Choosing a couch for eyelash extension

An eyelash extension couch is an indispensable tool for every professional lashmaker. From the material in this article, you will find out why it is needed, what are its features, what types of products are on sale, how to choose your option correctly and use it.

Couch for eyelash extension is called a special lounger chair used for a more comfortable position of clients. This is specialized upholstered furniture with a special type of construction. Depending on the variety, it provides for different adjustment of height, body position, head.
Thanks to this, the master is not constrained in his movements and can do his job with high quality. The client, on the other hand, can change the position of the body in such a way that the posture does not interfere with the specialist in building.

The lashmaker's couch is a special device that shortens the length of the building session.
Why do you need it?
The eyelash extension procedure by a professional master takes at least 2 hours. Depending on the effect, it can take even more for gluing the plastics material. For example, experienced craftsmen create a Hollywood effect in about 4 hours. It is difficult to be motionless all this time, lying in an uncomfortable position on uncomfortable furniture.
The special lashmaker's couch is a type of furniture that allows you to sit comfortably in a natural position. No extra load is created on the spine and lower extremities. The use of this equipment allows to dispense with the forced breaks associated with the need for the client's rest.

Eyelash Extension Couch promotes adherence to the technology of gluing artificial material... Time is saved for building up, the work is brought to automaticity. The master can work simultaneously with two eyes, which gives a symmetrical effect. The purpose of a special lounger is not to improve the status of the salon, but to make it more convenient for visitors and the specialist himself.
Comfort and excellent results will ensure the flow of clients, therefore, profitability... In addition, the couch is essential for the health of the master. The correct organization of the workplace will allow the specialist to reduce the risk of developing occupational diseases. When using it, fatigue is reduced, and the strength of the lashmaker is preserved.

The wrong type of equipment sometimes causes a decrease in visual acuity.
Today, professional equipment for lashmakers is quite diverse. A conventionally existing assortment can be classified according to several criteria.
By design features, couches are mechanical, hydraulic and electrical... Each type has its own characteristics, pros and cons. Products of the first group are made on a wooden or metal frame. They are distinguished by their simplicity of design and low price.
They are two- and three-section. Products of this type have 1 or 2 moving parts, due to which it is possible to adjust the position of the head, legs or body. Debugging, however, takes time. Only the back can be adjusted in such models. Mechanical couches have to be unfolded and folded on their own.

Most often, beginners buy such equipment. Apart from the price, their attracts the compactness of the sun loungers. Models can be traditional and folding. Products of the second type allow the craftsman to organize a workplace at the client's home. They can be folded into suitcases of optimally compact dimensions.
Hydraulic analogues differ in the presence hydraulic drive. Their design allows you to adjust the height and position of individual sections during the work of the master. Usually they have 2 or 3 sections, the adjustment is carried out by pressing the pedal. This furniture is made on a metal frame (steel).
Compared to mechanical counterparts, they are more convenient. However, due to the complicated design, they are more expensive.

Yet more expensive for products with an electric drive. They are considered the best and most comfortable in comparison with any analogues. They are distinguished by additional functionality.
Products of this group are often controlled by means of a remote control. In this case, the inclination of the couch sections can be locally adjusted. In addition, heating is provided, these products are quiet and comfortable to work with. Their main disadvantage is the high price. Not every professional craftsman can afford such equipment.

The form
The shape of the eyelash extension couches can be very diverse. On sale there are products of simple and complex configurations. Models are considered good options. with anatomical or curved lounger shape... Thanks to this base, it is very comfortable to be in the chair.
Orthopedic constructions provide for a change in the position of the client. Products with an orthopedic base reduce stress on the spine. You can stay on them without harm to your health. In this case, the base itself can have a different level of rigidity. The base material is also different.

In addition, the type of furniture itself varies. The shape of the lounger can be similar to a dental couch-couch, couch-sofa.
To visit the client's home, they buy a couch suitcase. In this case, the number of sections for products may vary.
Models of couches for lashmakers can be different, including stationary and portable. At the same time, the best products are equipped with orthopedic pillows and a lifting mechanism that allows you to adjust the angle of the back and head. Orthopedic pillows increase the level of comfort, the client will not have head or neck pain.
Folding models designed specifically for those who often make home visits to their clients. These products can have a different number of sections; they can be carried folded even in public transport. Other modifications have reliable casters. There are models equipped with additional sidewalls, as well as work surfaces for tools.

When buying, pay attention to the package bundle. Other modifications are equipped with an orthopedic pillow with a massage effect. In addition, on sale you can find options with pull-out shelves and side cabinets for storing tools.
Concerning non-folding modifications, then they are often equipped with hydraulic and electric lifts, head restraints, increasing the comfort of the head position. Some models are equipped with removable armrests, tables at the head. These couches are especially convenient for the master and the client, because the specialist has everything at hand, there is no need to reach for the tool and the extensible material.

Dimensions (edit)
The dimensions of the eyelash extension couches may vary. It depends on the type of construction, the size of the particular cabin, the functionality of the model, etc. In addition, the design of the equipment influences the size.
According to generally accepted standards, the base should be 60 cm wide and 180 cm long.The height can vary from 60 to 75 cm. The range of models from Chinese manufacturers includes products whose height can be adjusted up to 85-90 cm. However, not all types of structures fit into the developed standard.

