How long does it take to extend eyelashes?

Eyelash extensions have become very popular lately. Thanks to him, there is an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and be in the center of attention of others. However, those who are just getting acquainted with this procedure are interested in how long they extend their eyelashes. From the material in this article, you will find out how long the session lasts, why the time is different, and whether it can be shortened without losing the quality of work.

What it is?
Eyelash extension implies gluing artificial hairs to natural ones almost at the very base... This is done along the growth line without touching the mucous membrane and gluing one or more synthetic hairs, gathered in a bun, over the natural hair.
The execution technologies are different, which allows you to achieve a different effect.
The hairs differ in thickness, length and color.... In addition, they differ in effect. Some varieties provide for the presence of rhinestones, others will be just colored. In other cases, the master glues both short and long eyelashes at the same time. Also stackable the material also differs in the shape of the bend.

Average build time
The timing of fake eyelash extensions varies due to several factors. The procedure itself requires not only perseverance and accuracy, but also professionalism. Besides, the duration of the session is influenced by the type of work performed... For example, a full extension takes longer than a partial extension.
Much depends on the master himself, his experience, qualifications and attitude to work. High-quality build-up is performed for at least two hours... However, there are nuances everywhere.For example, it can take 60 to 80 minutes for a professional to slightly enlarge the cilia. The classic extension will last about 2 hours.
If a different effect is required, the procedure time can be significantly increased. It has to do with execution technology. For example, with the classics, 1 artificial eyelash is glued to one of your eyelashes. If you perform 2D extensions, you will have to glue 2 hairs to your own hair.

It will take more time, because the likelihood of gluing in this case increases. Careful work will require straightening each cilium, to the base of which you will have to glue a V-shaped bundle. This effect can be sparse, classic and full. In general, this build-up can take from 2 to 2.5 hours.
When more volume or 3D is needed, the procedure can take up to 3 hours. In this case, 3 synthetic ones are glued to each natural eyelash. Moreover, they are collected in a bundle and may differ in length. The more of them and the tighter the arrangement, the longer the master works.
The Hollywood effect will require at least 4 hours of work. In addition, there are other techniques that take more time to complete.
With the maximum volume, the work of the master is especially painstaking. It is necessary to raise the scales of natural eyelashes, glue the material so that it does not cause discomfort when worn.

Correction, which is carried out in 2-3 weeks from the moment of building, may take different times. The length of the session is influenced by the amount of work. If your eyelashes are renewed too intensively, the correction will take at least 1.5 hours. It takes less time to correct the classic build-up.
As for the newbies, they work slower than the professionals. On average, a beginner lashmaker takes 30-60 minutes more time to build up than a pro. At the same time, a self-respecting master will immediately warn the client about the time of the procedure. If she is told that it will take less than an hour, it is worth considering. Eyelashes made in this salon will not hold for a long time.

What affects the speed of the procedure?
The speed of the extension can be different. It depends on various factors. The key ones are the professionalism, conscientiousness and experience of the master. A good specialist works without haste. It works through each eyelash, preventing the formation of glue lumps, due to which the accumulated material falls out.
Unscrupulous craftsmen to please clients offer express build-up. At the same time, they declare that the procedure lasts no more than 40 minutes. However, the quality of the work suffers from this. Such specialists do not have enough time to prepare natural eyelashes, degrease them, properly remove the remover and stick synthetic hairs.

Few people know that the express service means the minimum sticking of thicker eyelashes.
To build up them faster than with the usual method, this procedure does not take much time. However, such work cannot be called high-quality. You can face the fact that after a few days natural eyelashes will begin to fall out along with the extended ones, leaving unpleasant bald spots.
With express build-up, gluing cannot be avoided. In an attempt to save time, the master is in a hurry, which is why the eyelashes stick together. This is not only unaesthetic, but also causes the tingling sensation. When doing this build-up, more glue is consumed. In addition, there is not enough time for drying, the extension itself is incomplete. At the same time, cheap materials that are harmful to the eyes are often used.

Is it possible to shorten the time?
Only a professional specialist with extensive experience can reduce the time spent on the procedure without losing quality. At the same time, the time savings are not so significant.In order to speed up the building process at least a little, lashmakers optimize the workplace and space, learn to place their hand and fingers correctly, and hold tweezers.
Someone takes courses of high-speed building, adopting the experience of professional trainers. Others define a permanent location for each material and tool. This allows you to bring the process to automatism. For this purpose, they buy special organizers with compartments for pallets, materials, patches, jars.
They also buy additional tweezers. They may be needed when there is no time to clean the main tweezers from excess glue.
In addition, the main tool begins to grip the hairs worse during operation. Changing it will reduce the time and continue working without losing the quality and durability of the clutch.

