All About Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extension is a popular procedure used by many girls and women. The hairs glued by a talented master look quite natural, making it unnecessary to spend extra time on makeup in the morning.

Features, pros and cons
Like any other procedure, eyelash extension has both advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, it is worth noting its positive aspects.
- Eyelash extension saves time spent on applying and removing makeup. This is especially important for busy women.
- The extended eyelashes are waterproof. Therefore, there is no need to worry about makeup ruining if water gets on your face.
- The building process does not take too long. And the effect remains noticeable for a long time.
- The procedure is completely painless. There is no discomfort during eyelash extension. With a busy work schedule, this time can even be spent on sleep.
- Eyelash extension is a completely safe procedure. In the salons, all instruments are sterilized and disinfected. The materials are of high quality. If a woman who came to build up has an allergy to synthetic components in the glue, you can ask the master to use glue with natural ingredients.

But this procedure has its own small drawbacks.
- If you use poor quality glue, you can not do without causing harm to your health. After all, it can lead to the fact that the eyes turn red and itchy.
- Eyelash extensions are not recommended for contact lens wearers.The fact is that the liquid that is used to store them destroys the structure of the glue when it comes into contact with the attachment point of the cilia. This means that hairs can fall off in these places.
- To always look good eyelashes, you need to regularly correct, and also try not to touch your eyes with your hands. If you rub them too often, they, like natural hairs, can begin to fall out over time.
- Girls with extended eyelashes need to be very careful in choosing their own care products. In addition, you will have to be more selective in the choice of eyeshadow and eyeliner. It is necessary to paint only with high-quality products, trying not to touch the edges of hair growth.

But over time, getting used to eyelash extensions, girls no longer notice all these problems.
There are several types of eyelash extensions. First of all, they may differ in volume. It happens:
- incomplete - in this case, artificial hairs are attached only to the outer corners of the eyes, and the image looks quite natural;

- complete - the extension goes to the entire upper eyelid;

- double - the method is also known as 2D-extension, and its meaning is that 2 artificial hairs are glued to each natural hair;

- triple - works on the same principle as the previous one, but 3 artificial hairs are attached to 1 hair.

There are also several different eyelash extension techniques.
- American. The technology of eyelash extension is used. The hairs that are fixed in the process are made of synthetic materials. The process takes more time, since an artificial one is attached to each natural hair.

- Indonesian. The technique differs in that the building uses glue made from natural ingredients, enriched with vitamins. The plus is that it promotes the growth of natural hairs. This means that over time, false eyelashes can be removed.

- Japanese. The hairs are attached in bunches. Therefore, the eyelashes are voluminous and effective. For building, a polymer that does not cause allergies is used.

All these options for upper and lower eyelash extensions can be used in turn, experimenting with your image.
Coming to the salon, you can choose any build-up effect in order to achieve an interesting result.

In an effort to look more natural, it is worth choosing a natural build-up effect. It is perfect for young girls or those who work in conditions where there is some kind of dress code. The natural extension option allows you to emphasize all the advantages of appearance, while not looking inconspicuous.

This build-up effect is very popular among showy young ladies. More attention is paid to the outer corners of the eyes during the extension process. The result looks impressive. Suitable for both daily wear and photo shoots.

This effect looks great on rounded eyes. Longer hairs are attached at the edges of the eye, short hairs along the entire length of the eyelid. The extension is complete, and the eyes are slightly narrowed.
In this case, the makeup looks great even without the arrows.

As the name implies, artificial eyelashes are not glued to every natural hair, but only to some of them. The extension scheme is discussed with each client separately. The advantage is that false eyelashes do not weigh down the eyelids, which means that wearing them in everyday life will be very comfortable.

Butterfly wings
This wireframe build-up looks rather unusual. The length of the hairs around the entire perimeter of the eyelid is different. It turns out an open, beautiful look.

If classic black eyelashes seem boring, you can pay attention to some more interesting design - and stick colored hairs. They look very bright and rich. To make such extensions look good on a daily basis, it is worth choosing colors that suit daily makeup.

This build-up effect is more suitable for holidays and photo shoots. The cilia are glued to both the lower and upper eyelids. The look is puppet and charming. Such voluminous eyelashes can be further emphasized with beautiful shadows and bright lipstick.

All these types of extensions are equally interesting and beautiful. It is worth choosing them, focusing only on your taste and appearance.
Devices and means
To extend eyelashes, you need to have at least a minimum set of lashmaker at hand.

They are used to attach the hairs. Each tool should be comfortable and lightweight. Only in this case the hand will not get tired. It is recommended to choose quality steel tweezers. They perfectly fix the hairs, allow them to be securely fixed at the roots. Straight tweezers are needed to separate the lashes, and curved tweezers to create volume. You can also use a mirror to monitor the work.

It is used to remove makeup residues, as well as dust and grease from the eyelashes. Eyelashes can be extended only after treating the eyelid with similar means.

This product is applied to the eyelid only after degreasing the eyelashes. It should be free of allergens or formaldehyde. Professional craftsmen prefer to use quick-drying glue. For beginners, a medium hitch speed product is suitable.
When choosing a product, it is very important to pay attention to its expiration date.

Protective materials
So that the upper and lower ciliary rows do not stick together, you can use different types of patches or special tape that is attached to the lower eyelid.

