Eyelash extensions

Bundle eyelash extension

Bundle eyelash extension
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Classification
  3. How to glue correctly?
  4. Follow-up care
  5. How long do they last?
  6. How to remove quickly?
  7. Before and after examples
  8. Review overview

You can make your look more expressive and bright with the help of eyelash extensions. The cosmetic procedure can be carried out in different ways. Many ladies choose bunches... We will talk about this method in today's article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Recently, eyelash extension has become a popular procedure that many women turn to. Became in demand beam technology... With the right execution, the look of fashionistas turns out to be bright, expressive and attractive.

This procedure, like any other, has strengths and weaknesses. Let's start with the first ones.

  1. The technique is relatively simple. Often this type of build-up is done at home without using a professional tool.
  2. With this method of building up, the ability to independently adjust the volume and length of hairs thanks to the addition of additional beams. A girl can easily transform and change her usual image literally within a day.
  3. With the help of beams you can create an interesting, dramatic image... Such solutions will be a win-win for the scene. This is one of the main differences of this technique in comparison with eyelash extensions. The latter usually looks more natural and is suitable not only for some events, but also for the office.
  4. Bundle build-up features democratic cost. A set of bundles, depending on the brand, can cost from 100 to 700 rubles. Almost every woman can afford such a cost, especially when you consider the fact that bundles are often made reusable. Traditional extensions are always much more expensive.
  5. When removing the beam build-up, the costs are also minimal.... When the need arises, the girl carefully removes the bundles. With the same build-up of the eyelash type, you have to visit the master.
  6. Beam extension practically does not harm your own eyelashes, if you choose a high quality adhesive.

Now let's consider the disadvantages of beam build-up.

  • Short-term effect... Pore-back build-up can be successfully held for up to one and a half months. The beam technique will allow you to enjoy a spectacular look in just a couple of weeks.
  • Some girls point out that wearing bundles is less comfortablerather than separately extended eyelashes.
  • In most cases, beams look unnatural, and if at least one of them comes off, it will immediately be noticeable to everyone.


Beam extension subdivided into different types. Let's get to know each of them.


With this technology, the hairs are glued together in such a way that together represent a kind of part of the eyelid arch with cilia... Ready-made hairs glued in a similar way create an effect close to eyelash extensions. This is one of the reasons why many ladies turn to this particular technique.


With this method several cilia are connected at one point, which is called a nodule... It is on this small area that an adhesive is subsequently applied and glued to its hairs.

How to glue correctly?

Beam extension must be done correctly... Many ladies do this cosmetic procedure at home.

In order to avoid mistakes, it is worth learning all the intricacies of this technology.

Tools and materials

Before starting transformative work, be sure to you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools... This should be done in advance so as not to be distracted by anything during the procedure.

You will need the following materials:

  • bundles of eyelashes;
  • high-quality adhesive solution;
  • patches (silicone liners for the eyelids);
  • cotton swabs;
  • vegetable little.

Looking for the right hand toolseg plastic tweezers. In addition, it is important to choose for all stages of work comfortable spot. There must be a large mirror, in which all your actions will be visible. It is imperative that the work area has good lighting... If there is too little of it, this can lead to the fact that you will not like the result of the procedure.

All flaws are clearly visible only in the light.


You cannot neglect the preparatory steps before starting the procedure. It is important to properly prepare the tool you will be using. Tweezers, which you cannot do without during beam extension, should be placed side by side on a special table along with an adhesive solution. Find the right magnifying mirror.

It must be perfectly clean, otherwise you risk not noticing some defects and flaws in it.

Eyes need to be washed warm water and soap, and then gently wipe with a special skin tonic. This preparatory stage is needed in order to degrease the surface of the eyelids. Then the adhesion of the beams to the adhesive will be stronger and more reliable.

Necessary protect the eyelids from glue... This will require place special patches on this place or silicone / paper wipes. After that, you can proceed directly to the procedure of eyelash extension with bundles.

The main stage

You need to carefully take a bunch of eyelashes. An adhesive is applied to its tip, and then the hairs are applied to their own eyelashes.

After attaching the bundle, you need to hold it for some time. To do this, you should use a special plastic tweezers or a wooden stick.These actions will be necessary so that the glue has time to harden, and the bundles are well fixed in place.

Also, due to such manipulations, it is possible to set a specific direction, a vector of extended eyelashes, so that the fashionista's gaze remains open.


When completing the self-extension of the bunched eyelashes, the DIYer should make sure that all the bunches are well glued. If, nevertheless, something does not suit you, you will need to very carefully remove and re-glue those villi, the fixation of which did not seem to be of the highest quality.

To do this, take a cotton swab, dip it in vegetable oil and literally for a few seconds to attach to a weakly glued beam. After that, the beam is removed very easily and simply. All that remains is to resort to repeated degreasing and you can build up the cilia again.

