All about classic eyelash extension

The dream of every girl who carefully monitors her appearance is an expressive look. In order to enhance the beauty of their eyes, many women take the time to apply makeup on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the beauty industry has long had resources that allow modern beauties to save time on makeup and at the same time give expressiveness to their look.

Classic eyelash extension is a procedure that provides a natural look, but makes it much more beautiful by increasing the length and density of the eyelashes. The classics always look stylish and appropriate, so more and more girls turn to the masters of the beauty industry for this particular service. After visiting the master, the eyelashes look beautiful and well-groomed - this eliminates the need for daily make-up application and attracts clients of beauty salons very much.

The procedure is lash-by-lash gluing of artificial material to the base of the eyelashes using a special adhesive. Classic extension is distinguished by the fact that each eyelash is glued separately, while for volume techniques, several hairs are glued at once.

Classic build-up suits any occasion and setting, but large volumes do not always look organic in everyday life. Although the emphasis should be on the individual features of the appearance: perhaps 2D or 3D volume is ideal for someone, which will look beautiful and natural.
Every girl who is thinking about eyelash extension should know the basic information about this current procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages
The first thing that interests girls is the advantages and disadvantages of the extension procedure. Before you go to the master, you need to find out about all the consequences that in the future may affect the client of the beauty industry.

To begin with, it is worth mentioning the positive features of the procedure, thanks to which it attracts an increasing number of women around the world.
- Build-up can be considered an innovative technology. The procedure helps to improve the client's eyelashes, making the eyelashes long, thick and shiny. The materials from which the artificial analogs are made do not outwardly differ from real eyelashes - as a rule, they are made from hypoallergenic synthetic fibers, thanks to which the eyelashes completely imitate natural ones and do not cause discomfort when worn.
- Extension gives a unique opportunity to transform the look and correct its imperfections, if necessary. Extension can affect how the shape or shape of the eyes will look, and their fit.
- There is no need to purchase and apply decorative cosmetics. To buy really high-quality mascara, you need to be prepared for the fact that its price tag will be quite high, and to get the desired result, you will need to spend time in front of the mirror every day. Extensions will save you time spent creating the perfect look for your eyes.
- Regardless of the circumstances, your eyelashes will look great all the time. After the extension procedure, you should not be afraid that moisture or ultraviolet radiation will spoil the result - eyelashes are resistant to such influences.
- There are no medical contraindications for eyelash extension. The procedure does not pose any danger to the eyes, does not irritate the skin, and the materials from which the artificial eyelashes are made do not cause allergies. The exception is girls suffering from acute eye diseases - in this case, it is better to refuse the procedure or consult with your doctor.
- The build-up is in perfect harmony with the exterior and looks organic. The masters select the necessary extension parameters depending on the individual external data of each client, so the eyelashes will perfectly fit into the image and will look natural. Moreover, the masters have many options for performing the procedure - with each new extension, you can experiment with different effects, colors, curves and other parameters of artificial eyelashes.

The list of benefits of this procedure is long and convincing.
It would seem that you can already sign up for a session with a lashmaker and enjoy the renewed eyelashes. Nevertheless, not everything is so simple, because building-up also has drawbacks.
- Extension damages eyelashes. Unfortunately, sometimes this is so, because if you stick thicker ones on thin hairs, the health of natural eyelashes will suffer. However, these days it is a matter of qualification of the specialist performing the extension. Professionals select materials for the procedure individually, taking into account the state of natural hairs. In addition, the extension has undergone a number of improvements, after which thick artificial eyelashes are no longer used to create volume. Now skilled craftsmen use premium quality fine hairs for voluminous extensions. So that there is no unnecessary stress on natural eyelashes, the hairs are evenly spaced.
- If a specialist saves on materials, the adhesive can harm: cause irritation or even burns. Again, this is a matter of the professionalism of the master. If he uses only high-quality materials, and also fully complies with the technology of the procedure, the build-up is not dangerous.
- In order for the eyelashes to look beautiful and natural, it is worth listening to the recommendations given by the master. Artificial eyelashes can have different lengths, thicknesses and bends - if you do not take into account all the parameters and exaggerate one of them, the extension will look unnatural and vulgar.
- Loss of eyelashes does not allow the effect to last long on the eyelashes. This is a natural process. During the day, a person can lose several cilia, which fall out and leave room for new hairs. Artificial eyelashes are glued to natural ones, and for this reason, with the loss of a real hair, the synthetic one also disappears. The rate of loss is an individual factor, nevertheless, the average indicators of the renewal of the ciliary row are three to four weeks, after which a correction of the procedure or the removal of eyelashes will be required; otherwise, the effect disappears, and the hairs look unkempt.

