All about eyelashes

To have healthy and beautiful eyelashes, you need to know everything about caring for them. Indeed, to maintain natural beauty, it is important to take care of them not only in the salon, but also at home.

What it is?
Eyelashes are short hairs that line the top and bottom of the eye section. They are 97 percent protein and 3 percent water. Their main task is to protect the eyes from grains of sand, water and debris.
Eyelashes stop growing at a certain time. Length, thickness, as well as density are completely dependent on human genetics.

According to statistics, brunettes boast longer eyelashes than blondes. In addition, among Europeans, they are very thin, but among Asians, on the contrary, they are thick and tough.
The color of the eyelashes depends on the amount of melanin in the hair structure. The more it is, the darker their color.
In addition, the shade of the eyelashes may differ significantly from the color of the hairs on the head.

Structure and function
The structure of human eyelashes is quite simple. At a depth of 2 millimeters, you can see the root or, in other words, the bulb. It is from there that new cilia grow. The bulb itself is framed by follicles. There is a dermal papilla inside. It is through it that the necessary nutrition, as well as oxygen, enters the cilia.
Besides, smooth muscles are attached to the bulb, raising and lowering the hairs. Several sebaceous glands are located at the surface of the skin, which are intended to lubricate the cilia.

The visible component of the eyelashes is the shaft. If you look through a microscope, you can see in the section:
- a core consisting only of a protein substance;
- thin cuticle;
- the cortical layer, which occupies about 90 percent of the entire hair area (it contains only keratinized cells).

Cilia grow in irregular rows. On the lower part of the eyelid, the hairs are arranged in one or two rows. Their number is in the range of 70-95 pieces, and the length is 5-8 millimeters. On the upper part of the eyelid, there are from 2 to 4 rows of hairs, that is, from 160 to 240 pieces, the length of which is within 6-11 millimeters.

Growth stages
In humans, eyelashes grow in different ways, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism. They live from 1 to 5 months. For some, eyelashes are renewed only 2-3 times a year, while for others they change frequently. As for their life cycle, it has 4 phases.
- The most active phase of follicle growth is the anagen phase, which lasts on average from 25 to 30 days.
- The next phase - katagen, is considered a transitional and shortest, because it lasts no more than 5 days.
- The third telogen stage is the resting stage, which lasts 90 to 100 days. It ends at the moment when the eyelashes begin to fall out.
- The last phase is early anagen. At this stage, the maturation of new hairs begins.

Home care rules
Nowadays, every girl and woman can afford full-fledged eyelash care. You can use specially purchased creams, masks, balms or conditioners, as well as kits. However, poor quality cosmetics can lead to huge problems, such as eyelash loss.
In order to prevent this, as well as to strengthen them, natural remedies made at home can be applied to the eyelashes.

After that, their condition will be better both from the outside and from the inside. To care for eyelashes, you can use the following formulations.
- Burdock oil, which is an effective agent for the growth of hairs, as well as an excellent strengthening agent. After the course, the eyelashes will become large and beautiful.
- Castor oil or almond oil - universal helpers in strengthening and nourishing eyelashes. It should be noted that this remedy almost never causes allergies.
- Sea buckthorn oil, which restores the structure of the eyelashes and also provides them with nutrition.
- Jojoba oil or coconut oil, which strengthens the hairs and also relieves them of breakage.

Burdock and castor oil are especially appreciated in the care of eyelashes, which will not be difficult to acquire, because they are in every pharmacy. Oils can be used both in pure form and as a base for a mask.
In the first case, the oil must be applied directly to the eyelashes. For this, you can use the brush remaining from the mascara, which must be thoroughly washed with shampoo or soap in advance, and also dried.

The oil must be warmed up to room temperature. Then the brush must be dipped in this liquid and very carefully applied to the eyelashes, starting from the middle. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the product does not get into the eyes. After 15 minutes, the oil can be removed using a cotton pad.
Such procedures should be carried out daily from 30 to 60 days, and then take a 2-week break. As for the masks, they can be different.

Oils and vitamins
To provide extra care for your lashes, add a few drops of vitamins to the oil. This composition is a real classic. It includes the following components:
- 1 tbsp. l. castor oil;
- 1 tbsp. l. sea buckthorn oil;
- 7-8 drops of carrot juice or vitamin A;
- 1 drop of iodine.

All components must be thoroughly mixed, and then applied to the eyelashes. Do not keep it for more than 15 minutes, otherwise the eyelashes will turn orange.
Along with the care of the eyelashes, you can also wipe the eyelids.

Butter with tea
For this recipe, any oil is suitable, for example, burdock or coconut, as well as tea leaves. Such a composition will not only strengthen and protect the hairs, but also tint them a little.

