Reasons and methods for restoring the growth of short eyelashes

Not all girls are happy with their appearance. One of the important details that make the face attractive, and the eyes expressive, are the eyelashes, which do not always correspond to the standards of beauty. Even if your eyelashes aren't long enough, you can always find a way to fix it.

Which eyelashes are considered very short?
In fact, there is no standard for the length of eyelashes. On women's forums, there are discussions where 6 or 8 millimeters are already considered critical. Although, on average, the length of the upper eyelashes does not exceed ten millimeters, and the lower - eight. As you can see, not always the opinion of women about themselves can be considered objective.
First, the eyelashes may just appear short, and not really. Several factors affect how they look:
- length;
- Colour;
- density;
- direction of growth;
- bend (or lack thereof). For example, light, sparse hairs that grow in different directions will never look perfect. Also, straight or curled eyelashes of the same length will look completely different.

And secondly, this value should be measured correctly... For this, a separate eyelash, which has naturally fallen out, is ideal. It must be straightened and applied to the ruler.
It should be borne in mind that the eyelashes are shorter at the inner edge than in the middle and outer corner of the eye. So, before jumping to conclusions, it is necessary to correctly analyze what is available.

Even poor eyelash growth can have several prerequisites. First, you need to understand when this problem occurred. If eyelashes have always been like this, you can blame everything on heredity.It's another matter if the changes were revealed quite abruptly and within a certain period of time the situation only gets worse. The reasons can be different.
- The state of the body. Banal vitamin deficiency, lack of certain substances or hormonal disruption can significantly affect the appearance.
- Ophthalmic diseases. Even some medications can do this.
- Improper care... Sometimes women do not follow the expiration date of mascara or pencil, use low-quality cosmetics, which can cause irritation or allergies. A delicate area such as the eyelids requires gentle care and make-up removal.

In addition, you must have an understanding of the natural change of eyelashes. Each hair lives on average for three months. Stress, illness and other troubles can speed up their loss.
If, at the same time, new cilia simply do not have time to grow, the overall picture will look depressing.

What to do?
Even if the cause is heredity, it is difficult, but possible, to remedy the situation. After all, with proper care, any eyelashes will acquire a healthier look and transform your appearance for the better. First of all, you need to pay attention to time-tested recipes from natural ingredients that will definitely not harm.
- Castor oil... It is applied after removing the makeup at night with a brush or brush. The oil can be replaced with another if there is no allergy.
- Chamomile solution (cornflower, calendula), which can be used to wipe not only eyelashes, but also the area around the eyes or use for lotions.
It will not be superfluous to adjust the diet, to include in it vitamin complexes designed to solve this problem.

Shop cosmetics usually look more attractive - they come in beautiful packaging, are easy to apply, and have a long shelf life. They have all kinds of advertising messages on their side, guaranteeing a quick result. These can be serums or balms, which contain keratins, oils, vitamins, as well as hormone analogues that enhance growth and recovery.
Cosmetics do not always have an affordable price and have the desired effect, so they should be selected with care.

Makeup examples
Sometimes it takes several months to wait for a result from stimulants and firming agents. In order for a woman to feel confident during this period, it is necessary to choose the right makeup. The simplest option does not take much time and does not require professional skills, and the result will speak for itself.
- First you need to apply a primer, concealer and foundation for a healthy, radiant complexion. No eye makeup looks good without an appropriate background.
- For short eyelashes, an eyeliner is indispensable, which must be done with a pencil, painting over the space between the eyelashes. The second line is applied just above the growth of the eyelashes and is lightly shaded. To make it look as natural as possible, the color of the pencil and ink must match.
- To curl short cilia, you can use special metal tweezers.
- Mascara is applied in several layers in the direction of hair growth, waiting for each of them to dry completely. After the first layer, you can apply a little powder on them, comb well and remove excess - this will give additional volume. Alternatively, use a mascara base.

The best makeup that can help out a girl with short eyelashes is "smokey eyes". To do this, liquid shadows or a pencil are applied along the border of the eyelashes, the water line is painted over. Then dry shadows are applied along them and a little higher with patting movements and shaded well. As a result, you should get a smooth transition to the lighter shadows under the eyebrow. The circles under the eyes need to be masked with concealer.
If, in addition, you make up your eyelashes in the above way, your look will become unforgettable.

For information on how to grow long and thick eyelashes, see the next video.