Making eyelashes "spider legs"

Girls more and more want to highlight their image and often focus on the eyes. Recently, "spider legs" - long eyelashes that are hard to miss, have been gaining insane popularity.
Not so long ago, such long and strong eyelashes were considered bad taste. From the side it seemed that the girl had a tear-stained face, and the makeup itself with the "spider's legs" eyelashes looked cheap. But fashion is changeable, and today this effect is trending.

For the first time, models with eyes designed in this way appeared on the catwalk at the end of the 60s of the last century.
As you know, everything new is a well-forgotten old, and here again Long eyelashes are making a comeback and gaining unimaginable popularity from the fair sex.

One of the most famous stars who was very fond of "spider legs" is considered Leslie Horbney... It was she who managed to demonstrate the beauty of such an effect. Indeed, against the background of her pale face with full lips, large eyelashes looked amazing. After evaluating the image as a whole, many stylists then picked up the idea and began to play around with it to their liking.
Fashion brands began to recommend this type of makeup to models, as it looked beautiful and defiant from the stage.
Many people still compare the makeup done in this style with a doll's makeup, since a girl with such eyelashes is very similar to a toy. The image becomes childishly innocent and cannot but attract attention.

In everyday life, women are in no hurry to accept a fashionable novelty, since "spider legs" are ideal for creating an unusual look, but it is very inconvenient to go with them to work and do everyday activities. This is the perfect party option to surprise your guests.You can use technique in art when you need to create an unusual image. Glued eyelashes are sometimes complemented with rhinestones or made colored, which looks very unusual and colorful.

Eccentric artist Jessica Harrison decided to use the limbs of insects as a material for building such cilia. The paws of flies and spiders glued the models to their eyelids, after which unforgettable photos were taken, which were then appreciated by Internet users all over the world. It is difficult to say whether such an experiment is aesthetic, but it undoubtedly attracted attention.

Effect technology
To make "spider legs", you can use several methods. There is a certain technique, adhering to which any girl will achieve the desired result.
Method 1
First, you need to apply beige eyeshadow on the eyelids. They provide extra protection for skin that does not stain with mascara, so make-up stays beautiful all day long. To lengthen the hairs to such an extent, you will need to paint them with mascara from the very root to the ends, slightly lifting them up. Experts advise to use the brush in a zigzag manner, then the paint will fit well along the entire length.
The required thickness is achieved with the help of powder. While the ink has not yet dried, it is applied with a brush to the hairs. After that, several tufts are formed with tweezers on each eye. If you want to transform the eyelashes from below, then you should act according to the same scheme. Light lipstick perfectly complements the image, it is desirable that it be of a flesh shade.

Method 2
This technique requires you to paint over the hairs twice. The first coat must dry well before the second coat is applied. The mascara brush must be held vertically, then the result will be as expected.
If a girl by nature does not have long eyelashes, then dyeing them to the level of "spider's legs" will not work. In this case, the only way to achieve the desired effect is use overhead bundles... The make-up will turn out attractive and neat if fresh cosmetics are used.

Who is it suitable for?
To make the image look harmonious, it must be used skillfully... Otherwise, it will be inappropriate, for example, when applying for a job. Make-up masters advise against using the technique during the day, as the eyes will stand out strongly, and the face will look stupid.
Girls who prefer a natural look should also give up technique. Using it, they will create the feeling of a tear-stained face, which looks completely unattractive.
Age restrictions must also be taken into account. It is strongly discouraged to use "spider legs" for women over 35, as this will only add a couple of extra years to themselves. If you want to lengthen your eyelashes or achieve volume, you should go to the master and use the classic extension service.

Do not forget that an office or educational institution is not the best place to express your creative nature. A party or an unusual date in the evening - this is the finest hour when you can use such an original technique.
How to make the effect of "spider legs" on the eyelashes, see the next video.