Eyelash Curls for Extension

An expressive eye gaze with beautifully shaped eyelashes is the dream of every modern fashionista. From the material of this article, you will learn what are the curves of eyelashes for extension, what are their features. In addition, we will show you what to consider when choosing your option.

Curling eyelash extensions is a guarantee of an attractive look. Based on their shape, they can radically change the female image.
The effect varies - it can be natural, squirrel, puppet, fox, sparse, glamorous. In this case, the material for building up can have different lengths, density, color.

Eyelashes can visually change the look, correct its imperfections (for example, round, convex, Asian shape of the eyes, drooping eyelid, drooping corners). They are able to visually change the shape of the eyes, creating the illusion of applying mascara. Other varieties are designed to create stage images. Others are for everyday wear.

The curvature of the eyelashes can be different - barely noticeable, moderate, strong and steep, located near the base. It is created during the extension and fixation of eyelashes.
It cannot be fixed after building and shaping. If it is poorly selected, you have to completely remove the eyelashes and redo all the work.

Bend shapes
The ciliary curve is characterized by a wide range. The curl shape of each type resembles the capital letters of the English alphabet, so each of them is named after the appearance of a similar letter. Let's consider several of the most popular varieties in order to understand their differences, the degree of naturalness, and durability.

The bend is considered the most straightened in comparison with other types of eyelash extensions... Craftsmen rarely use it without combining it with other forms. It is relevant for the extension of lower long and sparse eyelashes.

He's called imperceptible, the shape of the hairs is straight, almost even. The bend is only noticeable at the ends of the eyelashes. It suits many, allows you to correct the small size of the eyes, visually ennobles round eyes. Such hairs are used to extend rare male eyebrows that lack volume. They are distinguished by a high level of adhesion to natural hair, and last longer than other varieties.
This option is used for classic building. They resort to it with incomplete build-up. It follows the curve of natural hairs. Raises hairs at the roots, but looks mediocre on small eyelashes.

Bend of this type close to natural. It is considered insignificant, has a slight rounding at the end of the hair. Looks natural, adjusts to the shape of its cilia, emphasizes its eye contour. Lashmakers use it when there is no need to adjust the cut.

It is considered the best solution for those who want to give expressiveness and attractiveness to their eyes without the effect of gravity.... Differs in a high level of adhesion to native eyelashes. If done correctly, the extension lasts at least 3 weeks without shedding.

It differs from the analogue J by a more twisted tip. It is used when you need to create a subtle accent on the eyes. It reveals a feminine look, is distinguished by its technical complexity.
A natural curve with minimal curl and a straight base suits women with almond-shaped eyes and small, close-set eyes.

C-bend is in the greatest demand among clients... It has a more rounded end in contrast to options J and B. The curvature line visually opens the eye, gives it flirtatiousness, lightness and brightness. However, the twisted ends are already noticeable to others.

The design technique is suitable for adding volume to natural hairs and masking wrinkles on the eyelids. With proper adherence to the extension technology, such a bend can ennoble any shape of women's eyes. It is considered universal, it is used in any extension technique with the creation of any effect.

Has adhesion to natural eyelashes up to 50% of the length, it is considered durable. Creates a make-up effect for curled eyelashes. Considered a medium bend, it raises the outer, lowered corners of the eyes. Suitable for those who usually lift their lashes with the mascara brush. Used alone and in combination with other types of bends.

D (CC)
The D bend is considered significant, is no less popular with modern fashionistas, but it already looks unnatural. Counts the best solution for all those who are used to using decorative cosmetics on a daily basis. Saves time on makeup, creates a glamorous effect. It is considered an ideal option for the owners of drooping eyelids, deep-set eyes, eyelashes growing downward.
Unlike other analogs, this bend is strong and eye-opening. It distracts attention from minor flaws and has a shorter service life. Offers adhesion to natural hairs up to 35%. Not suitable for those with bulging eyes.

The D-bend is used for volumetric extensions in 2D and 3D techniques. The tip of such a hair is bent upwards as much as possible; with the classical method of extension, it gives brightness to the look. Natural eyelashes keep the extensible material for about 2 weeks. However, if the shape of your hairs matches the artificial ones, the effect lasts longer.

A significant type of bend differs from other varieties in greater length and bulk. Lashmakers build it up for clients whose eyelashes grow down. This type is considered relatively new.
It differs from analogue D in a more smooth tip rounding.

Promotes an open look, has up to 45% adhesion to natural hair. Gives the image glamor, playfulness, mystery. Suitable for women of fashion who love to be the center of attention. It is a good choice for women with almond-shaped eyes, straight-growing eyelashes, drooping eyelids, deep-set eyes. M-shaped fake eyelashes look longer than natural eyelashes with the same length.

The U-shaped build-up material has the maximum rounding type, resembling a semicircle. It is used for the doll effect (Baby Doll), build up for models, create for photo shoots, stage images. Despite its fragility, such a bend is popular, but not suitable for creating a 2D effect, it requires the right choice of volume.
Its attachment area with natural eyelashes barely reaches 30%. It belongs to especially strong types of bends, and the longer, the less it holds. Gives the look a slight surprise. This is the choice of those who like to put a pronounced emphasis on the eyes.

