What does the D-curve of eyelashes look like and who is it suitable for?

Today, women can choose how they look and fully satisfy their wishes about their appearance. There are many cosmetic products on the market, and specialists provide various manipulations to achieve perfection. Eyelash extension is one of the most popular procedures in the beauty industry, which can be a real salvation for many of the fair sex.

Every woman wants to look beautiful and well-groomed, which is why many of them today turn to specialists. Extended eyelashes are not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Surely anyone will agree that makeup takes a very long time, which sometimes is simply not enough. And here the eyelash extension procedure comes to the rescue, after which it is enough to do a light make-up. The main advantage of eyelash extension is time saving.... You no longer need to spend money on mascara, it takes a long time to choose the right brand and type of product.
At the same time, the look looks brighter and more expressive, and the eyes visually increase.

What is the difference?
There are 2 types of extensions, one of which is "beam "when the tufts of hair stick together. Difference single type in that one new one is attached to each eyelash. If we talk about quality, then it is better to choose the second option, because it looks much more natural and wears longer. For artificial eyelashes, both natural and synthetic materials are chosen. The latter causes allergies in some women, therefore it is better to choose natural... The size of the eyelashes is also available in several versions, the choice depends on personal preference.
One of the main characteristics of eyelash extensions is the curvature, due to which the shape and shape of the eyes are corrected. Here you should choose individually, taking into account facial features. The most inconspicuous is type J. The hair will be straight, and only the tip is slightly curled. Thanks to this, a natural effect is created, perfect for girls who have long, but sparse hairs. The difference in bends increases gradually. Curl B is suitable for owners of almond-shaped eyes, it adjusts to natural hairs, thereby strengthening the curvature.
The difference between this type and J is in a larger curl.

The C bend gives a smooth curl, so it will not be pronounced and perfectly emphasize the natural look. Many masters recommend this particular option, because they consider it the golden mean. D curl of the eyelash is also called significant, and denotes CC. This eyelash extension is ideal for women who want to continue using mascara. The curl turns out to be strong enough, so the look automatically becomes brighter, and the shape is more expressive. Many women prefer this particular extension.
If you look at the D bend from the side, the tips are directed upwards, so clients often order this type of extension. It is very difficult to achieve such an effect with the help of makeup; often you need to take false hairs to make your gaze more open. But if you don't want to use cosmetic glue every time, while having beautiful eyelashes and a captivating look, you can go to the master and go through the extension procedure.
The D curve will raise the outer corner of the eyes. These eyelash extensions last for a very long time if properly cared for. Thus, the hairs will become curled, you can correct the effect of an overhanging eyelid and round the eyes, making them larger. Extended eyelashes cannot be compared to false eyelashes, since the latter can come off at the most inopportune moment, causing a lot of discomfort. If you are interested in the differences between different curves, you can look up a graphical representation of each to see the benefits of one or the other.

Who is it for?
To understand which curl of eyelash extensions is right for you personally, it is necessary to evaluate the shape of the eyes and the quality of their own hairs. The procedure is suitable for absolutely everyone, because every woman dreams of a captivating look. The shape of the eyes is almond-shaped, slit-shaped and round. It is safe to say that the D or CC bend is universal, therefore it is suitable for representatives of the fair sex field with any eyes. Such eyelashes will not look artificial, but will only emphasize the beauty of the look, facial features and expressiveness of the eyes.
Curl D will be the solution to the problem of thin and rare eyelashes... If the eyelid is overhanging, and the hairs grow down, and the eyes are deeply set, such an extension will be the solution to the problem and create a glamorous look. Not recommended for women with bulging eyes. It should be noted that the duration of wearing, the direction of the eyelashes and the frequency of correction depend on the type of bend. Experts recommend making CC eyelashes for girls who have wide-set eyes. Asians also often choose this procedure.
You can preliminarily discuss options with a lashmaker, listen to his recommendations and choose the right type of extension.