At the very end of the procedure, you should gently press 2 rows of eyelashes with your index and thumb. After that, the gluing of the bundles can be considered complete.

Follow-up care

Even the bundles that have been pasted by a professional craftsman may fall out soon. Moreover, some ladies complain that the bundles fall out and collapse. To prolong the period of their wearing, one should not forget about the subsequent care after the build-up.

  1. Desirable as possible less touching eyelashes... Don't rub your eyes. Get rid of this habit if you want to have beautiful and lush eyelashes.
  2. Wash your face gently and remove makeup just as gently. Movements should be light, blotting. No active friction is needed.
  3. Try to do not sleep with your face in the pillow.
  4. Use less mascara... Extended eyelashes look pretty pretty even without it. Of course, no one forbids the use of mascara, but it is enough to apply it with only one layer and not too thick. Ideally, it makes sense to abandon it altogether for a while.
  5. Make sure that the treated surfaces did not get fat cream... If a woman uses a care cream for the lower eyelids, then in case of accidental contact with the eyelash area, it is necessary to remove the oily composition as soon as possible.
  6. Maximum accuracy should be shown to those girls who use contact lenses (regular or colored - it doesn't matter). They must be taken off and put on very carefully, without making any sudden movements.
  7. It is not recommended to visit the bathhouse or sauna... High temperatures can negatively affect the condition of the adhesive mixture. In such an environment, the beams may fall off.

How long do they last?

A well-performed beam extension can keep from 2 to 3 weeks, subject to proper care... During this time, of course, some beams may fall out. In this case, you can resort to additional correction.

How to remove quickly?

Many ladies are interested in how to remove extended bundles of eyelashes without unnecessary harm and temporary losses. There are simple but effective ways to do this.

You can use quality makeup remover. The composition must be oil-based. Such a solution will easily soften the layer of glue on which the tufts of eyelashes are fixed. After that, they will need to be carefully pulled, starting from the outer corner.

If you decide to resort to this method, it should be borne in mind that the use of an oil-based product can harm your extended beams so much that later they will no longer be able to be used.

If you want to stick on the eyelashes again, then you should look for a suitable product that does not contain oil.

Before and after examples

Correctly performed eyelash beam extension procedure can bring amazing results. Let's look at some good examples.

  • The look will be more expressive if decorate the eyes with twisted beams with lengthening closer to the outer corner.
  • A large number of lush and long bunches, glued on a sparse pattern, can make a woman's look very effective and sexy. True, such a decision must be implemented as accurately and professionally as possible, otherwise it will look too unnatural.
  • If your own eyelashes are too short and not the most voluminous, then beam extension can be an excellent solution. Voluminous and fluffy hairs glued along the entire length of the upper eyelid, will certainly give the look a special chic.

Review overview

Beam extension technology is wildly popular. Today, many young ladies resort to this cosmetic procedure, so you can find a lot of different reviews about it on the Internet. Among them there are both enthusiastic and disappointed.

First, consider what the positive aspects of such a build-up were highlighted by modern women of fashion.

  1. The girls were very attracted by what beautiful and voluminous eyelashes are obtained upon completion of the procedure.
  2. Similar build-up does not require a lot of free time and is carried out quickly, which could not fail to please many ladies, especially busy ones.
  3. Girls wanting achieve the effect of a "puppet" look were satisfied with the beam build-up.
  4. The fashionistas were also pleased that during the procedure they did not experience painful sensations or severe discomfort.
  5. According to fashionistas, with the help of beam extension they managed to effectively emphasize the look.
  6. For beam extension no need to spend a lot... This is one of the most affordable ways of transformation, so many thrifty ladies choose it, which they do not regret later.
  7. The girls were pleased that with such an increase eyelashes seem not only longer, but also fluffy, voluminous and attract a lot of attention.

There were many ladies who were disappointed with this cosmetic procedure. Let's figure out what the reasons for this opinion are.

  • Many girls noticed that after the beam build-up their own eyelashes fall out a lot... This problem occurs, but in the event that the build-up was carried out incorrectly or low-quality glue was used.
  • The ladies were upset too short-lived effect after beam build-up. In most cases, the girls wore such beauty for about 2 weeks, and for some fashionistas, the extended eyelashes began to crumble the very next day after the procedure.
  • In the sock, the tufts of eyelashes seemed to many girls very uncomfortable. According to women of fashion, because of this, they experienced quite a lot of discomfort, they wanted to remove the glued material as soon as possible.
  • There were also those among the ladies who absolutely did not like the external effect achieved with the help of beam extensions. The young ladies note that after this the look seems completely unnaturaland sometimes ridiculous.
  • Girls don't like the "cheap" look, which is often created by glued beams. In addition, if at least one bundle comes unstuck, you have to resort to the formation of a beautiful "picture in front of your eyes", otherwise the external image will be spoiled. This feature greatly upset the fair sex.

For information on how to easily and quickly stick beam eyelashes, see the next video.

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