All about eyelash botox

Eyelash Botox allows you to achieve not only an expressive look, but also heals the skin in the area of hair growth. The technique is focused on the restoration of damaged tissues and hydration of the epithelium. With the correct procedure, the growth of eyelashes improves, they look voluminous and thick.

Before using cosmetic products, it is recommended to learn everything about eyelash botox in order to avoid allergies and irritation of the skin around the eyes.
What it is?
Eyelash botox is a cosmetic procedure, the main purpose of which is the care and restoration of eyelashes. When implementing the technique, a special serum is used. The structure of the tool includes the following connections:
- hydrolysis keratin;
- alpha tocopherol;
- hyaluronic acid;
- collagen;
- Argan oil;
- pantothenic acid.
Organic acids improve the process of cell regeneration, provoke the growth of dormant hair follicles. Keratin and collagen repair damage to the skin in the area of eyelash growth. Vitamins are natural antioxidants that slow down the aging process of cells.
Eyelash botox, unlike other procedures of the same name, does not have a toxic effect on the facial muscles around the eyes. The name of the procedure is a marketing ploy and does not reflect the technology of the procedure. The main component that has a strengthening effect on hair follicles is water-soluble keratin.The serum does not contain botulinum toxin with a paralytic effect.

Pros, cons and contraindications
Serum benefits include artificial collagen, keratin and natural antioxidants. Due to their complex effect, the following benefits of Botox can be traced:
- eyelashes retain elasticity, the serum composition is useful for moisturizing and increasing the regeneration of damaged epithelium;
- high air humidity and temperature do not affect the shape of the curl;
- the procedure is painless;
- vitamins and hydrolyzed keratin strengthen the hair structure, stimulate the growth of new eyelashes;
- the resulting effect lasts from 2 to 4 months;
- eyelashes keep the curled shape even without the use of mascara and special tools;
- after the end of the procedure there is no rehabilitation period: it is allowed to visit saunas, swimming pools, baths, wearing contact lenses.

Despite its positive properties, botox, if performed incorrectly, can lead to the development of side effects. Also, the procedure has the following disadvantages:
- after completing the Botox course, it is necessary to correct the length of the eyelashes, because the treated hairs will have a greater length;
- in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the serum, an allergic reaction may develop: rash, redness of the eyelid skin, swelling, itching;
- in the process of applying the serum, tearing is observed, due to which the agent may get on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

In the latter case, rinse the affected area with clean water. Often, when the serum gets into the eyes, reddening of the sclera, irritation of soft tissues occurs.
Eyelash botox has the following contraindications.
- Individual intolerance or increased susceptibility of a person to the components that make up the serum. To avoid the development of side effects, it is recommended to study the composition of the product in advance and consult with a beautician.
- The presence of mechanical damage to the skin in the area of eyelash growth and the area around the eyes. The components of a cosmetic product can get into an open wound, which causes acute inflammation, pain, and redness of the area. Often, an infection enters the lesion.
- It is harmful to carry out the procedure while breastfeeding, during menstruation and pregnant women. Changes in hormonal balance during menstruation can trigger the development of allergies. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not known how the components of the serum will affect the body of a woman and a child.
- Infectious diseases of the organs of vision. Serum can intensify the inflammatory process and lead to the development of complications of the disease.

It is not recommended to use the technique in the postoperative period. It is necessary to wait until the damaged tissue is completely restored.
Comparison with other treatments
Different types of procedures to improve the growth of eyelashes give the same visual effect, so women often wonder how Botox differs from any other technique.

Lamination or lifting
Botox is often done when lashes are lamination to strengthen their structure and improve the nutrition of the hair follicles. This procedure is necessary for tissue repair, it is used as a preparatory stage for heat treatment during lifting.
Lamination is a sequential algorithm:
- curling;
- hair dyeing;
- formation of a long-lasting keratin film to protect eyelashes.
Botox provides intense hydration, nutrition and enhances cell regeneration. According to cosmetologists, the procedures are similar in composition and application technology, so that they can be combined or carried out simultaneously.

Experts warn that, unlike botox, after lamination, it is difficult to carry out eyelash extensions. The glue will not stick to the keratin film.
Both procedures do not differ in their visual effect - at the end of the methods, they get an expressive look, thick elongated eyelashes. The difference is that "corduroy" involves the treatment of hairs on the upper and lower eyelids. The procedure is gentle and does not strongly affect the condition of the eyelashes.

