Unsuccessful eyelash extension: causes and consequences

Currently, eyelash extension is one of the most demanded procedures. Thanks to this service, many girls acquire a more expressive look. In some cases, the extension of artificial eyelashes may end in failure, which becomes a big disappointment for the fairer sex.

Cilia augmentation is considered a safe procedure if it is carried out by a specialist in compliance with all requirements and using quality materials.
Sometimes problems arise when working on their own or at home by a person who has no experience.
The success of a cosmetic event can be assessed by the following criteria:
- lack of discomfort in the eye area;
- eyelashes look beautiful and pleasant to the touch;
- there is no tangling of hairs during combing;
- each of the eyelashes has a clear direction;
- the correctness of the indentation from the edge of the eyelid is observed.

Unsuccessful eyelash extensions can be recognized by the following signs.
- The presence of white bloom on the eyelashes... When solidified, this substance can be hazardous to the eyes. As a result, the hardened plaque entails scratching the eyeball, tingling, and even pain.
- Hair bonding... After working with the cilia, their stickiness may be observed. Bonding may also continue after brushing.
- Eyelashes stick out in different directions and do not hold well... Most likely, such eye decoration will not last long and will quickly disappear.
- Allergic reactions in the form of burning, itching, redness of the eyelids.

Despite the harmlessness of the eyelash extension procedure, the master must adhere to all the rules and technologies.
If the extension was done unsuccessfully in the salon or at home and it looks ugly, sloppy, then there may be several reasons.
- Lack of experience with a builder... Since during the procedure, some problems may arise with the distribution of the adhesive, the selection of indents, the lack of skills in the formation of a thick ciliary line, it is better to trust your beauty to experienced specialists.
- Wrong selection of material... When selecting materials, a specialist must take into account the structure of the native hair, its size. If, for example, long and thick eyelashes are glued to the thin ones, then the latter will suffer.
- Poor quality consumables... When using cheap products, one can observe a negative effect on the visual organs, as well as serious complications, after which an ophthalmologist's consultation will be required.
- Ignoring the personal characteristics of the client's body, as well as existing contraindications.

Consider the contraindications identified by experts.
- Pregnancy. In addition to the fact that when carrying a child, the hairs lose their strength, their weakness and fragility can be aggravated during the procedure. And the use of chemical components of the build-up can have a negative impact on the unborn child.
- Frequent manifestations of conjunctivitis in a client.
- Brittle and weak native hairs.
Women who want to become the owners of gorgeous eyelashes and a charming look should remember that cheap services are not always of high quality, so it is better to contact trusted specialists.

Improperly extended artificial eyelashes can cause a lot of unpleasant consequences. In addition to the awkward appearance, girls can face such unpleasant moments as:
- allergic reactions;
- chronic ailments of the organs of vision.
In addition, a negative experience of building up can entail the risk of contracting conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis.
In order not to injure a person with a tool and not infect any infection, the master must carry out building up in a specially equipped office and at the same time use sterile instruments.

Correction methods
If the extension of artificial eyelashes ended negatively, then it is worth giving the native hairs time to recover. Poor-quality build-up leads to fragility and dryness of the cilia, but thanks to the care procedures, you can try to correct the situation.

There are certain rules and stages of recovery.
- Resuscitation of damaged hairs... Split, brittle and dry eyelashes can be brought back to life with the help of pharmacy products, folk remedies or keratin lamination.
- Then follows therapy aimed at restoring the skin of the eyelids.
- General nutrition of the body with vitamins, which contribute to the acceleration of ciliary growth, is simply a must. The diet should include foods that contain large amounts of vitamins A, B, E.
- Don't use makeup and do not wear makeup for 1 month.
- Treat eyelashes with castor oilthat stimulates their growth. To increase the effect, you can mix castor oil with olive, peach, and almond oil. Such events should be held once a day for a month.
Eyelash extension is a painless and popular procedure that many women use. Thanks to this service, you can save your own time by not dyeing your hairs every day. Unfortunately, for some girls, this procedure can end up sadly.
Therefore, the choice of a master and materials should be approached as responsibly as possible.

You will find out what are the disadvantages of eyelash extension below.