What do M-curl lashes look like and who are they suitable for?

The M curve used by beauticians for eyelash extension is a popular option, with the help of which it is possible to give the hair a beautiful curl, make the eyes more attractive. The kink suits many girls. The advantage of this form is its durability. Eyelashes will last for a long time and will not fall out even in case of strong external influences.

A distinctive feature of the M-bend is the high traction rate. Threads made of various materials are firmly attached to real eyelashes, due to which they can be worn for quite a long time. The gluing takes place by means of laser notches provided on each thread.

Elongation of natural eyelashes by means of the M bend allows:
- hide the flaws in the shape of the upper overhanging eyelids;
- correct the fit of the eyelashes, making them more lush and evenly distributed;
- emphasize the beauty of the look.
The extension method, which implies the use of M bend threads, makes the hair line more full and lush, while the eyelashes look especially beautiful from the side.
The bend is suitable for those who seek to create a spectacular look. Strong curls will do the job just fine.
And also it can be used with other options, thanks to which it turns out to achieve an unusual result.

Who is it suitable for?
The M curve is literally made for girls. Long artificial threads look good on all face and eye shapes. Such eyelashes are popular among girls:
- with deep-set eyes;
- with almond-shaped eyes;
- with eyelashes that do not have a bend;
- with an eyelid hanging over the eye.
If you combine this option with cosmetics, you get a pretty vivid image. In this case, the makeup will take very little time. Artificial threads perfectly correct eye imperfections, visually raise the lowered corners and give expressiveness to the look.
It is not recommended to choose the M shape for women with small eyes. And also the threads will not look very good in cases where the corners of the eyes are raised, and the eyes themselves are set close to each other.
Finally, artificial threads of this shape will not adhere to weakened eyelashes.

Comparison with other bends
To get the classic effect, the beautician glues one artificial eyelash to one natural one. At the same time, to create a more expressive look or visually emphasize the advantages of the shape of the eyes, the specialist changes the length of the thread.
Before talking about the differences, it is worth noting that there are two main technologies for attaching threads.
- 2D implies the imposition of 2 artificial threads on 1 natural eyelash. In this case, it is important that the ends of the threads look in different directions. Due to this arrangement, it is possible to achieve the desired volume.
- 3D- extension requires the attachment of 3 unnatural hairs per 1 eyelash. The disadvantage of such an extension is the weight of the eyelashes, so at first it will be unusual.

Usually, when using these technologies, three forms of eyelashes are used at once: D, L, M.
When using the M bend, it is recommended to do an incomplete extension. Three-dimensional threads are applied to the eyelid starting from the middle of the ciliary row.
Thus, it is possible to visually raise the overhanging eyelid, the lowered corner of the eye. Through the use of M-bend threads, the look becomes more cunning, feminine. The hairs differ from L elements in thickness. The shape is smoother, its bend is stronger when compared again with the L-shape thread.
M eyelashes are made mainly for going out, for an event, celebration or other important event. This is explained by their volume, since the bend does not look natural, differing in its splendor.

What materials are used?
Eyelashes are made of various materials, using both natural ingredients and artificial ones. The material affects several indicators, so it is important to understand them.
Let's consider the main factors.
- Performance style... The choice of technology, with the help of which the cosmetologist will fix the eyelashes, directly depends on the type of material.
- Ease of wear. The weight of the artificial thread can be small or, conversely, differ in weight, which makes it uncomfortable to wear them.
- Duration of wear... The material demonstrates how long fake eyelashes on natural hairs can last.
The component from which the threads are made influences the bending. Depending on the selected technology, with which the girl is determined when she comes to the salon, the type of consumable used is selected. The more complex the technique, the lighter the fake cilia should be, so that the eyes do not get tired of wearing them. In addition, light threads last longer, and this is shown by the long-term practice of cosmetologists, customer reviews.
Two types of materials are used to make M-curved eyelashes. It is worth talking about each of them in more detail, listing the features, advantages and disadvantages.

Mink eyelashes are elastic and fluffy. They are called so because of the similarity with the wool of the animal of the same name. They are distinguished by simplicity of execution and use. The mink does not cause any difficulties in the implementation of the technology. The material stays on the eyelashes for a long time, allows you to use various attachment techniques. With the help of mink, it is possible to achieve:
- lush volume;
- effective distribution of eyelashes over the eye.
Mink lashes give a matte sheen. This effect is suitable for those who decide to sign up for a photo shoot or plan to attend an important event.
Eyelashes will favorably emphasize the look of the client, make the eyes expressive and attractive.

Another easy-to-use and wearable material. Silk eyelashes are the thinnest (0.1-0.15 mm). A distinctive feature is that, due to its light weight, silk eyelashes hold on to the eyelid for a long time and practically no maintenance is required. The influence of external factors does not affect the material in any way, therefore many clients prefer these particular threads.
Silk eyelashes shine for a more natural looking result. To obtain a neat stylish result, beauticians mainly use mink or silk.
The prices for both materials are different, so the client should first consult with a specialist.

What are the best techniques to do?
The M shape has a high curvature, therefore it is important to choose the right technology by which the hairs will be attached. The beautician should consider how to place the threads along the eyelid in order to achieve the desired effect as a result.
There are several techniques that will help you get a neat and expressive result.
- Fox effect... To take advantage of this technology, eyelashes of different lengths must be prepared. They must be fastened starting from the inner corner of the eye, observing a smooth transition in length. Short hairs should gradually grow long. Suitable for lovers of accentuated eyes.
With the help of this technique, the look is more attractive, open.

- Obvious effect. Another technology that will help you get an attractive result. Stylistics involves the use of threads of different lengths. They must be alternated with each other, placing them on the surface of the eye in such a way that small rays are formed. Significant curvature makes the result brighter and more expressive.
Cilia hide the overhanging eyelid.

- Puppet effect. An unusual novelty that involves the use of the longest eyelashes. The technique requires a responsible approach and patience of the cosmetologist, the client. As a result, it will turn out to create a doll-like look, the eyes will be framed by thick eyelashes with a graceful curve.
The downside is that this look doesn't look natural.

The rest of the techniques will not give such a spectacular result as those listed above. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to them. In this case, the client should consult with a beautician in advance which option would be better, or show a photo of the result that he wants to achieve.
The M fold gives a significant amount of curl to the artificial filaments. With this form, the cilia are more lush, they are noticeable from afar.
The advantage of the M curve is the ability to mask eyelid imperfections.

You can learn how to care for eyelash extensions in the next video.