Is it possible for pregnant women to extend eyelashes and what are the restrictions?

Any woman wants to look good at any age and in any position. This is especially true when important changes are taking place in her life, for example, expecting a child. However, during pregnancy, you need to be careful about the effects on your body and appearance. Recently, many women have a popular procedure such as eyelash extension.

Is there a benefit?
A good mood is one of the components of the physical health and psychological comfort of the expectant mother. If a woman does not need to make a lot of effort to look great, she is in a good mood, then the baby also feels calm. Eyelash extensions do not do as much harm to the body as hair dyeing or perm. The extension process consists in the fact that artificial hairs with glue are attached directly to natural eyelashes. Thus the glue does not interact with the skin, its components cannot get into the blood.

However, before signing up for the procedure, a woman must be sure that she is feeling well. Otherwise, the smell of glue can cause an attack of toxicosis and make you feel unwell. After one session, a woman may not apply mascara to her eyes for several months, thereby causing even less harm to her body. Her gaze becomes bright and radiant, her eyes are emphasized and expressive.
Such eyelashes do not require any special care and can stay on the eyes for a long time.

As with any effect on the body, there are contraindications here. Augmentation should not be done to women if they had or have the following diseases and indications.
- Any diseases of the eyes with the manifestation of redness, tearing and peeling (blepharitis).
- Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. This can be due to either an allergy or an infection (conjunctivitis).
- Inflammation around the eyelid and the eyelid itself (barley).
- Twitching, shaking, or watery eyes.
- Your eyelashes are thin and weak, the skin around them is very dry or very oily.
- The presence of respiratory diseases such as asthma.
- Chemotherapy less than 6 months ago.

So that in the future there are no health problems or discomfort after building up, you need to take into account some rules.
- Before visiting the salon consult a gynecologistif you need to get tested.
- Before starting the session, you need inform the master about your pregnancy.
- For pregnant women, such a procedure should be carried out qualified specialists.
- The tools used in the work must be disinfected and kept sterile.

In addition to the above, eyelash extensions can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother, if you save on this procedure. It is better to analyze all the arguments again and make a decision. When choosing a salon, you can see reviews and recommendations about it and about the work of the masters.
Extension by gestational age
You also need to extend eyelashes taking into account the duration of your pregnancy. Any woman knows that at each stage of bearing a baby there are peculiarities of fetal development. With a change in the duration of pregnancy, the physical condition of the expectant mother also changes.

First trimester
Despite the fact that the components of the drugs used do not penetrate into the mother's blood, it is still better to avoid contact with them. Basically, all doctors agree that it is harmful to do eyelash extensions during this period. At this important moment, both internal organs and the entire nervous system are formed in the unborn child.
The hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is actively working in a woman's body. This hormone is responsible for the maintenance and development of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. The expectant mother's sense of smell is exacerbated, the body reacts more sharply to external influences. For example, those smells that a woman did not react to before can be annoying during this period.
Light bulbs and touching a woman's skin can also cause irritation and discomfort.

Second trimester
In the second trimester, a woman's body is more adapted to hormonal changes. The organs of the unborn baby have formed and are starting to work. Some doctors believe that at this time a woman can afford some cosmetic procedures, including eyelash extensions. But one should not completely forget about the baby, one should also take into account his condition.
- Approximately from the 18th week, active movements of the baby begin to be felt... If a woman stays in one position for a long time, the child begins to push. He is not very comfortable, and he is trying to change position.
- From the fourth month, the baby grows and gains weight... This leads to the fact that the woman's uterus enlarges and presses on the spines and kidneys. It becomes difficult to lie on your back for a long time, you may have frequent urge to use the toilet.
- During this period, some women may experience allergic reactions that were not there before pregnancy.... The sense of smell is still heightened, and the smells can cause bouts of nausea.

Third trimester
During this period, the baby has already finally formed all the organs, the central nervous system is working, and the child begins to actively gain weight. On average, its weight reaches 3 kilograms, and together with the amniotic fluid it reaches up to 10 kg. A woman at this time more and more often feels physical fatigue. The load on her spine and organs increases, she cannot lie in one position for a long time. Doctors do not recommend at this time to carry out any lengthy procedures, including eyelash extensions. If you nevertheless decide on the procedure during this period, then you need to remember about some coins.
- First of all, this is the very term of pregnancy and a large belly. The specialist will need to do everything quickly and try not to hurt the stomach. At the same time, the woman herself cannot lie in a motionless position for a long time. Chances are, your lashes won't turn out the way you planned.
- Hormonal changes... In the last trimester, the body of the expectant mother actively produces substances that stimulate childbirth (oxytocin and prolactin).
And it is not known how a woman's body can react to drugs and solutions that are used during the session.

Before childbirth
It is quite understandable that a woman wants to be beautiful, even in late pregnancy. In addition, with the birth of a child, the first time it will be difficult to find time for yourself. However, doctors are in solidarity and do not highly recommend doing this procedure for a long time.
Childbirth is a difficult process and can be lengthy. No matter how exactly you plan and focus on the timing, in the 9th month of pregnancy, labor can begin at any time. In addition, there are times when the process of childbirth itself does not go according to plan. So during this period it is better to rest as much as possible and follow the doctor's recommendations.

