All about biowave eyelashes

It is easy to make the eyes expressive - for this, many use lengthening mascara with the effect of curling the eyelashes. However, the application of cosmetic decorative products is time consuming. There is another way to thicken your eyelashes with a graceful, seductive curl. For these purposes, a biowave was created. We will tell you what this procedure is, how to perform it at home, what benefits and harms it is.

What it is?
Biowave is a salon procedure that implies curling eyelashes with specialized rollers and natural products... This procedure is in many ways similar to biochemical perm. The difference lies in the means used. The chemical method involves the use of ammonia and other aggressive substances that have a detrimental effect on the health of hairs. When biowaving, softer components are used that do not harm.

You don't have to go to a salon specialist to give your lashes a curve. You can do all the work yourself at home.
Thus, it will be possible to significantly save money, but you need to take into account some of the disadvantages of self-"twisting" the hairs... For example, it will take more time, and without experience and dexterity, rarely anyone succeeds in achieving the desired result the first time. Most often, in such situations, the cilia, after the manipulations performed, look unnatural or look sloppy.

Benefit and harm
Eyelash biowave is a cosmetic procedure that has both advantages and some disadvantages. Her benefit obvious - using this technique, you can make the look expressive. This effect is achieved by curling the eyelashes, their "fluffing" and changing the direction of some hairs. After the manipulation done, the gaze becomes more open, which eliminates the need to use mascara, curling irons and other means.

Key advantages of biowave:
- long-term preservation of the effect (up to 3 months, subject to care recommendations);
- the absence of various restrictions, for example, swimming in the pool, visiting the sauna or bath;
- the possibility of using various decorative cosmetics;
- painlessness, simplicity and speed of the technique;
- the ability to choose the degree of bending;
- a healing effect on eyelashes, due to which fragility stops (hair improvement is possible only if certified products and materials are used).

Bio curling is an easy and quick way to make your lashes more luxurious. However, he also has some limitations... The first includes the risks of lightening the hairs by 1 or 2 tones. In addition, after the procedure, eyelashes may begin to fall out - this often happens when an "inexperienced" master gets down to business, or mistakes are made during the curling process. The disadvantages include contraindications.
Despite the simplicity and safety of the procedure, it has several limitations.
For example, her bad to do pregnant and lactating women, persons who have an individual intolerance to one or more of the components included in the substances used for perm. The consequences for allergy sufferers can be sad - from itching to Quincke's edema.

Instructions for biowaving at home
You can curl your eyelashes yourself - for this you need to purchase the necessary materials and tools, as well as carefully study the stages of work... Next, we will tell you what should be at hand when performing manipulations at home.
A set of materials and tools
To curl your eyelashes, you will need both specialized formulations and tools. To perform a biowave, you cannot do without:
- curlers made of silicone to make the hairs bend (such rollers have several standard sizes - S, M, L for small, medium and long eyelashes, respectively);
- special adhesive composition;
- silicone pads to protect the lower eyelid.
- cotton swabs.

For biowaving, you will need special materials that can be purchased separately, or you can buy ready-made kits. These kits include several tools. We will tell you in more detail what these drugs are, and what exactly they are needed for.
- Liquid or gel hair softeners... They do not contain ammonia and chemically aggressive components (for example, alkali or acids). They are mainly made on the basis of cysteamine hydrochloride. Thanks to this component, the lashes are given the desired degree of bending.
- Fixing agent, used to secure curled hairs.
- Solution for removing residual compoundsthat were used in the curling process.
- Adhesive solution, designed for secure fixation of hairs on silicone rollers.

All sets of good quality can be found butter... It is applied to the surface of the eyelashes after all the manipulations performed. It promotes active nourishment of hairs, saturation of them with moisture and restoration of the damaged structure.

Stages of work
It is possible to curl your eyelashes at home on your own, but it is difficult, since you will have to curl the hairs first on one eye and then on the other. As a result of such actions on the procedure will take at least 1-2 hours.

