How to write an architect's resume?

An architect is one of the oldest professions that have not lost their relevance to this day. High demand gives rise to a large number of proposals, but the competition remains quite serious. It is increasingly difficult for recruiters and employers to find a high-level specialist who would fully meet the requirements.
What should you write?
The first thing a recruiter pays attention to when searching for personnel is a resume. This is why it is imperative that an architect's resume reflected his professional skills to the maximum. Resume of a specialist in this field should also reflect his creativity and specialization... For example, an architect can specify experience as a design architect or an architect-restorer.
If a specialist is interested in these narrow areas, but counts on the position of a designer or restorer without experience, it is advisable to indicate what knowledge he has in this area: refresher courses, trainings, seminars, and the like.

In order to write a competent resume, it is worth paying attention to a number of points.
- Education. The profession of an architect requires special specialized education, since the profession is quite responsible, and it is unacceptable to recruit personnel with low qualifications and insufficient knowledge.
- Work experience. Be sure to include work experience with the time gap and the job duties performed. Describe your job in detail so that a potential employer can make sure you can easily move beyond the core responsibilities of the profession.
- Professional skills. This point is key in the summary, and sometimes decisive.This should include everything that has ever been your responsibility. If there is no experience yet, the item may consist of a listing of the skills mastered in the learning process. In order to attract the employer's attention to your candidacy, do not limit yourself to listing the basic skills of an architect. Each person is talented and unique in something, write about it.
- Personal qualities. Please note that here it is worth indicating the qualities of your personality, one way or another related to your professional activity. The recruiter doesn't care how much you love children or how compassionate you are. However, you should not attribute qualities to yourself either.
- Professional achievements. If you are the winner of a specialized competition or are simultaneously engaged in creativity (for example, sculpture), be sure to mention this.

How to write a cover letter?
A cover letter is an important part of a resume. While it is not a required application, some recruiters require you to write it, otherwise it's up to you. However, do not forget that this is a great way to prove yourself from the best side.
A cover letter can include the following points.
- Greetings, expressions of interest. As trite as it may be, the letter should begin with a greeting and an explanation of who you are and what the purpose of this letter is. For example, like this: “Hello. My name is Maria. I was interested in the vacancy "Architect" in the "Redevelopment Agency" company. At this point, you can clarify why this particular vacancy and in the selected company.
- Summary of work experience. You should not copy this paragraph from your resume (however, you should not do this for all paragraphs). Describe briefly, but informatively, your experience: when, where you worked, what was your responsibility. It is not necessary to clarify the reason for the dismissal; in rare cases, if necessary, the employer will ask personally.
- A summary of professional and personal qualities... Go beyond basic professional skills, describe what you know and can do.
- The answer to the question "Why should we hire you for this position?" The question posed should be answered fairly honestly and openly, but at the same time politely and clearly. For example, the answer may be a short story about how closely you are familiar with the activities of the company, how long you have been following its development.
- Thanks for your time. Reading cover letters is quite time consuming, so it's worth politely adding a thank you for reading it at the end of the letter.
- Contact Information. Leaving your information at the end is necessary so that the recruiter can easily contact you.
It is worth mentioning a phone number as well as an email address.

A well-written resume is a guarantee of a device for the desired position, but even here you can make a mistake. Below are some of the most common miscalculations to avoid.
- Spelling and punctuation errors. Mistakes can scare a recruiter away and give you a bad name. Use online services on the Internet to check.
- Professional skills. The item on professional skills should include only your real skills. It is not necessary to list in this paragraph everything that, in principle, an architect can be able to do.
- Subordination. Avoid personal details on your resume. You shouldn't include a "short biography" clause. The employer is only interested in facts: experience, education, skills.
- The photo... Add a photo to your resume. She can be amateur or professional.
The main requirement is that it should reflect you as a professional, so photos with children at sea will not work.

An example of a ready-made resume for an architect will help you avoid mistakes and get the desired position.
Date of Birth: 12 ** 199*
Town: Moscow
Mob. telephone: +7 (000) 000 00 00
Email: absd @ bk. com
Basic data.
Desired position: Lead Architect
Employment: full
Work experience: 10 years
Foreign languages: English (spoken), French (basic)
Work experience.
2009-2019 - Company: AGLONA LLC
Position: Architect
design of various structures (sections AR, AS, PB, ODI, PZ):
- design of multi-apartment residential buildings (five-story buildings);
- design of one-story residential buildings;
- design of the park-hotel "Autumn";
- design of the territory adjacent to residential complexes.
2010 - Tula State School of Architecture and Art, specialty "Architecture".
Professional skills:
- design of all types (residential apartment buildings, cottages, hotels, non-residential buildings);
- completion of projects at any stage;
- design of landscape structures;
- knowledge of MS Office programs: Word ‚Excel‚ Outlook; AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, 3d MAX;
- knowledge and understanding of major government programs;
- the ability to independently develop demo versions of projects for presentations.
About myself:
- creativity;
- self-discipline;
- punctuality;
- striving for self-development;
- purposefulness;
- a responsibility;
- diligence;
- teamwork skills.