How to prepare for eyelash extension?

Eyelash extension is one of the most popular beauty procedures today. But the client is not always happy with the result: it happens that the eyelashes fall out faster than expected. Perhaps the point is inadequate preparation for the procedure. Not everyone, it turns out, knows that it is better to prepare for eyelash extension in advance.

Do you need preparation for the procedure?
It is ideal if a woman speaks with her master before going to the salon and receives individual recommendations. How to prepare for the procedure, what can be done and what should be strictly avoided, what result to expect - there are preliminary consultations to clarify these issues. They will dispel the last doubts before eyelash extension. In some cases, someone decides to postpone the procedure or refuse it altogether.

The main point of preparation is to make sure that there are no contraindications to the eyelash change session. Alas, clients sometimes bypass this point, and insufficiently competent (or simply unscrupulous masters) do not attach due importance to it.
When eyelash extension is dangerous:
- with diagnosed inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
- if the client currently has conjunctivitis;
- if an allergic reaction to such an intervention is noted;
- after recently undergone blepharoplasty (surgery to change the shape of the eyelids, eye incision);
- if the doctor has forbidden it for an individual reason.

And these are only the main contraindications, but there are other situations that make their own adjustments. For example, weak, sparse, damaged cilia. They will not be ready to take on the extra burden. As a result, the client runs the risk of losing even what she has. But the situation is fixable in most cases: a specialist will prescribe a therapeutic course, and after treatment, the build-up can be considered without these risks.
Besides, it is better to plan the build-up for a period when the client can do without face make-up, water procedures and other transformations of appearance for several days. Before the weekend or vacation, it will be better to start building up, since the woman will even have spare days to recover.

The question often arises whether it is possible to do extensions if the client has a slight cold. Many masters do not cancel the procedure with mild symptoms of a cold. They themselves work in masks, so they are not afraid to get infected.
But this practice is far from correct, since resin vapors when building up can irritate the already inflamed mucous membrane of the client's nose. Eyes that are watery during a cold will reduce the adhesion of the artificial ciliary fibers. Sitting motionless for a person with a stuffy nose for several hours is still torment.
All this suggests that a healthy person should come to the extension procedure. And the mask is not a very reliable protection for the master.

General rules
If the idea of extension remains relevant, it is worth postponing the procedure 2-4 weeks in advance, but for now, start strengthening your own eyelashes. This is the most reasonable measure that will improve the quality of the extension, and also will not leave the client without eyelashes after the artificial fibers begin to fall out.

Consider the measures taken to treat and strengthen the eyelashes.
- Correct care. For many, it will be interesting to know how to properly care for the skin of the eyes and eyelashes. Make-up removers must be of high quality and soft, with mandatory certification. Aggressive washing should be a thing of the past - gently wipe the eyelids with a cotton pad dipped in makeup remover or micellar water, and then in warm water.
Better yet, apply a cotton pad moistened with a product to a closed eye, but do not rub it, but wait until the product corrodes and absorbs the remnants of the makeup.

- After washing. When the makeup is removed, it is worthwhile to linger in front of the mirror for a while. Apply an emollient, regenerating or moisturizing cream to the skin. This will provide additional protection.

- Rehabilitation therapy. As a rule, it is based on the use of special vegetable oils. Active medicinal substances in this case will be: castor, peach, burdock, olive and almond oils. They will help cell regeneration, improve the condition of the skin and the condition of the eyelashes.
In addition, these funds are excellent natural antiseptics, therefore they resist infection of the damaged skin of the eyelids, do not allow the inflammatory process to be activated.

- General body support. Don't underestimate the importance of this point. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, visit the fresh air more often, eat correctly and in moderation, adhere to a sleep and rest regimen, then all cosmetic efforts will be much more effective.

Attention! The use of fatty products, cosmetic oils should be stopped a few days before building up. Otherwise it will interfere with the good adhesion of the adhesive to the skin.
As for dyeing or curling eyelashes with special tongs, then nothing of this can be done before the procedure. But if by nature the eyelashes are light, and it is planned to build up dark ones, then a couple of days (no later) before the eyelashes are extended, they can be painted with a soft dye.

Heading to the lashmaker's office, you need to take off all your makeup, get contact lenses out of your eyes, put your hair into your hair so that it does not interfere with your work. Don't wear harsh perfume on yourself - think of a master. You need to dress so that during the procedure, which lasts several hours, nothing causes discomfort. You should not go for a build-up if you have a headache or a stomach ache.It is not necessary to prescribe the procedure during the allergy season if there is a susceptibility to them.
All this you need to know before you have to sit in the master's chair. Good preparation increases the chances of perfect build-up.

What cannot be done?
There are recommendations that should be spelled out in the master's memo (or, more importantly, in his account, if clients learn about him from social networks). They will allow the client to prepare more consciously for the procedure, and the master - to demonstrate his highly professional approach.

Several actions are considered unacceptable for the build-up procedure.
- Drink alcohol the day before and on the day of the build-up. At the very least, this is disrespect for the master. In addition, the client's body will fight alcoholic toxins, launching the cleansing processes at an accelerated pace. And this is not the best thing that happens to the body, which should be virtually invulnerable in the first days after building up. And it is also more difficult for a person after libations to control himself, to observe important beauty prescriptions.
- Appoint a procedure for the period of hormonal disruptions. Even menstruation, pregnancy and lactation are not considered the best phenomena for building. The risks of rapid loss of effect are high. Although many women neglect this, practice shows that it is better to refuse to build up at such a time.
- Taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs is another unfavorable background situation for building up. Eyelashes may not adhere well.
- Coming to the procedure literally a couple of days after the transferred eyelid tattoo. Permanent make-up goes well with build-up, but the skin after tattooing should heal and recover. It's good if it takes a couple of weeks.

Here are collected simple tips and rules that will help women to prepare qualitatively for the extension procedure.
- The main risk of this event is a possible allergic reaction to the glue. Allergy sufferers may experience swelling of the outer and inner surfaces of the eyelids. Irritation will be painful for a woman, she will irresistibly want to scratch the skin of her eyelids, which will lead to breaking off the hairs.
- Don't kid yourself that artificial hairs are no different from natural hairs. Even visually, this is not the case. Also, artificial fibers pick up dirt and bacteria faster, which increases the risk of developing conjunctivitis.
- It is not necessary to expect that the effect of the procedure will be long lasting. Natural eyelashes, which hold artificial hairs, have their own cycle. They grow and fall out as before. And since the artificial eyelash is kept on the natural one, they will fall out together. A person loses 4-5 eyelashes per day. It turns out that the time for wearing an artificial ciliary row is 2-4 weeks.
- There is a misconception that you can remove artificial fibers yourself. This is not the case, because they are adhered to with a special cosmetic glue. You can literally pull them out by the roots. You will definitely have to go to a specialist who will dissolve the glue and remove the artificial row.
- Before building up, you need to tune in to the fact that the mascara will have to be put in a distant box. They paint only with ink, which does not contain oil and fats. Daily application of regular mascara to artificial eyelashes will dissolve the adhesive faster.

All this information suggests that building is a procedure that requires serious preparation. It is also important to know what will happen with your hairs, with makeup, how you can get rid of artificial transformation in the event that something goes wrong.
If it is difficult for a woman to hold out without daily makeup, and skin care involves the regular application of oily formulations, then you will either have to abandon these beauty habits or change your mind about extending eyelashes.

For tips on preparing for eyelash extensions, see the following video.