Eyelash extension products Be Perfect

A beautiful expressive look is every woman's dream. In modern society, the eyelash extension procedure is gaining more and more popularity. Of particular interest to fashionistas are the products of the Be Perfect brand.... These unique Russian-made eyelash extension products can be purchased using an online order on the company's official website.

Advantages and disadvantages
The emergence of a popular brand happened relatively recently, namely in 2016. The founders of the company for the production of professional materials for eyelash extension were Svyatoslav Vert and his wife Maria... Initially, a narrow line of products designed exclusively for lamination of eyelashes was produced under this brand. Over time, the list of materials has expanded. The range of products of this brand includes eyelashes for extension, strong fixation glue and various preparations.
The main advantages of Be Perfect products include:
- qualitative composition;
- availability;
- wide range of.
However, the disadvantages include high cost of some funds... In addition, you also need to make an advance payment for the delivery of products, and waiting for the goods will take some time.

The most popular products among the brand's new products include the following.
- Eyelashes... The product is used for building by professional masters. Delicate, high-quality fiber allows for perfect bending. Eyelashes are durable and easy to remove. The well-known brand offers eyelashes for extensions of different thicknesses and curves (from L to D). The material is removed using special tools and tweezers. There are black, brown, green and blue eyelashes.Also, the Russian brand presents hairs dyed using the ombre technique.

- Extension glue... Designed for professional craftsmen. Has a liquid consistency, which instantly "grabs" and perfectly fixes the cilia. The amount of vapors of the product is minimal, so the risk of allergic reactions is reduced. Operational fixation allows the use of the glue in the volumetric extension technique. This product from Be Perfect is available in bottles of different sizes (3, 5, 10 ml).

- Eyelash lamination composition... A unique product that gives natural eyelashes an amazing look. With this composition, eyelashes become soft and elastic. Apply the product with a brush and after a while (10-15 minutes) remove it with dry cotton swabs. Thanks to this tool, the eyelashes retain their natural beauty.
Also in the assortment of the company there are antiallergenic spray, cream remover, fixative and degreaser.

Selection Tips
Inexperienced ladies who are just beginning to comprehend the technique of eyelash extension should pay attention to the following recommendations of specialists. Professionals generally prefer to work with adhesives that take 1 second to bond. However, for beginners, it is better to purchase an adhesive with a medium drying time (up to 3 seconds) in order to correct improper attachment of the cilia.
Before proceeding with the eyelash extension procedure, it is necessary to conduct a text for an allergic reaction. The fact is that girls with sensitive skin need to be extremely careful.
This procedure can seriously harm your health. It is best for a beginner to use glue with a minimum volume (3 ml), as the product thickens and dries quickly. Do not buy all types of eyelashes at once. It is quite possible to confine yourself to a mix-type palette, which contains monochromatic hairs of various lengths, suitable for classic extensions. Two types of tweezers should be available. Straight (split) and curved (grip and attach). Eyelash extension materials must be purchased from specialized stores. Otherwise, the use of low-quality products can lead to sad consequences.

Possible problems
The most common unpleasant situations that women face with eyelash extensions include the following.
- Failure to comply with the parameters of the application of glue for building... Some masters do not make the necessary indent from the mucous eyelid (1 mm). As a result, the eyelash glued to the skin begins to “pull” it, creating discomfort. The eyelid itches and itches. In addition, this procedure injures the natural hair follicles.
- Insufficient degreasing... It is for this reason that artificial eyelashes are most often not glued. The natural oily layer drastically reduces the adhesion of natural hairs to natural ones. In this case, the glue does not stick even the highest quality eyelashes.
- Saving time. The eyelash extension procedure is a painstaking and long process. It will not work quickly.
You can hardly expect a good result from a master who extends eyelashes in 30-40 minutes.

The following video provides a detailed overview of Be Perfect eyelash extension products.