Elastic hair spring

Stylish design, unusual shape, reliable fixation of even a thick head of hair - this is all an elastic band-spring. They were loved by girls all over the world, but is their love justified? Let's find out!

Features and Benefits
The original rubber bands that have conquered the whole world are made of special plastic with an admixture of silicone. Due to the unusual shape, many girls treat them ambiguously. However, having tried the accessory for the first time in practice, most admit that the spring is much better than any rubber bands we are used to.

- The silicone rubber does not absorb water and cosmetics, so it can be used in the pool, at sea, in the shower, including making masks and various hair treatments.
- They do not injure the hair, glide gently along the curls, without pulling out or deforming the strands.
- They are very comfortable - when you make a tail, with a spring, the scalp does not stretch, there is no pain. If you used to experience a headache from an elastic band and could not walk for a long time with your hair collected, now you can forget about it. It is so delicate that you can even sleep with a tail.
- The elastic fixes heavy strands well, therefore it is suitable for girls even with very thick hair.
- Springs do not leave waves and creases on the hair, hair loose in the evening will be smooth and even.
- A high-quality spiral stretches well, but it contracts back overnight, returning to its original position.

What is the name of?
The original silicone rubber band called Invisibobble is the registered trademark that invented this popular hair accessory. However, such rubber bands are not cheap, so there are a lot of analogues on the market.

Most belong to the no name category, so they all call them differently: telephone wire, spiral, spring. Whatever you call it, we will always talk about a silicone twisted rubber band.

Fashion Models
Elastic bracelet
One of the features of this hair accessory is the ability to use an elastic band as a bracelet. This option is more suitable for young girls, and looks undignified on older girls.

It is worth noting that it is very convenient to wear a spring on the wrist - if you decide to dissolve the curls, you can simply put it on your hand, and the accessory will always be in front of your eyes, in case of need. Since the elastic looks very stylish, it can easily act as a bracelet.

True, it all depends on your style of dress. A business image - definitely not, but it is quite suitable for a bow in a street or casual style.

Colorless gum is perhaps the most popular. This is not surprising, because invisible is translated from English exactly as “invisible”. The transparent elastic is universal - it will go with any clothes and will not be noticeable on hair of any color.

In the assortment of any brand that produces springs, there are rubber bands of almost any color. This allows you to choose the spiral exactly for your hair color.

In other matters, some deliberately want to highlight its presence on the hair with a bright color, so they choose blue, pink, red, green spirals. The range of shades is also diverse, so you can buy yourself a dozen rubber bands for all occasions.

Dimensions (edit)
Since each manufacturer can create rubber bands of different diameters, we will look at the sizes presented in the range of the original brand.

The size of a standard (classic) elastic band is 3 cm outside and 1.6 cm inside diameter. It is suitable for any hair of medium thickness, which excludes only very thin or very thick.

It can be used by girls with straight and curly hair, making ponytails, braids and other hairstyles.


This model is called Power, as the name implies, it can handle even very thick and long hair. The elastic is larger in diameter and therefore has more curls. The rest of the characteristics remain unchanged.

The model is called Nano, it is a small diameter rubber band, which consists of only seven curls. Designed specifically to hold small strands in place, it can be used to create multiple ponytails or complex hairstyles. Often, such rubber bands are bought for children whose hair volume is still small.

This is the brand that started the boom in elastic bands. They were invented by a stylist from Munich - Sophie Trelles-Tweedy. She came up with the idea to use an old telephone line as a hair tie. In this way, she wanted to get rid of the usual rubber bands that injured her unruly hair and caused headaches.

Soft and flexible environmentally friendly resin-based silicone is used to create unusual accessories. It is difficult to find adhesion spots on Invisibobble elastic bands, which cannot be said about fakes. They are soft, comfortable and stylish, therefore they have gained immense popularity around the world.

A German brand that specializes in the production of hair accessories and manicure supplies. The springs of this brand are called Anti Ziep and come in different colors and sizes. Standard 4cm in diameter - larger than the original brand. Also, they are made not of resin, but of plastic, and the cost of such rubber bands is slightly less.

A Russian cosmetic brand that has also excelled in the production of rubber bands.Limoni's cord is wider, flat and looks more like a telephone cord. The rubber bands are made of silicone, and they are much cheaper than the original ones.

How to use spirals?
These rubber bands are very easy to use. To tie a ponytail, slide it over folded fingers and use your other hand to secure a strand.
Then grab it with the hand on which the elastic is worn and move the spring to your hair. Rotate a few turns to keep the hair in place.

Removing it is also very simple - just pull the accessory off your hair if you were making a ponytail or a pigtail. If it was a bundle, then just shoot turn by turn, no difficulties should arise.

How to get your hair done?
Malvinka beam
This hairstyle, called half bun, gained popularity last season. It is very easy to make it with two elastic bands on the hair of almost any length, if they are gathered in a ponytail.
- Divide your hair into two sections - bottom and top;
- Tie the top into a ponytail using a spiral;
- Braid the ponytail into a relaxed braid;
- Twist the braid into a bun around the base of the tail;
- Secure the bunch with a second elastic band and straighten it so that it looks sloppy.

Low knot
A simple hairstyle that suits every day:
- Part your hair with your usual parting and comb it well;
- Tie a low ponytail;
- Twist the tail into a tourniquet and wrap it around the tail;
- Tighten and thread the end of the ponytail through the elastic.

Thick hair may not support the weight of a bun, but this hairstyle is ideal for thin hair.
Young girls will like this hairstyle because it looks very cute.
- Tie the tail, but do not pull it through the last turn of the elastic to form a loop of hair;
- Divide it in two, forming a bow;
- Divide the free ends into two parts too;
- Fix them under the elastic, and then slide them over the two loops;
- Hide the ends under the elastic and sprinkle the hair with varnish.

Most of the reviews on the springs are positive. Many girls compare Invisibobble with similar rubber bands from other brands and note that the original has its advantages.

Unnamed rubber bands of a larger size, often their joint is not neatly welded, because of which it can still pull the hair, and by itself it will not last long - such models break much faster.

Due to the fact that other manufacturers tend to make a flat curl, it sinks much worse into the hair. Due to the fact that it is made from regular plastic, it is stiffer and stretches faster. The elastic is felt on the head and it hurts to sleep with it.

However, this does not mean that you cannot find a good quality budget rubber band, just try to look for a model that will be as similar to Invisibobble as possible.

As for the elastic bands of high-quality brands, the girls note that after using them, the hair really remains even, they can be easily removed without tangling in the strands, and when the hair is gathered in a ponytail, there is no headache. Definitely, spirals outperform conventional rubber bands.

The transparent spring is the perfect rubber band for all occasions. It will be appropriate even in a solemn manner. A ponytail hairstyle is perfect for an elegant floor-length dress, complemented by a floral print. Simply grab your hair with an invisible elastic and curl the ends lightly. You will look charming!

If you love jogging in the morning, the coil can securely pull your hair into a comfortable bun so it doesn't get in the way as you move. The elastic looks stylish and goes well with a sports bow.

In the summer, any girl can afford to wear a spring on her arm, combining it with a comfortable romper or a short light sundress. And if long curls get in the way during a snack, she can intercept them in a moment with a stylish elastic band.