Eyelash Extension Effects

The result of eyelash extension is an expressive wide-open look. Different techniques have different effects. The final result is influenced by the size, curvature and color of the cilia. Let's talk about the possible effects of eyelash extension.

Basic Effects Overview
Master lashmakers use a variety of effects when gluing artificial eyelashes to natural ones. Artificial fibers are distinguished by their curvature and thickness. Depending on this, the result may be of different volume. Classic implies the extension of one artificial hair for one natural, double volume - gluing a bundle of two hairs, triple - of three, and so on. The volumes from classic to triple are popular, the rest are used less often.

Depending on the polymer included in the composition, eyelashes are divided into several types.
- Mink - shiny black hairs of medium thickness.
- Sable - thicker and stiffer hairs used in volumetric extensions.
- Silk - the lightest and softest bristles for the most natural result.

Types of bends:
- J - straight hair, rarely used in a separate extension, only in conjunction with other bends;
- B - small bend for natural extension;
- C is a common curl popular for medium curls;
- D is also a popular look, which gives the lashes splendor;
- L - A strong bend with a twisted end, used to create large volumes.

Standard effects are used most often because they are more natural.
There are three types in total.
- Natural effect. The procedure is carried out by gluing cilia of the same length as your own, as well as along the natural growth line. At the same time, short cilia are glued to the edge, and long cilia in the middle. This method maximizes the natural beauty of the eyes. For naturalness, choose brown silk or mink eyelashes. Often, clients or novice masters confuse the concept of natural and classic extensions. The fact is that the first is a way of modeling the look, in which you can use both classics and volumes.

- Puppet effect. This way creates a lush look. Artificial hairs of the same length are glued to natural hairs along the entire row. The master visually divides all the cilia into four parts. First, the center is built up, and then the edges. The puppet effect of eyelash extensions is often used in classic, as well as 2D volume. Suitable for girls with almond shaped eyes, not for ladies with narrow and bulging eyes.

- The effect of painted eyelashes. Unlike the first method, this one uses thick cilia. The technique is similar. When using silk cilia, a light shine appears, giving volume.

These are the most common eyelash extension methods, suitable for almost every girl. For any of them, the master uses a certain technique (European, Japanese, Hollywood, and so on).
What are the outer edge stretch effects?
They are suitable for girls with rounded, slightly protruding and close-set eyes. With their help, you can correct the look. The name speaks for itself.

The second most common way of building after natural. The extended, lush lashes create the appearance of eyeliner and expressive look. With this method, the gaze is visually extended. The fox effect is performed by two methods according to the scheme:
- flowing fox - performing a gradual transition from the shortest cilia of the inner corner of the eye to the longest outer one;
- harsh fox - performing a gradual transition from the shortest cilium in the inner corner of the eye and a sharp transition to the longest cilium in the outer corner.

The cilia are divided into four parts, from half of the third, the size of the eyelashes instantly increases.
The cilia are divided into four parts, from half of the third, the size of the eyelashes instantly increases. The longest cilia, 12-15 millimeters in size, are attached to the outer corner. The emphasis is placed on the outer corners of the eye, visually stretching them. The fox effect is suitable for girls with bulging and rounded eyes, not for the fair sex with far-set eyes. Visible on L and C curved eyelash extensions.

It differs from the previous one due to a smooth increase in the size of the cilia. A number of short cilia are glued to the outer corner. Extension by this method opens the gaze by lifting the corners of the eyes. The inner side of the eyelid is occupied by short cilia, then long and short again. The squirrel effect makes the look mysterious. Suitable for girls with drooping eyelids and drooping corners, not suitable for far apart eyes.

This is a rather difficult technique for lashmakers to perform. It is achieved by pulling the outer corner of the eye and rounding the middle of the eyelid. As in the previous methods, the cilia gradually increase towards the outer corner. Several short cilia are glued along the edges. A combination of bends such as C and B is used to create a round shape. The effect is suitable for girls with wide-set eyes.

Description of effects with build-up of different lengths
These methods involve the use of cilia of different lengths, which add volume and emphasize the look. When using short cilia, a very natural work is obtained. Different extension lengths are suitable for girls with almond-shaped eyes.

Sparse effect
Suitable for those with thick and long eyelashes. Artificial hairs are attached at a certain distance. Craftsmen leave 2-3 hairs untreated. Thus, the result is a combination of long and short hairs and the effect of an open look.

Ray effect
Differs from the previous building technique. The scheme is as follows: gluing an artificial eyelash, the same length as the natural one, on one hair, and gluing a longer hair on the other. Alternates throughout the entire eye. The result is a neat natural look. On rare eyelashes, additional bundles are glued, creating volume. Bending and thickness are individually adjusted.
Sometimes the rays are made in different colors.

Cocktail effect
Another name is eyeliner, as it creates its visibility on the upper eyelid. Short hairs are glued along the lower ciliary row, and long hairs along the upper one. The upper lash line is thickened, creating an eyeliner effect. Basically, this method is combined with fox or natural extension.

Color options
Previously, colored extensions were used for photo shoots, and now many girls wear multi-colored eyelashes in everyday life. Colored hairs are glued either along the entire ciliary row, or in the ombre method. Several extension techniques also differ.

When using the mermaid technique, colored hairs gradually flow from one shade to another. The darkest hairs are glued to the inner corner, lighter in the center, and bright cilia are glued along the outer edge. The shade is chosen based on the wishes of the client. For a rich, bright and attractive result, a combination of shades is used.

A new effect for gluing several colored eyelashes on the outer corner, suitable for everyday wear. If we conditionally divide the eyelashes into 4 parts, then the colored hairs occupy 1/4. The color also depends on the wishes of the client, but mostly rather bright shades are chosen - pink, yellow, blue, purple and so on. The unicorn effect is popular in fox and squirrel extension technology.

