
Lack of jealousy in a relationship: what does it mean and do you need to do something?

Lack of jealousy in a relationship: what does it mean and do you need to do something?
  1. Causes of jealousy
  2. Why isn't a husband or boyfriend jealous at all?
  3. Why isn't the girl jealous?
  4. Do I need to do something if they are not jealous of you: advice from a psychologist

He is jealous, which means he loves ... So thinks the majority of modern women. Are they right or wrong?

Causes of jealousy

Jealousy is a complex set of emotions. He has a sense of ownership, fear of losing a partner and basic instincts. There are several reasons for jealousy in men and women:

  • it is inherent in nature by nature: a violent disposition and hot temperament provoke suspicions;
  • a girl or boyfriend is flirting with other young people or their ex has behaved in a similar way;
  • a man or woman has a "stigma in the gun", and they try to look for a problem in a partner in order to subconsciously justify themselves;
  • morbid jealousy may lie in mental illness that requires treatment with an appropriate doctor.

Why isn't a husband or boyfriend jealous at all?

There are girls who would give a lot in order not to tolerate ridiculous suspicions from the other half. Since women are very emotional, they experience jealous attacks from scratch. But there are ladies who, on the contrary, provoke men by flirting with the opposite sex. These girls want to get hot, but often do not see absolutely no reaction. Why it happens? Does this mean that the guy doesn't love his girlfriend?

In fact, men are not jealous of their soul mate in the following situations.

  • They trust her as they themselves. Even her flirting games are not taken seriously by these guys. If the relationship has gone through fire and water, then there is no point in inventing problems for yourself, sucked from the finger.
  • They do not need confirmation of their importance. Successful men almost never get jealous of their girlfriend or wife. They understand that their woman simply does not make sense to look for someone on the side. After all, it will not be easy to find a replacement for them.
  • They love their soul mate so infinitely that they will forgive her for any prank, and perhaps even betrayal. Such guys will close their eyes to everything, if only this girl would remain paired with them.
  • They don't think cheating is terrible. Lovers of free relationships will not be offended if their girlfriend goes to the left once or twice. These guys themselves can commit a similar act without feeling any remorse.

Why isn't the girl jealous?

Although girls tend to see rivals in the girls around them, they often do not show a feeling of jealousy. This happens most often when the guy really loves them and his behavior gives confidence in the absence of cheating.

In fact, a relationship where a girl does not nag her boyfriend with eternal reproaches that he did not look at a beautiful lady like that is just perfect.

And most likely, the woman is not jealous, because she loves and trusts her partner very much.

Do I need to do something if they are not jealous of you: advice from a psychologist

If the problem of lack of jealousy continues to weigh heavily on the heart, it is better to follow the following guidelines:

  • talk with your loved one and once again listen to his admonitions that everything is fine;
  • try to easily hint how it would be nice to feel jealous sometimes;
  • do not continue to flirt with others, otherwise it may go too far;
  • think again about how difficult it would be to build a relationship with a pathological jealous person or a jealous woman and feel constant surveillance;
  • update the wardrobe and carefully monitor the appearance: it is possible that then the partner will really start to worry that someone will want to take away his beautiful soul mate;
  • appreciate the freedom that a calm, non-jealous person provides.

Lack of jealousy does not mean lack of love. This is just a warehouse of character and a set of circumstances.

Therefore, you should not make an elephant out of a fly, you need to appreciate what you have at the moment.

For the psychology of jealousy, see the video below.

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