If hair loss is a natural process, then the remaining disadvantages directly depend on the professionalism of the master who performs the procedure.
There are a lot of myths around the extension, the reality of which is difficult to confirm: if the growth really had critical consequences, the service would not continue to gain such popularity. Negative consequences are manifested with low qualifications of the foreman or his irresponsible attitude to work. In the event that the work is performed by a professional in his field, there is nothing to worry about.

Who is it for?
Classic build-up is a universal option. It will suit everyone, regardless of the shape or shape of the eyes, the length and density of the eyelashes. The classics look very natural and organic. In particular, this option will beautify the owners of medium-sized facial features.

Extension types
There are different types of extensions. Their names reflect certain details of the process of performing the procedure.

It is also called European. Lashmaker uses 3-5 sizes of hairs and reproduces the natural growth line of eyelashes, increasing their length and density.

This effect is great for girls with close-set eyes, as well as round or bulging eyes. "Chanterelle" widens the gap between the eyes and emphasizes their outer corners. The master uses 3-4 sizes of cilia, while the shortest hairs are located at the inner corner, their length gradually increases, the longest hairs are placed in the outer corner. Thanks to this, the eyes are visually extended.

The effect in which the cilia of the largest size are used - their length can reach 12 millimeters. At the same time, the size of all hairs is the same, which creates a luxurious expressive look.

This look perfectly lengthens the eyes and visually creates the feeling of an arrow. With the almond-shaped eyes, it emphasizes the look, gives it expressiveness and languor, and also perfectly suits girls with overhanging eyelids. To achieve the effect, masters use short hairs in the inner and outer corners of the eyes, and long hairs in the central part of the ciliary row.

This build-up provides a natural look. The cilia adhere gradually, from the inner corner to the outer, from short to long. An important feature of this type of extension is its intermittent nature, that is, the presence of equal gaps that the master does not fill with hairs.

A very original type of extension, with which girls like to experiment, who regularly turn to professionals for this procedure, is multi-color extension. Colors and shades, as well as the location of colored hairs, depend on the wishes of the client.

The type of classic extension should be selected in accordance with the recommendations of the master and the features of the appearance.
Varieties of eyelashes
When building up, materials with different parameters are used. The main characteristics of artificial hairs are the length, curvature and thickness of the cilia.

By lenght
Length is the distance from the beginning to the tip of a hair. The minimum length of an artificial cilium is 4 millimeters, the maximum is 21. Among the masters, the conventional division of the length of the cilia into groups is accepted. Lengths up to 8 mm are considered short, 9, 10, 11 and 12 mm are medium, 13-14 mm are considered long, and 15 and above are very long hairs. With classic eyelash extensions, the average length of the eyelashes is used.

By thickness
The thickness of the eyelashes is determined at their base. For classic extensions without volume, hairs with a thickness of about 0.15 mm are usually used. Nevertheless, if natural hairs are thinner and weak, craftsmen select finer materials so as not to injure them.

