How to properly care for eyelash extensions?

Modern representatives of the fair sex, in their pursuit of beauty, are ready to undergo any cosmetic procedures. And the most popular one today is eyelash extensions. In order for an expressive look to decorate a woman's image for as long as possible, ladies need to properly care for artificial hairs, otherwise in a week all the beauty will fall off, then you will have to do the procedure again.

The main rules of care
Modern beauty salons are divided not only by their status, but also in relation to their visitors. In expensive studios, after each individual procedure, clients are provided with a special memo, which describes exactly how to take care of the acquired beauty. First of all, this applies to eyelash extensions. In more budgetary salons, the master himself will tell you about this. And here the client needs to either write down or memorize all the instructions. Initially, the wizard tells you step by step what cannot be done after the extension procedure.
- On the first day, contact with water should be avoided. The glue is not yet dry, therefore, artificial hairs may come off.
- Do not use a cream with a greasy texture. The same goes for oil-based cosmetics.
- For combing eyelashes it is important to use a special brush.
- When creating makeup, use water-based mascara. However, you can use it two days after the extension procedure.
- It is strictly forbidden to remove eyelash extensions on your own.

In addition, the master must inform his client of the instructions for the care of the eyelashes in the first 24 hours after the procedure.
- At the end of the master's work, you need to comb the cilia... Thus, the owner of an expressive look will be able to check the quality of the work. First of all, you need to pay attention to the presence of glues and lumps. If there are any, then the master is not a professional.
- The first few hours after the build-up, slight redness may appear on the eyes. Don't be intimidated. The change in the color of the eyeball occurs due to the evaporation of the adhesive composition. Do not use any soothing eye drops. It is best to use a regular eye fan.
- It is important to ensure that no water gets into your eyes.... It's not just about washing your face, but also about rainy weather. After the extension procedure, you can wash your face only a day later. But going to the sauna or pool should be postponed for three days.

Particular attention should be paid to extended eyelashes in the winter.
Cold has a negative effect on the structure of natural eyelashes, whether it is worth talking about artificial hairs. Before building up in winter, special preparation of the eyes and eyelashes should be done.
- To keep artificial hairs from falling out in winter, it is necessary to drink a complex of vitamins A and E before the cold weather. Thus, it will be possible to strengthen the native eyelashes, which will support the extended hairs.
- Besides, to strengthen natural eyelashes, it is important to use burdock oil... However, this method must be used a month before the extension procedure.
- It will help to preserve artificial eyelashes special glue.
- It is not recommended to use a greasy cream for subsequent care after the extension procedure. Mineral powder should be chosen as protection against chapping.

On the one hand, it may seem that taking care of eyelash extensions is a very difficult daily process. But in reality, everything is very simple. Even before the start of the procedure itself, each client can familiarize himself with a special memo that hangs in the treatment room of the lashmaker. Following all her recommendations, it will turn out to wear the beauty created by the master for a long time.
- It is important to use water-based cosmetics when washing your face.
- It is strictly forbidden to wash your face with cold or hot water. Its temperature should be room temperature.
- Do not rub your eyelashes.
- A terry towel must be used after each wash. Moreover, you should wipe your face with patting movements, and not with strong friction. In this case, you should not touch the eyes.
- For daily skin care, use creams that do not contain oils.
- To prevent extended eyelashes from getting tangled and sticking together, they must be combed with a special brush several times a week.
- To avoid fragility of artificial hairs, it is necessary to use special care products.
- Sleep should be on your side or back.
- After the eyelash extension procedure, the fair sex should smile and be happy.
After all, negative emotions in women very often cause tears, and their composition is destructive for glue.

For any person, every morning begins with a standard washing procedure. But for the fair sex, who made themselves an expressive look by means of eyelash extensions, you will have to remember a few rules, without which artificial hairs will fall off.
- To cleanse your face, you must choose a mild product... It must be free from oils and alcohol. It is best to opt for a foam or mild soap. You can also use shampoo for babies. However, you need to be careful with it, as the shampoo can dry the hairs. Foam for washing should be diluted with water at room temperature.Cosmetologists and lashmakers advise buying products suitable for eyelash extensions. You can only buy them in specialized stores, or in the salon where the extension procedure was done.
- It is necessary to wash very carefully.... The cilia should be moistened with water at room temperature, apply the cleanser to the fingertips, then rinse the hairs with swiping movements. In no case should you rub your eyes.
- Do not wash off eye makeup with cleansing wipes or cotton pads. Cleansing wipes damage the structure of fake eyelashes, cling to them and pulling them out. Cotton pads delaminate, their fibers get stuck between the hairs.

