
How to make your wife jealous and is it worth doing?

How to make your wife jealous and is it worth doing?
  1. Define your main goal
  2. How to cause jealousy?
  3. Effects

Some of the men do not know how to calm down their beloved and make her stop being jealous. And other representatives of the stronger sex do their best to cause such feelings in their wife. How to make a woman jealous and what consequences can arise - in our article.

Define your main goal

Jealousy is the kind of feeling that can either strengthen the relationship, or completely destroy them. It so happens that over the years the feelings between the spouses cool down, the relationship becomes less passionate, and at some point it seems that she has stopped loving you completely. Therefore, many men who are afraid of losing their beloved try to cause jealousy in order to preserve the relationship and bring its former warmth into it.

Sometimes the feeling of jealousy helps to bring back even the ex-spouse. Whatever it is, before making her jealous, you should determine for yourself what your main goal is, what you want to achieve in this way.

The most common reason is to get attention. In the event that your significant other has lost its former interest in you, has begun to devote less time to you, and less and less reciprocates your tenderness and affection, then jealousy may well help return her attention. Having begun to be jealous of other representatives of the fair sex, she can discern in you those features and dignities that she did not notice before.

There is a category of men who in this way want to check the sincerity of their partner's feelings, that is, if he sees that she is jealous of him, he will definitely make sure that his wife truly loves him.

Another category of men pursues completely different goals: they try to arouse the jealousy of the spouse only in order to introduce into the usual relationship a kind of "zest", novelty. Over the years, relations between spouses develop according to the same scenario, and each day is similar to the previous one. And if you make her jealous, then it is quite possible not only to refresh feelings, but also to bring passion, new emotions and sensations into the relationship. By the way, jealousy helps many spouses to fall in love with each other with renewed vigor, helps to look at their soulmate in a different way and helps to renew feelings.

If a woman stopped taking care of herself, put on a little weight and became completely indifferent to her own appearance, then jealousy may well shake her up. Therefore, many men, seeing such changes in their beloved, try to arouse jealousy in her, so that the spouse has motivation and the desire to become even better than before.

To return his beloved - this can be another goal for which a man decides to take such a step. In the event that it was the woman who initiated the separation, then the ex-spouse tries to make her jealous and does everything possible to bring her back again.

Making her feel what he is feeling is another reason a man might decide to make his wife jealous. Sometimes women are too jealous, even if the spouse is ideal and does not give any reason for this. Therefore, in order to show her how he feels in such moments, the man does everything possible so that she finds herself in the same situation.

How to cause jealousy?

In order to make your soul mate jealous, you can use one of the methods, which we will discuss below. It is worth mentioning separately that all these methods are equally effective for both men and women. So, first, define a goal for yourself, that is, decide for yourself why you are doing this, and then act. Start talking to your spouse more often about other women, such as coworkers, mutual acquaintances, or friends. In your stories, mention the merits and successes of these ladies. Such conversations should hurt your spouse and make her feel jealous, because no woman can be indifferent to the fact that others are admired in her presence.

If your spouse has become more indifferent to you, then surely you do not miss a single chance to praise her, thank her and show her your admiration, and in the meantime she indifferently accepts thanks and compliments. To make your soul mate jealous, you must completely change your attitude towards her, that is, stop praising her for a delicious dinner, for cleanliness in the house, for an ironed shirt, etc. You just need to dryly thank her by saying only “thank you”. After a couple of days, she will definitely notice these changes in you, and you will achieve your goal.

In addition, you can radically change not only your attitude or behavior, but also your lifestyle in general, for example, unexpectedly for her to start playing sports, monitor diet, get rid of bad habits, etc. Buy yourself a new shirt or perfume, take longer linger in front of the mirror in the hallway before work. Your spouse will definitely notice such changes in you and begin to be jealous, thinking that you are trying for another woman.

Despite the fact that the past feelings are gone, many spouses still actively control their men. If your spouse calls you several times a day to find out how you are and where you are now, then simply do not answer some of her many calls in order to make her jealous. Miss a few calls, messages, and when you pick up the phone, just tell them that you are busy now and call back later. Such changes in relation to her will not go unnoticed, and the spouse will become jealous.

During a quiet family evening, try to pay attention not to your significant other, but to your cell phone. Check your mail more often, open your page on social networks, smile mysteriously, reading even the most ordinary and boring posts. Believe me, your significant other will not lose sight of this - she will definitely notice it, and in the end you will achieve your goal. When visiting with your spouse, try to communicate with other girls more often, especially in those moments when she is closely following you. Your communication with others or, perhaps, light flirting, an innocent smile, a compliment to another woman in the presence of your spouse will certainly make her jealous and look at you with different eyes.

If all of the above methods do not work for your soul mate, then you will have to resort to extreme measures. And these are traces of lipstick on clothes or the scent of someone else's female perfume. Any woman will notice such "evidence". And after your spouse arranges a scene of jealousy for you, try to behave calmly and in no case make excuses, otherwise you will spoil the whole result of your work.


By using all of the above methods, you can really easily make your significant other jealous. But it is worth thinking about what the consequences may be, because one has only to go too far, and in the end the result may turn out to be completely different.

For example, if you initially know that your spouse is too vulnerable, takes everything to heart, is often offended by trifles and is very impressionable, then such actions on your part can seriously injure her. As a result, by causing her jealousy, you can further destroy everything that you so want to keep. Therefore, before deciding on such a step, think carefully and, only after making sure that jealousy will help you regain your former feelings, act.

In the next video, you will find a lecture on the psychology of jealousy from the psychologist Anetta Orlova.

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