How to remove extended eyelashes at home without harm?

Eyelash extension is a procedure chosen by many girls who do not want to spend their time on makeup, but who want to look beautiful 24 hours a day. Extended eyelashes look aesthetically pleasing, give the look a special depth and expressiveness, and last long enough - 3-4 weeks.
However, in order to maintain the health of your own natural eyelashes, artificial ones need to be removed from time to time, giving the eyes a break from them. Moreover, it is not necessary to visit a master - you can remove extended eyelashes yourself at home.

Precautionary measures
In order to carry out the procedure without harming your eyelashes, precautions must be taken.
- Wash yourself thoroughly, wash your hands and face, remove the remains of make-up so that they do not get under the eyelids.
- If you have purchased a professional eyelash remover, pre-test it on the elbow or behind the earlobe to make sure there is no allergic reaction.
- In case of contact with eyes rinse them immediately with running water.
- If the first time you were unable to remove the eyelashes, do not try to pluck them with tweezers - this is fraught with damage to natural eyelashes, as well as eyelids. The best solution in this case would be to reapply the preparation and extend the waiting time for the adhesive to dissolve, after which the artificial hairs will easily come off with a soft brush.
- To avoid injury do not try to remove eyelashes using a toothpick, pin, or needle.
- Don't rub your eyelids - this can injure them and cause blepharitis.It can also negatively affect the hair follicles, causing the growth of natural eyelashes to stall.
- If you use the drug "Albucid" to remove extended eyelashes, in any case, do not do this during pregnancy and lactation.
- Toilet soap, hot water and various tonics will not help you get rid of false eyelashes, however you can easily provoke eyelid disease.
- During the "critical days" and also 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after them, the removal procedure should not be carried out, it can provoke an allergic reaction due to the unstable hormonal background of the woman during this period.
- If at the moment you have inflammation on the eyelids, it is forbidden to remove eyelashes.
After removing the artificial hairs, work on strengthening the natural cilia in order to "spur" their growth and nourish the roots.

How to remove eyelashes?
You can gently remove extended eyelashes and do it safely for the eyes using certain means.
Debonder is a professional product for removing artificial eyelid hairs. It is used by lashmakers in beauty salons. However, it can also be used at home, only you need to purchase it in a specialized store. The algorithm for using the tool is as follows.
- Protect your lower eyelid by placing a cotton ball on it.
- Apply the product to the lashes, doing it gently and evenly. Debonder should saturate the fiber well.
- Wait a few minutes (about 5-7). After that, you can start removing using a clean brush from the old mascara.
- When you are sure that the fake eyelashes have come off, wipe the eyelid with a special lotion or plain water. This must be done in order to remove the remnants of the drug and avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes.
- If a burning sensation occurs in the orbital zone, moisten the sponges with water and apply them to the eyelids. Stay in this position for a few minutes.
- Lubricate natural eyelashes with burdock or castor oil.

Another specialized tool designed to remove adhesive from the eyelids, simultaneously removing artificial eyelashes. May have a gel or cream texture.
Here's how to use it.
- Protecting the lower eyelid from the effects of the drug using a cotton pad or a special pad (patch), which can be purchased together with a remover in a professional cosmetics store.
- Apply the product in place of gluing the artificial material with natural hairs. If it is a gel, then use a brush: squeeze a small amount of remover (the size of a pea) onto it and coat the eyelash roots, wait 3-5 minutes. The product with a creamy texture can be squeezed directly onto the bonding area and gently spread without the use of a brush. We keep such a remover on the eyelashes a little longer - up to 6 minutes.
- Let's start removing the material... To make it easier for you, it is recommended that you use two tweezers. Do not squeeze the eyelash too hard - you need to carefully pull it off, holding it by the base. Those hairs that cannot be removed are recommended to be re-treated with a remover.
- If it turned out that the master applied a lot of glue on the eyelids when building, the withdrawal procedure will take place in several stages: you apply the product, after the allotted time, remove part of the cilia, then again process the gluing site with a remover, wait 5 minutes and remove the remaining hairs.
- After the artificial material is removed, wipe the eyelid and lashes with a damp cotton swab. Finally, remove the patch from the lower eyelid.
- Open your eye, make sure any remnants of the remover are removed.
Wash with baby soap or micellar foam.

You can remove eyelash extensions using regular oils. Castor, burdock, sunflower, olive and coconut are best suited for these purposes.
- Castor oil enjoys well-deserved popularity in the care of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. It will be a little difficult to remove artificial eyelashes with it, since its exposure time is considerable. But you can carry out the procedure by leaving the oil overnight: the effect will be good, and natural eyelashes will receive an additional charge of nutrients.
- Burdock oil action similar to the previous one, and it also has a positive effect on natural hairs.
- Sunflower oil perfectly dissolves glue and with its help you can very quickly get rid of artificial eyelashes.
- Olive oil not only will help you to remove the built-up material, but also take care of the skin of the face without causing the slightest irritation.
- Coconut oil Gently removes the sticky substance, nourishes the skin around the eyes and makes natural eyelashes splendid.