Butter and rum
Not everyone will like this care product, but the effect can exceed all expectations. In addition, it occurs after a few procedures. First you need to mix rum and castor oil in equal proportions, and then apply the mixture to the eyelashes.

Oil with parsley and aloe
To make the mixture, you will need the following components:
- 10 parsley leaves, mashed into gruel;
- 8 drops of aloe juice;
- 8 drops of olive oil.

All components must be mixed and then heated to room temperature in a water bath. It is worth noting that this mixture should be applied not to the eyelashes, but to the line of their growth, because parsley can discolor the hairs. After 15 minutes, everything must be removed with a regular cotton pad, and then rinsed with clean water.

Another folk remedy that should not be forgotten is herbs. The plants that are commonly used are not rare and can be purchased from any pharmacy or harvested on your own. You will need:
- marigold or, in other words, calendula;
- chamomile medicinal;
- cornflowers;
- sage.

Often, girls give their preference to broths, because after using them there is no fat layer left. To prepare the broth, you will need to take 1 tablespoon of the mixture of herbs, and then pour all 200 ml of boiling water. After 2 hours, the mixture must be filtered, after which you need to moisten two cotton pads in it and put them on your eyelids. After 15 minutes, they can be removed, but you should not wash after that.
The mixture can be applied both in the morning and in the evening for 21 days, after which it is necessary to take a break of 30 days. It should also be added that after such a compress, it is imperative to do a light massage of the eyelids, which will contribute not only to strengthening, but also to the growth of eyelashes.

In any case, before you start doing any skincare procedures, you need to make sure that there are no allergies to the components that make up the products.
Salon procedures
Home care alone is difficult to achieve a good result. Therefore, girls try to visit salons regularly. Eyelash architecture starts with the work of an image master. He can advise the girl on what to do. There are several ideas to look out for.

Eyelash coloring with semi-permanent mascara
Today, such a procedure is available in almost any salon. Permanent mascara lasts from 14 to 21 days. At this time, the girl can safely visit the pool, solarium and even the sauna, without worrying that the mascara will wash off.
The process of applying mascara is quite simple. Initially, the eyelashes are cleaned with a special tool so that the mascara fits as well as possible. Then they are gently combed or curled with special tweezers.

After that, it is necessary to apply semi-permanent mascara to the eyelashes with dexterous and quick movements and separate them with the help of special tweezers. It is worth noting that the beauty of eyelashes depends entirely on the skill of a specialist, because this mascara dries very quickly.
For the result to be effective, it is necessary for several hours not to touch them. In addition, in the first days it is necessary to protect them from getting wet. After removing the mascara, you can apply it again, but you should not do this more than 3 times in a row. Then they need to be allowed to rest.

Today biowave is considered one of the most popular salon procedures. This type of hair styling differs significantly from conventional eyelash perm. First of all, in this case, a more gentle solution is used, in which there is no ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.
Almost all girls can use this service. You should not do a biowave only for those who are allergic to the components in the product. Before starting the procedure, the master must determine for himself the type of person's eyelashes, because the proportions of the future solution will depend on this.

Then special pads are applied to the lower eyelashes, which are designed to protect them from the solution applied to the upper hairs. After that, the eyelashes are degreased, and silicone pads are attached to the upper part of them using a special glue for curling eyelashes. Their size depends on the length of the hairs.
Further, eyelashes are attached to these pads with the same glue. A special emollient is applied to them 2 millimeters from the roots and 2 millimeters from the ends of the hairs.
This is necessary so that the mucous membrane of the eyes, as well as the eyelashes themselves, are not damaged.

After the time required for curling, the master removes the layer of softener and immediately applies the fixer. The last one to apply is a cleaner, which will help remove all previous solutions, and will also allow you to more painlessly remove the eyelashes from the pads.
The last stage of biowaving is the application of a fortified balm to the eyelashes. At the end of the procedure, you should forget about drying your hair with a hairdryer, going to the bathhouse or sauna, and sunbathing for several days.

Keratin lamination
This is a relatively new procedure that will help you to do eyelash reconstruction in just an hour. Besides, keratin lamination, or keratin straightening, will saturate the eyelashes with the necessary amount of keratin, and also create a shell around each individual hair that protects them from moisture loss.

The duration of the effect after the procedure is about 2 months. During this time, the eyelashes begin to renew, so the process must be repeated again. The lamination procedure consists of several stages.
- First, the hairs are degreased.
- Then they are combed with a special brush and a special agent is applied on top that can protect the hairs from the solution intended for lamination.
- Next, a pad is attached under the eyes to protect the delicate skin.
- After that, "curlers" are put on the cilia. Then a bend fixing agent is applied to them.
- Now the master must create a thermal effect, for which a special airtight film is applied.
- Finally, the master paints the lashes in the chosen color and applies a strengthening agent. This will allow not only to consolidate the result, but also to saturate the hair with the necessary vitamins.

