How to properly paint eyelashes with mascara?

Mascara is one of the main tools in every woman's cosmetic bag. This product helps to lengthen the lashes and enhance the expression of the eyes. In order to emphasize the beauty of your eyes, you need to be able to choose mascara and use it.

Classic version
In order for your makeup to always look perfect, you need to learn how to tint your eyelashes correctly. The classic staining method is very simple and consists of several stages.
- The first step is to prepare the eyelashes for coloring.... To do this, they can be curled with special tongs. If you use a curler after staining, there is a risk not only to ruin the makeup, but also to pull out a few cilia. You can also apply a special serum on the upper and lower lashes. It will not only protect the hairs, but also make your eyes look more open.
- After that, you can proceed to coloring the middle part of the eyelashes. You need to move the brush from the roots to the tips of the hairs. So it will turn out to paint over them completely.
- Then you need to carefully go to the outer corner of the eyes.... It is necessary to dye eyelashes in the direction of the temple. You need to dye this part of the eyelashes with quick movements, while trying not to stain the skin.
- Next, mascara is gently applied to the inner corner of the eye.... Hair should be painted over carefully. With a brush, you need to move a little down, towards the nose.
- At the end, the bottom row of hairs must also be dyed with ink.... The movements should be very light. If your eyelashes are naturally dark, you can do without it.

Don't use too many layers of mascara on your hair. This will make them appear stuck together and your eyes will look tired.
If everything is done correctly, the eyes will be open and the makeup will be beautiful.

Other step-by-step techniques
You can use other methods to make up your own eyelashes. You can choose an interesting option for every day or for some festive event from the following.

Zigzag movements
This method of dyeing eyelashes is very often used in beauty salons.
Professionals do not recommend dyeing short eyelashes this way. In this case, the makeup will not turn out as beautiful as we would like.
It is necessary to apply mascara on the eyelashes in this way quick movements... You need to move from roots to tips. At the same time, the brush should "draw" zigzags on the eyelashes. Thus, it will turn out not only to paint over them, but also to stretch them in length.

In order to learn how to beautifully do makeup using this technique, you will have to practice a little. But, having mastered it, it will be possible to paint in this way in everyday life and in preparation for holidays or significant events.

Vertical "dramatic look"
This technique works well for both short and long eyelashes. First of all, you need to collect as much mascara as possible on the brush. You need to hold it in your hands vertically. After that, you can start coloring the eyelashes. It will take several movements to make them lush. It is necessary to paint over the hairs from the bottom up. Movements should be quick and confident. Having painted over the upper lashes, you can move on to the lower row.
To prevent the eyelashes from sticking together, you can go over them at the end with a dry brush.

The makeup will turn out to be very "dramatic". It is best to paint in this way for the evening. In this case, such makeup will look appropriate.

For long eyelashes
It is much easier for girls who naturally have long eyelashes to get the perfect makeup. To do this, you don't even have to paint over them carefully. All you need is to put some mascara on the brush and bring it to the top row of eyelashes. After that, you need to blink quickly several times. Then you need to pause and keep your eyes open for a few seconds. This will prevent any imprints on the skin and the eyelashes will not stick together. With this approach, the hairs will be slightly colored. If you do everything carefully, your makeup will look natural.

Layering technique for a celebration
For coloring the eyelashes with this method, it is best to take mascara with a curved brush.

To make the makeup more durable, you should additionally use loose powder. So the eyelashes will be voluminous and beautiful.
The dyeing process is very simple... The first step is to apply a thin layer of mascara to the eyelashes. After that, they need to be lightly powdered. A neat short-haired brush is recommended for this purpose. Colored hairs should eventually turn white. Then the remnants of the powder must be brushed off the hairs with a gentle movement. Next, you need to apply another layer of mascara to the eyelashes. To prevent fluffy eyelashes from sticking together, they must be combed with a special comb.

How to tint lower eyelashes?
When doing everyday makeup at home, many girls only color the upper eyelashes. At the same time, they do not touch the lower ones. But sometimes makeup is incomplete without it. If the eyelashes are light, short and straight, they will need to be painted over with a brush or special brush. Also, this stage should not be skipped by those who have small eyes by nature.

The process of dyeing the lower lashes is no different from the dyeing of the upper row. It is worth starting makeup just with them. The first step is to put a cotton pad or napkin under the lower row of eyelashes. In this case, the makeup will not be ruined by one careless movement.
It is necessary to paint over the eyelashes neatly and evenly.... They need to be painted only in one layer so that they do not resemble spider legs.
If lumps form on the lashes, they must be removed immediately. This can be done either with a special comb, or with a previously washed and dried brush from the old mascara.

