Kylie Jenner Eyelash Extension Effect

Eyelash extension is an opportunity to create a bright and attractive look. One of the newest options for this cosmetic procedure is the "Kylie" effect. In Russia, he is not so famous, but there are already fans of this method of eyelash extension.
What it is?
Thanks to eyelash extensions, the fair sex refuse to use mascara and shadows, and their hairs on their eyes look thicker, longer and more beautiful. Eyelash extension with the "Kylie Jenner" effect is a new cosmetic procedure, as a result of which the master creates an uneven eyelash line with single plug-in tufts of hairs. The hairs that are glued in a chaotic manner can be of different sizes. Also, during the procedure, the eyelashes are turned to the center, which contributes to the attractiveness and neglect of the image.

"Kylie" is a complete type of extension, but with the appearance of individual inclusions. In this procedure, it is considered permissible to combine the fox and puppet techniques.
The advantages of this method of eyelash extension include the following points:
- clearly increased density of native hairs;
- long period of use;
- naturalness of the effect;
- safety, hypoallergenicity of the components of the procedure.
Cons and contraindications:
- the possibility of individual intolerance to adhesive compounds that masters use when working;
- high cost of synthetic fibers;
- the procedure can be carried out only in a salon;
- the need to restore the natural cilia after removing the built-up.

Today, you can find several similar types of eyelash extensions, which are hardly distinguishable from the "Kylie" effect. For example, differs from "Kim Kardashian" in some points, despite the external resemblance:
- in the "Kim" effect, long hair is attached in an arbitrary way;
- technique "Kardashian" uses different lengths of eyelashes, namely at least 7 indicators.

Kylie is distinguished from the effect of "Beams" by the materials used, the direction of the long hairs. In addition, “Kylie Jenner” eyelashes are often performed with a 2D effect, and “Rayons” are created slightly noticeable, which makes them very close to natural.
The effect of Jenner's cilia extension is considered to be a method in which, after a specific distance, short artificial hairs are attached long ones, namely several millimeters larger than natural ones.
This versatile technology works well with any type of appearance, but does not correct the shape and fit of the eye.

Who is it suitable for?
With the help of the "Kylie" effect, the image of a girl can become more interesting and expressive. But this procedure is not capable of shaping the shape of the eye, as well as correcting its appearance.
Most of all "Kylie Jenner" eyelashes are suitable in such cases:
- when a woman has an average eye size, in this case the hairs will help open her gaze and make it open;
- when the eyes are almond-shaped, as a result of the procedure, the natural beauty of the organs of vision will be emphasized;
- if the girl has big eyes;
- if the eyes are of the Asian (narrow) type, during the extension they will expand, but will not change shape;
- when the eyes have a drooping eyelid.
Hair extensions with the "Kylie" effect can be suitable for almost any woman. Of course, you should not expect a radical change in the shape of the eyes, but the face will have an unusual look.

Materials (edit)
During the extension procedure, the master can use certain tools.
- Hydrolic patches - This is a special type of overlays that helps to protect the bottom row of hairs from glue getting on them.
- Degreaser. The substance is designed to remove grease from the cilia, as well as to clean the hairs from dust and dirt particles.
- Primer. It is necessary for drying the cilia and opening the hair scales. The use of a primer facilitates instant bonding of the formulations.
- Microbrushes. Hypoallergenic applicators are used to accurately apply glue and other materials.
- Tweezers. Several tweezers are usually used to extend the eyelashes. Straight and oblique attachments are used for both artificial and natural hairs.
- Set of cilia. He is chosen by the master, guided by the structure, as well as the density of the client's natural eyelashes.
- Ciliary tablet. The device looks like a special support in which eyelashes are stored.
- Adhesive composition. The master selects the substance depending on the color of natural hairs. Transparent is used for fixing colored eyelashes. Black glue can add volume to dark eye attributes. The white matter turns transparent after it dries. According to experts, the use of silicone-based glue is a guarantee of instant adhesion of materials. The resin makes it possible to reposition the artificial hair multiple times.
- Glue palette.
- Remuiver. This gel is able to quickly and without pain eliminate a hair that has been incorrectly extended.
- Sealing Gel, which is able to fix hair extensions, as well as nourish and moisturize the client's native eyelashes. This type of gel assists the cilia in holding the additional load.

When choosing the volume and size of artificial hairs, the master must take into account the individual characteristics of the client. If the eyelashes are thick, then you can use a dense material. In the case of fine hairs, a thin material is built up. In addition, artificial eye attributes are divided into the following types:
- short - with a length of 4 to 11 millimeters;
- long - from 14 to 20 millimeters.

