Effective pharmacy products for eyelash growth

For the growth of eyelashes, pharmacies offer a wide variety of preparations. It can be inexpensive means, and higher cost ointments for quick strengthening of eyelashes, and much more.

Pharmaceutical products for eyelash growth are indicated in the presence of the following negative factors.
- Long-term use of low-quality cosmetics for applying and removing makeup. It contains active substances that lead to the death of the cells of the hair follicle of the eyelash or atrophy of the bulb. If you do not remove makeup for a long time or violate the rules for removing makeup, a similar effect is possible.
- Vitamin deficiency... An unbalanced diet provokes a slowdown in the growth of eyelashes, their loss, a violation of the hormonal background.
- The presence of an allergic reaction to cosmetic formulations. With a hereditary predisposition, it is possible to develop an individual intolerance to means for applying makeup: mascara, creams, micellar water. In this case, the hair follicles become inflamed, which leads to the loss of eyelashes.
- Hormonal imbalance: pregnancy, thyroid damage, improper medication, menopause.
- Cosmetic procedures: curling, eyelash extension. In the first case, the hair roots are mechanically injured. With a weekly curling, eyelashes fall out. Build-up involves the use of an adhesive that causes cell death and atrophy of the bulbs.
- Stress and emotional distress. Causes damage to the hair follicles and hair loss. A similar effect is observed in infectious and inflammatory diseases: blepharitis, dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis.

Loss of eyelashes is observed with chemotherapy and taking antifungal drugs. In the first case, medications that are highly toxic to the body are used. To maintain the growth of eyelashes, the use of non-hormonal medications based on vitamins is allowed. When taking antifungal drugs, the level of cholesterol in the blood, which is responsible for the development of hair follicles, decreases. The eyelashes become thinner and fall out.
In case of violation of the growth and development of hairs you should not solve the problem with artificial build-up. It is necessary to try to restore the health of the eyelashes on your own.
Pharmacy products allow you to return the natural shine, rich color and density of eyelashes.

To strengthen the structure of the eyelashes and increase the rate of their growth, various methods are used - compresses, masks, massages, essential oils. The most effective are the products sold in pharmacies. The drugs can completely replace the therapeutic effect of folk formulations.
Cosmetologists divide funds into 2 main categories.
- Hormonal. Prostaglandin is used as an active compound that stimulates eyelashes. The substance belongs to the lipid type, is synthesized by the soft tissues of the body, accelerates the growth of eyelashes, increasing their number.
- Non-hormonal. They are considered safer to use, since they do not affect hormonal levels. Therefore, such formulations are hypoallergenic, do not cause pigmentation of the cornea and skin around the eyes. Non-hormonal agents include vitamins, formulations based on plant extracts, essential oils, peptides and amino acids.

The effectiveness of both groups of drugs is equivalent. Hormonal and non-hormonal agents come in different forms. The therapeutic effect depends on the use of biocompounds. Different types of funds are distinguished according to the form of release:
- conditioners;
- activators;
- balms;
- oils;
- serum;
- solutions;
- emulsions.

In special cases, it is allowed to use pharmacy products as a makeup base. In such a situation, the drugs reduce the negative effect of the use of cosmetics, protect the skin of the eyelids from damage.
Hormonal drugs have a quick stimulating effect on the eyelashes and are considered to be more effective.... The active compounds increase the active phase of eyelash growth, being its stimulants, preventing premature hair loss. As additional components, the composition of the funds may include plant extracts necessary to moisturize and strengthen the eyelashes.

Hormonal formulations have a number of features:
- have a quick effect - the first results are visible after 2 weeks of use;
- it is important to follow the instructions for use in order to avoid the development of side effects;
- abuse of the product can cause itching, burning sensation, skin pigmentation in the area of application;
- there is an extensive list of contraindications;
- forbidden to use for a long period;
- highly effective formulations are sold strictly according to prescriptions from an ophthalmologist.

The therapeutic effect is provided by prostaglandins - hormone-like substances that can be synthesized in the body.
Active compounds are involved in the contraction and relaxation of skeletal and smooth muscles, and therefore can affect blood pressure, inflammatory mediators and hormones. Usually, the preparations include bimatoprost, an analogue of prostaglandins. It accelerates tissue repair, improves cell metabolism.
There are also contraindications to the use of hormonal agents:
- pregnancy, breastfeeding the baby;
- low blood pressure;
- individual intolerance;
- viral infections;
- violation of the integrity of the skin, if an ointment is used;
- acute skin diseases of the eyelids;
- diabetes.

Prostaglandins cause intense blood circulation in the eyelid capillaries and should be used with caution.In rare cases, the abuse of hormonal drugs leads to the proliferation of capillaries and the appearance of vascular networks on the eyelids.
Among the effective hormonal agents, the products of the following brands are distinguished:
- Carelash;
- XLash Almea;
- Latisse;
- Age Intervention Eyelash;
- Careprost;
- Bimat;
- LiLash;
- Evolash;
- Rapidlash;
- Lumigan;
- MD Lash Factor;
- Maxlash;
- Volum;
- Advanced Lash;
- Revitalash.

Before buying funds, it is recommended carefully read the composition on the label. Hormonal preparations should contain dinoprost, latanoprost, prostaglandin F2A, bimatoprost, or unoprost.
Such preparations contain only natural compounds: vitamins, minerals, essential oils, plant extracts. The hoods accelerate the growth of the eyelashes in the active phase, thanks to which it is possible to return the rich color to the hair, increase its length and strengthen the structure. Compared to hormonal preparations, natural extracts are safe to use in the absence of individual intolerance. They do not have a direct effect on the hormonal background and metabolic processes in the soft tissues of the eyelids.

