All about eyelash correction

Eyelash extension is a procedure that has conquered millions of girls around the world. What could be better than waking up "fully armed" and not needing decorative cosmetics? However, the period of use of artificial eyelashes is limited, therefore after a while, you have to resort to their correction.

Features of the procedure
Correction of eyelash extensions - a procedure designed to restore their original appearance... It consists in adding artificial hairs to the "bald spots" that have appeared in the place of lost or damaged eyelashes. In terms of time, the correction takes less time than the extension itself - it lasts about 40-60 minutes.
The question about the need for correction can be answered as follows: even a natural eyelash does not "live" for more than 3 months - it falls out, and a new one grows in its place. And since extended eyelashes are attached precisely to natural ones, they fall out with them. Due to the additional load, the lifespan of your own eyelashes is reduced.
The change of eyelashes, the change in their length are very noticeable: artificial hairs begin to get tangled, twisted, free spaces appear, which looks ugly. That is why extended eyelashes need periodic correction.

There are 2 types of cilia correction. The choice of one of them is determined by the initially used extension method.
- Eyelash correction. Lashmaker attaches the artificial hairs one by one to the natural lashes.
- Beam... It is often used for volume extensions. First, a bundle of several hairs of different lengths is formed, after which it is glued to the eyelash.

The lifespan of their own "living" cilia is on average a month and a half. Based on this, the first the correction procedure is recommended to be carried out 15-20 days after the extension... Next, the master will assess the condition of the eyelashes and tell you when you need to come to the next procedure. Typically, the interval between corrections is 30 days.
The procedure is not carried out on weakened, broken off, thinned natural eyelashes. If a lashmaker sees such a picture, he will recommend removing the artificial material and giving the eyes a rest. By the way, taking hormones and antibiotics, as well as hormonal "surges" in a woman's body, lead to a decrease in the period of wearing eyelash extensions. Then the correction will need to be done more often.

Procedure frequency also depends on the following factors.
- How fast your own eyelashes grow.
- How a girl takes care of extended material, Does he follow all the recommendations of the master?
- Which extension method was chosen: eyelash or bunch. In the first case, the hairs last longer.
- How often does artificial eyelashes come in contact with water: Does their owner visit a sauna, a swimming pool, or maybe she is a lover of swimming in the sea? Chlorine, present in tap water, promotes the splitting of the adhesive, and under the influence of high temperatures it softens. All this reduces the term of use of the built-up material.
- Using fat-based daily care productscontaining various oils or alcohol also reduces the lifespan of artificial eyelashes.
- If in the course of the augmentation / correction procedure substandard materials were used, then do not expect that the eyelashes will last long.
- Saving the professionalism and experience of the lashmaker also often goes sideways.
- Sleep with your face in your pillow promotes breaking off of artificial hairs and their loss. Try to sleep on your back or side.
- Frequent touching of eyes with hands, a handkerchief, glasses of glasses lead to deformation of eyelash extensions, their twisting and loss. The same happens when the water jet is directed directly into the face while washing.

How is it done?
The correction procedure is carried out without completely removing artificial hairs: only overgrown elements are removed, which significantly saves time and money. However, this method is suitable only if 50% or more of the extended cilia have been preserved and no more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the extension / previous correction.
Procedure steps:
- the eyelashes are combed, the lashmaker distinguishes among their mass those that will soon disappear;
- each hair (or bunch) is treated with a special agent that dissolves the glue;
- eyelashes are degreased;
- all extended hairs attached to strongly grown natural eyelashes are removed;
- new elements are glued to the vacant places;
- in the same way, there is an extension on eyelashes that were not used the last time (they were fluffy, weak).

Many girls prefer full eyelash extensions for each correction. It involves removing old material and building on new material. Overcoating has a number of advantages over correction:
- you can walk on it less often - once every 1.5-2 months, while they go for correction every 3-4 weeks;
- overgrowth is more hygienic, because together with artificial eyelashes, the remnants of old glue are removed along with dust, particles of skin, sebum, and the remains of decorative cosmetics.

However, there are pluses to the correction:
- it is cheaper, takes much less time;
- it is possible to choose eyelashes that are identical in appearance and structure to those already available.
How to correct the cilia correctly (by partial removal or complete overgrowth) - everyone decides for himself, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Follow-up care
Everything that happens after eyelash extension, one way or another, affects the duration of their wearing. Therefore, there are certain rules of care that must be followed. So, in the first week after the procedure, you need to adhere to these recommendations.
- It is strictly forbidden to wet the extended hairs before a day has passed after the extension / correction. During this period, the adhesion of the artificial material to the natural one takes place, the glue dries. After this time, you can rinse your eyelashes with water, lightly blot your face with a lint-free (or short-nap) towel, gently comb them with a special silicone brush, twisting from the back.
- Don't touch your eyelashes with your hands. Even on clean fingers, sebum is present, which negatively affects the adhesive, dissolving it. In addition, from mechanical impact, artificial hairs twist, lose the position set by the master, and eventually fall off.
- The first week after augmentation / correction is a taboo on visiting a bath, sauna, solarium. You should also not do steam baths for your face.
- Unlearn sleeping with your face buried in the pillow.
- If you have done eyelash extension / correction and left for the sea, remember: you can safely swim and sunbathe, but snorkeling and diving are not recommended.
- If your plumbing contains too much chlorinated water, you have to wash your face boiled.
- For skin care in the orbital zone Choose light, oil-free fluids and serums.
- If you love decorative cosmetics, refrain from applying it at least in the first 4 days after building / correcting.

How to look after further:
- for washing, it is preferable to use soap for children or a special micellar foam;
- wiping your face with a towel, just blot your eyelashes slightly, do not rub your eyes;
- brush the hairs every morning and evening, curling them up and giving them their original appearance;
- Remove decorative cosmetics from the eyes with a sponge or a cotton swab, moistening them with micellar water;
- Apply the care products to the skin no later than a couple of hours before going to bed.

Expert advice
The increase in the interval between visits to the lashmaker depends on the quality of the daily care of eyelash extensions. Professionals have formulated several recommendations, adhering to which, you can postpone the correction / rebuilding procedure:
- be sure to remove all makeup before going to bed, both from the eyes and from the face as a whole;
- do not use waterproof mascara;
- carefully read the composition of any cosmetics, make sure that there is no alcohol, oils;
- to nourish the roots of natural eyelashes, periodically make lotions on the eyelids using a decoction of chamomile, black tea, calendula, nettle;
- if you decide to remove the artificial material and give the cilia a rest, it's time to start strengthening them: apply medicinal oils along the entire length - castor, burdock, olive, coconut, almond, grape seed.
Remember the following: hair extensions cannot be worn continuously for several years in a row, you need to pause and remove them. If your natural lashes are naturally thin and weak, interval every 3-6 months, if strong, at least once a year.

You will learn more about how to do eyelash correction in the following video.