
Should I make my husband jealous?

Should I make my husband jealous?
  1. What is jealousy for?
  2. What should be done?
  3. How to make your ex-husband jealous?
  4. Psychologist's advice

Men are inherently earners. It has been so since ancient times, and there is nothing you can do about it. To feel at their best, they need excitement and competition in all spheres of life, including love. Therefore, a woman, in order to be loved, should not be easily accessible. Then she will always be desired and the only one for the hunter.

What is jealousy for?

To begin with, jealousy is a feeling that causes possessive instincts in people. If an object is very dear to someone, then "this someone" tries to gain power over it. The one who loves will always be jealous if he feels that he can lose his object of unbridled passion. By and large, no one needs jealousy, as it causes very strong emotional experiences. But even without it, love will be completely tasteless.

    According to its effect on a person, jealousy is divided into several forms.

    • Stubborn and oppressive individuals suffer from tyrannical jealousy.
    • If a person has an anxious and suspicious character, and everything and everywhere seems to him forever, he can "get sick" with jealousy from the infringement of pride.
    • When an individual himself is not very faithful to his soul mate, he begins to suspect her of the same sin. This form is called converted jealousy.
    • People who are easily suggested develop an implanted jealousy.
    • People suffering from obsessive thoughts have pathological jealousy of those close to him.

    Women often complain that their men lose interest in them over time. This is understandable. A close friend plunges into everyday life, ceases to dress fashionably and apply bright makeup.For her chosen one, she becomes almost a thing that he once acquired, got used to her and now believes that she should always be there.

    In such cases, it is necessary to force the man to look at you "in a new way." So to speak, shake him up and show that you are not going to put up with such an attitude towards yourself.

    You need to make him afraid of losing you and his family all the time. Then you can turn the feeling that causes suffering into a weapon that will actively help you in the struggle to return love.

    What should be done?

    Think carefully before taking action. Remember that jealousy can cause your partner to feel the basest feelings. It all depends on the temperament of the man. If he is adequate, and his character is calm, then perhaps he will begin to be a little jealous of you. From this he will wake up new feelings, and your relationship will become stronger. However, it is not yet a fact that such a “quiet girl” will become obedient, and all your plans will come true. An unpredictable situation may end up with a feeling of possessiveness that you never knew existed in your chosen one. In the best case, he will blow everything in the neighborhood, and only then will he calm down a little. At worst, everything will end in divorce.

    You need to act even more carefully if you know well the explosive nature of your man. Making such a person jealous is like walking barefoot in a minefield.

    You don't know where you will step on a mine and how the situation will end. Therefore, there is only one conclusion - we act on the basis of female intuition. Think carefully about each action before putting it into practice. Know how to stop in time. Try on the role of a sapper: proceed with caution. Making a man jealous is quite simple, but how to do it right, a few tips will help. You can make up a non-existent admirer. Various functions are installed on modern telephones. With the help of them, you can arrange as if someone is constantly calling you.

    Leave the room and pretend you have an important conversation. Just do not in any way hint that a man called you. Otherwise, you will destroy the whole plan. He can grab the phone and see who actually called. This will figure out everything and you will find yourself in an awkward situation. You need to make your husband himself come up with an option with your betrayal and become jealous. He will start to figure out something, and you, as it were, have nothing to do with it. Actually, there is no admirer, but whoever called - the friend was already tired of her problems. There is also such a situation. The wife is on maternity leave, and the husband disappears at work all the time. He comes home and looks at his beloved as if she were empty space. Do not think that he has stopped loving you. Perhaps, feelings have simply dulled from the surging fatigue. Just refresh them.

    In order for him to become jealous of you, you need to leave home for a while.

    For example, to my mother. When visiting, do not call your husband often. Leave the child with your grandmother and go to a cafe with your best friend. Naturally, dress nicely, do some provocative makeup. Sit there, develop in a relaxed atmosphere. Be sure to take a selfie with her against the backdrop of the colorful interior. Put it on a page on a social network. The husband will definitely see this photo - he will become jealous at a distance, call. And again you have nothing to do with it. Was with a friend. And then let him torment himself with the question: "Did your wife flirt on the side or not?"

    You can teach your husband a lesson in another tricky way. If you have often been to different shopping centers or places with a large crowd of people, then more than once you have seen how some entrepreneurs offer their services. They do this with the help of business cards. Do not refuse the offer to take the booklet. Type a few of them. Surely there will be one among them, where there will be an image of a handsome man. Take more of them and put them in your bag.

