How to restore eyelashes after extension?

Eyelash extensions transform the appearance and make the look irresistible. You can feel like a queen for a couple of months. But when it comes time to part with fake eyelashes, you have to face the realities of the present. Do our own eyelashes always come in a deplorable state, and how to restore them, if this happens, we will figure it out in our article.

Recovery features
Sometimes after removing your eyelash extensions, you realize that your own ones have deteriorated and you need to save them. In this case, you should not panic - there are different ways that you can help yourself. First, you need to figure out why there was a deterioration in the condition of natural eyelashes, and not repeat the mistakes in the future.
- The most common cause is mechanical impactwhen hairs fall out due to tool damage.
- Even the hypoallergenic gentle glue contains chemicals, which, with prolonged contact with natural eyelashes, act on them destructively.
- Solvents negatively affect used to remove glue.
- Having thin weak natural eyelashes, you cannot build up large volumes, in such cases only the classics are applicable... The thickness of the artificial hair should be no more than 0.07 mm, otherwise your own hair will not withstand. Thick products with a thickness of more than 0.1 mm can damage even healthy eyelashes.
- Some of the eyelashes are lost during careless self-removal of artificial products. For a favorable outcome, it is better to trust a professional.

Each eyelash lives for 4 months, then falls out, and a new one grows to replace it.
Damaged bulbs may not have the strength to renew.To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to restore natural healthy eyelashes. You will have to spend time and some effort, but they will pay off with a good result. There is no single and surest way to help yourself. The problem has to be solved in a comprehensive manner.
- First of all, for the recovery period, it is necessary give up decorative cosmetics for the eyes.
- Then you need to do the strengthening of the bulbs. To do this, you will have to treat eyelids and eyelashes - nourish with masks, oils, vitamins, moisturize with compresses.
- You should also review your diet. Forget about fast food and soda, smoked and fried foods, favorite sweets. Introduce vitamins and seafood into the diet.
- Give up the habit of rubbing or scratching your eyes - it injures the already weak eyelashes.
- Before any restorative procedures it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face and eyelids.
- Care should be taken to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet light on the eyes. It is better to resort to sunglasses during treatment.
- The eyes immediately react with swelling and redness to fatigue or lack of sleep. It is necessary to prevent such manifestations.
- When the condition of the eyelashes begins to improve, you can use a gentle cosmetic mascara.taking it off before going to bed with a special nourishing cream.
- Even if you manage to quickly restore eyelashes, you need to give them time to rest from 4 to 6 months, before deciding to re-build.

When artificial products are removed after long wearing, it is not immediately possible to remember what the eyelashes were like before the extension, and to assess the degree of the problem. Therefore, experts recommend taking photographs of eyelashes before the procedure in order to compare their condition during the recovery period.
It's nice to see eyes shining, eyelids healthy and eyelashes fluffy. Everything is in our hands, we just need to work a little. Should be understood - there will be no instant result. It takes time for useful substances to accumulate and begin to "work". A week later, you can already see the first changes for the better.

Comprehensive restoration consists in acting on the bulbs, eyelids and eyelash shafts. To strengthen the bulbs, you will not only have to feed them with life-giving masks, but also do not forget about the complex of vitamins that will help them become healthy.
Serums and vegetable oils help to improve the condition of adult eyelash shafts. It is also necessary to deal with the improvement of the eyelids - they are directly related to the problems of the bulbs.
Despite the superficial application of medical and home preparations, the formulations penetrate well into the depths of the eyelid and have an intradermal effect.

For the recovery to be successful, it is important to carry out the preparatory stage correctly.
- All products that are applied to the eyes and eyelids should be at room temperature. Preparations contained in the refrigerator should be obtained in advance. Decoctions and masks are heated in a water bath, if specified in the recipe. Freshly prepared infusions take time to cool. The contact of the remedy with the skin should be comfortable.
- For decoctions, you can collect herbs yourself. Each plant is collected at a certain time in an ecologically clean place, outside the city, away from highways and industrial enterprises. You need to dry the grass in a draft in the shade, ultraviolet light during drying changes the chemical properties of the plant. For the same reason, the collected raw materials are stored in a dark, dry place.
- If you need to add liquid vitamins for the preparation of masks, you can purchase them at the pharmacy.... It is better to buy drugs in capsules - ampoule types contain a high concentration of active substances and can harm instead of benefit.
- The eyes and eyelids are very sensitive to external influences of drugs and easily respond with allergic manifestations. To avoid negative consequences of treatment, it is better to check the influence of each component in advance. It is necessary to apply a little active substance to the inside of the wrist and after 5-10 minutes see if there is a reaction of the body. Redness, burning, itching on the skin will prompt the manifestation of allergies.
- For the manufacture of medicinal products (masks, decoctions, infusions) at home, you must use safe dishes. It can be made of clay, wood, ceramics, glass, and enamel surfaces are also suitable. It is strictly forbidden to use aluminum containers and any containers containing oxidizing metal.