Caring for extended eyelashes also includes the correct brushing procedure.
- Wait for the hairs to dry naturally before combing. If you cannot wait long, you are allowed to use toilet paper. Wrap a small piece around your finger, and then use patting movements to get rid of unnecessary moisture. However, it is best to put this very piece of paper under the eyelashes. Thus, it will turn out to protect the hairs from accidental damage.
- You can dry the eyelashes with a hair dryer at the lowest temperature... Eyes should be blown for no more than 10 seconds. The hair dryer should be at arm's length. Thus, it will be possible to dry the cilia and avoid damage to the adhesive composition.
- After drying the eyelashes, you can start brushing. To do this, you need to close 1 eye, take a mascara brush and gently run it along the cilia.
The same tool will help to fluff the hairs.

Every woman knows that eyelash extensions are long and curved, which does not require additional curling. If irregularities appeared on the artificial bundles, the hairs began to stick out in different directions, bends or creases appeared, it means that the woman is not sleeping correctly. Of course, during sleep, a person cannot control himself, however, the fair sex are ready to argue with this. If necessary, they can even sleep while standing. However, it is not recommended to make such sacrifices for the beauty and integrity of eyelash extensions. It is enough to adhere to a few separate rules.
- In no case should you sleep on your stomach. In this position, the face is on the pillow. Accordingly, eyelashes fall into the risk zone for creases.
- As you know, lunchtime sleep is not strong, which is why a person can control his posture. This period allows women to nap on their side. The main thing is that the eyelashes in the corners of the eyes do not come into contact with the pillow.
- Pillowcases should be made of sliding material. Thus, if accidentally touched, the hairs will not cling to the fabric. Cosmetologists, in turn, advise using natural silk pillowcases. Firstly, they protect the extended eyelashes from deformation. Secondly, silk cares for the hair, preventing tangling and split ends. Thirdly, the silk material maintains the beauty of the facial skin.
- Before you go to bed it is necessary to remove shadows, eyeliner and other cosmetics from the eyes.

In the bath and sauna
Professional lashmakers advise their clients not to visit baths and saunas within 3 days after the eyelash extension procedure. And even before heading to such a hot establishment, you need to follow some rules to preserve the beauty of your eyes.
- Before going to the bath or sauna, you should not wear eye makeup.
- The maximum temperature in the steam room should be 70 degrees.
- Lovers of going to the bathhouse and sauna should abandon the beam extension procedure or do too long hair.Unfortunately, high temperatures negatively affect these types of cilia.
- Coming out of the steam room, the woman must carefully remove the moisture formed on the eyelashes with a dry towel.
Owners of eyelash extensions should not visit such establishments more than 1 time per month.

On the sea
Most often, the fair sex creates an expressive look for themselves on the eve of a festive event or a trip to warm countries. If in the first case, caring for artificial hair is simple, then for trips to the sea, you must adhere to certain recommendations. Ladies need to remember that sea water and a high temperature index of the climate negatively affect the adhesive composition of the eyelashes. For this reason It is strictly forbidden to dive under water without a special mask, as well as to be in direct sunlight for a very long time. In addition, for a sea trip, it is not recommended to make too voluminous and long eyelashes.

Common mistakes
Professional lashmakers are obliged to tell their clients what can be done with eyelash extensions, and what actions are strictly prohibited to be applied to artificial hairs. However, many girls, despite the warnings of the master, step on the same rake. Of course, it is not that difficult to care for artificial eyelashes. It is much more difficult to change your habits. For example, stop rubbing your eyes, touching your eyelids, or putting your hands to your eyes. Besides, it is necessary to reduce to the very minimum any physical influences around the eyes.