    In the evening, when your husband gets home from work, accidentally drop colorful business cards in front of him.He will certainly ask: "Where are so many of them?" And you say that one nice young man handed you several pieces at once and suggested that you definitely turn to him for help. The result will not be long in coming. The husband will torture you with questions, and you just smile in response.

    If you have launched your appearance a little, then be sure to take care of your transformation. Go to the hairdresser for a manicure and make-up.

    There is not enough money, so it doesn’t matter. A real woman should be able to do everything. Buy hair dye, dye your hair a different color. For example, go from blonde to brunette. Roll up your curls and stay late at work. This method will certainly work.

    Go jogging in the evenings. This will help you preserve and transform the shape. At the same time, stop paying attention to your beloved one. Make yourself indifferent. This method works smoothly. The hurt pride raises many questions, including those of a zealous nature. Men, when it comes to jealousy, which only they themselves do not come up with. The husband will express his assumptions, and in response you just smile and coquettishly say: “I am a beautiful and dignified girl. You never know who is looking at me. "

    Buy it yourself and bring a beautiful bouquet. If your husband asks: “Where are the flowers from?”, Tell them that they were given to all the women who work with you. Put the bouquet in a prominent place and fix the bouquet all the time. These actions will arouse suspicion, and at the same time jealousy of your husband.

    How to make your ex-husband jealous?

    But what if the social unit has already disintegrated or is about to disintegrate, and you don't want to part with your former lover? A man who no longer has any rights to you is still jealous if he still has feelings. With the help of them, you can return your relationship. You don't need to cry and get upset, but, on the contrary, you need to show your fortitude and independent character. Let everyone around you look at you with admiration, and let the men compliment you.

    Change your image fundamentally and shine like the sun. And then take advantage of expert advice to help make your ex-husband jealous.

    There are a lot of ways, you just have to choose the one that is right only for you. However, be careful not to overdo it.

    If you and your ex have mutual friends, then success is easiest. Show up at one of the parties you decided to organize with them in a completely different way. Before that, change your image beyond recognition (within the bounds of decency, of course - vulgarity and bad taste have not helped anyone yet). Behave independently among friends and completely ignore your ex. Don't wait for everyone to start leaving, but leave a little early. At the same time, direct the fuss, and also pretend that someone is waiting for you on the street. No wonder your ex will run after you after that.

    Do not show your bad mood if you happen to meet your former husband on the street. Be confident. Pretend that you do not notice him. You can say hello and put a happy smile on your face. Pretend that you are not suffering, but, on the contrary, changes are planned in your life.

    Use the services of social networks.

    Most likely, your ex often looks at your page. Post "crazy" photos every day, where you are depicted with a happy smile in the company of new friends and girlfriends. Go to a professional photo shoot. A professional will help you take some portraits where you look attractive. Display your art photographs almost every day. Do not forget about photos of beautiful bouquets. Surely after viewing this material, your "yesterday" husband will be jealous. And jealousy and love go side by side.

    If you meet on the street, and he tries to talk to you, do not withdraw into yourself, but start a dialogue. At the same time, behave independently and pretend that you are waiting for an important call. To his question: "Have you got someone?" Answer evasively, but do not say that you made yourself a new friend, otherwise you will lose love completely.

    Psychologist's advice

    A woman should understand how to keep her husband and make him afraid of losing her all the time. Specialist advice will not be superfluous here. Buy yourself some nice underwear (several sets). Wear it ostentatiously in the morning for your husband to see. Roll in front of the mirror, as if looking at yourself from the side. then also stay at work a couple of times. If you and your husband are in a public place and you receive compliments, do not hesitate and do not be shy. Begin to flirt openly with your husband. Just keep everything within the bounds of decency, and do it in a humorous manner. Otherwise, a scandal cannot be avoided.

    Buy yourself some new outfits and change your image.

    Become cryptic, especially when the phone rings. Leave the room more often or talk to your friend on the staircase. A game like this will help make your husband feel a little jealous. Buy a men's cologne from the store. Hide it away at work. When leaving home, spray yourself with perfume. The new scent will grab your husband's attention, and you can easily say in response that you have a new employee at work. He likes to smell so bad. Complain that the entire department already smelled of this scent.

    Feel free to experiment. In the struggle for happiness, all measures will be good. An intelligent and beautiful woman is always at her best, and men like it. Nobody will ever leave such a thing. And if he tries, he will very much regret it.

    How to make a man jealous, see the video below.

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