When starting recovery procedures, you need to have an idea of the indications and contraindications for this process. Indications include loss, fragility and thinness of eyelashes, a decrease in their volume, as well as some medical diagnoses - ophthalmomyasis, demodicosis, blepharitis.
Contraindications include the sensitivity of the body to some components of medicinal formulations. They manifest themselves individually and not at all.
Basically, properly prepared homemade infusions and masks are harmless, and the benefits of them are tangible.

For optimal results, it is best to discuss your lash restoration plan with a lashmaker. Specialist advice will help you avoid mistakes that often arise during self-medication. When the healing scheme is indicated, the procedure should be approached only with clean hands and after complete removal of makeup.
After reading all the instructions and studying the risks, you can proceed directly to the restoration of weakened eyelashes. From the preparations below, the most suitable formulations are selected by the method of tests. If their influence actively and quickly solves the problem, you should save the proven recipes for later use.

Cosmetic masks that improve the condition of eyelashes are compositions of different components of a uniform consistency, sometimes enriched with vitamins. They perform a therapeutic and restorative function, they are night and day. It is more convenient to make them with a brush designed for mascara. You will need an unused product, clean and dry.
Having collected the mixture, you should lightly shake off the brush to remove excess. Then gently apply the mask to the eyelashes from the middle to the ends. Contact with eyes should be avoided. It is also necessary to work with an eye mask with caution - it is good for the skin, but it can harm the cornea of the eyes and cause redness.
After a while, the mixture is removed with a dry cotton pad, the brush is thoroughly washed and dried. Some formulations for masks can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, but it is better to make fresh ones before use.

We offer recipes for popular homemade eyelash and eyelash masks.
Burdock oil night mask
Half a teaspoon of burdock oil is slightly warmed up, then a few drops of vitamin A are added to it. The mixture is applied to the roots of the eyelashes. The mask is performed 2-3 times a week before bedtime. The procedure is also effective for eyebrow care.
Night composition with green tea
The mask contains 2 components - tea and coffee. One teaspoon of natural coffee is added to three tablespoons of strong green tea brew. The mixture is filtered and used warm. It has a light coloring effect, strengthens the bulbs well, eliminates the loss and fragility of eyelashes.
Suitable for eyebrow care.

Aloe and Parsley Blend
Fresh parsley is finely chopped and squeezed out, diluted with a few drops of water. The resulting liquid is mixed with aloe juice in a 1: 1 ratio. The composition is applied along the entire length of the eyelashes, trying not to get into the eyes. Wash off the mask after 1.5 or 2 hours. The composition has a beneficial effect on the growth of eyelashes.
Rosehip with sea buckthorn
Fresh rose hips are washed and chopped. Pour in sea buckthorn oil (1: 5) and leave to infuse for 10 days in a dark place.The mixture is stirred periodically, then filtered and stored in the refrigerator. For masks, use warm. It can color the skin orange, but the coloring pigment is invisible on the eyelashes.
Vegetable oil mask
The composition of oil components is saturated with minerals, it quickly stimulates the growth of eyelashes, makes them strong, elastic and fluffy. The remedy consists of the following ingredients: grape seed oil, avocado fruit, flax seed and wheat germ. All components should be the same in portions, the oily mixture is mixed well into a homogeneous mass and applied to the eyelids one hour before bedtime.

Compresses on the eyelids are applied using tampons dipped in an infusion or decoction of herbs. During the procedure, you need to lie down calmly, and then rinse your eyes with warm water. It has a beneficial effect not only on the growth and strength of eyelashes, but also on the condition of the eyes and eyelids. Compresses relieve inflammation, redness, swelling, remove the effect of tired eyes. We offer recipes for decoctions and infusions used externally for compresses.
Infusion of chamomile and cornflower
Place 1 tablespoon of chopped chamomile and cornflower in a ceramic or enamel dish. Pour 200 ml of boiling water, close tightly and leave to infuse for 8-10 hours. Filter the finished infusion, moisten cotton pads with it and apply it to the eyes for 10 minutes. Compresses have a beneficial effect on the growth and density of eyelashes, relieve eye fatigue.

Decoction of chamomile, sage and calendula
Place in a prepared container 1 tablespoon of crushed calendula flowers (marigolds), chamomile and sage herbs. Pour the mixture with 300 ml of boiling water and boil for one minute. Then close with a lid and insist until it cools.
Compresses are set for 15 minutes using a cotton pad dipped in broth.
Infusion of 4 herbs
To prepare the infusion, take chopped flowers of cornflower, calendula, as well as the leaves of coltsfoot and nettle - each plant is 0.5 tablespoons. The mixture is poured into a thermos and poured into a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, the infusion is ready. It is filtered and allowed to cool to room temperature, and then used as compresses.

