All about the fox effect in eyelash extension

In recent years, the eyelash extension procedure has become insanely popular. Today, many girls resort to it and are very pleased with the beautiful results. There are a lot of interesting effects that can be achieved with the correct build-up. In this article, we will talk about the fox effect.

What it is?
Before studying all the features and technology for creating the original fox effect on the eyelashes, it makes sense to answer the main question: what is it. The fox effect is called the eyelash extension technique, which provides for a smooth increase in their length towards the outer corners of the eyes. To further enhance the beautiful and vibrant effect that many girls like, thicker hairs are often used, fixed closer to the outer edge. If everything is done correctly, then the ladies' look will certainly turn out to be mysterious, languid and alluring.

The slightly elongated angle of the considered effect on the cilia makes it possible to mask many of the imperfections that are observed at the corners of the eyes. An interesting visual effect is created that literally changes their shape.
True, for some girls, such decisions absolutely do not suit, because, on the contrary, they noticeably emphasize the existing shortcomings that must be hidden.

Who is it suitable for?
There are many different types of extensions that can achieve a variety of effects. Modern women of fashion are offered to make a look that has a smooth or more abrupt transition of cilia from thin to longer and denser. There are even such techniques, according to which the eyelashes are made extra-long and fluffy, due to which the original "doll" look is formed. It is advisable to choose any of the options if it suits the girl perfectly. This also applies to the fox effect, because it does not look good on all fashionistas.

Today the "fox" effect is one of the most popular among women who care about the beauty of their image. This is a great solution if a young lady wants to make her look more open, expressive and piercing. It is worth understanding who this trend effect is best for.
- This solution will be very successful if the ladies' eyes are located close to each other. Thus, it will be possible to effectively correct and visually stretch them to the sides.
- The "fox" effect is also suitable for those girls who by nature have bulging and round eyes. Thanks to the corrective abilities of the fox effect, it will visually turn out to slightly open the eyes to the sides and smooth out their original shape.
- The ideal solution for this extension will be for girls and women who have almond-shaped eyes. The cosmetic procedure will allow you to emphasize the natural beauty of the look.

Who is not suitable for?
Before heading to the salon in order to build up cilia with a fox effect, it is worth figuring out not only who it suits, but also finding out who should not contact him.
- The effect in question is not suitable for those girls who, by nature, have a very wide eye shape. The fox effect will stretch them even more.
- When the eyes are narrow, this effect will also look out of place. Because of it, the eyes will visually narrow even more - it will look ridiculous.
- If the corners of the eyes are naturally slightly lowered, then the fox effect will look like the girl is crying.
- For ladies with deep-set eyes, the "fox" effect is also not suitable.
- This effect does not look even on very small eyes.

Overview of volume options
Fox-like eyelash extensions can be provided in different volumes. Each girl chooses for herself the best solution that looks best on her eyes.
So, building up with 2D and 3D volume turns out to be more expressive, lush and attractive.

The distinctive characteristics of these techniques are the number of hairs that the master attaches to the girl's natural eyelashes. In the case of 2D augmentation, bundles are formed from only 2 hairs. If this is a more effective 3D extension, then here the bundle is collected not from 2, but from 3 hairs. There is one more volume option - 1.5D. With it, the fox effect is softer and smoother.

What materials are used?
A first-class extension largely depends not only on the skill level of the specialist who makes it, but also on the quality of the materials used. The extension service using high-quality branded materials usually costs more, but the results of such procedures are truly gorgeous.

If the work was done using low-quality materials, then the look will lose its aesthetics very soon - you won't have to wait long. In addition, bad material can adversely affect the health of a girl who has resorted to building up with similar components. Often there is a feeling of discomfort, allergies appear, or artificial hairs begin to crumble very quickly and strongly.

