Eyelash extensions with "Hollywood" effect

Eyelash Extension "Hollywood" — one of the most popular techniques used in lashmaking. The secrets and scheme of creating an expressive look, how much volume can be obtained using this method, interests many people. The Hollywood effect for eyelash extensions allows you to create different look options. Before deciding on a procedure, it is worth learning as much as possible about it, weighing all the pros and cons.

The Hollywood effect in eyelash extension is popular among young girls and middle-aged women. It allows you to add volume and splendor, gives the eyes expressiveness without unnecessary weighting in the form of mascara. Eyelashes extended using the Hollywood technique look, depending on the choice of their owner, in a carnival-like bright or quite natural way.

This method corrects well, stretches the shape of the eye, visually changes the incision.
For the first time, the building-up technique, today known as "Hollywood", began to be used in the film industry back in the 30s of the XX century. It was the make-up artists from Los Angeles who managed to radically change the very approach to creating an expressive look. For decades, this type of build-up technique has been in demand in the cinema, on the catwalks, in the theater. With the advent of fashion for the "puppet" look, the Hollywood technique was in demand in the beauty industry.

The main feature of the "Hollywood" technique is the use of beam build-up. In this case, several artificial hairs are attached to 1 own, natural eyelash. Typically, a bundle contains up to 7 individual elements. To obtain a natural effect, it turns out 2-3 artificial hairs with a thickness of not more than 0.07 mm are enough.

Classic Hollywood augmentation involves creating 2D volume, but modern techniques allow you to get 4D or 5D, creating a doll-like look. This technique is considered to be less complicated than the eyelash technique. Average 1 eye leaves from 8 to 12 bundles of artificial hairs. By varying their volume, the master creates a Hollywood look like on a movie screen.

Bundle eyelash extension "Hollywood" allows you to bring to life a variety of ideas. For example, a two-row version close to natural, called 2D, allows you not to overload your own eyelashes. 3D-extensions are done for a wedding or other special occasion - eyelashes are arranged in 3 rows. 4D and 5D - an extreme option for short-term wear, if even 1 beam is lost, it will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Among the most popular options for Hollywood eyelash extensions are the following.
- Fox. This effect is created if the master uses eyelashes of different lengths during the extension. Closer to the bridge of the nose, shorter ones are used, gradually, their increase is traced to the outer corner of the eye. The achieved result allows you to get an expressive look, as when using eyeliner or contouring with an emphasis on the temples.

The fox technique is named due to the fact that the eyes become, as it were, narrowed, cunning and impudent.
- Squirrel... According to this scheme, extensions must be done exclusively on the outer edge of the eye, allowing you to place accents without the doll-like effect. With the help of squirrel extensions, it is easy to visually stretch the shape of the eye, make the incision more almond-shaped. The number of tufts here is less, but the eyelashes themselves are quite long.

- Puppet... A real trend that has come into fashion in the era of social media. The density of eyelashes when using this option varies from 4D to 10D, a bundle of 4-10 hairs is attached to 1 own eyelash, and even along the entire length. The result is a fluffy, puppet-like eye frame.

Such a build-up is not done on a long-term basis, but as a one-time "action" for a photo shoot or publication.
- Sparse... A popular option that supports the natural beauty trend. In the bundles, hairs of different lengths are used, as a result, a completely natural result is obtained, the look becomes expressive and attractive without makeup and eyeliner.

- Natural... Here, the master primarily focuses on the client's own eyelashes, their length and thickness, carefully selects the material for work. The hairs themselves are most often not black, but brown, they are arranged in 2 or 3 rows.

- Fantasy. In this case, feathers, rhinestones, and colored elements are added to synthetic eyelashes. Such a build-up is usually done for 1 evening, to a specific image. The master uses an unstable glue that can last 24-48 hours. Then the eyelashes are removed.

All these options can be implemented only if the client's own eyelashes are healthy and strong enough. The tufts of hairs are very stressful. Weak eyelashes may simply not be able to withstand it.
Who is it for?
Eyelash extension using the Hollywood technique is the choice of many girls and women leading a public lifestyle. For them, the need to look good is a daily necessity. Hollywood extension technique helps to always be ready for camera flashes, makes it easier for daily makeup and preparation for stage performances. This is the secret of the popularity of technology.

Hollywood hair extensions can be tailored to almost any look. It is ideal for girls who have an allergic reaction to mascara. After building up, you can easily abandon the use of decorative cosmetics. In addition, Hollywood technology is well suited for special occasions: wedding parties, outings, filming on TV and photo shoots.

A lush fan of eyelashes looks good in combination with fashionable makeup. It can be made part of the image, captivating others with one glance. For everyday office work, craftsmen offer more natural options for such a build-up. More lush eyelashes can be done on the eve of the vacation - the correction will not be needed earlier than in a month.

In general, we can recommend this option to those girls who are already generously gifted with eyelashes from nature.
Despite its versatility, this extension method has limitations. It is not suitable for weakened eyelashes, as the weight of the tufts and the stress they put on them can further damage their condition. You cannot use the Hollywood technique on a permanent basis. The reason is the same - a heavy load on your own eyelashes.

Any build-up in case of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the eye or allergic reactions to materials is strictly prohibited.
Extension scheme
Hollywood eyelash extension technology is well known and quite simple to implement. All its stages are thought out to the smallest detail. Moreover, due to the use of beams, the procedure proceeds somewhat faster than eyelash extensions. For work, the master uses:
- straight and special curved tweezers;
- hypoallergenic adhesive composition;
- eyelashes on a tape, individually wrapped;
- degreasing lotion;
- crescent-shaped patches;
- antiseptic liquid for disinfecting hands and tweezers.