Not suitable for women over 35, ladies with bulging eyes. Undesirable as a choice of form for those who have raised outer corners of the eyes. It is strictly forbidden to the owners of the Asian eye shape. Creates the effect of artificial false eyelashes, featuring impressive hair length.

This type of bend is distinguished by the repetition of the shape of the natural hair at the base, as well as by the sharp pulling up of the end. It differs by thickening at the base, twisting the end at a right angle. Thanks to the repetition from the base, it has up to 50% adhesion to the native lash. Subject to the rules of building, it lasts for a long time (up to a month).

Looks unusual, makes the eyes wider, masks the low eyelid. Suitable for girls who often wear glasses, fashionistas with Asian eyes. In addition, it helps with deep-set eyes. This bend can be mixed with different fastening methods (for example, fox, squirrel, doll).

It is suitable for full, partial, voluminous, natural extension types. Lasts up to the 1st correction for about 6 weeks. It is considered very strong and is indicated for owners of straight-growing eyelashes. Requires careful combing and shape correction. Creates a stroke effect on the outline of the eyes.

L +
Cilia of this type differ from the previous type in a more even and smooth bend of the end. They mask a heavy overhanging eyelid, make the look more open. Outwardly, they are the golden mean between the bends L, B, CC. The area of contact with natural eyelashes is about 45%. Lasts a long time.

In addition to the basic options, individual manufacturing firms have models with the Z, V, S, N, Y, Q shapes. In fact, these shapes are nothing more than different analogs of a particular type with a slight difference. Among them there are non-standard options.
For example, Q is called L ++, it, like L, visually corrects the shape of the eyes, masks puffy eyelids. However, it lasts only a few days, since it has minimal contact with natural hairs. This is not at all an everyday option, but only part of the image. (for example, for carnival, photo session).

Combination of bend, length and thickness
Going to the extension procedure, it is necessary to take into account: the curvature of the eyelashes is chosen taking into account not only your own preferences and the natural cut of the eyes, but also their length and thickness.

The size of the hairs is different (small, standard, long, ultra-long). The length of the built-up material before bending varies from 8 to 15 mm. The classification also includes options up to 18-25 mm. The hairs 5-9 mm long, intended for the inner corners of the eyes, are very thin and fragile, you need to work with them very carefully.
Parameters 10-14 mm Ocarried to the universal. They have the ideal length / thickness / weight ratio. They are simple and easy to use. Variants with a length of 15-18 mm are used when building outer corners. To achieve the desired transition and effect, the lashmaker uses 3-6 lengths of artificial hairs.
Choosing the thickness, the master selects a material that is close in thickness to the native eyelashes. It can be ultra-thin (0.03-0.07 mm in diameter), thin (0.1-0.12 mm), thick (0.18-0.2 mm), megatick (0.25-0.3 mm). Fine hairs are used in techniques from 2D to 7D. Thick - to create a 2D effect, very thick are mixed with 4D and 5D techniques.
The natural curl should not be too long, and the eyelash extensions should not be thick. For a natural look, bend C or curl B is selected. When additional volume is needed, bend D or L is formed. For special occasions, it is worth choosing the CC or U shape.

How to choose the right one?
The choice of eyelash curl depends on the characteristics of the eyes, the desired effect and volume. In addition, you need to consider the possibility of correction. For example, mature eyes need to be opened to rejuvenate the look. Therefore, the bend should be slightly curled. A straight bend is used to lengthen the cut.

Choosing the perfect bend for yourself, you need to remember: the older the age, the more natural the shape should be. Inappropriate choice will accentuate age-related changes on the face.
- Bend C better than others removes eyes that are close to each other.

- Curl J, on the contrary, it perfectly narrows the distance with a wide fit.

- Suitable for Asian forms as an option L and L +.

- With overhanging centuries, you can pick up L, L +, D (CC).

- You can increase the size of small eyes by combining shapes J and B.

- It is best to disguise the age overhanging eyelid with forms M, C, L.

To determine the best shape, it is important to proceed from your own type of appearance. The L line is ideal for oriental beauties. Girls with a Slavic appearance and residents of Scandinavia should choose options J and C.

When selecting, we must not forget about the appropriate volume: the difference between 2D and 12D is great. It is important to keep in mind that more does not always mean better. The sharper the curl and the longer the hair, the more difficult it is to wear.

How does bending affect the result?
The durability of the glued material depends on the bending of the added hairs. The larger the area of contact with native eyelashes, the better... In addition, bending allows you to correct the direction of growth of your eyelashes, masks individual imperfections, and changes the female look.

However, the bend must be monitored constantly. While wearing augmented material, you will have to forget about sleeping face down. From this, the hairs are not only crumpled, but also deformed. You cannot rub your eyes and use decorative cosmetics. You will also have to forget about this until the master removes the artificial eyelashes.
We'll have to revise the rules of hygiene. To keep the bend for a long time, and the eyelashes do not fall out as long as possible, you will have to exclude the use of cosmetics based on oil and fat.

Beautiful examples
We offer several examples of a successful choice of eyelash curl during extension.
- 3D CC curved eyelashes, 0.07mm thick and 9-14mm long.

- 3D volume, bend D, thickness of the stacked material 0.07 mm.

- An example of the finished result of an L-bend extension.

- D-shaped 4D volume, 14 mm long.

- Fox effect, 2D technique, bend shape D.

For information on how to choose the right curvature for eyelash extensions, see the next video.