How to choose length and thickness?
To get a beautiful look, you need to choose the right length and thickness of your eyelashes. Here you need to rely on what effect you want to get. When it comes to an expressive yet natural look, it is better to take hairs of the same length from a natural material.Artificial eyelashes range from 6 to 22 mm, but the most common sizes remain 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 mm.
As for the thickness, the minimum is from 0.07 mm, the maximum is 0.25 mm. For a natural look, the hairs need to be fine and the look will be easier on the eye. However, if you want the result to be more noticeable, you can choose thick and heavy eyelashes.
It is worth considering the features of your own eyelashes, for example, their porosity, strength, frequency of shedding. The choice of length depends solely on personal wishes. With the classic extension, experts use material with an indicator from 0.06 to 0.15 mm. If you want a double volume, artificial eyelashes can reach a thickness of 0.1 mm and so on, because the choice of diameter is quite large.
Ultra-thin, for example, are soft, supple and natural looking. The diameter reaches 0.25 mm, such hairs have increased rigidity. With such an extension, the eyelashes will become catchy and bright, and the look will be open and expressive. This option should be chosen for 2D build-up. Suitable for special occasions such as weddings or fashion shows, video clips or photo shoots. Ultra Tools thick eyelashes. They look very impressive, but they require careful maintenance. This build-up is done for a short period. The thickness of 14 mm is suitable for women who dream of big eyes and want to do eye-catching makeup.

Mounting methods
The result of the extension is different, so before going to a specialist, you should study the methods of attaching eyelashes.

Squirrel effect
To create it, eyelashes of equal length are used. To get the desired result, the lashmaker applies hairs from 8 to 12 mm. Short ones are attached to the inner corner of the eyes, then the master begins to take longer hairs until the middle.
This effect is ideal for those with almond eyes and can correct the round shape.

Fox effect
For this result, hairs of 4 sizes are used. Smooth length transitions from the inner to the outer corner of the eyes allow you to create an eyeliner effect. For bulging and close-set eyes, this will be the best option.
Such an extension will give an oriental cut of the eyes.

Feline effect
If it is necessary to imitate such a look, experts take medium-length hairs and lead them from the inner corner of the eyelid, from the center they begin to attach long eyelashes.
The feline effect will perfectly accentuate large eyes.

Doll building
To get a playful and seductive effect, and to make the look innocent, the master uses eyelashes of the same size, often 12 mm.
Such build-up is suitable for flirty girls and girls who are going on a date in order to conquer their beloved.

Butterfly Effect
At the beginning of this procedure, eyelashes are extended to the upper eyelid, different lengths are applied. The second stage is to treat the lower eyelid to increase the volume. The look becomes wider, reminiscent of wings, hence the name.
Butterfly eyelashes give mystery and are suitable for women with a sharp curl of eyebrows.

Classic extension
The main task of the classics is to emphasize the natural look. As a result, a natural effect is obtained, the eyes will become bright even without makeup.
Ideal for your first visit to a lashmaker.

Master's recommendations
In order for extended eyelashes to last as long as possible, you need to properly care for them and follow several rules. Lashmakers recommend not sleeping face down so that the hairs do not deform or break. Do not rub your eyes with your hands, because the skin on the eyelid is delicate and thin... Extended eyelashes do not need decorative cosmetics, so you can forget about using mascara. Wherein you can paint with shadows, use liners and eyeliner.
As for removing cosmetics, a cotton swab moistened with micellar water is suitable.It is forbidden to use products that contain oils, because they shorten the life of eyelash extensions. You cannot pull and pull the hairs, although this applies not only to artificial ones, but also to your own.
For the first visit to the master, you can choose the classic version and the medium curl of the eyelash, so that the effect is more natural. The procedure requires perseverance and patience, as it can take several hours. At the same time, you can have a great rest, get some advice from a specialist, and at the end, leave the salon with well-groomed and beautiful eyelashes. Many girls are interested in the question of how often you can resort to which procedure. It all depends on the strength and quality of your own eyelashes.... It is recommended to take a break from the build-up from time to time to restore the strength of the bulbs. Ogo only to trusted specialistswho have rich experience and use high quality materials.

You can find out how to restore eyelashes after extension below.