Artificial eyelashes
A palette with eyelashes is chosen depending on the expected effect of the extension. Kits vary in color, curl level and length. A novice master should buy several palettes at once in order to understand which of them is more convenient to work with.

They are used to separate eyelashes after extension. The result always looks nice and neat. If you use a brush, there will be no sticky hairs.

In addition, in order to create a comfortable environment for the client, it is worth choosing a good comfortable chair and a pillow under the knees. Such a memo with a list of necessary tools for a novice wizard will allow you to understand how much money will have to be spent on organizing your workplace.

Who is it for?
Eyelash extensions are suitable for everyone. The main thing is to be able to choose those eyelashes that fit the type of face and will emphasize the dignity of the girl's appearance. There are a few simple rules to follow when considering different ways to build up:
- if the shape of the eyes does not require correction, and the girl's appearance suits her, it is worth choosing the classic build-up effect;
- to create a naive and flirty look, it is better to choose doll thick eyelashes;
- for girls with round or slightly bulging eyes, the fox build-up effect is suitable;
- for those who are used to standing out, bright eyelashes are suitable: green, purple, red, pink.

When choosing a building technique, you should pay attention not to what men like or are popular. When choosing artificial eyelashes, you should look at your type and style.

Extension sequence in the salon
Professional eyelash extension is done in several stages.
- Preparation. First of all, a special patch is attached to the lower eyelid. It can be fabric, paper, or even hydrogel. You can also use a special tape. Its main task is to prevent the lower and upper eyelashes from sticking together. After this lining is fixed, you can start the main work.
- Degreasing. At this stage, the eyelashes are treated with a special product.This is necessary in order for the glue to hold better and longer. Use soft cotton swabs for this.
- Fixation of eyelashes. Using tweezers, one natural eyelash is separated from the others. After that, one or more artificial hairs are glued to it. You need to extend eyelashes so that their lower edges are located as close to the roots as possible. But you shouldn't touch the skin. Experienced masters do everything very quickly and, having glued one eyelash, immediately proceed to the other. But it is chosen not next to the previous one, but in another place. This is done so that the glued eyelash has time to dry out.
- When the process of extending the upper lash line is finished, you can move on to the lower eyelid. The process of gluing the cilia in this area is a little more complicated. Therefore, it will take a little more time to work with the lower eyelid.
- At the end of the work, you need to check the result, separate the stuck hairs and let them dry completely. When everything is ready, the client can open his eyes. Additionally, the eyelashes must be combed thoroughly to make them look more beautiful.

This instruction is suitable for eyelash extension in any way.
How often can you do it?
Eyelash extensions can be done on a regular basis. The result lasts for about 2-3 weeks. The time intervals through which you need to make the correction are different for everyone. It all depends on the characteristics of the human body. In addition, this is influenced by the following reasons:
- what way of building was chosen initially;
- features of eyelash care;
- a description of the products that have been used to care for the eyelids;
- the frequency of hair contact with water.

In any case, those who constantly stick on eyelashes should remember that once every 9-12 months, you need to take a short break between procedures, resting from extensions. The interval between the stages of building up should take at least 2 weeks.

Follow-up care
To extend the lifespan of eyelash extensions, save money and time on visiting a salon, you must remember what the rules for caring for them are.
- In no case should you rub your eyes with your hands, or with towels or napkins. Especially during the first days after building. Since it is at this time that the glue hardens.
- Eyes should also never be painted with mascara. The fact is that after using makeup removers, some of the cilia may fall out. It is also necessary to carefully approach the choice of products such as eyeliner, pencil and shadows. All of this affects the appearance of the eyes.
- It is not recommended to sleep with your face buried in a pillow. It is harmful not only for false eyelashes, but also for the skin.
- In addition, it is undesirable to go to the bath with extended eyelashes. From exposure to high temperature and humidity, they can straighten and lose their attractiveness.
- Also, in no case should you take them off or try to cut them yourself. After the end of the term for wearing eyelashes, you should definitely go to the salon in order to preserve the beauty of your eyelashes.

If you adhere to these simple hair care rules, give yourself time to rest from extensions, your eyes will always look beautiful.
Myths and facts
Separately, it should be noted that several myths are associated with building-up.
One of the most common is that anyone can stick on their eyelashes on their own. Home build-up can lead to allergies, irritation and redness of the skin around the eyes.
Only a professional can do all the work quickly and beautifully.

The second myth is related to the fact that eyelash extensions crumble very much. But if you trust a professional, then no unpleasant situations will arise. It also seems to many that the extension procedure spoils their own eyelashes, and after extension they lose more of their eyelashes. But this is also not true. In reality, hairs also fall out in those who do not grow them. It's just that no one pays so much attention to it.There is a certain rate of eyelash loss, like hair loss, which depends on the characteristics of the human body.

Many also think that the life cycle of artificial eyelashes is much shorter than the masters say. However, if all the work is done by professionals, then the build-up will last for several weeks until the next correction.

Review overview
Reviews of eyelash extension girls and women leave mostly good ones. And all negative responses, as a rule, are associated with the unsuccessful work of master lashmakers. If the eyelashes were not glued correctly, then they may fall off or curl up ugly during wear. The appearance of the eyes is also influenced by how high-quality materials were used for building. Therefore, this moment must be clarified without fail before entrusting yourself to the master.
In that case, if the extension is done correctly, and the person remembers how to take care of himself, the result will be pleasantly pleasing to both the girl herself and those who look at her.