Tea brewing
Drinking tea every day, we do not think that it is also a plant and contains a large amount of minerals that have a beneficial effect on the eyes and eyelashes.... Tea is used black or green, most importantly, real, without chemical additives and dyes. The strong tea leaves are filtered and used for compresses. Tea helps to strengthen the lashes and relieve inflammation.
Vitamins play an important role in the recovery process of weakened eyelashes. They are taken orally and used for external use as additives to medicinal masks. But vitamins cannot be prescribed for oneself; for treatment, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The body can equally suffer from both a deficiency and an excess.

Safer use refers to the natural way of consumption, that is, it will be more beneficial if you enrich your diet with plant foods. The body will figure out for what purpose it should use the vitamins obtained from fruits and vegetables.
To strengthen the eyelashes, experts usually prescribe vitamins A, D, E, B12. Vitamin oil solutions can be applied to the eyelashes as separate ingredients or mixed with other nutrients.

Vegetable oils are used for external use as one component or together with other oils, they go well with each other. You can apply the drug on the eyelids and eyelashes with a cotton swab, then, after holding it for 15 minutes, gently rinse with warm water.
Burdock (burdock) and castor oils are very popular for the improvement of eyelashes, eyebrows and scalp.You can also use less well-known - almond, peach, sea buckthorn. Their effects are just as beneficial as the usual castor ones. A well-proven composition based on tea infusion, which can be easily made by mixing with any of the listed oils.
It is applied to the eyelids at the base of the eyelashes overnight.

Aloe and sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn oil is mixed with aloe juice in a 1: 2 ratio. Store in a cool dark place. The composition must be smeared with eyelids and eyelashes for 10 days. At the same time, they try to prevent the drug from getting into the eyes.
Castor oil with vitamins
A few drops of aloe juice are added to castor oil, as well as liquid vitamins A and E. This composition strengthens eyelashes well, contributes to their rapid and healthy growth.

Composition of 4 oils
Combine in equal proportions rose and castor oils, as well as olive oil infused with flax seed and grape seeds. It can be applied daily, but the course of treatment should not exceed two weeks.
Vitamin Blend
Cacao butter
The mask is prepared from 30 ml of warm cocoa butter and 1 tablespoon of rum. The mixture is mixed well and applied to the base of the eyelashes, trying to nourish the bulbs.

Special means
To restore eyelashes after extension, you can use special products, which are offered in large quantities by the cosmetic industry... On the market for medicinal cosmetics, you can find Italian, German, Polish products of fairly high quality, as well as domestically produced drugs. Serums, gels, protein and keratin recovery are offered.
Treatment is simple: a thin strip of the drug is applied to the eyelid at the base of eyelash growth. The recovery course usually lasts from 3 to 4 weeks. Those who do not have time to prepare their own homemade mixtures can use ready-made proven products.
Platinus eyelash solution has a natural composition and does not cause allergies. It is used to restore and grow damaged eyelashes.

Talika Lipocils
A gel called Talika from a French manufacturer contains trace elements and herbal ingredients. The drug improves blood circulation and thereby nourishes the bulbs with vitamins and minerals, protects the eyelids from ultraviolet radiation.
The growth stimulator for eyelashes and eyebrows contains two formulas - "day" and "night". Has powerful restorative components, actively affects the growth of weakened eyelashes.

Perfect lash
An excellent conditioner formulated for weak, brittle lashes.
It must be applied daily for a month, without interruption.
A popular American remedy belongs to the eyelash growth activator. Thanks to the balanced vitamin and mineral compositions, healing occurs quickly - after a month, eyelashes delight with shine and lush volume.
The preparation contains an extract of thuja leaves and ginseng root, as well as the component Myristoyl Pentapeptide, which stimulates the structural structure of eyelashes. The drug activates growth, allowing the hairs to reach their maximum size.

Reviews about the recovery program are very different. A lot of positive feedback applies to both home and special cosmetic products. It is noticed that the effect of herbal components in home-made compositions occurs later than that of medical reducing agents. In addition, some sensitive ladies have allergic reactions to certain herbs.
Many positive words have been said about the growth stimulator Magic Glance Intensive... Thanks to him, eyelashes are restored even after 80 percent loss.

Reconstructive therapy for eyelashes is faster and easier if the extension took place in a beauty salon with a lashmaker with a good reputation. Otherwise, you have to try a lot of tools before restoring the eyelashes to their previous healthy state.
For information on how to restore eyelashes after extension, see the next video.