All about eyelash coloring

You can make your eyes more open with makeup. But using mascara on a daily basis is not always convenient. Dyeing cilia and eyebrows with paint will give them a more intense color, make your eyes bright, and look more expressive. It is better to carry out such a procedure in a special salon under the guidance of a specialist, but you can do it yourself at home.

Advantages and disadvantages
Applying a special coloring composition to the eyebrows and eyelashes will help to give the hair a rich shade. Coloring them will make the look more expressive. After the staining session, the need to paint the eyes with mascara disappears every day. If desired, or to obtain the effect of a brighter make-up, you can additionally walk along the eyelashes with mascara.

Almost any cosmetic procedure has its pros and cons.
Benefits of eyelash coloring:
- the result after the procedure will last for several weeks;
- the session will not take much time;
- hairs after manipulations will visually become thicker and darker;
- the cost of such a procedure in the salon is very reasonable;
- you can visit the bathhouse, sauna or pool without fear that the paint will flow or wash off.

Coloring the cilia with paint allows you to get a lasting result, the effect of such a procedure will last for 2-3 weeks. However, this option also has a certain drawback. With constant and frequent application of coloring agents to the eyelashes, they can become thinner, which will affect their appearance. In addition, during staining, an allergy to one or another component of the paint may appear.When choosing a product, be sure to make sure that there are no substances in the composition that cause an allergic reaction.

This procedure has certain contraindications.
It is not recommended to carry out staining:
- with eye disease, as well as after operations;
- in the presence of wounds in the eye area;
- with increased sensitivity;
- with individual intolerance to certain components of the product;
- during pregnancy.
It is also harmful to conduct a session while breastfeeding, during critical days and when taking hormonal drugs. The result of dyeing when the hormonal background changes can be unpredictable, up to and including obtaining an unnatural hair color.

How to choose a shade?
When choosing the most suitable shade for dyeing eyebrows and eyelashes, you should take into account the type of skin, hair and eye color.
- For brunettes darker tones are more suitable. Dark-haired beauties, for dyeing cilia, often choose a black, saturated color. Brown-eyed girls can choose blue paint, this tone will favorably set off their eye color.
- Blondes it is better to dwell on graphite shades. This color is ideal for girls with blue eyes.
- Red-haired for beauties, in addition to black and brown, green can also be suitable.
- Brown is considered a universal color., it suits everyone, without exception, emphasizing the eyes favorably, shading them.

There are also less popular shades of eyebrow and eyelash dyes, for example, pink, red or purple, but they are not suitable for everyone.
When choosing a shade, it is advisable to consult a specialist about this or to perform an operation in a beauty salon.

Popular dyes
You can give the cilia a rich color with the help of professional paints or natural products, henna or basma.
Henna is an excellent tool for this procedure. Many people think that henna is better than paint because of its natural origin.
The advantages of such a product include:
- security;
- low price;
- ease of use.

When staining with henna, there are no negative manifestations in the form of peeling or redness. This drug can be used by lactating and pregnant women. Many people choose henna not only for dyeing hair, but also for giving it thickness and density, strengthening the hair structure. Re-staining with henna allows you to correct the color, give it a more saturated shade.

The disadvantages of this choice include the fact that:
- henna from hair can be washed out faster than dye;
- having chosen this tool, it will be problematic to switch to another product, due to the likelihood of an undesirable shade;
- a small color palette does not allow experimenting, because there are only two shades for shading eyebrows and eyelashes (black and reddish brown).
It is worth noting that the final result after applying henna will be visible only after 2-3 days.

Basma, which is a powder made from indigo leaves, is also popular with many women. Such a remedy has been known since ancient times, it was used in Egypt and Persia. The choice of basma will allow:
- saturate the hairs with important trace elements and vitamins;
- return them to a healthy and well-groomed appearance.
Hair dyed with basma will retain a rich color for up to 2 months. Basma is a completely natural product that does not cause allergies or chemical burns.

Carrying out the procedure for dyeing eyebrows and eyelashes at home using basma, you should adhere to certain rules. It is imperative to apply the composition carefully, otherwise if it gets into the eyes, irritation, inflammation and redness may occur. In the event that the dye gets on the skin, it will be difficult to get rid of it.
In this case, fresh dirt is gently removed with a sponge and toner or makeup remover.

Basma should be applied carefully, using only fresh product, otherwise a greenish or reddish tint may appear on the hair. It should also be noted that the basma powder itself can give a green tint, so it is recommended to mix it with henna in a 2 to 1 ratio.
- To obtain a brown tint, henna is mixed with basma in equal proportions.
- For a darker shade, add 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee.
- A less saturated tone will be obtained by mixing 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma. Experts recommend adding a little sugar to the mass, this will make the mass more viscous, which will affect the quality of the work, and will make painting easier.

