How to grow eyelashes after extension?

Extended eyelashes give a deep and expressive look. They help the girl gain confidence and a sense of her own irresistibility. But the time comes to return to natural eyelashes, and what one has to see in the mirror scares many. It should be noted that not all eyelashes suffer after extension, just the contrast is strong enough. We will tell you how to restore them and how long it will take.

Reasons for loss
The reasons leading to the deterioration of the condition of the eyelashes are different. Problems may include build-up errors, improper wearing, or careless removal of synthetic material. There are a number of other factors that you should be aware of in order to avoid negativity in the future.
- Often, eyelashes are mechanically damaged due to inaccurate manipulation of instruments.
- Even the gentle adhesive base, which the master calls hypoallergenic, contains chemicals that affect the structure of the hairs.
- Glue removers can damage lashes.
- The problem is created by an incorrectly sized artificial material. Naturally thin eyelashes will not be able to withstand volumetric extensions. It is better for such clients to get by with the classics. A hair thickness of more than 0.07 mm will have a detrimental effect on their own eyelashes.
- An inexperienced master can glue the cilia in bundles, it will be very difficult to return them to their previous state after removing the artificial villi.
- Careless self-removal of the built-up material can cause partial loss of eyelashes.
Taking artificial vegetation for several months, it is difficult to objectively assess the condition of your own eyelashes, since their original appearance is forgotten.
Therefore, experts recommend taking photographs of the eyes before and after eyelash extension, in the same angle and lighting.

How long will it take?
Clients, whose eyelashes have suffered, wonder how quickly they can grow back after extension, and in what conditions do they grow for a long time? In fairness, it must be said that even a professional lashmaker will not give an unambiguous answer to this question, since recovery depends on various factors:
- the degree of damage to the eyelashes as a percentage;
- how the eyelashes were injured, whether the damage to the bulbs was affected;
- what was the initial state of the eyelashes before the extension procedure;
- the health of the client and the characteristics of her body, regeneration in each person occurs at different times;
- it is also important to know how intensive the rehabilitation therapy is supposed to be.
With minor damage, good health of the client and active treatment, it will take 2 to 3 weeks to recover.
With the most unfavorable factors, recovery may take from several months to six months.

Recovery methods
Improving the condition of eyelashes must be approached in a comprehensive manner, one recipe cannot solve the problem. The treatment procedure will be as follows.
- For the duration of treatment, you should abandon decorative cosmetics.
- Conduct restorative therapy with home and pharmacy remedies. Affect the eyelids and eyelashes with medicated masks, compresses, oil formulations and cosmetic health products.
- Drink a complex of vitamins as directed by a doctor. Vitamins A, D, E and group B have a good effect on the restoration of bulbs.
- Revise the diet, strengthen it with vitamins, focus on fruits, vegetables and seafood. You should forget about soda, sweets, fried and smoked foods.
There are many home recipes and pharmaceutical preparations to restore the healthy structure of eyelashes. We offer the most popular ones.

Folk remedies
Those who like to be treated without chemistry, with herbal compositions, will prefer to carry out restorative therapy using homemade decoctions and masks made from herbs, oils and vitamin supplements. Masks are applied to the eyelids if you want to strengthen the bulbs or spread along the length of the eyelashes with a clean mascara brush. Compositions should be at room temperature. They should be applied gently so that there is no contact with the eyes.
- Mix in equal proportions burdock, linseed and sea buckthorn oils. Chop the parsley finely until juice is released, add to the oily composition. Apply on eyelids for 10-15 minutes. At this time, you need to lie down calmly, relaxing the muscles of the face. Then wash off the mask with warm water.
- Add a few drops of liquid vitamin A to one teaspoon of castor or burdock oil. It is better to buy vitamins in capsules and open them during the preparation of the mask. Liquid preparations contained in vials have a high concentration. The prepared mask should be applied to the roots of the eyelashes several times a week before going to bed.
- In equal proportions, take the oil infused with grape seeds, sprouted wheat grains (ground) and aloe juice. Insist for several days. Lubricate the roots, avoiding eye contact. Store the mixture in a dark container in the refrigerator. Before use, take out in advance so that the composition can acquire the temperature of the room environment.

Compresses are made from herbal infusions and decoctions. With the help of cotton pads, they are applied warm to the eyes for 15 minutes. Such procedures will not only help to grow lush eyelashes, but also remove puffiness, inflammation and redness of the eyes.
- Combine 1 teaspoon of dry ground herbs of chamomile, nettle and sage in a vessel and pour 150 ml of boiling water. Insist until cool, strain and use as compresses several times a week. Continue the course of treatment for 2-3 weeks, depending on the condition of the eyelashes.Compresses can be alternated with oil masks.
- Strengthens eyelash follicles and relieves inflammation with strong tea brewing. You can use green or black tea, the main thing is natural, without additives and dyes.
- Herbs such as calendula (marigold), cornflowers, leaves of coltsfoot are excellent for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes. They are mixed in dried crushed form in equal proportions. The prepared mixture is stored in a dry, dark place. For cooking, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for an hour. Used for compresses strained warm.

Store drugs
If there is no time to prepare homemade compositions on your own, you can use ready-made restorative cosmetic products. The following drugs have proven themselves well.
- Talika Lipocils. French gel for activating the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. The drug contains 12 ingredients, most of which are herbs. The gel perfectly nourishes the bulbs, improves blood circulation. It can be used in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is no more than a month.

- Careprost Sun Pharmaceutical Industries... An Indian drug that improves the growth of eyelashes. It can be purchased in a 3 ml container. The tool is equipped with a special brush with which it is applied to the roots of the eyelashes.
Unfortunately, the composition is not accompanied by instructions in Russian.

- Platinus. The liquid is designed to restore damaged eyelashes. It contains natural products that do not cause allergies.

- Xlash. An English remedy that perfectly stimulates the growth of eyelashes. Produced in metal containers resembling decorative ink (1.5 and 3 ml).
The composition contains natural and synthetic ingredients.

- Toplash. The preparation contains extracts of thuja and ginseng, restores eyelashes, enriches them with mineral components.
Stimulates fast and stable growth of cilia.

Growth Tips
Sometimes, in order to achieve rapid growth of eyelashes, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, since their health and beauty depend on many factors. So, the growth of eyelashes is influenced by:
- high-quality eye and eyelid care;
- some diseases of the body;
- stress and nervous exhaustion;
- frequent trauma to eyelashes;
- dangerous cosmetics;
- harmful foods in the diet;
- environmental problems;
- frequent eyelash extensions.
If you consider all of these factors, take care of your health and change some habits, drug therapy may not be needed. If the condition of the eyelashes requires restorative procedures, it is necessary to abandon the use of cosmetics during the treatment, do not rub the eyes, fortify food and remember that you can start re-building no earlier than six months later.

You can find out how to restore eyelashes after extension below.