All these components are needed for both home and salon extensions. Without them, the procedure simply will not work. In addition, the lashmaker can use other accessories he needs.
When preparing for the work, it is worth making sure that the ciliary line has not been stained before - the glue can react with the pigment, the fixation will be unstable.

A step-by-step execution technique looks like this.
- Make-up is removed from the eyes. It should not be on the eyelids or on the eyelashes.
- The surface of the working area is degreased. Eyelashes should be free of plaque, otherwise the glue will not adhere well.
- A special protection in the form of adhesive tape is applied to the area of the lower eyelid together with the ciliary edge. This is necessary in order to exclude contact of the glue with this area. Usually, hypoallergenic patches are used that adhere well but do not irritate the skin.
- The master takes artificial fibers glued to the tape and forms bunches of the desired size from them using tweezers. The common tip of the collected hairs is dipped in glue.
- With straight tweezers on the ciliary edge, separate the desired element, moving from the outer edge of the eye towards its inner corner. The entire bundle is attached to this eyelash with glue. Fixation takes place at a height of 2 mm from the surface of the eyelid. The adhesive does not come into direct contact with the skin.
- The master applies a fixing compound that promotes the rapid hardening of the glue. After that, the final shape is given to the eyelashes with a special brush.

According to classic Hollywood technology, a bundle is made up of 3-5 artificial fibers. If all actions are performed correctly, the client does not experience discomfort.

When building up in the Hollywood technique, craftsmen pay great attention to the selection of raw materials. The material should be as light and thin as possible so as not to overload your own eyelashes. Among the most popular materials are 4 types that meet these requirements and ensure the preservation of the natural effect.
- Silk fibers... They have a glossy sheen and are very bright. Eyelashes on such a basis can be safely dyed with mascara, subject to make-up remover. They are practically not felt on the surface of the eyelid.

- Columns. Affordable and relatively inexpensive material. In this case, the thickness of the hairs does not exceed 0.1 mm. This is a good option for beginners.

- Mink fur. Only fibers with a diameter of up to 0.15 mm are suitable, thicker ones look rough.The good thing about this fur is that it is quite light and thin, and the hairs do not get tangled when working. The mink looks natural both in color and shine, it is universal for the implementation of different types of Hollywood build-up.

- Sable. It is considered an option for short-term creation of bright images. It looks bright, but the fur is quite thick and rough. Suitable for theatrical, stage performances for 1 evening.

When choosing an adhesive, you should consider brand products. Ardell, Dolce Vita, Salon Professional. They have proven themselves well in the world market, they are used in salons and private craftsmen.

Follow-up care
Eyelashes on which Hollywood extensions have been made require careful follow-up care. On average, depending on the number of beams used and their density, correction and removal are required no earlier than after 2-4 weeks. Exact adherence to the recommendations of the master helps to maximize the visual effect. In particular, the following is required.
- Protection against water for 1 day after gluing. For 24 hours, the eyelashes cannot be wetted, otherwise the fixing compound may not adhere well. As a result, pretty soon the eyelashes will begin to crumble from the eyelids.
- Exclude visits to the sauna or solarium for 3-5 days. Contact with high temperatures is not the best to offer immediately after building. In addition, it is worthwhile to temporarily exclude the use of alcoholic beverages and salty foods in order to avoid edema.

- Do not rub your eyes with your hands. For a while, it is worth abandoning cosmetic procedures affecting the eyelids and the ciliary edge; for washing, use mild cleansing compositions suitable for application to a disc, micellar water will be the best choice. In general, the less trauma to the lash attachment area, the better.

- Brush eyelashes daily with a special brush. This will keep them from getting tangled.

- Eliminate sleeping on your stomach... You will have to give up your favorite position for a while, otherwise in the morning all the results of the lashmaker's labors will be on the pillow.

- Change greasy creams and other caring cosmetics for lighter ones. This will avoid a chemical reaction with the glue and will help you wear lush Hollywood eyelashes for longer.

- Carefully put on and remove contact lenses. It is better to switch to flexible options for a while in order to exclude trauma to the area of attachment of the beams.

- Inform the master in advance about some of the features of your health. When hormones are taken, eyelashes may "shrink" in a different way. This is due to the increased production of certain substances in the body. Better to postpone build-up or use it as a short-term solution.

- Observe the correction terms recommended by the master. In this case, annoying "bald spots" will not appear on the eyelids.

- Remove eyelash extensions only from a master. Removing them yourself with tweezers or by hand may cause injury. In addition, your own eyelashes will almost certainly suffer.

Of course, even with careful handling, the build-up will sooner or later have to be removed or corrected. The Hollywood technique is considered quite traumatic for one's own eyelashes; it is advised to use it only alternating with rest periods - at least 2 weeks.
Examples of
The results before and after the Hollywood eyelash extension look impressive. For comparison, it is enough to give vivid and quite illustrative examples.
- "Puppet" option. The difference between your own volume and splendor of eyelashes and the option after the procedure is obvious.

- A clear difference between 2D, 3D and Hollywood lashes. Once again confirms that even with beam technique, the result can vary from natural to theatrical.

For information on how to shape bunches for a Hollywood effect, see the next video.