Colored tips
The technology involves the extension of black cilia at the base, and bright ones are attached at the ends. The effect looks as attractive as the previous two. Colored tips are combined with natural effects, as well as for girls with an elongated outer corner of the eye.

Another name is mixed. This technique does not provide for everyday wear, since the entire ciliary row is pasted over with multi-colored hairs. The result is a very striking build-up.

Rhinestones and sequins
The extension method is suitable for special occasions. You can use the technology you like by sticking rhinestones or sparkles on top of certain bundles, thanks to which an overflow and glamorous shimmer is created. The effect of stardust is obtained through the use of glitters.
The sequins are safe for your health.

What else are there?
Different types of technologies are used for eyelash extension. Among the popular are the following.
- American. The main substance is rubber. Each eyelash is extended with silicone hairs. Typically used for clients looking for a wet lash effect.
- Japanese provides for building in bunches, that is, an artificial bunch is glued to each natural eyelash.
- Indonesian just like the American one, it involves eyelash extension using natural glue, equipped with useful minerals that promote the growth of cilia.
- Volumetric Is the gluing of several artificial eyelashes to one natural one.

There are several other ways to build up that are less popular.Many of them are similar to the above effects.
The effect involves the use of cilia of different lengths, due to which a torn ciliary row is created. Depending on the wishes of the client, the lashmaker chooses the appropriate spacing between the hairs and their length. The result is a lush volumetric build-up. The effect is suitable for girls with almond shaped eyes.

The butterfly is considered a type of fox extension. It got its name from the end result, where the eyelashes look like the wingspan of a butterfly. The length of the eyelashes changes gradually from the outer corner. In the middle of the ciliary row, the length sharply increases and the longest hairs are attached along the extreme eyelashes. As a result, the gaze looks more open.

When extending in a Hollywood style, the master uses bundles from three eyelashes, which he sticks on one natural, creating a barbie effect. The effect has several subtypes. Classic implies gluing hairs along the entire eyelash row, light - through one natural eyelash and external - extension at the outer corner. The effect is allowed to be worn every day, but it should be borne in mind that due to the heavy load, the beams will fall off.

Involves the creation of an oval. To do this, the master glues long hairs in the center and moves to the outer corner. At the tips, the length of the artificial cilia is minimal.
It is suitable for women with heavy eyelids and reveals the look, as well as for older clients, as it visually hides wrinkles and creates a dramatic look.

This is a glamorous new extension method that is less common than the others. Its essence is as follows: along the outer corner of the eye, the master reaches the longest eyelash and abruptly changes to the small one. This effect is rarely chosen by customers for everyday wear.

Every girl pays great attention to eye makeup. In summer, due to the heat, the skin constantly sweats, which reduces the durability of decorative cosmetics, and the painted eyelashes look stuck together. Therefore, it is better not to use ink, shadows and pencils. Eyelash extensions are a great way to look flawless anytime.
There are many ways to extend eyelashes, and everyone can choose the one that suits them. Girls who love nude makeup need not be afraid of the procedure, as the natural effects only emphasize the natural beauty. The extended eyelashes blend beautifully with the arrows.

Nuances of choice
The correct build-up from an experienced master beautifies the look, and does not make it unnatural. The final result depends on the selected effect. It is selected by the lashmaker depending on the specific shape of the client's eyes and the condition of the natural eyelashes.
For round eyes, it is better to choose a natural or painted cilia effect. Using the fox method, you can visually lengthen the outer corner of the eye, visually removing the rounding. Customers with deep-set eyes need to open their eyes. A puppet effect or pulling a corner perfectly copes with this task.

The stretching will also work for clients with narrow-set eyes. The fox and feline effect is in perfect harmony with the raised corners. To hide the raised corners, lashmakers take on several bends at once, for example, C and B.
For lowered corners, a squirrel effect with a combination of several twisted bends is suitable. Bulging eyes are corrected by the technology of stretching the outer corner. The puppet effect is categorically not suitable for such shapes, as it will make the eyelashes unnatural and increase the bulge of the eyes.

The length of natural eyelashes also matters when choosing an effect. Thick artificial eyelashes should not be glued to weak and thin hairs. Significant stress on weakened lashes will have a negative impact, resulting in shedding.Also, you cannot use volumetric effects on small natural eyelashes.
For various representatives of thick natural eyelashes, artificial hairs of the same length are used.

So, let's summarize how to choose an effect:
- the shape of the eyes is almond - absolutely every method is suitable;
- corners looking down - will correct the situation "squirrel effect";
- bulging eyes - for large eyes, you can use classic or 2D volume with thin hairs, as well as the "fox" effect, which will give the eyes the correct shape;
- narrow-set eyes - the "fox" or "squirrel" effect will make the gaze more open;
- overhanging eyelid - cilia with a large curl and increased length at the end of the ciliary row fit;
- Asian style - a combination of curves for maximum eye opening is suitable.

Before starting the procedure, the lashmaker will assess the proportions of the face and correctly select the desired effect individually for each client. Extended eyelashes change the shape of the eyes, their fit and make the look more expressive. The procedure can correct the flaws in appearance and make it harmonious. It is important to approach the choice of a master with all seriousness, since only a professional can create a result that will be in harmony with facial features. Not always what you see in the picture can be applied to your image.

I really liked the fox and squirrel cilia. I have never increased it, but I want to do it for the New Year. Scary a little, suddenly they hurt the eye.
Alexandra, the eye cannot be hurt, because during the extension of the eyes, it is closed and sealed.