Mink eyelash extensions

Thick long eyelashes give the eyes expressiveness, make the look languid, beautiful and mysterious. An uncomplicated eyelash extension procedure allows you to hide the lack of your own too small or sparse eyelashes, and if they are completely absent, it is a way out of an unpleasant situation. Mink eyelashes have a number of advantages due to which they are very popular.

The essence of the procedure is to supplement your own eyelashes with synthetic ones. In the work, artificial materials are often used, since hairs made from natural fibers easily crumble, cause discomfort when in contact with the mucous membrane of the eye.
There are few manufacturers of natural mink cilia, however, they are not very popular. The main disadvantages are the following points:
- natural hairs are more likely to cause allergic reactions;
- a high risk of the appearance of pathogenic microbes that can cause inflammation of the eyelids;
- high price;
- the aesthetics of appearance is quickly lost, since natural villi are less resistant to external factors;
- it is difficult to work with them.

The structure of artificial hairs is similar to that of mink, but they are made from monofilament. The presence of additional components provides color saturation, gloss. Hair thickness varies from 0.07 to 0.25 mm. The optimal length is 10 mm, but you can also choose the longest, the size of which is 14 mm.
Thin bristles allow you to create any volume. Synthetic hairs have different curves. They are created using special shapes. There are the following types of mink eyelash curls:
- j - hairs are characterized by smooth lines, as close as possible to natural contours, are built up on a separate section of the cilia;
- b - is a natural bend of hairs;
- with - medium-sized curl, makes the look more open and expressive;
- d - large bend, looks impressive and is more suitable for festive events;
- l - strong curl, looks unnatural, resembles dolls' eyelashes.

To choose the right curl, it is better to consult a specialist. It will help you choose not only the desired bend, but also the appropriate volume and length.
Mink cilia are very popular because they are versatile. Any extension technique can be applied to them. A necessary condition is only good condition of your own hairs.
If your eyelashes are light in color, they are stained with persistent paint. Mink villi visually enlarge the eyes and are suitable for both everyday use and special occasions. To maintain aesthetics, it is necessary to carry out the correction procedure regularly, after about 3-4 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages
Among the advantages of mink cilia are the following.
- Long length. The same effect can be obtained with silk extension, when each cilia is lengthened. However, this process takes much longer.
- Volumetricness. A similar result can be obtained with sable hair extension technology. The only difference is that sable eyelashes have the same effect as when using cosmetics. This option is not suitable for everyday use.
- Silky feel.
- Persistence of the effect. For example, silk extension technology cannot boast of this.
- Elasticity.
- Ability to keep in shape.
- No decorative cosmetics required.
- There is no need to perm.
- You can change the shape of the eyelids.
- Resistant to temperature extremes, which is not typical of silk.

The disadvantages include such moments.
- Great weight. Unlike silk, the hairs of which are practically not felt, mink can cause some discomfort. If your eyelashes are thin or sparse, then the risk that they will not be able to withstand a heavy load is great.
- There are application restrictions. In the case of thin and sparse own lashes, it is recommended to use lighter hairs.
- After the procedure, brittleness of your own hairs is possible, therefore, care and additional restoration may be required.
- When using the beam extension technique, the effect does not last long.
- The procedure is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the glue, as well as in case of inflammatory diseases of the eyes.
- When wearing contact lenses, avoid touching the hairs frequently, otherwise their lifespan will be significantly reduced.

After the extension procedure on the first day, it is important to follow the basic rules of care, otherwise the effect of the work will be ruined:
- you can not wash yourself;
- it is not recommended to touch the hairs with your fingers, rub your eyes;
- at night it is better to avoid contact of the hairs with the pillow.

Subsequent care includes the following nuances:
- rejection of oily creams;
- avoiding the ingress of seawater or pool water;
- it is not recommended to use ink.

With the help of this technique, you can change the shape of the eyes, hide flaws, and emphasize advantages.

Extension types
There are 2 types of extensions.
- By eyelash. Manipulation involves gluing an artificial hair to your own eyelash. This is quite a long, painstaking work. However, the result is excellent. Lush eyelashes look like their own.
- Puchkovoye. The procedure consists in gluing a bundle of several hairs (usually no more than 3) to your eyelashes. This manipulation is easier and takes less time.
However, it is not used so often, since a noticeable gap is formed when the beam is peeled off.

Also building can be:
- partial - in this case, the hairs are glued along the edge of the eyelids or after 3-4 of their own hairs;
- complete - an artificial one is glued to each of its hair;
- doubled - 2 artificial hairs are glued to each of their villi.
Before the extension procedure, degrease the eyelashes. Then, sticky tape is applied to the lower lashes. After everything is ready, the master begins to stick the hairs with tweezers. It should be noted that before starting the procedure, a specialist must test for an allergic reaction... To do this, stick 2-3 hairs and after a few minutes check whether symptoms of discomfort have appeared.
In case of redness, itching, burning, the manipulation will have to be abandoned.

Review overview
Before doing the mink extension procedure, it is important to consult a specialist. Feedback from those who have already used this service will also be helpful. On the Internet, you can find both positive and negative opinions, which are no less important. Among the positive aspects are noted no need to use mascara, aesthetics, convenience, ease of grooming, saving time for packing, beauty. It is also said that defects are removed, the shape of the eyes visually changes, there is no allergic reaction.
The negative aspects include the fact that you cannot scratch your eyes, the difficulty in finding a good master, after removing artificial hairs, you need to restore your own. Some people have a constant feeling of excess on their face. There is also a considerable cost of the procedure. The negative point is that you cannot sleep with your face on the pillow; when you remove the artificial villi, your own eyelashes are also removed. You may experience a slight tingling sensation when you close your eyes.
It should be noted that Negative reviews can most often be associated with a violation of the rules of procedure, lack of proper professionalism, and non-observance of precautions. That's why it is important to contact trusted specialists. The procedure is best done in a special salon. With strict adherence to the instructions for the manipulation, the extension of mink cilia is considered a safe procedure. Correctly selected high-quality material, following all the instructions for post-build-up care will ensure a long-lasting and beautiful effect.

You can find out how to care for eyelash extensions below.