Professionals determine the time of interaction with each client... This time is made up not only of the main process. It is necessary to limit the time of greeting, to write down the preferences, taking into account the past experience. Knowing the individual characteristics, you can prepare the necessary materials in advance so as not to waste extra time.
In order not to take a break during work, you need to immediately invite the client to visit the toilet, put the smartphone on silent mode. It's great if the administrator does some of the work. He can draw up a contract, familiarize the client with the nuances of the work, its duration, prepare a care memo.
It's important to eliminate all distractions. In addition to the phone, you need to turn off the TV and work in silence so as not to be distracted and not to lose speed. If a salon visitor loves to talk, you can buy a helium lip mask, combining extensions with a useful cosmetic procedure.

It is necessary to control movements and accelerate when performing intermediate stages. You can save time for gluing patches. No need to waste precious seconds on eyelash correction and constant combing. All this can be done after the end of the session. You can save time when extending if you admire your work less and check your eyelashes less often for gluing.
It is also important to get rid of such parasitic movements as checking transitions with a mirror and prolonged cleaning of the tweezers used. The time of the master should not be wasted on this.
You can also save time by choosing the right glue. This material is not at all universal, it has different coupling times. A slow-setting preparation slows down the build-up process, and therefore it lasts longer. The more experience the craftsman has, the faster he switches to material with quick coupling (1-2 seconds).

Tips & Tricks
The duration of the session varies. However, specialists have techniques that will help you get the job done faster and without losing quality. For example, clients may have naturally thick eyelashes. If so, then in some cases you can skip work with fluffy hairs... It is recommended to do this if the final volume does not suffer and gaps are not visible.
You need to work by extending eyelashes in two eyes at once... Simultaneous extensions of this type give the perfect symmetrical result. In this case, you need to work with two tweezers (straight and curved). First, they deal with difficult areas, choosing a process sequence that is convenient for themselves.
Some lashmakers in the process of work have to get rid of the natural slowness and long formation of beams. The whole procedure should be divided into time segments. Professionals put a clock in their office to keep track of how long each extension step takes.

Internal account helps to speed up working hours. For example, preparation that includes pillows, cleaning and marking should not exceed 10 minutes. Working with inner corners - 20. For outer corners, you can spend 10 minutes, in the middle of the eyelids - no more than 40.Verification takes 10 minutes. This result is considered ideal for classic build-up.
You can accelerate when applying a degreaser and primer, setting a bun and looking for natural hair. However, haste is highly undesirable when forming a beam. When glued by the piece in the classical method, up to 120 artificial hairs are consumed. Fixing each of them should not take more than 30 seconds.
At the same time, you need to glue the extensible material not to the lashes, but to the mature and long eyelashes. If you ignore this rule, natural hairs break under the weight of artificial ones. In the course of work, it is important to build on the features of natural eyelashes. For example, the so-called doll extension takes a long time, but it is not suitable for owners of thin and weakened eyelashes.

With the Japanese technique, the extension takes at least two hours. In such work, artificial hair can be attached through 3-5 natural cilia. This effect is considered incomplete and takes less time. If you need more volume, the master works out 100 hairs.
Among other factors affecting the duration of the procedure, it can be noted features of the structure of the eyes, watery eyes, muscle twitching or a reaction to the drug used for building. While working, this can become a distraction that will require a break.

Besides, your own type of natural eyelashes is also important... If they are thick and sturdy, it is easier and faster to glue the artificial material to them. Weak hairs will take much longer to tinker with. The work of the master will be even more difficult if he performs extensions on practically fallen and broken off eyelashes. In this case, a large volume and special effect will not work, but a rarefied version or a classic will be quite possible.
As for the removal of material, on average this session takes about half an hour.... This is done by means of special softeners. They are applied to the places where the eyelash extensions are glued and removed after a few minutes. Modern preparations save time and dissolve the glue in just 5-6 minutes.
Self-removal at home takes a long time, it is harmful and can cause complete loss of natural eyelashes.

For how long eyelash extension lasts, see the next video.