For example, the dimensions of electric couches with additional functionality rarely coincide with the standard values. Usually their parameters are much larger. If the lounger is made to order, its parameters will be completely individual. Let's say the total height from the floor to the raised headrest can exceed 125 cm and the width can be 85-90 cm with the armrests included.
Folding economy options can have width parameters of 56-57 cm. Their legs with a transformation mechanism fold inward, while the base turns into a suitcase body. The thickness of the foam rubber layer in such models is 10 cm.The length of products made according to individual orders can even be 155-156 cm with a width of 70 cm and a height of 80 cm.

Section length differs. For example, models of a three-section type have the smallest parameters in the central part. This section is only 51 cm long. The headrest section is approx. 20 cm larger.
The lower part (for the legs) is approximately 62-63 cm long. The length of such structures is about 184 cm. In this case, the angle of inclination of the lower section is adjustable up to 35 degrees (for some models, the angle of the leg part reaches 45 degrees). The rise of the upper section reaches 55 degrees.

Color solutions eyelash extension couches can be different. On sale there are products of classic white, black, brown colors. In addition, the models may have other shades. The most demanded of them are tones white pearls, pistachio, pink, gray-blue, coral, purple.
Wherein furniture upholstery can be monochromatic and combined. For example, the central part of the lounger can be scarlet, and the sides can be light gray. Often in the assortment of leading manufacturers you can find products made in beige and woody colors. Some models are made in a contrast of black and white, red armchairs usually do not have contrasting inserts.
Models with purple upholstery and wooden supporting elements and fasteners look beautiful. Other modifications are distinguished by painted metal elements.In this case, the color of metal parts is black and white.

Selection Tips
Professional craftsmen choose equipment taking into account its practicality and functionality... In doing so, they pay attention to a number of factors. For example, they are always interested in frame material... A wooden base is lighter, however, metal structures are considered the best. A product with a metal frame can withstand any client's weight. You need to take those options that can withstand up to 200 kg of load.
Moreover, it is necessary to be interested in the weight of the lounger itself, if you plan to use it at home with clients. Ideally, it should be 12-13 kg. The electric couch weighs much more.

Important type of coverage: it should be tactilely pleasant, but not fabric. Textile covering is unacceptable, because the couch is treated with antiseptics. You need to take options covered with natural or artificial leather. Often, their complete set includes bedding made of non-woven or terry material.
The lounger should be neither too hard nor too soft. The purchase of a product that exudes an unpleasant chemical odor is excluded. You cannot buy a product with a sliding type of coating.

It is necessary to select an option from a trusted manufacturer, whose products are distinguished by quality and reliability. In this case, you need to demand from the seller quality certificate, which accompanies each product of the brand that respects its name.
When buying, you need pay attention to the number of sections. Three-section models are considered the most preferable for clients of short and medium height. It is convenient to be on such furniture all the time of the procedure. In addition to these models, options with two sections are worth considering. Simple models are good only at the initial stage of the master's work.

You need to buy a product with an option to adjust the height of the lounger. With constant work, the back gets very tired, fatigue appears. If the technician can correctly adjust the height of the couch, this will prevent the development of an occupational disease.
Electric options are considered more powerful and comfortable. At the time of choice, it is important to take into account both financial capabilities and the needs of customers. For a small salon, massive overall structures are not needed. For the arrangement of the rented premises, it is more advisable to purchase folding portable sun loungers.

Moreover, in the store it is important to check the reliability and operation of the mechanism several times.
The couch should be suitable for clients with different body types. You should not take the option with a narrowing in the headboard area. Such a couch is inconvenient for the master and the client. If possible, you should take the product on which you can pick up a cover or put a mattress. If you buy a simple model, it is worth completing it with a cape.
It is important to pay attention to type of supporting elements. The legs of the couch should be located away from the end edge. So the master will be able to sit as close to the client as possible. In general, the model must be stable, the fasteners must be securely screwed in, any backlash must be excluded.

Concerning design, then when choosing one or another option, it is necessary to take into account not only aesthetic data, but also the comfort of the user. For example, a carriage coupler looks beautiful, however, lying on such a surface for a couple of hours is by no means convenient. The surface of the mattress should be moderately soft, but even and smooth. It is more convenient to lie on such a basis.

Do not forget that a couch for eyelash extension is not an alternative to ordinary furniture, the health of clients depends on each of its elements.
Use and care
It is necessary to use the eyelash extension couch correctly, taking into account the norms of hygiene and disinfection. The client should lie down on an antiseptic-treated chair. In this case, it is necessary to put a cape on the base, and in simple models - also a pillow. Compliance with the rules of hygiene is the basis of the work of a self-respecting master.At the very beginning, it is necessary to correct the position of the visitor on the sunbed.

You need to adjust the height, back tilt and choose the most comfortable head position.
If the purchased couch does not meet all the comfort requirements, it is necessary take care of extra pillows... One of them (orthopedic with a notch for the head) can be placed under the head. The other is used under the lower back. A roller-shaped pillow is suitable for this.

To make the client's stay on the couch as comfortable as possible, you need to buy a pillow for your feet. It differs in a triangular shape, is a prophylactic agent against orthostatic hypotension, and prevents stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. If you originally bought a good specialized couch model, you can do without some pillows.

At the end of the building procedure, it is necessary to treat the couch with a medical antiseptic. It is important to keep the couch clean to protect the surface from accidental spills of glue, remover and other drugs used. An anti-claw cover can also be purchased or ordered. Such protection will prolong the life of the couch and save it from accidental mechanical damage (for example, scratches).

For an overview of the eyelash extension couch, see the next video.