The algorithm for removing artificial hairs from the eyelids using any oil is as follows.
- We make a steam bath for the face (with or without herbs). The main thing here is the temperature effect.
- Cut the cotton sponge in half and cut a recess in each part so that the cotton fits snugly to the eyelid.
- Heat the selected oil a little, carefully saturate these sponges with it and put them under the lower eyelashes. The upper ones are abundantly lubricated with oil using a cotton swab.
- We wait at least 30 minutes... However, if you are using castor oil or burdock oil, you can leave it on overnight, just sleeping on your back.
- After the waiting time is over, your task - gently twisting the artificial eyelashes at the base, remove them.
- Residual oil can be removed with a paper toweland then wash your face using your daily routine.

Fat cream
A very easy way to get rid of eyelash extensions at home. All you need is a greasy cream and a cotton sponge.
- First, make sure that you are not allergic to the chosen product by applying it to the bend of the elbow or behind the ear.
- Soak a cotton pad in the cream and, acting very delicately and carefully, treat the gluing area with it.
- Wait 5 minutes. This time should be enough to destroy the structure of the adhesive. Remove the eyelashes gently.

Above, we mentioned using a steam bath to ease the removal of eyelash extensions. So, with its help it will be possible to remove them without the slightest harm to both the eyes and natural hairs.
- Wash yourself thoroughly by removing makeup from your face.
- Prepare a steam bath in advance. To do this, heat the water, bringing its temperature to 80 ° C, then pour the liquid into a deep bowl.
- Bend your face over the container, cover your head with a thick terry towel. The steam should envelop your face, but not burn, so do not bend over the water too low.
- The procedure takes 15 minutes.
- Next, apply a few drops of oil to the sponge (any that we talked about earlier) and treat the cilia with it. Artificial hairs will come off easily.
- Wash your face, rinse off the remaining oil. Pat dry your skin with a towel.
- Apply any nourishing agent to your eyelashes.

Eye drops "Albucid" (sodium sulfacyl) are used not only to treat eye inflammations, but also as a remover that dissolves the sticky substance with which eyelashes are attached to the eyelids. Drops are used as follows.
- Take a cotton swab, moisten it well in "Albucide" and process the gluing area.
- Repeat this procedure three times, keeping an interval of several minutes. In total, it will take you about half an hour. Do not try to remove the eyelashes before this time has elapsed.
- The drug can cause burning eyes, which is why its use is recommended only as a last resort.

Process features
A professional lashmaker is familiar with the nuances of the process of removing extended eyelashes and does it without harming your natural ones. How to do it right at home?
- Never use force to pull out artificial hairs. This will hurt yourself and damage the hair follicles.
- Use only a brush (from old mascara or special, silicone), eyebrow tweezers, cotton pads and sticks.
- After removing the material, let the natural eyelashes "rest". Do not build up new ones for at least one and a half to two months.
- Dedicate time to "rest" nutrition and hair repair... Treat them with oils, comb. So the cilia can become strong, shiny and thick again.
- If you use professional products for removal (remover, debonder), apply them only to your closed eye.... If you suddenly feel discomfort, immediately rinse it with running water.
- Always test for an allergic reaction, especially if you have purchased a new, previously unused drug.
Do not try to dissolve the gum with hot water. You will not succeed, but you can easily burn the mucous membranes of your eyes.

Expert advice
Before extending eyelashes, you need to make sure that the chosen master only uses high-quality certified materials, that his workplace is always clean and tidy, and he is familiar with sanitary standards firsthand. Further, if suddenly in the process of building up you feel discomfort (burning sensation, swollen eyelids, difficulty breathing, etc.), do not hesitate to interrupt the procedure by telling the master about your feelings. It may very well be allergic reaction, the consequences of which are sometimes very sad.
But now you have finally become the owner of thick eyelashes. Remember that you can wear them for several months in a row (of course, making a correction every 3-4 weeks), and after that it is imperative to give the cilia a rest, ridding them of artificial material.

In order to restore the healthy and attractive appearance of your natural eyelashes after removing the extensions, experts advise to carry out the following care procedures.
- Buy a special serum to restore the structure of eyelashes, strengthen the roots, and accelerate growth. There are products on sale that include usma juice - a very useful plant that is popular in the countries of the East. Usma makes eyelashes thick and dark, promotes the awakening of "dormant" hair follicles.
- If you do not have the desire to spend money on such a serum, make nourishing masks for the eyelashes using castor, burdock, peach, olive, linseed oil, and grape seed oil. Apply them gently, spreading along the entire length with a cotton swab. Make sure that the oil does not get into your eyes - it does not wash off with water.
- The same effect can be obtained using nettle tea.... It is prepared like this: pour a tablespoon of the herb with boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool and lubricate the cilia by moistening a cotton swab in the broth.
- Taking vitamins A and group B will contribute to the activation of eyelash growth.
- Eating natural foods - sour cream, eggs, tomatoes, carrots, various oils - an excellent help in nourishing and strengthening eyelashes.

For information on how to remove eyelash extensions at home, see the next video.