How long do classic eyelash extensions last?

Thinking for the first time about the classic eyelash extension, every modern fashionista is interested in the duration of the procedure itself and the durability of the effect. The material in this article will tell you about how long classically extended eyelashes last, and what factors help to extend the life of the material.
Duration of effect
Subject to the rules for performing the procedure, the time for wearing artificial material before the first correction is 2-3 weeks. The experts who carry out the build-up recommend not to delay the adjustment. Delay can lead to breakage and loss of natural hairs. At the same time, they will pull the accumulated material along with them.
The maximum time to wear artificial eyelashes before correction is 3 weeks. After gluing the fallen out cilia, they are worn for another 2 weeks. After that, a second correction is made, and after a couple of weeks they are removed. Then they make a new extension or a break, which is necessary to restore natural eyelashes.
Depending on the individual characteristics of the client, she can wear extended eyelashes from 1 to 2 months.

What determines the durability of the result?
The period of wearing artificial material depends on various factors:
- experience and qualifications of the master;
- adherence to building technology;
- using high-quality glue;
- the individual characteristics of their eyelashes;
- varieties of effect;
- the rate of renewal of natural hairs;
- compliance with the rules of care;
- following the recommendations of the wizard.
The more experienced the specialist, the higher the level of his work.He does not neglect the rules for the preparation of eyelashes, properly cleanses them, degreases, removes the remnants of the remover, opens the scales for better adhesion.
If the scales are well open, the glue can penetrate deeper into the hair structure. This will extend the wearing period of your eyelash extensions.

The artificial material peels off quickly due to the natural renewal of the eyelashes. If they are weak and thin, they will break off and pull the built-up ones with them. The minimum wear period is due to stress and increased hair loss. In this case, eyelashes may fall out within a few days after the extension.
If your eyelashes are thick and long, the effect will last for a long time. If they are short, and long and thick hairs have grown on them, correction may be needed within a week. Usually thick material is built up to save time. This is a violation of technology and shortens the duration of the effect.

Much depends on the type of glue. Consumable material can be conventional or with accelerated polymerization. Professionals work with a fast, expensive product; for express extension, they often use cheap materials. Lumps and adhesions are produced, which are another reason for the shortened useful life. The following factors also reduce the wearing time:
- taking hormonal drugs;
- watery eyes from wearing lenses;
- oily skin;
- trips to the sauna, bathhouse or pool;
- lack of vitamins in the body;
- frequent washing of eyes with hot water;
- washing with chlorinated water from the water supply.

Can the procedure be extended?
Classic extension is one of the versatile options for the procedure. It suits many people and, compared to other effects, lasts much longer. In the course of its implementation, the master glues one artificial hair to each natural hair. If you take proper care of the built-up material, you can increase the period of its wearing.
The glue used in the work is destroyed by chlorinated, hot water and salt. You can't cry, this will weaken the grip of the material on your lashes. You can not permanently dye artificial eyelashes. - they are already beautiful and make the look expressive. It is undesirable to use eyeliner and shadows. It is necessary to reconsider the nuances of applying makeup.

Much depends on adherence to the recommendations of the master, especially on the first day after the classic build-up. The glue used in the work sets in a day, during this time the utmost care must be taken.
You can not touch the built-up material, paint or curl it. You can not test it for strength, sip and iron. Do not rub your eyes, even if they itch after the procedure.

Necessary refrain from visiting baths, saunas, you can not stay in the cold for a long time. In the latter case, this will slow down the adhesion of the adhesive and may affect the strength of the fixing. You need to rethink your facial skin care. It is contraindicated to use greasy and oily creams while wearing eyelash extensions.
If you need to go out and you need evening make-up, you will have to paint your eyes differently. Do not apply mascara to the base where artificial hairs are glued. You can tint them closer to the ends and maximum to the middle. You will have to remove cosmetics as carefully as possible, and often it is also undesirable to wash your face.
While wearing your eyelashes, you can swap out your facial skin care products for water-based products. The same goes for cosmetics. You cannot decorate eyelashes by hanging rhinestones on them. They will make the material heavier, natural eyelashes may not cope with such a weight and break off.

Tips & Tricks
To ensure that eyelash extensions using the "classic" technique meet expectations and please with the durability of the result, you must adhere to simple rules... To start you need to choose a good specialistbecause different craftsmen may have different results. Express build-up is excluded. Due to the limited time during its implementation, specialists do not have time to properly prepare the eyelashes.
With this technique, gluing cannot be avoided. In addition, with express extensions, extensions are often performed with thick material, gluing cheap fake eyelashes through several natural ones. The quality of such work, which takes about 40 minutes, leaves much to be desired. The duration of a session with a professional is at least 2 hours.
At the same time, the pro does not save on materials and builds eyelashes on both eyes at the same time. This makes it possible to achieve symmetry. With express build-up, discomfort is often noted that occurs within a couple of days from the date of the procedure.

No matter how much you want to make the look chic, at the first extension it is worth refraining from long lengths... The build-up can be complete or incomplete. However, for the first time, it is best to opt for thin, natural-length lashes. They will not weigh down natural hair and should last longer. Such material is not capricious to wear, since its weight, length and structure are similar to the characteristics of your own eyelashes.
After building up, it is necessary to refrain from tears that may appear due to the fumes of the adhesive. In order for the cilia to look neat and not stick out to the sides, they will have to be looked after. Necessary purchase a special comb, with which you can correct the shape and remove deposited dust particles.
You need to properly wash and sleep. Do not wipe dry eyelashes using a hard towel. After washing, you can only get wet, nothing more.

Do not use waterproof mascara or oily eyeshadows. Even a day later, curling is strictly prohibited. Eyelash extensions have an already beautiful curl shape.
If you have poor eyesight while wearing eyelash extensions, it is preferable to replace the lenses with glasses.... When traveling to the sea, it is advisable to dive using special goggles. Sea water is harmful to the glue and can shorten the life of the artificial material. If the eyelashes become too much renewed or fall out, an urgent need to contact a specialist.
Early correction will avoid a lot of work and breakage of cilia. When tightening the procedure, you may be faced with the fact that the eyelashes break off almost to the base. In addition, they can become sparse and weak, with a barely noticeable bend.

For how long eyelash extensions last, see below.