For coloring with basma, it is necessary to mix it with other components to obtain the desired shade. When choosing specially designed paints for this, you do not need to do this, since such products are selected according to the tone indicated on the package.

Those who are tired of using a pencil to hide defects or carrying a set of shadows that allow them to give their eyebrows a beautiful shape should visit a master lashmaker. Full permanent or semi-permanent coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes using dyes is usually carried out in a beauty salon. To achieve the same shape, length and thickness of eyebrows, without gaps, you can use special tools.
Semi-permanent eyebrow dyeing is a method that allows you to paint hairs where there are not enough of them.

This option is suitable for topics:
- who does not like to dye their eyebrows every day or does it ineptly;
- girls with whitish hair;
- who cannot be tattooed and microblading;
- whose hair is not so thick, with the formation of gaps.

This procedure should not be carried out by ladies with oily skin, otherwise the paint will not adhere well and will be washed off quickly.
It is better to carry out the procedure in a good salon with a trusted master. Professional staining will make this procedure the most comfortable and safe.
Painting technology in a beauty salon
The final result depends on the skills and abilities of the master. It is necessary to make an appointment with an experienced master in advance and discuss the type of staining with him, choose a color.

The procedure for dyeing cilia in the salon is as follows:
- the master washes off decorative cosmetics from the eyes, and then degreases the skin with tonic or alcohol solutions;
- combs the eyelashes with an eyebrow brush, distributes them;
- prepares a coloring agent;
- sticks special petals under the eyes that protect the skin from the applied mass;
- lubricates the entire area in the area of \ u200b \ u200bthe eyes with a fat cream;
- applies dye with an applicator;
- removes excess;
- leaves the product until it dries completely;
- using damp swabs, rinses off the paint.

The result after such staining will last from a week to 2 months, it depends on the quality of the paint. So, For example, Estel permanent eyebrow and eyelash dye will retain its color for 3-4 weeks. While basma or henna will wash off after 7-14 days.
How to do it at home?
Many women color their hair on their own or do highlights at home. It is less problematic to do this with hair on the head than to carry out a similar procedure with eyelashes or eyebrows. You need to know how to do this correctly so that your eyes look natural. Coloring should emphasize the beauty of the eyes, making them more attractive. Eyebrows and eyelashes should look beautiful and natural without drawing too much attention to themselves. Often, a wrongly chosen shade of paint or inaccurate application of the product leads to negative consequences.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know how this procedure is performed correctly at home. When purchasing a product, you should pay attention to professional products. It is advisable to read the reviews about this or that remedy in advance, because not only the beauty of the eyes, but also their health depends on it.An instruction is usually attached to any tool, be sure to first familiarize yourself with it, and then carry out the procedure according to the instructions.
Carrying out such manipulations will allow the eyelashes to look well-groomed within 3 weeks. After that, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Before self-coloring the cilia, you must prepare all the necessary materials and tools.
Must be in stock.
- Coloring agent. Better not to use hair dye. The composition of such a product may contain aggressive chemical elements, which will affect the health of the eyelashes.
- Specially selected container. Metal dishes are not suitable for such products, since there is a possibility of the components entering into a chemical reaction.
- Cream or other fatty product in the form of petroleum jelly.
- Eye care cream.
- Brush or brush for easy application and distribution of the mass.
- Cotton pads or sticks, paper petals.

Allergy tests are always carried out before the first dyeing with a new product. To do this, take a little paint and lubricate the fold at the elbow with it for 30-40 minutes or the time specified in the instructions. If redness, itching or swelling occurs, the product must not be used. It is necessary to select a paint from a different manufacturer, re-conduct the verification test.
If there are no negative reactions, you can safely use this product for dyeing eyelashes and eyebrows. If you have contact lenses, it is recommended to remove them before the session.

Application of the composition
Immediately before applying the composition, the area around the eyes is degreased.
- In a container, mix the paint with an oxidizing agent, strictly following the instructions of the instructions.
- Discs or cotton swabs are placed under the lower eyelashes. You can use special paper petals, which are applied under the lower eyelashes, turning the sticky side to the skin.
- Using a brush or brush, apply the coloring mass to the eyelashes in a thick layer. Avoid getting paint on the skin. To stain the lower cilia, the composition must be applied to both rows of hairs at the same time.