Given the volume and curvature of the cilia, they can be divided into several types. In accordance with the wishes of the client and taking into account facial features, the master will be able to choose the most successful option.
2D volume eyelash extensions are considered the easiest option to add volume to the eyes. Wherein the woman looks gorgeous and natural at the same time. The double volume is often preferred by those of the fair sex who do not want to waste their time on morning makeup and evening removal.
Having completed such an extension, a girl can forget about the daily use of mascara for several weeks.
After the 2D volume of Kylie Jenner eyelash extensions, a woman can expect the following:
- expressiveness and seductiveness of the look;
- naturalness and naturalness of the image;
- density, additional volume.

Eyelash extenders use the 3D method to create fluffy, dense lash lines with a graceful curve. Hollywood volume often pleases its owners if, when performing it, the master took into account the shape of the eyeball, as well as individual facial features. This technology contributes to the fact that the representative of the fairer sex can trace the expressiveness of the look, but at the same time she does not apply makeup on a daily basis.
Eyelashes in 3D volume look natural and beautiful, while their density increases.

How to do it?
According to experts, the creation of the "Kylie" effect is possible when applying hairs to other effects. For example, beams - "Rays" are easily obtained on the effect of "Squirrel", "Fox", "Doll". The scheme for creating a bewitching look is based on the classic extension by increasing the length of the cilia from the inner corner to the outer corner. In this case, disseminations with closed beams are formed at a distance of 4–9 millimeters.
During the extension procedure, the master makes beams that are a couple of millimeters larger than the main ones. The length of the main one should be selected, taking into account the natural state of the hair.

In the course of eyelash extension in the style of "Kylie Jenner", the master performs a certain sequence of actions.
- Removes makeup from eyelids.
- On the lower row, it fixes patches that should hide all the cilia of the lower eyelid. If this is not done correctly, the glue that gets on the hairs can simply glue them together.
- Lashes and eyelids are treated with a degreaser using a microbrush.
- After a minute, she applies a primer, thanks to which a good adhesion of natural ciliary scales and artificial fibers is ensured.
- After a few minutes, apply a couple of drops of glue to the palette.
- Extends rods on the cilia. The procedure is performed using oblique tweezers. The row is pushed apart with a tool and a natural hair is isolated from it.
- With the help of straight tweezers, he grabs the artificial core, dipping its lower edge into the adhesive composition. After that, the latter is attached to the bristle that was selected earlier. The fixation of the artificial hair should be carried out with an indent of 1–1.25 millimeters from the base of the natural bristle.
- After the entire ciliary row has been filled, the bristles are combed.
- If bald spots or places of loss of the built-up material are detected, the gluing of the hairs should be repeated.
- At the end of the work, the wizard removes patches and tape.

The classic extension procedure, during which 1 Kylie-style artificial rod is attached to the 1st eyelash, can take from one and a half to two hours. The work on creating a 2D Kylie Style can take approximately 100–150 minutes. The speed of the extension is influenced by the experience of the master, as well as the condition of natural eyelashes.
According to reviews, new craftsmen work longer than professionals.

How to care?
In order to preserve the effect of the eyelash extension beauty procedure for a long time, experts recommend not to ignore these tips:
- do not go to the sauna;
- do not use fatty creams and cosmetics based on alcohol;
- use mascara as little as possible;
- protect your eyes from a sharp drop in temperature;
- dry the cilia by blotting them with a paper towel.

There are also recommendations with the help of which wearing hair extensions will not bring discomfort to your mistress:
- do not rub the organs of vision after washing your face or while removing makeup;
- do not apply mascara to the hairs for 24 hours before the beauty procedure;
- it is necessary to decide on the material for the work in advance, namely, for strong hairs, use synthetic materials, and for thin ones - silicone or polyester;
- regularly apply masks to the hairs that help to strengthen them;
- carry out the correction once a month, while the break between extensions should be at least 2 months;
- do not engage in self-removal of cilia, since this responsible procedure should be carried out exclusively by a specialist;
- do not build up if an eye operation was performed within a year;
- do not expose new hairs to the influence of water for the first 4 hours.

The duration of wearing eyelash extensions with the "Kylie Jenner" effect is influenced by the genetic characteristics of the human body, as well as subsequent care. At least gorgeous eyelashes will delight the fair sex for two weeks, but usually it lasts about a month. Many girls fell in love with Kylie Style for its originality, as well as the lack of congestion and special naturalness.
This beauty procedure should be carried out by an experienced specialist who can carry out the work in a few hours. For the duration of the effect, it is worth adhering to the recommendations that were described above.

About eyelash extensions with this effect, see below.