How to remove eyelash extensions without a special tool at home?

When extending artificial eyelashes, they are fixed with a special permanent glue. If you take care of them correctly, the eyelashes will last 10-14 days. It is better to remove extended eyelashes in the salon, because there they use special formulations for this purpose. But if you can't visit the master for some reason, you can try to get rid of eyelashes on your own at home. Let's take a closer look at how to remove eyelash extensions without a special tool at home.

Features of the procedure
Before you independently remove eyelash extensions, you should understand the features of this procedure. Everything is extremely simple - to remove the eyelashes, you just need to soften the glue with which they were fixed. In salons, masters use special creams to soften the glue. But at home you will have to do without a remover, and without a debonder, so you need to act very carefully. If everything is done correctly, then with the help of available tools, you can carry out the procedure in a few minutes.
Popular methods
The most popular home remedies are as follows:
- using vegetable oil;
- using baby cream;
- steaming method;
- with the help of "Albucid".

Suitable for quick and safe removal of eyelashes vegetable oils. It is best to use olive or vegetable. They are inexpensive and less likely to cause allergies when compared to other oils. If you have castor or almond, that's good too.... These oils can not only soften the glue, but also take care of the delicate skin around the eyes. And you can also use less popular oils: coconut, burdock, corn, almond, peach.
But here it is better to make sure that there is no allergy to this or that product. This is easy to do - just apply a small amount of oil to the crook of the elbow and wait a few minutes. If there is no redness or discomfort on the skin, then there is no allergy.

You can remove eyelash extensions using any oil as follows:
- pour a small amount of oil into a plastic container and heat in a microwave oven; it is important not to overheat so that the oil is only slightly warm;
- using a cotton swab, apply oil to the eyelashes of the lower eyelid;
- the oil will absorb a little into the skin, so an additional application can be applied after a few minutes.
Important! The oil should stay on the skin for about 30 minutes.
If not all the cilia come off the first time, then exactly the same procedure can be repeated the next day.

When using the cream, it is also important to consider the following nuances:
- choice of cream - the product must be greasy; it is very good if the above oils are included in the composition;
- the most optimal is baby cream - it does not cause irritation and is affordable;
- it is better to refuse to use petroleum jelly for this purpose.
The technique of applying the cream is exactly the same as that of oils. The only difference is that you do not need to heat the cream. But the cream is not able to soften the glue in 30 minutes, so it must hold out on the eyelashes for at least 2 hours.

On glue for eyelash extension, you can steam... To do this, boil water in a saucepan, tilt your face towards it, and cover yourself with a towel on top. The steam should work on the lashes for 7 to 10 minutes. It is quite possible (if the extension procedure was carried out efficiently) that after steaming the eyelashes will not come off. In this case, as a supplement, you can apply the first method - removal with oils.

You can remove eyelashes with an inexpensive drug - this eye drops "Albucid". It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad abundantly with drops, with which you need to wipe your eyelashes about 5-6 times.

Precautionary measures
Before carrying out the procedure, you need to think about precautions. The fact is that during the action, you can get injured and burned. In particular, steam can burn the skin when steaming. To prevent this from happening, the water should not be very hot. Also, you should not tilt your face too close. When using cream or oils, it is important to ensure that these substances do not get into the eyes, otherwise, irritation or even burns of the mucous membrane may occur. If everything is done correctly and carefully, then it will be possible to get rid of artificial eyelashes in a few minutes.
For information on how to properly remove eyelash extensions, see the video below.