Bends are indicated by letters, each of which indicates the degree of curl in the hair.
- Bend A typical for short eyelashes and close to natural.
- Bend B also looks natural, but more curved and used for longer lashes.
- Bend C - the most common type of bend, which is much more than the previous two, is noticeable on the eyelashes. It is used for both classic and volumetric extensions. There are also more pronounced C + and CC curves.
- Bend D - strong and bright, which is designed for voluminous build-up. More pronounced, it is also used for Hollywood build-ups.
- Bend L - an unusual bend that makes the gaze more open. Ideal for drooping eyes.

What materials are used to create the effect?
The choice of material is of great importance in the building procedure. It is easier to work with premium quality materials, with further wear they do not deform and better withstand external influences. There are 4 types of materials for artificial eyelashes.
- Sable lashes have a striking effect, but are not intended for permanent wear, because they have a strong effect on natural lashes and can damage them.

- Silk is the most common material from which hair extensions are made. Differs in high quality.

- Mink lashes are very light and natural. As a rule, they are used when natural hairs are weakened.

- Silicone is the most practical and wearable option.
A pleasant bonus is the spectacular shine of silicone eyelashes.

How long does the procedure take?
Eyelash extensions take patience. How long it will take in time depends on individual characteristics and preferences. On average, it lasts from one and a half to three hours.

Step-by-step execution technique
The procedure is usually performed by certified professionals. But today more and more people want to master the business of a lashmaker. Now there are all the conditions for this, ranging from courses in real time and ending with a lot of information on the Internet. How to properly extend eyelashes at home - see the step-by-step instructions.
- To prevent the lower lashes from sticking to the upper ones, use liners that protect the lower row from glue. Many craftsmen use the layout with the markup that they make on the patch, and check with it as they work. This scheme is individual for each client.
- After that, it is necessary to apply a degreaser, which will ensure good adhesion to the adhesive.
- The hairs must be glued with a base on natural eyelashes: the glue and artificial hair must not come into contact with the skin.
- It is important to put the artificial eyelash correctly on the natural one. They must be glued side by side so that the tips look in different directions. At the same time, they must follow the general direction - without this, the build-up will look sloppy.
- It is necessary to carefully work out the outer and inner corners - you need to start with the very first cilia with thickening in the corners of the eye. These are difficult to reach, so use duct tape. To make the result look more natural, with classic extension, gluing is done not on each natural eyelash, but through one.
- There should be no lumps or glues on the eyelashes. When the work is finished, the hairs should comb freely.

Post-build care
In order for the result to please as long as possible, you must follow simple rules for the care of eyelashes:
- you cannot use cosmetics with fats and oils;
- it is not recommended to sleep with your face in a pillow;
- you can not rub your eyes with a towel or hands;
- it is recommended to comb the cilia daily with a special brush;
- For lens wearers, it is best to avoid contact of the hairs with the liquid in which they are located.

These simple tips will help you keep your treatment in good shape.
Term of the next extension
Girls with oily skin tend to have a much shorter wear period than young ladies with other types. However, he is individual. The average time during which girls go with long, thick and shiny eyelashes is 3-4 weeks.

Review overview
Fortunately, today we can learn about how people rate the quality of the services provided through reviews. There are a huge number of them on the network. The beauty industry is no exception. If you carefully read everything that the clients write about the extension procedures, it becomes clear that there are not so many negative reviews. - at least there is not a single one that is critical, and they all concern only the unprofessionalism of the masters. Before entrusting the master to carry out the procedure, you need to make sure of his skill and quality assurance of the work performed - then the build-up will take place without problems.

As a rule, girls write that after a month without correction, the effect rarely remains in its original state: in the third or fourth week of wearing, most clients notice a loss of the initial effect. But as soon as you look at the photos before and after the procedure, it becomes clear that eyelash extensions significantly improve the appearance and make the face more attractive. In some cases, eyelashes completely change a person's appearance - facial features look completely different.

Whether to do eyelash extensions or not is everyone's personal business. Nevertheless, the classic build-up will suit any appearance and make the look more luxurious and attractive.

For what exercises will help in eyelash extension, see the next video.
Thanks to the author for the article. I have been interested in it for a long time and want to increase it.