How to build eyelashes at home?

Every woman dreams of having thick eyelashes, and nowadays it is very easy to turn a dream into reality. The eyelash extension procedure itself appeared not so long ago, but has already gained great popularity among women. Thanks to her, the face always looks well-groomed, and the gaze is open. But not everyone will have free time or the necessary amount of money for the procedure in the salon. Eyelash extensions can be done at home. It is not difficult at all, almost any beginner can handle it.

Advantages and disadvantages
Of course, the procedure has its advantages and disadvantages. Every girl, before deciding on such a step, must weigh the pros and cons. There are many pluses.
- Minimal eyelash care. Due to the certain curvature of the eyelash extension, they do not need to be curled.
- Such eyelashes are not afraid of moisture at all, which is very practical at sea or in the pool. They will not leave ugly streaks in the rain, which is also a definite plus.
- They are worn for a long time. The procedure for gluing artificial eyelashes takes up to 3 hours, and they will last up to a month. That is, with a minimum waste of time, you can become the owner of gorgeous long eyelashes for a long time.
- Expressive eyes. The look will immediately become brighter and more open.
- A minimum of cosmetics. Such eyelashes do not need additional cosmetics, they do not need to be tinted with mascara. The need for eyeshadow and eyeliner is also eliminated.
- The extension procedure is completely painless.
- Harmlessness and safety. Subject to sterility and disinfection, artificial beauty will last a long time.
- Antiallergenic drugs. Manufacturers produce a huge amount of high-quality glue on all kinds of natural ingredients, which minimizes the chance of causing allergies.

There are also disadvantages.
- If cheap, low-quality glue or other unnatural material is used during work, this can cause eye diseases, tearing and redness.
- When wearing contact lenses, the period of wearing artificial eyelashes is reduced. Lenses for the eyes are treated with a special liquid, which, in contact with eyelash glue, simply destroys its structure. Subsequently, the eyelashes begin to fall out and break.
- Needs neatness while sleeping. With extended eyelashes, you cannot sleep on your stomach, that is, with your face in the pillow. These precautions are necessary to prolong the wear of the artificial material.
- Restrictions on skin care. After extension, you need to wash your face very carefully so as not to damage your eyelashes. Use all kinds of products for oily and combination skin. If possible, do not use shadows and mascara, so as not to injure the eyelashes once again.
- Some women report a deterioration in the condition of their natural eyelashes. Many are struck by this immediately after the removal of artificial eyelashes. But experts point out that it is most likely just a matter of perception: it is difficult to get used to your own eyelashes and their length after long and lush artificial ones.
- It is not very convenient to build up for yourself. The procedure is not too difficult to work with, but it is definitely more convenient to perform if there is a master or assistant.
Although some girls easily build up eyelashes for themselves and do not see any problems in this.

What is required?
For quality work, all the necessary tools and related materials should be taken care of in advance.
Materials (edit)
You will need several products.
- The most important material will naturally be eyelashes. They are classified according to the curvature, length and thickness of the hair. Based on this, you can create a variety of images, you can visually change the shape and shape of the eyes. Beginners are advised to first use a mixed palette, with it there is an opportunity to experiment not only with the length, but also with the color of the villi. Hair should be firm, elastic and strong, and have a healthy natural appearance.
You need to choose manufacturers who have proven themselves well.

- Another important point is the choice of quality glue. For professionals, a glue has been developed that hardens in just a second, but it is rather difficult for an untrained person to cope with such material. Therefore, when buying glue, it is recommended to pay attention to the curing time. For beginners, you can pick up glue that sets within 3 seconds, this will give a chance to correct the error in the attachment of the eyelash. It is necessary to pay attention to the hypoallergenicity of the glue. The more anti-allergic elements in the composition, the faster the eyelashes will fall off. Such glue will be extremely gentle, but short-lived. The color of the glue (it can be black or colorless) does not really affect anything. But, according to the masters, with black glue it is easier to achieve an open look.
Novice craftsmen are not advised to purchase large tubes of glue: this material very quickly loses its properties, thickens and deteriorates. Bulky bubbles are in demand among professionals, as they have a large customer base and glue is consumed very quickly.

- If desired, you can also use a fixer, this is a kind of addition to the glue. It is applied at the end of the procedure to distribute the glue throughout the hair.
A fixer is optional, but it can help prolong the wear of your fake eyelashes.

- Patches. For convenient extension, you should close the lower eyelashes, as you can accidentally hook them, which will entail gluing.If you don't have patches at hand, you can use a strip of tape once, but you need to remove the tape very carefully: the skin around the eyes is delicate and easily injured.

- To ensure that the artificial villi are securely attached, need to use a primer (another name is a primer). It can also be used to degrease eyelashes.

- A small piece of plastic (you can use foil, glass or cardboard) to squeeze a drop of glue onto it.

- To get rid of the previous build-up, you need 2 tools: the debonder will remove the remnants of the false eyelashes, and the revoomer will remove the remnants of the glue (it is also used to get rid of the excess glue during work).

- Antiseptic. To extend eyelashes at home, you need to purchase a high-quality antiseptic.
If this is not possible, the instrument can be treated with cotton pads with alcohol.

