All about fixers for eyelash extensions

Many girls, striving to look spectacular, opt for such a procedure as eyelash extension. Thanks to her, you can get gorgeous eyelashes that can never be achieved with simple use of mascara. The downside of the extension will be that the eyelashes do not last long - only 3 weeks, and sometimes less, then a planned correction is required.
To slightly stretch the wear period, experts advise using a fixer.

What it is?
The fixer for eyelash extensions is one of the cosmetic innovations. It is a gel-like product that is used to consolidate the result of the build-up.
In terms of use, there are two types of remedies available today: professional and home remedies.
- Professional fixers are used only by lashmakers. Carrying out the extension, the master applies the fixer to the adhesion area of natural and artificial eyelashes. This serves as a kind of insurance in case the glue does not set for some reason.
- Home fixers are for personal use. Such means for securing the girls are applied independently at home in order to extend the period of wearing artificial hairs.

Why is it needed?
It is worth saying that not every master uses a fixative in his work, considering it a waste of time. And in vain, because, according to the observations of experts, additionally fixed eyelashes last longer and look better.
Let's see what advantages the use of this tool promises.
- Polymerization and protection of the adhesive from water... After the procedure, the master always tells clients not to wet their face for at least a few hours.But what to do if it's + 40 ° C outside and you have an intolerable desire to wash? That is why many ladies ignore the recommendations of the masters. But if you apply a fixative to the eyelashes, the glue will be reliably protected and you will not have to think about the consequences of washing.
- The presence of vitamins and nutrients... A good fixer will always contain nutrients that will help saturate your skin and eyelashes, which will definitely affect their appearance. In addition, while taking a break from the eyelash extension, the eyelashes will regenerate faster.
- Mini correction... Sometimes it happens that the eyelash is held on parole, and is about to fall off. But the correction is still far away, and I don't want to lose a beautiful look either. The fixer will help the eyelash to snap into place without damaging the natural hairs.

We have already reviewed fixers for eyelash extensions by the type of their application (household and professional), but their classification is not limited to this. All funds are still distinguished by texture.
- Lacquer... Such products are intended for use in beauty salons. With their help, the master fixes the extended eyelashes, ensuring their long wear. Lacquer fixers last for a week and if you need to prolong the effect, you will have to visit the master every 7 days.
- Gel... Such fixers are also used only by professionals. They are applied to the root of the eyelash, this remedy works even less - a maximum of 5 days. It is intended only for the glue to dry properly. You do not need to apply it constantly.
- Nutrient... These are very light semi-liquid products for household use. They are applied over the entire lash - from root to tip. The composition not only nourishes the hair and saturates it with vitamins, but also fixes the eyelash, creating a spectacular line.
In addition, the fixers come in two colors: transparent and black... The first option is more popular. With its help, you can create a more natural look, it is more of a vitamin remedy than a composition intended for a chic onion. But black products will help create a deep and soulful look.
They are suitable for 3D eyelashes and more, emphasize the "doll" extension, create an eyeliner effect.

Funds rating
Fixers for eyelash extensions are produced in large quantities, the main thing is to choose a really high-quality product. Let's see what professional lashmakers have to say about this.

The country of origin of this product is Korea, which is famous for high-quality cosmetics and regular innovations. Fixers from the brand saturate the hairs, penetrating deep into the skin... They provide a beautiful and natural shine.
And if the product is applied by the master, then it will be possible to delay the correction for at least a week.

This is another Korean fixer designed to completely protect lashes from adverse weather conditions. It blocks the effects of moisture and windbut allows the skin to breathe.
You need to apply it every 14 days.

This tool also belongs to Korean manufacturers. Professional product used in beauty salons... It contains collagen and herbs.
It is applied to the entire eyelash and extends the wear period by 7 days.

Our rating of the best products is closed by the Russian fixer Irisk. It can be used both in the salon and at home... Initially, the master fixes the result, thanks to which the eyelashes firmly adhere to the glue and acquire the desired look. Then 2-3 times a week you can apply the product at home to keep the hair shiny and beautifully curved.
You can delay the correction by 10 days.

Selection Tips
The correct choice of fixer should be based on on several points.
- Brush shape... Thin brushes are designed for professional salon use. Products that look like an mascara brush are suitable for home use.
- Shelf life... This indicator must be taken into account, otherwise, at best, the remedy will not work, and at worst, you will have to go to the doctor with irritation and corneal edema.
- Integrity of the packaging... In no case can the tube with the fixer be opened before use, since the expiration dates may change and it will be impossible to guess when the package was opened.
- Normal smell... The latch has a subtle aroma or does not smell at all. If a pungent smell hit your nose, it is better to refrain from buying.
- Colour... As you already know, there are clear and black fixers, choose the one that suits your goals and expected results.
- Brand name... To date, eyelash fixers are produced by many companies, but it is better to stay with proven brands. If lipstick, for example, can sometimes be bought from an unknown manufacturer, then it's better not to joke with your eyes.

How to use?
The first time the fixer will be applied by the lashmaker himself, carefully distributing it. The effect will not last long, so then you will apply the nutritious fixatives yourself within 7-10 days after building up. You will need to rinse your face with warm water, and then wait until the eyelashes dry. Next, they need to be combed with a special brush or comb and you can start applying the fixer.
It is very easy to apply... Since all nourishing fixers have the same brush as in mascara, the movements should be the same as when dyeing eyelashes. Move from the base of the hair to its tip, all movements should be light. You can also twist the tips slightly by making smooth circular motions on them. Remember that any fixative will be washed off after the first wash, since such products are water-based.
However, you cannot get carried away with them every day: on the packaging, each manufacturer writes how often the product should be applied.

Find out why you need a fixer for eyelash extensions and how to use it below.