It should be noted that only professional cosmetics are used for all salon procedures. You will not be able to repeat this at home.
How to make up?
It is important not only to take care of your eyelashes, but also to be able to dye them correctly. There are a few main points to watch out for.
- First of all, the eyelashes must be degreased. Then, if desired, straight hairs can be twisted and slightly raised using special curling scissors. However, this must be done before applying mascara.
- To make your lashes look longer, you can apply fixing gel to the hairs with a mascara brush. The main thing in this case is to paint over each hair, moving from the roots of the eyelashes to their tips. The fixer will allow you to keep your makeup for much longer, and will also protect and strengthen the hairs.
- After that, you can start applying mascara. Movement should also go from the roots to the tips of the hairs.
- Some experts recommend using powder for lashes to appear fuller. To do this, you need to collect a little of this product on the brush, then gently shake off all excess and run along the hairs. After that, you need to immediately apply mascara. However, if a girl uses powder, then it is not recommended to apply the base.
- To lift the cilia up, each hair must be pressed with a brush.
- Initially, mascara should be applied to the lower eyelashes and only after that move on to the upper hairs.
- To make the lashes look thicker, you can apply several layers of mascara, be sure to move from the roots. However, it is worth waiting 30 seconds before applying each new coat.In the event that the hairs become stuck together, you can comb them with a clean brush.
- To make the eyes more expressive, paint over the lash edge using colored ink or glitter.
- It is not necessary to use only one mascara, they can be combined to achieve the desired result. In addition, you can buy a product with the effect of false eyelashes, which will make them thicker and more beautiful every time.

How to build up?
If you do not want to spend time on eye makeup every day, it is easier to build up your eyelashes. This can be done in two ways.

Eyelash extensions
It is such a procedure of gluing one or more artificial eyelashes to one natural one. To make the extension work more convenient, many manufacturers began to produce cilia in different sizes. Their length can be from 5 to 18 millimeters. However, hairs 12 mm long are most often chosen. The bend of the cilia is marked with letters, the most popular are the bends C, D, D +.
They can go separately, or they can be produced in mixes, which is very convenient for work.

Now there are many new technologies for eyelash extension - French and Japanese, for example. However, they all relate to the pro-eyelash extension technology. To add personality to the look, you can use items such as microbeads or small pebbles as decor. The building process itself takes place in several stages.
- Initially, you need to remove all makeup from the eyes using cotton pads or napkins.
- Then, either silicone pads or tape should be applied to the eyelid located on the lower side.
- Next, you need to degrease the hairs. An applicator is best suited for this.
- After that, you can proceed with the building itself. It is best to start the procedure from the outer corners of the eyes. You need to take one eyelash, then dip it in special glue and immediately glue it to a natural hair, setting the desired direction.
- In order for the cilia not to stick together, it is necessary to maintain a certain pause. At the end of the procedure, you should carefully examine your work and, if necessary, add volume in the right places, and then apply a fixer. It will not only fix the cilia, but also nourish them.

Beam extension
This extension technique is slightly different from the eyelash technique. After all, artificial eyelashes in this case are glued to real hairs in bundles. You need to glue them on the upper eyelid, moreover, only on the outer part of the corners. This is done to thicken the lashes. It is very important to make a small indent from the century. If this is not done and the bundle is glued too close, the girl will feel some discomfort, because the skin will start to itch. In the event that you stick it a little further, your eyelash will quickly grow back and can twist, which will be noticeable. Eyelash extension tools are used in both cases almost the same.

In the modern market, the range of artificial eyelashes is quite rich. Natural hairs are most often allergens, and their cost is quite high. Therefore, artificial fibers are considered more acceptable. Such cilia are hypoallergenic, beautiful and suitable for both young girls and adult women.
All manufacturers are trying to attract their customers, so they produce eyelash palettes for every taste. In addition to the usual black hairs, you can also choose colored ones, for example, green, red, purple and even pink or red. Some eyelash palettes are a mix of dark and light hairs.
You can also buy eyelashes with neon inserts or with white tips.

Almost everyone can afford such a procedure. However, there are some contraindications that you should definitely familiarize yourself with before going to the salon. It is impossible to extend eyelashes like this if:
- if there is an allergic reaction to glue;
- during menstruation;
- the girl is undergoing a course of antibiotics.
It is necessary to treat this procedure with extreme caution for pregnant girls, as well as for those who like swimming pools and saunas.

Summing up, we can say that eyelashes are not only eye protection, but also "weapons of mass destruction" that beauties use for their own purposes. Therefore, you must always take good care of them and maintain their attractive appearance.