All About Contour Wood Carving

Handmade items are always distinguished by special energy and warmth. Interest in creativity can wake up both in childhood and in a more mature age. And there are many options for translating ideas. You can choose any type of activity, for example, contour wood carving, about the features and subtleties of which we will tell.

The definition of "contour thread" means that it is a kind of ornamental art that was widespread in the 15th century. Contour-relief carving was present on objects of many peoples.
The peculiarities of the technique are that the drawing is reproduced on a wooden plane due to the deepened lines, which do not change in depth and width throughout the entire image. However, the artist has the right to experiment and make changes to his work.
It is believed that it is easier to master this type of technique after studying the geometric and Kudrin techniques.

Materials and tools
To start mastering this type of creativity and even make the simplest product, you need to prepare the necessary materials and tools... Both ordinary ones, which are used in any work, and professional ones, without which it will not be possible to create a clear and high-quality pattern, can be useful.
For work, the following tools should be prepared:
- saw;
- drill;
- file;
- jamb knife;
- chisels - flat, semicircular, corner, staple;
- cranberries (a special type of chisel that helps to make indentations).

It is better to purchase professional tools for carving of high quality and not to skimp on them.
It is wrong to think that the simplest and cheapest specimens will do for the first experience. A completely different rule applies here. The better all the devices are, the more successful the first experience will be. So, perhaps, there will be a desire to continue creating beautiful things with your own hands and mastering other types of wood carving.
The choice of material is equally important. Not every type of wood is suitable for creativity. The following materials are recommended by wood carvers:
- Linden;
- alder;
- Birch;
- oak;
- pear.

Linden is considered the most optimal material for a beginner - a pliable material with a fairly soft structure allows you to apply a pattern without much effort.
A good option is considered and alder, despite the fact that this type of wood is more dense. But finding it is not always possible. Harder rocks include birch, but it is also suitable for novice carvers. You just need to take into account that after drying, birch is subject to deformation.
Oak allows you to do ideal work, but with a sharp tool and a certain master's experience. And here pear due to its density and uniformity, it allows you to do the most delicate work. Materials, like tools, need to be selected carefully to make it easy and enjoyable to work. First, blanks are cut out of wood, then they are dried, processed, and then drawings are applied for carving.

Technique of work
Artistic woodworking using the contour carving technique involves the creation of in-depth lines using special chisels and knives. The main thing for beginners is to master the cut-strokes, with the help of which the composition will be created.
Wood carving includes certain stages:
- preparation of the basis;
- selection of a picture;
- drawing a sketch on a surface;
- cutting out a picture;
- finishing.

To prepare the basis, you need to decide which the background of the surface will be light, dark, shiny. To receive light background it is enough to process the wood with a plane. For dark surface need toning. Shiny blank can be obtained thanks to the black varnish that is applied to the surface.
After the base is prepared, you can place it on a special stand and get to work. You need to apply a drawing or use a ready-made template. Then cutting is carried out along the prepared contours. There are two stages in the work: notching and undercutting. First, a sharp knife is driven along the pattern, creating contours. For this, some efforts are being made. And the knife must be kept at a slight angle. And then the lines of the drawing are already trimmed, for this the knife in the hand is tilted in the other direction.
To make it convenient, the workpiece can be rotated at any angle, fixing it in a special device.
If, after the end of the work, certain defects were found, you need to walk along these lines again with a sharp incisor. After that, you need to grind the product.
The final stage there will be wood processing with a pattern, stain, varnish or tinted impregnation. In addition, plywood can also be carved. The stages of work will look the same as in the case of a tree.

Artistic themes and uses
Having learned to create beautiful works, you can use your skills to decorate your home, making it more comfortable. You can make boards, trays, paintings, shelves, boxes and other items where contour carving will be applied. Learning to work with wood, creating your little masterpieces, is not so difficult, the main thing is to have the desire and show patience, since this will take a certain amount of time and perseverance. Not everything can work out the first time, but you need to strive for this.
The composition can include different themes. It can be just abstract patterns, as well as plants, flowers, animals, birds, still lifes and landscapes, fairy tales.But more complex paintings can be reproduced after a beginner carver has gotten his hand and progress is noticeable.
Sketches for beginners should look simple so that they can be easily brought to life and not lose interest in wood carving. You can come up with a simple pattern yourself or see ready-made pictures.
Subsequently, after some experiments with ready-made drawings, you can come up with something of your own.
- This is how it might look uncomplicated pattern, which is suitable for a beginner in woodcarving.

- Beautiful graceful flower with long leaves, you can try to cut it yourself, choosing one of the execution techniques, using a light base, tinted or black varnish. Such a drawing will look equally good anyway.

- More difficult to carve on a wooden surface bird, for example, an eagle. But the result is worth it. You will get a very beautiful product.

- An interesting work will turn out if you choose as a picture deer... You can try to portray any animal, which seems to be the easiest to perform for a specific novice master.

You will learn more about contour woodcarving and some tips in the next video.