Eyelash extensions with the "cat look" effect

Eyelash extension is one of the most popular beauty services today. And in this area there are proposals for a variety of clients. Give someone the maximum naturalness so that it is impossible to guess that these are artificial eyelashes. Someone wants the look of an oriental beauty, very expressive and bright. One of the interesting options for those who are not going to be shy is the "cat look".

Effect Description
Such a build-up will be effective only if it is done correctly. It is the "cat's gaze" one of the techniques in which the cilia are attached to the outer movable eyelid.
In his work, the master uses different types of eyelashes. The hairs are of different lengths, and their arrangement will not be uniform on purpose.
The eyelid is conventionally divided into zones. The one closer to the inner corner of the eye uses medium-length cilia. They alternate neatly with natural lashes.

To the outer edge of the eyelid, the master increases the length of the threads, due to which a gradient is created to change the length and density of the eyelashes. These eyelash extensions add roundness to the middle of the eyelid. The eyes become more expressive, the look - "wide open". But this type of building is considered especially bold: even if this method is initially suitable for a woman, you need to be prepared for such external changes.
Cilia to create a "feline look" can be superimposed in two ways.
- Japanese version. It is used for short and weakened eyelashes, as the master glues one or two artificial ones to one of his own, no more.
- Beam option. It is used less often, since with natural renewal of eyelashes, artificial ones fall off immediately in bunches.

Unlike more natural types of extensions, the "cat look" significantly changes the face, and not everyone can get used to it. If a woman in makeup likes to focus on her lips, then a significantly modified look + bright lips can be overkill.

Who is it for?
If the client has deep-set eyes, the cat-eye can correct the relative deficiency.
But if the eyes are set far from each other, such a build-up technique visually distorts the facial features, diminishing their attractiveness.
Who is the cat look for?
- Deep set eyes as already noted, the first "indication" for this type of build-up. The gaze becomes more open, which can visually make a woman's face look younger and even more cheerful. All thanks to the visual change in proportions and features. It so happens that deep-set eyes look tired, and even women in their 30s do not look so fresh precisely because of this anatomical feature. Therefore, the "cat's gaze" can be a saving procedure.
- Naturally very short eyelashes. The gradual lengthening of the cilia will look close to natural, but you need to follow the extension scheme. If a woman has very short cilia, and even light ones, the “cat's look” should be soft, otherwise it will come into conflict with the original external data. Such work is called clumsy among craftsmen.
- The first significant age-related changes. If a woman feels that she lacks something for rejuvenation, if she sees how the oval of the face changes, wrinkles appear, and the expressive make-up of her eyes begins to age her, you can pay attention to the build-up of the “cat's look”. Thanks to the "wide eye" effect, there is a feeling of general rejuvenation, freshness and radiance.

If a woman is accustomed to bright makeup (shadows, eyeliner, pencil, shading), the combination of these preferences and the increased “cat's look” may be excessive. In this case, you will have to choose one thing. Such a build-up is not suitable for those who seek to create the most natural effect.
How to choose length and volume?
False eyelashes can vary in length - from a modest 6 mm to an impressive 20. The most preferred length is considered to be 10-14 mm. If you want to do everything close to natural, you need to rely on the natural length of the eyelashes, and it is 6-10 mm.

The choice of volume is as follows.
- Classical. Suitable for those who have their own eyelashes of medium density or thick. One artificial eyelash is glued to one of its own. The effect is impressive, but girls who decide to “look cat-like” rarely ask for such a volume. They usually want to amplify the effect.

- 1.5D. This volume is created by alternating one or two artificial eyelashes with one natural. In this way, the shape of the eye is usually corrected.

- 2D. Double volume is created by extending two artificial eyelashes to one natural one. As a result, the client has very lush eyelashes, creating the effect of thickly painted eyes.

- 3D. The master glues a bundle of 3 artificial threads onto one of his own eyelashes. Not everyone will like such an expressive result, and in combination with the "cat's look" it even looks hypertrophied.

- Hollywood volume. It is fair to say that such a build-up is not particularly in demand today. If you increase from 4 to 10 artificial eyelashes on one natural eyelash, instead of the "open eye" effect, you can get the effect of a tired eyelid and eyelashes that look too luxuriant. It suits a few.

A good hint in choosing a volume will be a consultation with an experienced master. Not someone who blindly fulfills all the client's requests, but who sees how the client is better, and does not hesitate to express his opinion and substantiate it.Fashion is fashion, but the new eyelashes should match the type of the girl. An objective and experienced lashmaster will not let the client make a mistake.
Extension schemes
"Cat's look" will not be done on the basis of weakened hairs that are not ready for such a load. Therefore, it is not surprising if the master first sends the client for treatment and only then takes on a complex build-up.
Bend options (determine the build-up pattern).
- C-curl. Expands narrow eyes and enlarges small eyes. Visually reveals the gaze, is often used for the "cat" technique.
- B-angle. Emphasizes the natural contour, retains the natural appeal of the almond-shaped eyes.
- D-curl. It copes well with masking a deep-set eye socket or drooping eyelid. Perfectly "opens up" the view.
- L-curl. Raises the slightly drooping upper eyelid.

When building up, Leshmaster adheres to the following universal rules:
- the overhanging eyelid will not be so noticeable under the strong bend at the temple;
- a straight curl expands and stretches a visually small eye, a round cut;
- to disguise a narrow fit, you need to twist the cilia from the outside;
- to correct a wide fit, you need to make the maximum bend at the inner corner and in the center;
- to freshen up your face, you need to make a big curl.

After the extension procedure, you should have less contact with the eyelashes: do not rub, do not sleep on your stomach for several days, avoid any make-up. The “cat look” requires delicate handling.
You cannot use fatty cream and lotion for several days, because they can come into effect with glue and affect the quality of fixation.
Before and after examples
In order to clearly see the degree of transformation, you can consider several illustrative examples of "It was / is".
- The naturally beautiful curvature of the eyes needed a more expressive framing of the eyelashes.... In addition, in this case, we can say that the eyes are set deeply, and the wide-open "cat's gaze" made this natural feature less noticeable.

- The case when not half measures were needed, but the most daring option. It will suit mostly young girls with clean skin and perfect eyebrows. Otherwise, such eyelashes will only draw attention to external imperfections.

- A good example, because the eyes after such an extension do not need makeup. And if you go, for example, to the sea, such a transformation can be very convenient. But still, in this photo, it is noticeable that the distance between the eyes has visually decreased. Whether it is beautiful or not, you can tell only from the photo of the whole face. But it immediately becomes clear how the “cat's look” changes facial features.

- Obviously "before" there was some discrepancy between eyes and eyelashes. Very modest natural eyelashes were lost, especially in contrast to naturally grown eyebrows. The extension of the "cat's gaze" corrected this discrepancy, "opened" the eye and changed the area of the eyes as a whole. A very good option!

- And one more example of how the "cat look" changes facial features. The eye is "raised", looks less tired, the eyelashes look good with the eyebrows. The eye color is favorably accentuated thanks to the extensions.

A good lashmaster, sound choice and careful care with subsequent correction - this is the recipe for a look that makes a woman more beautiful and happier.
How to choose extensions for different eye shapes, see the video.