The ways
There are 2 main ways to extend eyelashes, this is the extension of each eyelash (lash line) and the extension of bundles. Below we will look at these methods in more detail. Before choosing one of them and starting the procedure itself, a woman needs to keep in mind the following.
- As noted above, the session should be only qualified craftsmen and only in the salon. Instruments must be disinfected after each client.
- The woman herself should not wear makeup on the day of the procedure.... Better yet, check in advance for material allergies. As a last resort, it is better to drink anti-allergy medication, as agreed with your doctor.
- Before the procedure, it is better to consult a specialist about the shape of future eyelashes. Consider how they will look on the face, combined with the size and shape of the eyes.
- Depending on the chosen shape and method of building, check with the master how long the procedure will take... You can ask to take small breaks during the session, since one session on average lasts 2 hours.

As noted above, there are 2 ways to extend eyelashes.
Eyelash is the extension of each eyelash. With this method, approximately 120 hairs are glued to each eye. The master squeezes the glue onto the transparent glass, then dips each eyelash into the glue with pre-treated tweezers. An artificial hair is glued to each of its eyelashes at a distance of 1 mm from the edge of the eyelid. Short eyelashes are glued at the inner corner of the eye, long ones at the outer. Then the master will check the result and, if an empty space has formed between the eyelashes, it is filled with artificial ones. For pregnant women, most cosmetologists recommend eyelash extensions. This method allows you to maintain the effect for several months.
But there is one drawback - the procedure lasts on average 2-2.5 hours.

The bundle method of building is when 16-17 bundles are glued to one eye. The bundles are glued in the same way directly onto the eyelid itself. The bunches can be different - thick and not very, long and short. With this method, the master works in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. To achieve a natural effect, the tufts must be evenly distributed over the entire eyelid. This method is suitable for those who are not ready to spend a long time in a beautician's office. The whole procedure takes no more than 40 minutes, however, such eyelashes need more careful and gentle care.

Both building methods use innovative materials. The components of the glue allow the lashes to remain supple after the procedure.The glue dries quickly and the eyelashes don't stick together in between glitches. There are 4 types of eyelashes. The simplest and easiest to use are artificial eyelashes... A session with their use lasts no more than 30 minutes, but they last no more than a week in front of our eyes. These eyelashes can be used if you need to attend a one-time event or a festive evening.

Silk eyelashes are also lightweight, unlike artificial ones, they have a more accurate effect of natural eyelashes. They lengthen natural lashes, giving them volume and shine. Mink lashes are suitable for daily use. Pregnant women are not recommended to use them, because when using this type of eyelashes, allergic reactions very often occur.

Sable eyelashes are the heaviest material. For pregnant women, such eyelashes are also not recommended for use, the eyes can quickly get tired and experience discomfort. Also, this look is not suitable for those women who have thin or weak eyelashes. Regardless of what material the eyelashes are made of, there are several types of bending artificial eyelashes. The bending options must be chosen individually, depending on the shape of the face and the desired effect.
- the effect "Doll eyes" achieved through a strong bend of the eyelashes, bend option D.
- For an open expressive look, use curl eyelashes C.
- Eyelashes have a more natural and lighter curl option B, in which the look becomes open and natural.
- Almost straight lashes or with minimal curl are obtained with the option bending J.

As a result of performing the procedure in any way and using any materials, you can achieve several effects from eyelash extension.
It is advisable to discuss this issue with the master before the session, so that later you will not regret your decision. The classic (natural) effect is achieved by gluing lashes of the same length using the lash method. The eyelashes are glued in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. As a rule, the length of artificial eyelashes for this effect should be no more than 10 mm.

DFor the "fox effect" use the eyelash extension method using eyelashes of different lengths. The master works from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Gradually increasing the length of the eyelashes, the longest eyelashes are applied to the outer corner of the eye. "Doll look" can be obtained by extending the same length of eyelashes by the eyelash method... To obtain this result, as a rule, very long eyelashes with a bend option D are used.

A sparse effect will be obtained with eyelash extensions of different lengths, but in a strict sequence. The look will look natural and the lashes are not too thick. The color effect is most often used for festive events. The master will select the most suitable eyelash color for your eye color. Another option for this effect is to apply colored eyelashes to the outer corner of the eye.

In order for your new eyelashes to last as long as possible, you need to follow all the rules for caring for them. If your skin has become problematic during pregnancy, then the cosmetics must be selected in accordance with the recommendations of the beautician. Cosmetics should not only take care of the skin around the eyes after the extension, but also not dissolve the glue, otherwise the extended eyelashes will not last long. There are some basic rules for taking care of your eyes after eyelash extension.
- After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your face for a day.... In the future, you need to wash only with warm, boiled water. The use of any detergents is not permitted.
- The face should be gently patted with a towel, in no case should you rub your eyes with your hands or cotton pads.
- Extended eyelashes you need constantly comb with special brushes. You can do this daily when combing your hair.
- At first time do not apply eye shadows, cream and decorative cosmetics to the eyes... The eyelashes themselves do not need mascara or eyeliner.
- You need to remove extended eyelashes in a beauty salon... The specialist will remove artificial eyelashes with special products.

You also need to remember that at the end of the procedure, the eyes will be red and watery for 1-2 days.
Consult with the master about what products can be used to avoid discomfort... In such an important period of life, a woman needs to be more attentive than ever to her health. Perhaps, eyelash extension seems to be a harmless procedure for the body, but taking into account pregnancy, a woman needs to consider this type of transformation thoughtfully.

For information on whether it is possible for pregnant women to extend eyelashes, see the next video.