All work is divided into several stages.
- Removal of makeup marks and dirt. For this, micellar water, milk or other means are used. After cleansing, the cilia must be dried.
- In order to prevent the penetration of funds on the lower eyelid, it is closed with silicone pads. Otherwise, itching or rashes may occur.
- The next step is to attach the silicone curlers next to the upper eyelid. Place the roller close to the border of hair growth. In this case, only the edge of the curler must be treated with an adhesive solution. At this stage, you need to act carefully and very carefully. It is important that all hairs "lie" evenly and do not come into contact with each other.
- Application of a softening solution. It is necessary to ensure that the agent does not fall on the root zone and directly into the eyes, since it can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. Cosmetologists also advise "not to touch" the tips of the eyelashes. The drug must be kept on the hairs for no more than 15 minutes, then remove its remnants with a cotton swab.
- Applying the fixing compound for 10-15 minutes.
- After the manipulations done, the eyelashes are carefully peeled off from the roller, nourishing oil is applied to the hairs and the protective pads are removed.
The final step is drying eyelashes with a hairdryer under a cold air stream.

Follow-up care
Regardless of where the biowave was produced - at home or in the salon, behind the eyelashes after the procedure, you will need to properly care for... Compliance with the prescribed requirements and rules will contribute to the long-term preservation of the bending of the hairs. There are some restrictions in the first 24 hours after curling. Eyelashes should not be rubbed, wetted, painted. It is recommended during this period, in general, not to touch the eyes. It is best to refuse to visit baths, saunas and other places with high temperatures and humidity for a few days.

After the procedure it is forbidden to use mechanical forceps to make the hairs bend... After 24 hours, eyelashes can be painted with mascara, but with extension it is worthwhile to wait (cosmetologists advise to resort to this procedure after 10 days).

After biowaving, proper care is very important. For active restoration of eyelashes, you need to treat them daily with vitamin nutrients. For these purposes, various natural oils are suitable - castor, peach seed, wheat germ extract and others. Such compositions intensively nourish the hairs, make them stronger and contribute to the creation of a protective shell in relation to various negative environmental factors.

For care, it is recommended to use specialized store products.
They often include vitamin and mineral complexes, famous for their regenerating and protective properties. The most popular and effective are preparations with a high content of vitamin E - this component is able to restore the damaged structure of hairs, nourish them and stop profuse hair loss.

How long does the result last?
The effect of curled eyelashes after curling in different people lasts uneven time... Several factors affect how much the result will please. These include the structure and stiffness of the hairs, as well as their rate of renewal. Most often, the cilia remain curved for 4-6 weeks. In isolated cases, it lasts up to 3 months.

In any case, you need to take into account that eyelashes are constantly updated - the old ones fall out, and new ones appear in their place. This is a natural process that cannot be slowed down or accelerated. The rate of hair renewal is individual. When curled eyelashes fall out, they will be replaced by straight ones. Over time, some of the hairs will remain curled, and some will be straight. This will make your eyelashes look messy.
To rectify the situation, a correction will be required, in which the twisting is performed anew. As a rule, it is used 1-1.5 months after biowave.

How often can you do it?
Although biowaving eyelashes is considered a gentle procedure, it can subsequently negatively affect the appearance of the hairs. To prevent this from happening you should not resort to the procedure too often... Experienced cosmetologists advise to curl eyelashes no more than 3 times in a row, and then give them a "rest". During this period, it is important to apply fortified formulations to the hairs. After 2-3 months, you can curl your eyelashes again.

Before and after examples
Biowave result eyelashes are mesmerizing. Straight eyelashes become perfectly curled, and the look becomes feminine, charming and expressive. The photographs presented as an example clearly illustrate what changes occur after a cosmetic procedure.

Review overview
Despite the relative "youth" of biowave, many girls and women have already resorted to it. Most of them were pleased with the result: eyelashes have become curled, and the look is more open and expressive. The clients noted the painlessness of the procedure, its speed and low risks of side effects. In isolated cases, redness of the area around the eyes was noted.

According to the majority, biowave is ideal for owners of straight hair. Thanks to this procedure, some have given up on eyelash extensions. She has become indispensable to many before going on a seaside vacation. Having resorted to bio-curling, you can not waste time applying make-up, refuse mascara and tongs, but at the same time always have eyelashes with a graceful bend.

Most of the reviews for biowave are positive, but there are also dissatisfied clients. Some women note that they were primarily interested not in the professionalism of the master, but in the cost of his services.
Those who opted for a lower cost of the procedure soon regretted their decision.
They note that in their case, the eyelashes after curling "Lost" the bend almost immediately... Some women have complained about profuse hair loss after a while after the procedure. This is often observed after the use of budget funds and drugs of low quality.

To achieve the desired effect and not be disappointed in the procedure done, it is not enough to curl your eyelashes.
It is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of a master, and if the procedure is performed at home, it is necessary to carefully select the compositions.

The following video presents a step-by-step process for biowaving eyelashes.