If you experience severe itching, it is best to go to the mirror and lightly scratch the area with a clean finger. At the same time, try not to touch the eyelid area and the cilia themselves. Further, it is proposed to look at a small list of the most common errors, which later have to be corrected by the master at the expense of the client.
- Constant washing... According to the rules for the care of extended eyelashes, the eyes should not be moistened with water at all for the first 24 hours. And you need to wash your face with a cotton pad dipped in water at room temperature. When doing this, avoid the eye area.
- Frequent visits to saunas, pools and beaches. It's no secret that women make themselves an expressive look before a significant event or on the eve of a trip to warm countries. However, climate change, temperature changes, exposure to chlorinated or salt water negatively affect the lifespan of the hair extensions. Initially, the cilia lose their attractiveness, and then they begin to fall off.
- Self-removal of eyelash extensions... Of course, this procedure can be carried out at home, however, you need to know the correct sequence of actions. Unfortunately, ladies most often simply rip off artificial bunches, thereby destroying the structure of natural eyelashes.
- Tears... After the extension procedure, and even with subsequent care, the fair sex is contraindicated to cry. The lacrimal fluid contains a large amount of salt, which is destructive to the adhesive. For this reason, after eyelash extension, it is necessary to look at the world around you only from a positive point of view.
- Contact lenses... This feature is not a contraindication for the procedure. Before starting to build up, the lenses must be removed so that they do not get particles of the adhesive composition.
Wearing lenses should be extremely careful, trying not to touch the cilia.

Makeup Tips
It is not so difficult to create beautiful makeup over extended eyelashes. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations of the lashmaker, thanks to which it will be possible to preserve the beauty and grace of the look without spoiling the structure of artificial hairs.
- Before applying makeup, you must wash your face. Then wait for the cilia to dry completely naturally. Then they need to be combed.
- Next, a concealer or foundation is applied.... Then shadows are applied with a special brush.
- Liquid eyeliner can be applied over the eyeshadow. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to stretch the skin of the eyes. When applying, you should be extremely careful not to get on the base of the hairs.
- If you need mascara to create makeup, you should choose the one in which there are no fats. It should be applied only in 1 layer.
- After the mascara dries, the eyelashes must be combed, then proceed to tidying up the eyebrows.
- Upon returning home, you must remove eye makeup. For this, you can use micellar water. With its help, make-up is quite easily removed, and the composition of micellar water does not harm the extended hairs in any way.

Overview of cosmetics
In modern cosmetology, the ideal care product for extended eyelashes has not yet been found. However, lashmakers still do not understand for what purpose they should be developed at all. If dust particles get on the elongated eyelashes, plain water at room temperature will help remove them. For the care of the face and skin in the eye area, a cosmetic composition based on water is suitable. The main thing is that it contains a low level of fat. And the best thing is that there are no fats in the cream at all.

Leshmakers advise their clients to use special milk, tonic, emulsion. It is strictly forbidden to use cosmetic oils. If even a drop of oil gets on the hair attachment line, the adhesive will break down and the eyelashes will fall off. After the eyelash extension procedure, the master carefully examines the skin structure of his clients. He gets acquainted with the peculiarities of the structure of natural eyelashes, and then gives advice on choosing the right care cosmetics.
- Women with oily skin regular use of degreasing cosmetics is necessary.
- Yes mom with dry skin you should use a cream with a greasy base.
But they should be applied at a great distance from the eye area.

How to increase the wear period of eyelashes?
After the eyelash extension procedure, every woman asks herself the question - how to preserve the acquired beauty for a long time? Lashmakers provide some useful advice on this matter.
- It is necessary to regularly clean the hair extensions. To do this, it is enough to take a small amount of water at room temperature, lightly rinse the eyelashes, and comb after drying.
- It is necessary to ensure that not a drop of oil gets on the extended eyelashes. Thus, it will be possible to preserve the adhesive composition for a long time. It is also not recommended that shampoos, hair conditioners and other products containing glycerin fall on the eyelash fixation line. When taking a shower, you need to tilt your head back. Thus, it will be possible to avoid getting liquids with detergents in the eyes. In addition, you need to be especially careful when going to the gym. Exercise produces sweat on the scalp, called sebum. 70% alcohol will allow you to avoid getting it on your eyelashes. It must be applied once a week.
- It is strictly forbidden to rub your eyes. In no case should you tug and pull extended eyelashes, they require a special attitude towards themselves. If you suddenly cannot avoid this insidious habit, the extended hairs will weaken and begin to crumple.
- If the fair sex has a feeling of discomfort, itching and any other unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to contact the lashmaker to remove the build-up.
- When applying makeup, special care must be taken with artificial eyelashes. In order not to damage the structure of the hairs, it is important to apply shadows to the very corners of the eyelids. It is advisable to avoid liquid eyeliner as it may end up at the base of your eyelash extensions.

If you adhere to these rules, you will be able to preserve the beauty and grace of the look for a long time.
For information on how to care for eyelash extensions, see the next video.