How to curl your eyelashes at home?

There is no limit to perfection, so the female half of the population is actively involved in changing their appearance, visiting beauty salons and experiencing home methods. One of the popular areas of home makeover is to change the curvature of eyelashes.

Preparatory stage
To increase the chances of a positive result and reduce the likelihood of negative consequences will help preparatory activities:
- before using any composition or drug, you need to check the body's response to its components;
- with frequent curling, the eyelashes need to be nourished and strengthened; for these purposes, burdock, flax, almond and castor oil are well suited.

Precautionary measures
When performing procedures for curling ciliary hairs at home precautions must be taken:
- one of the main and most important requirements for hygiene, since the slightest mistake can cause an infection in the eyes;
- the skin of the eyelids is very delicate, so it requires a careful attitude towards itself;
- the eyes during curling should be tightly closed, and pressure should not be applied to them;
- there can be no unpleasant and painful sensations during the procedure;
- the thermal effect is only gentle, there should be no discomfort from it.

Curling methods
There are several ways you can try curling at home.
With tongs
Many women of fashion have already acquired tweezers for curling eyelashes. This device is also called a curler. The essence of using this method is that the eyelashes are clamped with forceps and pulled. You can pre-heat the tweezers with a hairdryer, which will enhance the effect and increase its duration.
The volume obtained in this way can last up to 12 hours.

Curling iron
Curling tongs have been replaced by eyelash curlers. In appearance, this device is similar to mascara - it is just as compact and stylish. There is a brush under the cap, which can be heated in several modes. The device is powered by AA batteries.

You can also curl your eyelashes with a spoon at home. This method will require the use of a regular teaspoon. We heat it in hot water and wipe it off with a clean towel or napkin. We take a spoon in the right or left hand, depending on the eye on which the twisting will be performed.
We hold the cutlery parallel to the face so that the convex part is near the skin of the movable eyelid. Using your thumb, press the hairs against the warm edge of the spoon and pull them up along with the cutlery.
Now you can apply makeup as usual.
You can also place the convex part of the spoon against the eye and cover the eyelid. In this position, the hairs will be pressed against the bulge. The eyelid needs to be fixed for half a minute. During this time, it will turn out to twist the hairs. All that remains is to apply mascara.

Cotton swab
Oddly enough, but with the help of a cotton swab, you can achieve a quick and impressive result. You need to act as follows:
- eyelashes are painted with mascara in the usual way;
- with a thin stick (the base from a cotton swab is ideal), the eyelashes are pressed against the eyelid;
- in this position, the hairs are held from 25 to 40 seconds;
- remove the stick and fix the result, directing a warm stream of air from a hairdryer to the eyelashes.

You can also use your fingers to curl the eyelashes for a long time. There is no simpler and faster way. You will need to follow a simple instruction:
- we apply mascara in several or in one layer;
- warm up the fingers and, until the mascara has dried, press the ciliary hairs to the upper eyelid so that they are in contact with the skin;
- in this position, the eyelashes are held for half a minute.
Some people find it more convenient to use their palms instead of fingers. In this simple way, you can curl your own eyelashes for about 8 hours.

Curling mascaras are not just a clever marketing ploy. Such makeup products do exist, and they can achieve the promised effect. They differ from ordinary mascara with a special silicone brush with short and thick bristles. Such brushes have been developed for curling eyelashes. Conventional plastic brushes are not suitable for this purpose; they have other advantages.
When using this make-up product, the brush must be twisted, curling the ciliary hairs. The procedure can be repeated several times, at the personal discretion of the girl. Wherein each previous layer should dry well before applying the next one.
You also need to remember that from an excess amount of mascara, eyelashes can stick together.

Gelatin, to everyone's surprise, can also help in changing the curvature of eyelashes. The effect can be compared with keratin lamination. For this method, you need to prepare a mask:
- gelatin in the amount of 10 grams is poured with water at room temperature and left for 40 minutes to swell;
- put the mass in the microwave for 4 minutes;
- cool the mixture and add 10 grams of hair balm;
- we cleanse our eyes from cosmetics and degrease the eyelashes;
- we roll flagella from lint-free napkins and place them on the upper eyelids;
- close the lower eyelids with patches;
- we apply the prepared composition to the ciliary hairs and wind them on the flagella;
- in this position, we maintain the eyelashes for 25 to 40 minutes.

Aloe juice
Aloe juice will not only help to change the curvature of eyelashes, but also saturate them with useful components, protecting them from adverse external factors. Both freshly squeezed juice and industrial juice, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, are suitable. A drop of this product is squeezed onto a comb, which is then heated with a hairdryer. With a comb, press the eyelashes to the upper eyelid, while the eyes should be tightly closed. After a minute of waiting, you can immediately use mascara. Fingers can replace the comb.

Useful Tips
Lashes, like any other part of the body, need proper care. In this case, the hairs will be healthy, thick and strong. Let's take a look at some useful rules.
- Make-up should be removed at night. Mascara weighs down and hardens the hairs of the eyelashes, so you need to rinse it off at night and allow your eyelashes to rest. Otherwise, the hairs will be weak, prone to shedding and brittleness.
- Cosmetics must be of high quality and certified. You need to purchase makeup products in specialized stores or through official websites.
- Aggressive salon treatments, of which extensions are an example, should be done as little as possible.... They have a negative effect on the lashes.
- Using a primer before applying mascara allows you to protect hairs from contact with aggressive chemical components of the decorative agent and saturate them with useful substances. It is better to choose primers based on keratin.
- Eyelashes respond well to brushing and massage of the eyelids. The use of vitamin E or petroleum jelly during these procedures enhances the result.
- Eyelashes are individual for each person, so they can react differently to different ways of curling. Only through experience can you find your own method.

For information on how to curl eyelashes at home, see the next video.