After botox in the next 24 hours, hairs clumping, tearing are possible. Due to the penetration of keratin into the deep layers of tissue, eyelashes become stiffer.
At the same time, phytoestrogens are used to stimulate hair growth during velveteen treatment. They are more allergenic than keratin. Therefore, in order to determine which cosmetological technique is better, one should proceed from the individual characteristics of the organism.

When carrying out biowave, 3 different formulations are used, which are applied to the eyelash growth area in turn. As a result, it is possible to achieve a strengthening of the hair structure. To give the lashes the desired look, silicone molds are used.
Unlike botox, with biowaving, the hairs become stiffer and soon begin to fall out. This is due to the fact that the drugs used during the procedure negatively affect the condition of the hair follicles, disrupt the water balance and metabolism in the skin of the eyelids.

To carry out botox of eyelashes, the cosmetologist uses ready-made kits, which include the following components:
- coloring matter;
- composition for curling;
- fixing agent;
- degreasing liquid;
- cosmetic glue;
- botox, as the main active ingredient, sold in ampoules.
Cosmetic companies have developed ready-made kits, which include the tools and preparations necessary for the procedure. They make it easier for novice cosmetologists to choose.

It is advisable to purchase ready-made kits for women who carry out eyelash botox on their own at home.
It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the popular products from the following list before purchasing.
- Magic Efecto Botox. The company provides a choice: a woman can buy both a ready-made set and individual tools. Each ampoule of Botox contains hydrolyzed keratin, which is necessary for the accelerated restoration of eyelashes. The collagen in the serum moisturizes the skin in the hair growth zone and prevents the development of irritation.

- Lash Botox. The kit includes a 10 ml ampoule containing the main active ingredient. Botox in it is enough for 60 procedures. In addition to the active ingredient, the case contains a syringe with replaceable needles in the amount of 3 pieces and an instruction manual.

- Vitamin Lash Botox. The Italian company My Lamination sells a ready-made set of tools. The case of this company includes ampoules with vitamin components that can be safely combined with other cosmetics for curling eyelashes. Depending on the number of containers in the set, you can carry out from 50 to 150 procedures. Thanks to the dispenser, it will be possible to use serum economically.

- Novel. A syringe with replaceable needles, a vessel for diluting serum, botox are provided in a cardboard package.

- Means for eyelashes from Eva Kobzeva. The set includes 3 different compositions: fixing composition, softening lotion, moisturizing oil. Materials included silicone curlers in sizes S, M, L and special glue. You will have to buy the instruments for the procedure yourself.

To choose the best remedy, you should rely on the individual characteristics of the skin, the condition of the eyelashes and the presence of allergic reactions. Serums from different manufacturers may differ in composition, the amount of main components. The latter include:
- hyaluronic acid - intensively moisturizes soft tissues in the area of eyelash growth;
- collagen - increases resistance to external factors, improves water balance in the skin and hair structure;
- antioxidants: vitamin B group, alpha-tocopherol - increase the shine of eyelashes, improve their growth and provide protection against free radicals, slow down the aging process;
- keratin - restores the hair structure, ensures its elasticity, prevents eyelash loss;
- argan oil - has nourishing and moisturizing properties.

Thanks to the active ingredients in the serum, it is possible to increase the volume, improve the growth and restoration of eyelashes.
How do they do it?
You can make eyelash botox both at a beautician and at home. In both cases, you should familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions and the materials used during the procedure.

To perform the eyelash curling technique, you will need the following tools:
- brush for separating hair;
- syringe for applying the product;
- special rollers, silicone curlers are used for curling;
- brushes, since each composition must be applied separately.

When undergoing the procedure, it is important to ask a beautician for certificates for the use of products. This will avoid unpleasant consequences if the products are defective or cannot be used with eyelashes.
Materials (edit)
In addition to special tools, you will need to buy the following materials:
- cotton buds;
- gel substrates;
- combs;
- silicone eyeliner;
- sponges;
- napkins, paper towels to remove excess moisture;
- foil.