Non-hormonal formulations have some features:
- there are practically no contraindications for them;
- the funds are applied 1-2 times a day;
- safe for sensitive skin;
- possible long-term use of funds without the appearance of side effects;
- formulations are sold in pharmacies without a prescription;
- there is no quick effect - the first result becomes noticeable after 2 months of use;
- protect hair from damage caused by toxins from cosmetics and ultraviolet radiation.

Natural compounds cannot be used with individual intolerance to structural components, acute inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes of the eye, violation of the integrity of the skin along the eyelash growth line.
Non-hormonal products contain a number of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal hair growth and development. They do not provoke the development of spider veins, inflammation and swelling of the skin.
Active compounds are used to create natural preparations.
- Retinol and beta-carotene. Vitamin A increases the period of the active phase of eyelash growth, nourishes the hair follicles, and protects them from damage.
- Taurine. An amino acid required to nourish the follicle. Stimulates intensive blood flow to the hair follicle.
- Wheat, milk proteins. Proteins restore the water and electrolyte balance of the eyelid skin, as well as the natural structure of the eyelashes. Proteins nourish and stimulate hair growth, accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. The active ingredients penetrate into the deep layers of the eyelashes, make up for the lack of protein.
- Alpha-tocopherol... Vitamin E has a pronounced antioxidant effect, nourishes the hair and prevents premature aging of cells.
- Peptides. Strengthens hair follicles, promotes the production of keratin fibers, and accelerates tissue regeneration.
- Vegetable oils: castor, almond, coconut, olive. They stimulate the growth of eyelashes, moisturize the skin, and improve tissue blood supply. Due to the regular use of active ingredients, the volume of the hairs increases, they look thick and healthy.
- Phytostem cells... Necessary for the formation of pigment compounds, due to which the eyelashes acquire a rich color. Active ingredients restore the structure of damaged hair.
- Panthenol. Moisturizes eyelashes, gives a healthy shine. Forms a protective film from ultraviolet radiation on their surface.
- Glucosamine. Strengthens hair follicles in the subcutaneous fat, improves blood circulation to the follicles. As a result, eyelash growth is accelerated.
- Aloe extract and glycerin. Used as humidifiers. Increase the protection of hair from the negative effects of sunlight, prevent tissue dehydration, brittle eyelashes.

It is recommended to buy formulations with the maximum amount of natural ingredients.
They should not contain a lot of preservatives, synthetic colors and fragrances.
What to choose?
Before buying, you need to decide on the form of the drug: balm, gel, oil. The product must be of high quality, certified - in this case, it is guaranteed to pass dermatological and ophthalmological control, it is considered completely safe for the eyes.
There are several good drugs on the Russian market.
- Double-Lash Gel. Accelerates hair growth, increases protection against ultraviolet radiation and toxic compounds, raises local immunity. The therapeutic effect is based on hop extract. Before applying, you will need to cleanse the skin of the eyelids from impurities. With the help of a special brush, the preparation is evenly distributed over the entire length of the eyelashes.

- Vereya oil... Stimulates the growth of eyelashes, strengthens the hair structure. The product contains a large amount of antioxidants that slow down age-related changes in the skin of the eyelids. They prevent premature aging of cells, relieve sagging and the appearance of wrinkles. The tool relieves eyelid fatigue. "Vereya" is a mixture of castor, wheat, rose, almond oils, pomace from grape seeds and burdock root. The composition is applied for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

- Careprost solution. Stimulates hair growth, gives it a rich color. The main active ingredient is bimatoprost. The solution is applied to the base of the upper eyelashes before going to bed.

- Lipocils gel from Talika. Strengthens eyelashes, stimulates new hair growth. Makes them thick, increases their length. The gel normalizes metabolic processes in the skin of the eyelids, improves blood circulation, and prevents irritation of the epithelium. The product protects eyelashes from ultraviolet radiation. The composition is based on extracts of St. John's wort, apple, horse chestnut, hazel and nettle. The gel is applied to the roots of the eyelashes 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

- Emulsion "Riciniol-V". Strengthens hair follicles, eyelash structure, accelerates hair growth and development. Contains a large amount of vitamin B, polyunsaturated fatty acids and mineral compounds. Nutrients improve tissue microcirculation, prevent peeling of eyelid skin, inflammation of hair follicles. The non-hormonal agent is applied along the contour of the eye, it is allowed to use it as a base for makeup.

Inexpensive formulations include Alerana Serum, Markell Cosmetics Eyes Care Cooling Roller, Ardell Brow & Lash Growth.

Application features
Means for accelerating the growth of eyelashes are highly effective preparations. Regular use of funds for the time specified in the instructions leads to a positive effect in 2-4 weeks. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the rules for the use of drugs.
- Apply the product to the skin of the eyelids, free from dirt and make-up.
- Apply the composition to the area of the skin that is indicated in the instructions. Usually this is a thin line at the eyelashes or directly at the hair roots.
- Contact with eyes must be avoided. Otherwise, you will need to thoroughly rinse the mucous membranes with warm water.
- The drugs are used regularly in the dosage indicated in the instructions. It is not recommended to abuse the formulations. The constant application of a large amount can provoke the development of allergies.

Each drug has a different therapeutic effect, which depends on the chemical composition of the pharmaceutical agent. After 2-4 weeks of treatment, positive changes are observed:
- eyelashes fall out less often;
- the healthy shine and elasticity of the hairs are restored;
- follicles, hair structure are strengthened;
- eyelashes acquire a rich color;
- become less brittle;
- acquire protection from ultraviolet radiation, the toxic effects of makeup;
- the eyelids stop swelling;
- the skin ceases to peel off, the epithelium is moistened.

The effectiveness of drugs depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the components used. An important role is played by the correct application of funds to the skin of the eyelids.
For how to grow long eyelashes, see the next video.