Is it worth arousing jealousy in a girl and how best to do it?

Jealousy is a bad feeling. But in difficult situations, it can even be useful. For example, when there is a cooling of relations or it is generally unclear what is happening between two people and who they are to each other.

How to make you jealous?
The current girl
If you have been dating for a very long time, you may notice that over time, both of you are sucked in by the swamp of routine. The former passion is no longer enough, the hunting instinct disappeared somewhere, and it was replaced by serials and boring life. Or your lady is by nature a person with a phlegmatic character, and you are attracted by storm, lightning and other natural disasters. In this case, jealousy is the very flame that can rekindle your fire of love. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk being left alone.
To make a girl jealous, you need, in fact, an object for jealousy. It is best if the opponent is fictional, since you should not expose other people. Come up with and tell a story about meeting on the bus, when a beautiful stranger looked at you with languid eyes, note the details of her appearance that caught your attention and, of course, really liked. Think of any story in which another woman has an eye on you.

If your imagination is undeveloped, then tell about a real person, for example, a story about a colleague from work who is either smart or beautiful, or come up with something of your own. You should not endow the chosen person with all the qualities of an ideal woman. First, your girlfriend will have a question why you are still with her, and not run to conquer your ideal. Second, you don’t want your loved one to feel that she’s not good enough for you.This can cause many complexes - do not kill the self-esteem of a loved one.
Get someone to call you and talk for a couple of minutes. During a conversation, behave in such a way that your girlfriend understands that another was calling. Or you can go to another room and return in a great mood, with a smile and glowing eyes. But do not forget to clear the call log, because if you are in seventh heaven after the call "Lehi from the auto repair shop", it will raise some questions.
Important: if your significant other is already jealous, then be prepared for a small scandal.

An option for especially dangerous guys: try to hint to the girl that you are going with the other to a restaurant or to the opera (anywhere). A softer option is to call a joint pastime with another woman a business meeting or a meeting at work, since they do sometimes happen in life.
There are tougher options, such as coming home from work much later than usual, or putting passwords on all your phones and laptops, but this will significantly undermine the trust between you, and trust in the relationship is the most important thing.

The next good step is to go somewhere with a big company that has free girls. Pay attention to them, but do not overstep the boundaries of what is permissible, so as not to put your companion in an awkward position. Just say a couple or three compliments, listen carefully, draw all the attention of the female half to yourself. Don't pick a specific goal, be adorable with everyone. Then your girlfriend will understand how wonderful you can be.
The ideal option is an accidentally open and demonstrated correspondence on social networks with another girl. Fake pages are written to many people, so don't miss your chance to let your lady know that you are very attractive to other women. Even if they don't write fakes, then such a page can be created by hiding your girlfriend or yourself on the other side of the screen.

It is important to remember that you and only you know the nature of your soul mate and only you know whether she is ready to kill from one phone call or calmly lets her go to the sauna with a former classmate. So the degree of influence and the cruelty of the methods are determined by you.
You should not try to cause jealousy in a purposeful and self-sufficient girl - she may seriously think about why she even needs a person who brings not joy, but doubts and negative emotions. With such a woman it is much easier to sit down and discuss the current situation.

If you and your ex-girlfriend have some common circles of influence or periodically collide, then first you need to communicate and flirt in front of her with another. If everything goes far, then you can start a relationship with this girl, again, bringing this information to your ex. Just remember to warn the new lady of your intentions.
Do not rush to delete the number of your former girlfriend and block her - you can send a nice message "by mistake", and then, after a certain amount of time (five to seven minutes is enough), send a second one and apologize for the annoying misunderstanding.
Another assistant in this matter is social networks. Yes, some girls like to look through their ex-boyfriend's pages and look for signs that indicate how he is suffering. Turn the situation in your favor - more happiness, joyful posts about new feelings and photos with other girls.
Now about why you shouldn't block all the pages of your ex-girlfriend. If you are determined to make her jealous, then ask her for advice, for example, you can ask what gift you can give a new lover. Try to fill your message with affection for the new woman.

Be aware that if you broke up because the girl has lost interest in you, then these methods may not work. She may even be happy for you.In this case, you should think about the reason for the cooling of your feelings and think, maybe the problem is in you?
On distance
It happens that your communication takes place only through the Internet and phone calls. It's okay if you lack the spark of jealousy, then this is quite enough, especially for long-distance relationships.
The same methods can work as in a normal relationship: a couple of compliments to another girl that casually betray your admiration, time spent in the company of other women (and photos!). In this case, the real existence of an object of admiration or a meeting is not necessary - just mention it in your correspondence. The rest will be done by the fantasy of your soul mate.
Social media is incredibly powerful. Create a page of an unknown beauty, add yourself as a friend and leave a couple of flattering comments and likes on your page. Such activity will not go unnoticed. If you wish, you can replace the fake page with a real one, but do it at your own peril and risk.

You can send a photo of absolutely any girl, evaluate her external data or rich inner world, and at the end say that this is your new colleague. An option to continue is to post a photo of you with this girl. Well, if it does not work out with this one, then with any other.
If your girlfriend is used to the fact that you come home from work at seven in the evening, and at eight you sit down at the computer and send her hearts, change your plans and try to write much later. Your unexpected delay will make the lady of the heart treat you not for granted, but as someone who has a life of her own, very interesting without her. Your value and importance will only increase after that.

Add a few new ladies to your friends, while hinting that one of them is writing, but do not specify who exactly - a little investigation and an attempt to find a rival will make your beloved evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and if at the end of the experiment you tell your soulmate, how wonderful she is and how much you love her, then the positive response will be much stronger.
All of the tips for regular relationships work for pen relationships too. The main thing is to turn on your imagination and not overdo it.

The one who likes
In this case, jealousy is not a miracle cure and can only work if the girl either hides her feelings for you, or does not know about them herself. If you have tried everything (and even jealousy), and there is no more attention to you, then humble yourself - this girl does not like you, and the best thing you can do is respect her choice and stop the persecution.
Praise the other girl, especially if the target is used to your compliments only in his own address. It will be sudden, and if a girl has even sympathy for you, she will certainly be interested in another girl and what kind of relationship you have.
Come together to a crowded place and start showing attention to other ladies. Such a seemingly innocent thing can very quickly reveal true feelings for you. Again, all of the tips work here as if you were in a relationship - only you are allowed a lot more when flirting and interacting with others.

Reduce the amount of communication. Keep silent to all questions or answer with hints that make you think that you have less time due to the fact that another girl is taking it. Or get lost for a couple of days and don't answer calls. After the solemn return, communicate again in hints that indicate romantic days on the other. The plus of this absence is that your potential lady will get bored and realize that she really misses you.
If your beloved is also your friend, then try to show the correspondence with another girl, ask for advice, tell us that you are going on a date with another, so that she would be happy for her friend.
The opportunity to lose a person who is likeable will force the girl to reveal her true attitude towards you, even against her will. Suddenly spoiled mood (which has soured after your plans), sadness - these are the signs that indicate true feelings. Or try to assess a new girlfriend in a friendly way and share your impressions.

For information on how to make your girlfriend jealous, see the next video.