12 mm.
- The lower lashes are covered with a special silicone patch to avoid getting adhesive on them.
- The master cleans the working surface of the eye from dust, tears, sebum, decorative cosmetics, after which it degreases and dries the upper eyelashes.
- 4D build-up can happen in two ways. It can be lash-by-eyelash, when a lashmaker glues 4 artificial hairs to one natural one, or tufted, when the master pre-forms a bundle of 4 eyelashes of different lengths, combining them with one "leg", from which the hairs diverge in a fan-like manner. And already this "fan" he glues to a natural eyelash.
- Fastening of artificial material occurs at a distance of about 0.5 mm from the upper eyelid - only if this interval is observed after the completion of the procedure, the client will not experience unpleasant sensations while wearing.
- Excess adhesive is removed, silicone patches are removable from the lower eyelids. The eyes can be opened.
- If lacrimation suddenly appears, the master may suggest drying the tears with a special fan or blotting them with a cotton swab.

How long does the procedure take?
The extension procedure is a painstaking and slow business. In order to glue one artificial eyelash to a natural one, you need to spend a few seconds. Accordingly, to glue 4, it will take at least a minute. On the upper eyelid of a person, on average, there are 100-130 eyelashes. By simple mathematical calculations, it turns out that 4D building can take 3-3.5 hours (taking into account the preparatory procedures). Novice masters spend 4-5 hours on it.
If you want to speed up the process, then the eyelash extension technology will not suit you - the beam extension will pass faster. However, it has one indisputable disadvantage: if a bunch falls out, then it falls out entirely, and this is fraught with the appearance of bald spots with improper care and excessive wearing.
In addition, the bundles do not look as natural as the cilia extended by the piece.

How long do eyelashes last?
Professional eyelash extensions with large volumes claim that 4D can last for about 5 weeks if eyelash technology was used, and 3 if beam technology.
In general, the duration of socks depends on many factors, the main of which is compliance with the rules of care, which we will discuss in more detail later.

How to care?
So, you have become the proud owner of thick eyelash extensions. Now you have to follow certain rules for their use in order to extend the wearing period and not harm natural hairs.
- It is forbidden to wet the eyelashes for the first 24 hours. If you suddenly water your eyes, gently blot excess moisture with the edge of a handkerchief or a cotton swab.
- It is important to understand: the less often you touch artificial hairs with anything (fingers, towel, napkin), the longer they will last for centuries.
- Learn to sleep on your back even if it's uncomfortable for you. The fact is that the extended eyelashes, when in contact with the pillow, are deformed, twisted and broken off.
- 4D volume does not need additional tint of eyelashes with mascara... However, if you nevertheless used this decorative agent, pick up something that can be washed off with plain water and soap or a “washbasin” that does not contain fat in the composition. And best of all, skip the mascara or apply it exclusively to the lower lash line.
- Shadows and eyeliner are allowed... It is best to wash them with a cotton swab or stick, using a non-greasy makeup remover.
- As for cosmetics for daily skin care in the orbital zone, you should opt for light fluids and do not use greasy creams - they can destroy the glue and the eyelashes will fall out prematurely.
- Wash your face with warm water (never hot), do not expose your face to the running water from the shower. Use baby soap or micellar foam to remove impurities on your face.
- Do not try to curl fake eyelashes with special tweezers. - this will lead to their breaking off and falling out.
- If you like to visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium or if you are planning a trip to the sea, do it not earlier than 3 days after the extension procedure. Otherwise, under the influence of high temperature and humidity, your eyelashes will quickly fall off. At sea, try to dive less often, and when sunbathing, protect your eyes with sunglasses.
- By the way, regarding the glasses: if you have grown too long eyelashes, they may break off due to contact with the surface of the glass. The way out is this - make the length a little shorter.
- If you wear contact lenses, you can resort to the extension procedure, however, you should take into account that the service life of artificial hairs will still be slightly lower than possible due to the need to insert and remove lenses daily.
- Visit the lashmaker in a timely manner for the correction procedure. The volume of 4D requires updating every 3-4 weeks.

You can watch a 4D eyelash extension master class from Eva Bond below.