If the procedure is carried out at home, separate sponges and paper towels should be used for different cosmetic formulations.
Application process
When performing the Botox procedure, the master acts in stages to achieve permanent curling and not damage the mucous membranes of the eyes.
- Bending formation. Silicone curlers are applied to the upper eyelid. The tools are selected depending on the length of the eyelashes. A free-form patch is placed on the lower eyelid to protect the skin. The beautician combs the hairs, separates them along the silicone surface. The lashes are attached to the rollers using a plant-based adhesive.

- Softening and fixing. To avoid damage to the hair structure and depletion of the follicles, a degreasing serum is applied to the eyelashes. Then comes the turn of the softening composition. After its distribution, the hairs are covered with a fixing compound. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain the shape of the curl and give it time to fix.

- Coloring. An optional step in the procedure that can be omitted. The client independently chooses the shade necessary for the eyelashes. The master applies the coloring composition to the hairs.

- Botox application. Thanks to the active ingredients in the serum, eyelashes become elastic, but at the same time retain their curl shape.

- Removing glue, grooming procedures. To free the glue from the eyelashes and remove the silicone patches, a special composition is applied to the hairs. After cleaning the instruments, burdock or castor oil is applied to the growth zone to moisturize the skin.
In time, the procedure takes from 40 to 60 minutes, depending on whether staining is carried out. Many people mistakenly believe that eyelash botox can be performed frequently. It is advisable to use the technique once every 1.5-2 months. With more frequent use, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes occurs, there is a risk of allergies.

To make eyelash botox for yourself, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions.
- Curl and color your eyelashes in a convenient way.
- Take a ready-made ampoule of Botox. It is not recommended to dilute the composition on your own, because non-observance of the quantitative ratio of active components can lead to a chemical burn, an allergic reaction, intense irritation, and dry skin. The ampoule is heated to + 60 ° C with warm water. This is necessary to change the structure of the whey. As it heats up, the botox should become clear and viscous.
- Heat the needle from the syringe. Then collect 0.15 ml of Botox and 0.5 ml of pure water at room temperature, mix the resulting composition.
- Apply the product to your eyelashes. There should be approximately 2 mm between the eyelid and the serum. Thanks to the indentation, the composition does not get on the mucous membranes of the eyes.
When carrying out the procedure yourself, you must be prepared for the fact that it will not work to achieve a lasting result. The eyelashes will return to normal in a week. This is because it is impossible to fix all the lashes to yourself on silicone patches and curlers. Because of this, the Botox composition is applied unevenly and does not have the desired effect.

Follow-up care
To consolidate the result obtained, you need to learn how to properly care for your eyelashes. To do this, it is important to follow the basic recommendations:
- in the first 24 hours after the procedure, you do not need to paint;
- if there were shadows on the eyelids before botox, they should be washed off with lotion and warm water immediately after coming home;
- to moisturize the eyelashes, it is recommended to lubricate the hairs with burdock or castor oil;
- wash off makeup within 2 months after the procedure with natural formulations;
- after botox it is not recommended to additionally curl the eyelashes.

A visit to the bathhouse and sauna will not affect the result. Do not be afraid to rub or touch your eyes, because mechanical action will not affect the shape of the eyelashes.
What do eyelashes look like before and after?
After Botox, the eyelashes stand out brightly and outline the contour of the eye. Hair begins to grow intensively, acquire elasticity, natural shine. The look becomes expressive. A woman needs less makeup to enhance the beauty of her eyes.

Before undergoing the procedure, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the photo "before and after" eyelash botox.
Review overview
Botox for eyelashes is a beauty care procedure. Women claim that the resulting effect lasts up to 2-3 weeks. When the procedure is repeated, the result is enough for a period of 1 month. The natural composition of the serum makes it possible to apply the product every 5-8 weeks.
When researching the reviews, it was found that after repeated implementation of the technique, the effect obtained in women persisted for a longer period. At the same time, those who have undergone the procedure warn that frequent application of Botox leads to negative consequences. In some cases, there was rapid eye fatigue, rash, itching.
The cost of the session depends on where the procedure is performed: in a beauty salon or at a private beautician. Judging by the reviews, the latter have a 2 times lower price for curling eyelashes, but the master does not give any guarantees for a refund in case of unsuccessful Botox or no complications.
All about botox for eyelashes can be seen in the video.