The following materials are used to form the fox effect.
- Special patches based on hydrogel. They allow you to fix the lady's eyelashes in the lower eyelid area to prevent them from sticking to the upper eyelashes.
- A special auxiliary tape that can fix both eyelashes and patches.
- Perforated tape that is used to neatly lift the upper eyelid if needed.
- In order to better and fully clean natural eyelashes from dust and residues of cosmetics, a special primer or degreaser is used.
- If necessary, it is worth stocking up on quality micellar water.
- Curved tweezers (tweezers) must be used to properly form the hair tufts.
- Beveled or straight tweezers are useful in order to carefully separate the "native" cilia.
- You will definitely need a special adhesive, which can be black or transparent. The appropriate color for the glue depends largely on the color of the hairs that are fixed on the eyelids.
- A special stone required especially for glue, or glass instead. Due to the latter, a drop of glue will not dry out for a long period of time, it will remain working.
- Special ring for glue, which is put on the master's finger. Due to the operation of this part, the time for the extension procedure is noticeably reduced.
- Palettes with synthetic hairs of different parameters.
- Remover - it may be needed if hair extensions need to be removed safely and painlessly.
- Nylon and silicone brushes - useful for combing eyelashes.
Cotton swabs will definitely be needed if eyelashes are extended to a lady with high tearing capacity.

Experienced professionals provide the following helpful tips.
- The used glue droplet should be extinguished in water using a cotton swab.
- It is recommended to wear a special protective mask to protect yourself from possible glue fumes.
- It is advisable to get rid of all the distractions. It could be a relentless chatting radio or TV.

Also, as a supplement, it is allowed to use a special fixer or glue enhancer. The fixer is able to significantly increase the level of resistance of the adhesive solution. Due to the action of this component, extended hairs can be worn much longer without shedding. The amplifier speeds up the time it takes to attach an artificial hair to a native one.

The main parameters of eyelashes
Every girl who wants to build up eyelashes to obtain a fox effect should know what parameters false hairs can and should have. Let's get acquainted with these characteristics.

The length, as a rule, is selected in accordance with the desires and preferences of the girl who decided to grow the eyelashes. Also, this takes into account the recommendations of the master and the goals for which the build-up is done. To obtain a beautiful fox effect, the optimal length is considered to be from 6 to 11 mm.

The longest artificial hair extensions can be up to 16 mm. However, such indicators can be addressed only if the natural ladies' eyelashes are dense and strong enough to withstand serious stress.
Fixation of long artificial hairs is often to the taste of courageous young ladies who want to achieve a spectacular, attractive volume. The longer the length will be used for extension, the more beautiful the final result will be. But it must be borne in mind that the final look will not be natural.

One of the most important values has a well-chosen curvature of eyelashes for extension. In the work, you can use just one or several different bends.
The main thing is to combine them correctly.

Consider what types of bends exist.
- B. This is a very slight and discreet kind of bend. Visually, it looks very natural.
- C. The most popular type of curl, which visually opens the eyes, makes them appear larger thanks to moderately curled hairs.
- D. This designates a more twisted type of bend, which can seamlessly hide the overhanging eyelid, complement the beautiful volume. In this case, the bend D looks natural.
- L. This curve works best for a beautiful fox effect. Recently, it has become one of the most popular and demanded solutions, especially among those girls whose natural eyelashes are characterized by minimal bending.
- M. A bend characterized by a high degree of twist. Will look great on women whose natural eyelashes grow downward.

Thickness and volume
These parameters are also very important in the procedure of eyelash extension with the "fox" effect. Based on the specific extension technique, the optimal thickness of artificial hairs is chosen, because it is this that has a direct effect on their weight.
- Eyelashes with parameters of 0.03-0.08 mm are considered the lightest and weightless. With these fibers, you can perform both classic and volumetric extensions. In both cases, the result is excellent.
- The average thickness is different for hairs with parameters 0.1-0.13 mm. Most often they are used for classic style extensions or 2D extensions. They look very neat and have a beautiful shape.
- Thick hairs are considered to be 0.15-0.19 mm. Due to their large thickness, they are most often used for the classic extension technique, but for a 2D procedure, they can be used only if the girl's own eyelashes are healthy and strong. Thick eyelashes are tough and dense.
- The thickest fibers are 0.2-0.25 mm. A build-up that uses materials like this looks very impressive and attracts a lot of attention.
Most often, such beauty procedures are turned to for specific purposes, since such cilia are not suitable for daily wear.