You can dye the lower row of eyelashes with mascara of a different color. This will make your makeup look more interesting. You can use gray or brown mascara for staining. To keep your makeup from deteriorating throughout the day, it is recommended that you use a quality, waterproof product.

Possible mistakes
For the makeup to be beautiful and expressive, and the hairs are thickly colored and beautifully curled, you need to use high-quality mascara. Choosing the wrong eyelash tint is the main mistake a girl or woman can make.
There are several options to look out for when buying.
- Mascara for short eyelashes... To make your eyelashes appear longer, you should use sparse-bristled brushes. The texture of the mascara should be very light. In this case, it will not weigh down and stick together the eyelashes.

- For volume. Girls with rare eyelashes should definitely pay attention to special voluminous mascaras. They wrap each hair in a thin film and give it volume. Using such mascara, it is easy to create that "cat look". It is necessary to dye eyelashes with such a tool, moving from the middle of the row to its edges. The hairs must be carefully dyed at the roots.

- Twisting... This mascara is a real must-have for girls with straight eyelashes. By painting over your eyes with such a cosmetic product, you can make your eyes wide open and your hairs beautifully curved.

- Hypoallergenic... This product is suitable for girls and women with sensitive eye mucous membranes. It does not cause allergic reactions or discomfort. The composition of the product usually contains minerals and useful vitamins. If used on a regular basis, the hairs will become stronger and thicker over time.

- Waterproof... This versatile remedy can be used both in summer and winter. In addition, it is irreplaceable if the girl is actively involved in sports. If desired, this product can be combined with regular mascara. To begin with, you need to paint over the eyelashes with the usual means. After that, the result must be fixed by going over them with waterproof mascara. The main thing is not to overdo it. It is also worth remembering that this product must be washed off at the end of the day with a special product. Regular water simply cannot cope with it.

Choosing the right mascara can help you color your lashes in less time and more fun. It is also very important to find out in advance about what mistakes in makeup are, and learn how to avoid them. At first, you need to carefully handle the bottle itself... In no case should air penetrate into it. To prevent this from happening, you can not quickly remove the brush. This will cause the mascara to dry quickly.
Secondly, pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the package... Expired mascara can cause an allergic reaction in a person.

Experts advise changing the mascara for a new one every 4-6 months.
It is also not recommended to carry mascara with you. It is negatively affected by both cold and heat.

Professional advice
Help in the process of creating the perfect make-up and advice from professional stylists.
- Before dyeing, the eyelashes must be properly prepared. First, you need to degrease them with a special tonic. When they are completely dry, you can powder them. Such preparation of eyelashes will make your makeup more accurate and long-lasting. In some cases, you can additionally use a curler. But it is not recommended to apply it on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, the eyelashes will become brittle.
- Girls with oily skin or drooping eyelids should use a base under the eyeshadow before makeup. In this case, traces of mascara will not appear on the skin during the day.
- The skin under the eyes should also be lightly powdered.... Then, even if the mascara begins to crumble over time, it can be easily removed with a regular napkin without spoiling the makeup.
- Before applying each new layer of mascara, the previous one must be allowed to dry completely.... In this case, the product will lay down smoothly and neatly. The cilia will be separate and natural looking.
- It is worth applying the product to the eyelashes after all other stages of makeup have been completed. If during the process of dyeing the eyelashes, imprints remain on the skin, they can be easily removed with a cotton swab.
- To prevent mascara from falling into lumps, you must not rush... Sharp, quick movements when painting over can lead to the accumulation of paint on the eyelashes. The presence of lumps on the hairs may indicate that the ink has deteriorated or was initially of very poor quality. Such a product must be disposed of immediately.
- Girls who prefer light natural makeup should only paint over the tips of their eyelashes. In this case, you can do without gluing the hairs. For this kind of makeup, you should choose a light product with a long brush.

It is equally important to learn how to remove makeup correctly. For this purpose, it is worth using special products. It is not recommended to use plain water with soap. It is best to give your preference to a nourishing lotion or makeup remover milk. It will not only help remove makeup residues, but also moisturize the epidermis.

Be very careful when removing makeup. There is no need to press on the eyelids. The pigment must be washed off carefully. After using the makeup remover, wash your face with clean warm water. Knowing the simple secrets of eyelash dyeing, you can look beautiful and be confident even with one product in your cosmetic bag.

You will learn how to properly paint eyelashes in the next video.