Keep the dye composition in front of your eyes, taking into account the time specified in the instructions. The dye for dyeing hairs that are denser in structure, as well as for hair with gray hair, can be kept longer.
Dye removal
The whole procedure is carried out carefully, without haste. You need to follow the instructions and take your time applying paint and removing it. The remains are removed with a cotton sponge, abundantly moistened with warm water, then the eyes are well washed with running water.
In case of unsuccessful staining, the dye is removed by applying fatty vegetable oils or cream to the hairs. After 20-30 minutes, the oil is wiped off.
This can be done several times.

Hydrogen peroxide will help make your hair lighter. You need to moisten the sponge or bandage with peroxide, and then wipe the selected places with it. Lemon juice is used to lighten hair. Having squeezed out some juice on a tampon, they wipe the painted places with it. When choosing these substances, it should be borne in mind that if they get into the eyes, they can cause a corneal burn.
To remove the dye residues from the skin, use a special agent (remover). It is better to purchase it in advance, along with the purchase of a coloring agent.

Precautions and Aftercare
When purchasing paint, you should give preference to products from trusted manufacturers. You should not choose very cheap paint, because its composition may be far from ideal.
Often, applying dye to their hair, women also dye their eyebrows with eyelashes with it. This cannot be done, since the products intended for the hair are more aggressive. As a result, you can get a burn of the eyelids or cornea.
For the first staining, it is better to take a one-time package. Such a composition will be enough to carry out a trial procedure and evaluate the result.

Many lashmakers recommend choosing gel paints for home use, which are more convenient to apply than in powders or in the form of a cream. Besides, the composition of gel formulations usually additionally include useful oils, extracts from plants, vitamins.
For maximum results, it is better to choose a tone of paint that is darker than the color of the eyelashes. If eyebrows and eyelashes are dyed at the same time, the tone of the eyebrow product should be lighter. In this case, it is advisable to purchase paint in two shades.
A prerequisite is to check the expiration date of the product. Do not apply paint to your eyes if it has reached the end of its shelf life.

If paint gets into the eye, you must immediately remove the composition from the eyelashes, then rinse them well with warm water. In case of severe redness or other discomfort, you should seek the help of an ophthalmologist.
After dyeing, cilia and eyebrow care is as follows:
- in the first few days, it is better not to swim in water bodies, to steam in a bath or sauna;
- it is not recommended to apply makeup for 2-3 days after the session;
- you need to nourish the cilia by applying special oils or products with vitamins A, D and E to the eyes. Applications with castor, coconut, burdock and olive oil have proven themselves well.

When washing your face, it is better not to use scrubs, foam, soap or other cleansers.
Review overview
After examining user reviews, it was possible to find out that basically all paints do their job well.
So, customers liked Estel Professional Enigma paint more. After using this agent, no manifestations of allergic reactions were observed. This preparation is suitable even for women with sensitive skin. The set contains all the necessary items for a staining session. Also, customers noted a large color palette of this product. You can choose the most suitable shade for yourself, starting with black, brown, graphite, ending with a purple hue, aquamarine and burgundy. It is possible to mix different shades. Professional paint can be used at home. The mass is applied conveniently, due to its plastic consistency, while the product does not spread. Reviews for this product have been positive. Sometimes some women experienced a slight burning sensation, and the paint also dried the skin of the eyelids after the session.

Good reviews were about Fito Cosmetics FitoColor paint. Although the price of this product is much lower than the previous option, this did not affect the quality and its properties in any way. Such paint not only paints over every hair, but also restores and strengthens the cilia.

Also to the budget, but, nevertheless, a very successful option can be attributed cream-paint for eyebrows and eyelashes - art line professional. Judging by the reviews, the product is well applied, does not wash out, and lasts for a long time. In order not to stain the skin, many recommended that you always apply a thick cream under the eyes with a thick layer. The choice of this option will allow you to paint yourself, while spending 4 times less on this product than when carrying out a similar procedure in the salon.

If it is not possible to visit the salon, you can paint your eyelashes and eyebrows yourself. According to experts, it is recommended to carry out such manipulations no more than 1 time in 2 months, so as not to harm the eyelashes. More frequent staining will lead to thinning of the hairs, they can begin to fall out, become brittle.

Such a procedure is rather painstaking and it is not always convenient to do it yourself, so it is better to entrust the work to a lashmaker. A visit to the salon will surely get a positive result. An experienced specialist will be able to choose the right paint color, apply the product and wash it off without causing discomfort.
When doing staining on your own or under the guidance of an experienced master, the main thing is to choose high-quality products that meet the necessary criteria and act according to the instructions.