Extension scheme
If all the necessary materials are selected and a choice is made in favor of ideally suitable parameters of eyelashes, you can proceed to the procedure for extending them. Let's consider step by step how to act correctly.
- The first step is to prepare both the hairs and the skin around the client's eyes. These areas must be cleaned and then degreased.
- The next step is to apply special pads, so that the upper hairs do not begin to dry out and do not stick together with the lower hairs.
- Next, glue solution and tweezers are taken. You can start the process of building up the artificial material itself. If possible, you should bypass too weakened and thin "own" hairs in order to find the best basis for fixing artificial ones.
- It is required to glue the artificial material gradually, without unnecessary haste. Make sure the previous one is completely dry before applying a new bristle. Until the middle of the century, the parameters of the hairs should not change.
- Once the specified mark is reached, you need to attach hairs that are more impressive in length.
- After the completion of gluing all the villi, you will need to wait until the adhesive is completely dry. Only then you can safely remove the pads that were superimposed at the very beginning.

After completing the described procedure, the master always carefully examines the result obtained. The effect that has been achieved is fixed by gently combing the hairs.
The studied procedure is very simple and is suitable even for beginners who do not have extensive experience in eyelash extension. If everything is done strictly according to the instructions, you can achieve very good results and get a luxurious fox look.

Care after the procedure
After a fox build-up, it is very important to properly care for the eyelashes and the skin around the eyes. If you neglect the grooming procedures, beautifully extended hairs will delight the young lady with their beauty for a short time.

Let's consider in detail how to properly care for eyelashes after extension.
- After the procedure, it is forbidden to visit the bathhouse or sauna. It is strongly recommended that you avoid visiting places with high humidity and sudden temperature fluctuations.
- It is recommended to sleep only on your back or on your side. It is better not to lie on your stomach.
- You should not apply any cosmetic products to the eyelids if they contain fatty components.
- The extended hairs should be periodically combed gently using a special brush.
- You should not cry, rub your eyes or touch them.
- It is not necessary to contact with water, which contains salt or bleach.
- Any decorative cosmetics should be removed from the eyes only with special lotions.
- It is not recommended to skip extension correction procedures with a professional master.

Fox eyelashes are allowed to be worn without interruption for no more than 6 months.
The eyes should always be left to rest for at least a couple of months. During this period, it is recommended to use various nourishing masks and other high-performance caring products. As soon as the period of "rest" has passed, you can build up beautiful eyelashes again.

Before turning to building with a fox effect, you need to take into account that this procedure has a lot of contraindications. They must be taken into account in order not to unknowingly face serious problems.

Let's take a look at what exactly is a contraindication to this type of build-up.
- As in many other cases, such a procedure should not be resorted to if there is an individual intolerance to the components that make up the glue for building.
- Allergic reactions also serve as an obstacle to the considered procedure. Otherwise, a woman may face violent allergies, which will harm her health and spoil her appearance.
- Increased tearing is another of the contraindications for building up with a fox effect.
- Any eye diseases prohibit resorting to the considered beauty procedure. If this is not taken into account, you can seriously harm your own health.
- If surgical interventions have been performed over the past 3 months, it is better to postpone the build-up.
- The period of breastfeeding and pregnancy are serious contraindications, which also cannot be neglected.
- People taking hormonal agents should not have eyelash extensions.
- Too oily skin and high levels of sweating are contraindications. In addition, people with similar problems can rarely wear artificial material for a long time.
- In no case should this service be used by people suffering from cancer, as well as those undergoing chemotherapy.
- Clients with high eye sensitivity will not be able to comfortably wear even the highest quality hair extensions.

All of the above contraindications are mostly related to the state of human health, so you should not close your eyes to them. If you disregard such prohibitions, you can subsequently face very big problems.
Useful Tips
Let's take a look at a few tips for fox-like eyelash extensions.
- If you do the extension yourself, you need to create all the necessary conditions for this. Place a large mirror next to it, prepare all the tools and materials. In an extreme situation, a high-quality build-up cannot be done.
- The fox effect can be complemented with decorations in the form of feathers or rhinestones. This is a great solution for a holiday or special occasion.
- The considered beauty procedure can only be addressed ifif the girl's own eyelashes are strong and healthy, do not crumble and do not look thinned.Not a single conscientious master will take up work if the client's natural eyelashes require additional care.
- When choosing the appropriate extension parameters, it is recommended to consult with the master. A specialist will help you find the best option. For example, many girls are advised to build a beautiful "sharp fox". Also, the master will help you to focus on the best bend and length of the hairs.

For information on how to make a fox effect in eyelash extension, see the next video.