
Female jealousy: reasons, signs and rules of struggle

Female jealousy: reasons, signs and rules of struggle
  1. The psychology of a jealous woman
  2. Causes
  3. Signs
  4. How to deal with it?
  5. Effects

Love is a wonderful feeling, but when one of the partners begins to make increased demands on his chosen one, is jealous of him about and without a reason, then such a union may be on the verge of a split. Their future life together depends on how much a woman is jealous of her partner.

The psychology of a jealous woman

It is believed that jealousy is a feeling that is a manifestation of love. But this is not true. A person who experiences this feeling is an owner and an egoist, moreover, he is not sure of himself. A jealous woman is extremely suspicious and suspicious. She sees treason in all the actions of her partner and with her nagging and tantrums pretty much spoils life not only for herself and her partner, but also for those around her.

According to the statement, the feeling of jealousy does not arise in the person who loves himself, but in the one who wants to be loved.

Psychologists say that jealousy in small "doses" is even beneficial. It allows both partners to be "in good shape".

This feeling arises from the fear of losing your beloved, although often a jealous person in the family can break the vow of fidelity.

Jealousy in women can be expressed in different ways. Some jealous women begin to follow their soul mate, read messages, hire private detectives. They do it in silence, gradually "eating away" themselves from the inside.

Another category of ladies, on the contrary, falls into hysterics, their actions become uncontrollable. After another scandal, they can talk to a man and find out the reason for the misunderstanding. But it will be so until the next outbreak of jealousy on their part.


According to psychologists, the prerequisites for the emergence of jealousy appear in childhood.It depends on which family the girl was brought up in. In childhood, these qualities are still poorly expressed, but, growing up, a woman begins to look for protection and support for her whole life in her partner. The influence of other women on him is perceived by her with hostility, because he must completely belong to her.

The reasons for jealousy can be very different.

  • Injustice. When marrying or living with a partner in a civil marriage, a woman perceives herself and him as one whole. They are a couple and must be inseparable. If the husband begins to look "to the left", this violates the created order, and is perceived by the woman as injustice.
  • Betrayal. A woman creates her own special world in her soul, where both partners have common interests, everyday life, common secrets. If she begins to suspect that the union is collapsing, then she feels betrayed. Many people are very sensitive to the "betrayal" of the partner and inflate the problem where it does not exist. A fleeting glance at a girl passing by, conversations with colleagues, joint tea drinking at work will be perceived as a serious offense, as a betrayal.
  • Feeling of own inferiority. A woman begins to compare herself with others, while at the same time she finds a bunch of complexes. If in her youth she was deprived of the attention of guys, this only aggravates the situation. She thinks that her husband can find himself a more beautiful, intelligent, slender, sexy partner. She closely monitors her chosen one, being herself in nervous tension, worried that he would not be carried away by other women.
  • One of the reasons for jealousy is a feeling of hurt pride. These ladies, on the contrary, are overly self-confident and the realization that the spouse pays attention to the rival makes them indignant. They are accustomed to always being in the spotlight, attracting the views of other men, therefore they are especially attentive to their appearance. The understanding that her man begins to show signs of attention not to her, but to her rival, enrages her, she may begin to take revenge on her husband or rival.
  • Fear of losing material well-being, which the husband creates. Such women often sit at home with their children, having no additional means of subsistence. The husband is the only source of income for her. She is jealous of him for everyone who may need his financial help.
  • Fear of being alone. Many women are afraid of being left without a partner, especially since there are many examples around when beautiful young girls are left alone. Having found their chosen one, they begin to protect him, while they are groundlessly jealous.

The reason for jealousy can be both the frequent absence of a partner at home, or his constant presence.

If the spouse is always together at home and at work, then any non-standard situation can be perceived as treason. In the event that a partner often has to leave his partner, she has no way of controlling where and with whom he is, which also leads to mistrust on her part.


The main sign of female jealousy is constant control over the actions of a man. But there are other "symptoms" of this condition as well.

  • Constant vigilance. In such a union, a woman begins to control her partner. She knows where and with whom he spends time, with whom he communicates at work. This is reflected in the control of his phone calls, reading SMS. The wife begins to blame her husband in any situation, arranges scenes with or without reason, preventing her husband from meeting with friends - after all, there may be women there.
  • The "work" of the imagination. Staying at home alone, the wife begins to imagine that her husband at this time can cheat on her. Such thoughts can be so real that they drive a woman to panic. A simple telephone conversation between a husband and a colleague can provoke an attack of jealousy in his wife. Her blood pressure rises, headaches begin.
  • Accusation on her part. A jealous woman begins to blame her partner. He, in turn, has to prove that this is not so. After some time, the situation is repeated again with the same ending.
  • Rolling scenes. It costs her nothing to throw the stage at any time, in any company. She will not choose expressions, lower her voice, or change intonation. Such a lady is not shy in expressions anywhere, regardless of the situation.

A woman will control her partner if he stays at work. She may even come to the office to make sure that the spouse's words are true. The situation can be aggravated if her spouse is working in a team with young, beautiful women. Manic jealousy knows no barriers. A woman will fight for her man, although often there are no prerequisites for this.

How to deal with it?

You should constantly work on yourself. An unsightly old robe or disheveled hairstyle has never inspired anyone. A woman should like her reflection in the mirror. If she is pleased with herself, her chosen one will also be in admiration.

For those who are not entirely satisfied with their reflection, hairdressers and stylists will come to the rescue. Going to the fitness center shouldn't be put off for long either.

A woman begins to create non-existent pictures in her head, thereby destroying herself. In psychology, there is such a term as "imaginary third."

The "risk" group includes women suffering from chronic diseases and mental disorders, as well as people with a sensitive psyche.

  1. Elderly ladies with sclerotic disorders. Knowing that they may not remember much, they are sure that they are being deceived and cheated on.
  2. Women with serious illnesses. They believe that they are no longer needed by anyone and are a burden for everyone; therefore, they attract attention to themselves by any means.

You should not go on about jealousy.

This means that you need to learn to give your partner your love, and not demand it from him. It is necessary at the first manifestation of jealousy to drive away annoying thoughts.


Excessive jealousy can seriously harm your health. At the very first attacks, there is a colossal load on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Immunity decreases, malfunctions occur in the work of internal organs. A woman develops obesity, heart attacks, stroke, and nervous breakdowns often occur.

A woman must analyze the current situation in order to understand how real her suspicions are. If the signs of jealousy are insignificant, and she herself can control them, you can try to treat them with humor, or philosophically.

If this is paranoid jealousy that cannot be controlled, then you should seek help from specialists.

To help his spouse cope with the problem, the husband must show patience and restraint. In this case, she will see that there is no cause for concern. Trust should develop between the couple, so it is important to communicate with each other more often, to discuss problems together.

Often, jealousy arises from low self-esteem, so the spouse must constantly feel how important and desirable she is to him as a woman. It is necessary to "heal" her soul.

In any relationship, you need to find a middle ground, it is important that partners trust each other and do not give rise to jealousy. To achieve harmony in a relationship, it is worth finding a way out of difficult situations together. This is the only way to maintain trust and love for each other.

For more on female jealousy and how to deal with it, see the video below.

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