Good tweezers are hard to do without. And one will not be enough. For full-fledged work, you need one tweezers for dividing natural eyelashes (it is straight, even), and the second one for gluing artificial villi (it has a curved shape). The more convenient the tweezers are, the faster and better the extension procedure will be.
You need to choose such a tool slowly, it is recommended to hold the object in your hand, feel its weight, check the grip. The most important thing is to have an instrument made of quality material, it should not be damaged by multiple disinfection and must fully meet medical standards.
With the special soft eyelash brush, you can easily comb your eyelashes before and after the procedure. You can use a pear of absolutely any size to blow out your eyelashes. However, this is not necessary, and you can cope with this task without additional tools.
In order not to forget anything, it is advised to make a list: it makes it easier to navigate the necessary goods and make an estimate.

How to do it?
The procedure can be performed at home on your own. Most importantly, there is no rush or excitement. If you do everything correctly and in stages, then eyelash extension will not seem like something difficult and impracticable.
Before the first self-building, it is recommended to rest, if possible, get enough sleep. Watch a few videos with a similar procedure in advance to remember the main points. If the house does not have a powerful lamp, all manipulations should be performed during daylight hours, near the window. It is advisable to remove the makeup from the face in advance, so that the eyes have a little rest from the makeup and withstand the many hours process.
Some time before the extension, it is worth strengthening the eyelashes with oils and vitamins. Before you start building, you need to qualitatively degrease your eyelids and hands.
There are 2 main types of building: beam and eyelash. Both you can learn to do it yourself. To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions.

This is a more common build-up at home.
- To perform it, it is necessary, first of all, to degrease all tools and material.
- Then, using patches (or pieces of tape), you need to glue the lower eyelashes.
- A drop of glue is applied to the prepared plate. The prepared bunch should be dipped in glue with the tip, and the bunch should be held in the middle with tweezers.
- The outer corner is processed first. It is necessary to bring the bunch of glue to the desired eyelash and hold for an average of 5-6 seconds.
- Since the bundles are applied to selective eyelashes, and not all, they must be separated from the rest with tweezers (at home, you can use, for example, a toothpick or orange stick). It is also important to comb your eyelashes, which will allow you to see errors in time.
Such eyelashes will last up to 3 weeks; to prolong the wear, it is better to use fixing agents.

By eyelash
First, all consumables and tools are also degreased. Then a little glue is squeezed out onto the prepared plane.
- One eyelash is taken with tweezers, quickly dipped in glue and immediately glued to a natural eyelash. You need to use as little glue as possible, otherwise the work will look sloppy.
- Since this method requires attention to each individual eyelash, then you need to wield the tweezers to the fullest: move away unnecessary hairs in order to avoid sticking.
- It is necessary to glue the villi only on the eyelash, not on the skin. Otherwise, it will burn the skin, and the eyelash itself will quickly fall off.
- The order in length must be observed. So, you can glue longer eyelashes to the outer corner and in the center, short eyelashes go to the inner side. For the cilia to stick better, you need to wait up to 5-6 seconds.
- Perhaps it will be easier to work with this extension method if you work through the eyelid not in a row, but alternating sections of work. This will avoid sticking and the process will go faster.
- After finishing work with one eye, you need to wait a little, let the glue harden well. Then check the work, remove any unevenness or excess glue with a remover.
- Repeat the procedure with the other eye.
In fact, it is not difficult to properly extend eyelashes at home, it is within the power of one person. How long the process itself will take depends only on the performer himself.

Follow-up care
To prolong the "life" of artificial eyelashes, it is necessary to properly care for them.
- Eye contact with water should be avoided during the day.
- Do not rub or scratch your eyes. Any actions of a mechanical nature harm artificial eyelashes.
- Using a special brush, you should carefully comb the eyelashes, so they will be well-groomed and neat.
- Oily cosmetics will have to be abandoned, as it destroys adhesives.
- It is better to refuse visiting hot places with high humidity and temperature for a few days, on average it is 2-3 days.
- You should not sleep with your face in a pillow, it will damage your eyelashes and cause swelling of your face.
- For washing, you should use alcohol-free products that are applied gently with cotton swabs. It is not recommended to use cotton pads for contact with eyelashes, as the villi from them easily fall on the eyelashes, which leads to eye irritation.
- If inflammation occurs, you do not need to immediately remove the eyelashes, you should wait until it disappears completely and only then proceed to the removal of the artificial material. You need to remove eyelashes only with the help of a special tool, you do not need to pull out or break them, otherwise your own eyelash may suffer. A special cream is applied for 10-15 minutes, after which all artificial material can be easily removed. Absolutely all women experience slight discomfort after removing eyelash extensions, which is caused by a large difference in appearance with and without artificial eyelashes.
But it is important to understand that native cilia have not thinned or broken off, but only look contrasting against the background of artificial ones.

Professional advice
Professionals still ask you to think carefully before taking such a step: you need to be aware that this procedure has some contraindications. You should refuse to build up:
- if there is the slightest inflammation in the eyes;
- if you are allergic to any component;
- a cold or flu also does not contribute to the process;
- high sensitivity of the eyes can lead to increased lacrimation;
- artificial eyelashes will not stick to too oily skin, and it is completely forbidden to build artificial eyelashes on very weakened and thin hairs (they simply cannot withstand the weight of the glued material).
From time to time you need to give your eyelashes a rest, you can nourish them with almond or peach oil, as well as vitamins A, E.

For information on how to build eyelashes at home, see the next video.